Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 6 Jul 1950, p. 2

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Page 2 © OAKVILLE-TRAF ALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS Firémen from New Toronto, chell, Mr. and Mrs. Harland| Mrs. Geo Inglehart was hostess | truste Port. Credit, Cooksville, Islington, | Merry and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas|at a miscellaneous chower in hon-| ship School Area. Miss Campbell Alderwood and other communit-| Cleland. ur of Miss Dolores Lang last|has been appointed to the staff #iisie sis Wednesday evening. A towel | of Georgetown Public school, her fes In the district gathered at Oakville, Fire hall Thursday even- ing for the regular monthly meet- ing of the Lakeshore District Firemen's Association. Feature of the meeting was a demonstration of fire retardent paint by the Langmuir Paint Co. wosee Mrs. C. V. Hillmer, Mrs. Emily House and her son George, of Hamilton, and Miss Mary McLar- en are on an. extended motor trip to the southern states. csv W. T. Merry, Mrs. Katie Rankin and Mrs. D. Jones are holidaying at Victoria Harbor, Georgian Bay. Mr. E. T. C. Burke entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Fletcher of Jamaica, who were in Canada for the Imperial Press Conference. Mr. Burke has since flown to London, England, where he expects to remain for two weeks. hy bi cess Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Green and their daughter Karen, with Pamela Whiting, left last week for a holiday at the Lake of Bays. Mr. Green will return on Sunday. | tl Mrs, oe Mrs. How- | t Mr. How- a visit to Rev. R. H. Howson, son, and family, with son's mother, are on ses Saskatchewan. . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chisholm and DC family left Saturday to spend the summer at Almonte, in the Ot- tawa district. . Anglicans of Halton county will welcome the recently appointed bishop of Niagara diocese, Rt. Rev. W. E. Bagnall, at the Hal: ton Deanery Anglican Laymen's Rally at Halton Community park, Lowville, north of Burlington, on Sunday afternoon. Massed junior choirs will sing, and the band of the Lorne Scots (P. D. & H. Regt) will be in attendance. ses Miss Dorothy Graham of New- market and her daughter, Susan Ann, are visiting Mrs. Herbert Merry. esse Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts and family left Saturday on flight to Holland, where they will spend a few weeks with Mrs. Ro- bert's parents. oe ® Mr. and Mrs. Allan Masson have announced the birth of a daughter at Private Patient's Pa- vilion, Toronto General hospital, on June 29. 0s Christian Science Society ser- vice will be held on Sunday, July 9th, at 11 o'clock. The subject will be "Sacrament" The Wed- ndsday evening meeting will in- clude testimonies of healing and experiences and remarks on Chris- tian Science. ves Mr. and Mrs. William Shields, Queen Mary Drive, announce the arrival of their daughter, Gloria Esther, at Oakville Memorial hos- pital on Saturday, July 1st. xreen sree Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hardwick gave a dinner party last week to celebrate their 20th wedding an- niversary. sree Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hallett are spending the summer in the Mar- itimes. tes Miss M. Leach has her new home on McDonald BRONTE william Landry at Wasaga . moved to Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carr and family are holidaying at Victoria Harbor, Georgian Bay. 2nd) ra EI I A A the holiday Mr. spent Norah Sullivan of Merton was |Beach. among the graduates of Welles ley Hospital, Toronto, nurses'| nary Jane Allan" is spending fring iclasy fu June. some weeks at Camp Ka-Ye- Kwa Kana, Parry Sound, Ont Mrs. E. V. Brown and her dau- cess ghter, Mrs. Laurie Chisholm of Mr. Cli Mr. Clifford Isles few La Jolla, California, are at their days of last oe en uh cottage at Victoria Harbor. Bove 2 : SHEE eT ls ; A. P. Quarrel, of London, spent |, I whe the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.| oo, POOR LL So Tose re F. H. Davies, 'Morrison Road. | grcn, Btn ob = Josh Allan C : dQ an Campbell returned Sun- | day from a business trip to Pitts- a burgh. 