Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 27 Jul 1950, p. 2

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Bdward H. N. Rosalind P. Field, were successful candidates in Medical Council of Canada ex- aminations, tried at Kingston and Toronto respectively. . = Lambert and of Oakville, ss Mr. and Mrs. C. F. MacKenzie, Palmer Av are spending July and Aug at their summer home at Lake Wahwashkesh, Parry Sound. sae se Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watts have returned from a motor trip through Northern Ontario and Quebec sess Aronld Carberry has returned from a short holiday at Rice Lake. sree The executive of the Oakville and District Humane Society met PEOPLE and EVENTS Pherson) doing the driving. Ar- riving at the home of Mrs. Bon- ham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. MacPherson, early the next morn- ing, he was later removed to the Oakyille-Trafalgar Hospital, for an operation on a ruptured ap- pendix. Mr. Bonham's condition was so favorable at the end of the week that he was allowed to leave the hospital and Is now convalescing at the MacPherson home. sere Stey- at H Misses Florence and Ma; enson, Mimico, were visitors the home of their aunt, Mrs. W. Albertson, Dundas Highway East, before leaving for their summer home in Muskoka. Their aunt, Miss Mary Dolmage, for- merly of Snider's and Streets- ville, accompanied them 'Wednesday night at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Noel Eaton. ress Ellison, of Toronto, spent the weekend with the Geoffrey Bides, assisting Mrs. Bide pack her china prior to the Bides' departure for England next month. Miss Ruth vaxan Mr. and Mrs. John Philpott and sons, Terry and Andre, have been spending July on Georgian shore, Victoria Harbour. The Ted Morgans have return- ed from their holiday at Port Cunnington. ess Mr. and Mrs. Reid McKim and daughter Karen are on vacation on the Lake Huron shore. wen Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Bugler are enjoying a motor trip through Quebec with Mr. Bugler's moth- er and father. essen Mr. and Mrs. El Cook have just veturied from a vacation spent at Dorset. seen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lindsay have returned from Northern Ontario, where they have been busily engaged in building a summer cottage. cen John S. Wilson, Oakyille, has been appointed sales engineer for south-western Ontarfo by the Dow Chemical of Canada Ltd, it was announced this week. Mr. Wilson, an 0.A.C. graduate, with previous technical experience gained at the Vineland horticul- tural experiment station, will handle agricultural chemical pro- blems for the firm's Toronto branch. tease Mrs. Katie Rankin and Mrs. D. A. Jones are back from a mo- tor trip through Muskoka. ° . Mr. and M (nee Margaret McKay), have an- nounced the birth of a daughter, Barbara Elizabeth, at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Sat- urday, July 22 sears Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fielding of New Liskerd, formerly of Oak- ville, visited at the home of Mrs. H. W. Litchfield, Sumner Ave, last week. CIC Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Eccleston and family, of Buffalo, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sturrup. Mr. Eeeles- ton is a former rector of St. Judes Church. EI The "officers and members of the Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, Branch 114, wish to thank all the local merchants for donations gratefully received. we Mrs. Gregg dinner party Mr. and entertained at a Saturday in honor of Mr. and s. Tom Kennedy of Pelham, who have been spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacKendrick. . Angus nese half-mast in post office Tuesday ay as a tribute to of Mackenzie King. A flag flew at front of the and Wednes the memor: of Oakville Legion, milies, will hold picnic to Church- County, on Sund: leave the Legion H Members. their wives and their annual ville, Peel Cars will at 1 p.m. cess e Misses Beth and Beverley Reynolds and Shirley Campbell and Mr. Jack Campbell spent the week-end at the Campbell home at Baysville. TRAFALGAR Miss Bppie Telfer, Milton, has been the guest for several days at the home of her cousin, Mrs W. E. Dent. sss At Oakville-Prafalgar Memorial Hospital, on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shea, a daughter, "Margaret Laurie. "we Taken suddenly ill on Sunday at Rochester while on his wed- ding trip, Mr. Gordon Bonham was forced to return immediately with Mrs. Bonham (Bernice Mac- , Donald G. Hillmer Ss We regret the illness of Mr. George McClure, who entered Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial hos- pital for treatment July 18th, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Fish; Miss: es Norma and June Fish and Master Grant Fish have returned rom a trip to Winnipeg. While there they visited their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Turner, Stonewall, Man, and cousin, Mrs. Earl Tweedy, Winnipeg, both form- erly of Trafalgar. They were also guests at the home of friends in Chicago. PE Mrs. L. Chamberlain entertain- ed the members of Bethel Church W