4 i! igh LL the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lawlor Dr. Gladys Munro attended a oe medical convention at the Seig-| iss Diane Scarrow will be in niory Club in the Laurentians last| gooksyille for the next two weeks week. While there she was v 3 % at th fice f Bi Tele- ted by Mrs. Emma Ostrom. Dr. e fficelior ithe' Bell isle : phone Co. Munro and Mrs. Ostrom visited FLA Ottawa before returning home. wa befere Tetiining home Mrs. Lewis Walsh, Simcoe, 1, . Ont., spent week a Miss Laird) Campbell is vIsHIng | oo eo 2h the Roms lier grandmother, Mrs. Ror Mr LS 2 Campbell, in Picton. . vieias inp! nn Miss Connie Lang spent the Dominio Day honors Tt | RoI I2Y in Nigar rails, Oat. issued by Canada's Chief Scout, Viscount Alexander, Dean Wilkes of Oakville was awarded a bar to his Medal of Merit. This medal is given for good service to Scou- ting and the additional bar is a well deserved honor. "Skip," as he is known to present and past "Sea Scoufs" will this year com- plete his twenty-fifth year with the Oakville and District, Boy Scouts Association. sree In Mr. and Mrs. S. Short and fam- ily, Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Har. sss Earl Richardson ed last week from Memorial Hospital. was discharg- the Oakville Mrs. Pat Redforth was tient in the Oakville Hospital a few days last week. sree pa: for of Mil Austin, her, Irene Mis wauki Loretta Fi and Miss 5s Miss Adeline Landry celebrat- ed her 17 birthday this past week. see of Chicago are visiting with Mrs. BE. Burke. ern ir. and Mrs. W. T. Turnbull e spending a week in Toronto. TC. Miss Heather Blake celebrated her 13 birthday last Saturday with a party at her home on Hixon St Among those presen were, Lily Golow, Betty Anne Wright, June Scarrow, Lorna Micks, | Ruth Millward, Tene Millward, 2 t. Oakville at- Horse show Basil Wind- Luther Win- Among those from tending the Toronto were Mr. and M shower was held by Scarrow on Thursday evening at|sion of the school, evening meeting, Margaret Arema read an address and 'Barbara Hall Little Fayne McGann also cele-|on behalf of the birthday last|ted Miss Campbell with a purse and a pair of gloves. Roses were Saturday. given by Billy day evening, th for its members. ers are welcom of s| member. come. Ri Edgeville Rd. ther passenger 10 as, of home of Mr has Edna and Ruby McMann, Joan|Miss Campbell sal Dobrashian, Marilyn He: erley Castle, Anne Pickard, Bey-|had been erley Beatty and Nan Morris. FP slop, Bev-| hi er home. rated her eighth Don't forget the Firemen's Car- nival to be held Friday and Sat- urday, July 14-15: i . ance The Beautiful Garden he F. I. James Garden on the bank of the Humber River, Lamb-| present.. will take place Thurs- July 13. This tour is being arranged by he Bronte Horticultural Society All garden lev- e to come. There s no charge. It would be appre: jated that anyone with available pace would take along another Arrange a party and Take Dundas Highway to York Rd:. then on Mills, oyal directions, please phone Oakville 79M, or Bronte 135W. TRAFALGAR Mrs. H. Watson and son, Thom- Galt, were guests on Sunday f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fish. esse H. Keele and daughters, are holidaying at the and Mrs. W. Sinden. Mrs. Toronto, Mrs. Harvey Hall, Sheridan, suffered a double bereave- ment during the past week -- her aged mother, Mrs. Keith, Toron- to, and a brother, a resident in Detroit. "sees Misses Eva and Bernice Pick- ering entertained on Friday even- ing at a china shower in honor of Miss Bernice MacPherson, whose marriage will take place at Munn's church July 15th. Fel- low members of the bride-to-be of the choir of Munn's church were guests. PR After twenty-five years as. tea- cher of S. S. No. 12, Maple Grove school, Miss Luena Campbell has resigned. To show their apprec- jation of her faithful and success- ful term of office, the parents and friends of the district met at the school Wednesday for a "good: bye" social evening. Many former and former trustees of the pupil one-time three man board were present. Mr. Ernie Wilson, one sided and on behalf of the section presented Miss Campbell with an Elgin wrist watch. A bouquet of roses was presented by Bob Wright on behalf of the ex-pup- ils. Also associated in the presen- tation of the gift were parents and friends from S. S. No. 11 which has been closed for sever- al years. In her words of thanks, Miss Dawna|home town. At the afternoon ses: of Sheridan Tour to|evening of last week was greatly of the older former trustees pre-|,, es for the Trafalgar Town- Thursday, July 6, | © that during|was held in the Community Hall|bretght forth varied g, I ox names of 500 pupils | on Thursday, June 25, wih cussts| Following a short busine = entored on the school | from Omagh, Merton, Nelson and | lon, © programme vas ator. Mr, Milton McCleary | Drumauin present rs. H. Wik [by 2 group of 8 sons su) Te sented the five man board of | son presided at the meeting. The | Palerm ol Choir. bp] roll call "Sing, Say or Play" Continued on Page 7) The prior to the pupils presen Lawrence. ses re The strawberry festival in Sher- dan hall, sponsored by the W. A. church on Tuesda: Deerhaven Kennels Regd | BOARDING Upper Middle Road Telephone 457 Ff (B. K. SNIDER) i CLIPPING - WASHING - WORMING - DEFLEAIy| mer Reservations for Boarding Being Receiyf NOW---Accommodations For Cats Sumr enjoyed by the many visitors In the church, following Dr. BE. Crossley Hun- the supper, ter, of Trinity United church, Toronto, gave an interesting talk on the play, "Skin of his Teeth" which is based on the words from the Bible in Job, 19-20, "I am es- caped with the skin of my teeth." This play has been running in New York for a year and last winter was produced in Hart House, Toronto, by a group of Toronto players, The minister, Rev. J. W. Stewart, a college friend of the guest, presided. Ron- ald Stewart sang several num- bers assisted by Mrs. C. Stens son. The organist of the church, Mrs. R. Donaldson, contributed two piano solos and while the audience gathering, enter- tained with piano numbers. sere s picnic of Munn's, Sheridan Sunday Schools was held on Saturday, July 15th, at Lowville Park. After dinner served at ome o'clock, programme of sports wes run off. Senior and junior ball games were played simul: taenously. The ladies' nail-driv- ing contest resulted in three con- testants being tled, with the final result, 1st Mrs. S. D. Turner, ond Mrs. L. Fish; 3rd Mrs. A Walsom. Earl Albertson won the men's naildriving contest, with Arnold Fish second. The new park swings and slide used for The union Wesley and the first time that day were in use continuously by the younger children except during lunch time. sexx Before leaving S. S. No. 10, Frafalgar, where she had taught for three ars, Miss Dories Brownridge, was presented with a combination table and magaz- ine rack and ocasional chair. The farewell party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hamilton. crea Miss Elizabeth McKee, Toron- to, has been engaged as teacher SS. No. 10, Trafalgar Tp. Mrs. Ruth Brownridge, who has been teaching at Omagh, Trafal- gar Tp., has been transferred to S.S. No. 9 (Coyné's). Miss Shirley Cutmore, Oakville, will replace Mrs. Brownridge. .s The regular monthly meeting of Palermo Women's Institute Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. The Tremendous / Story of the Most Daring ¢ Rogue the World Has Ever known! Starring Spade Cooley a rum, Mr. and Mrs. @ We like to think of our- selves as guardians of your health and welfare. Turn to us confidently when you are in need of anything you'd expect to find in a good drug store . . . And we particularly solicit your prescription patronage. Here you are assured care- ful compounding, fresh, potent drugs and prices that are uniformly fair. RUSSELL DRUG CO. Colborne St E. Phone 47 ADDED: LATES ON THE SAME PROGRAM "EVERYBODY'S DANCING" and His Band, Sons of the Pioneers July 6-7-8 PA Robert L Lippert Presentation Vincent Price EvenDrew nd His Band, Chuy Reyes T WORLD NEWS Mon.-Tues.-Wed. 2 GREAT WAR PICTURES July 10-11-12 epi 9 WARD 6, A COLUMBIA RE-RELEASE Extra: Colored Cartoon Remember if you want to relax in cool comfort, the Gregory Theatre is the Wear the smile of satisfaction with your clothes cleaned by . . . For Leadership' It's RIVIER'S Those Careful Cleaners 7! Last Three Days * FOR ALL THE WORLD TO LOVE! Color by TECHNICOLOR 7 : > = oS, Cg Mon. Tues. Wed. HELL PUT YOU IN A DI . WITH HIS ZITHER. ID 0.SELZNICK and ALEXANDER KORDA present IA ) ee RAHA OER JOSEPH COTTEN 8 ORSON WELL TREVOR HOV or Wi No matter what he does or where he goes... he's my man! Starts Tharsday July 13 FOR THOSE WHO NEVER KICKED A HOR ... OR LICKED A KID Johnny Holida HEART THRILLING . . . HEART TUGC!) Phone 568 CEN TUR

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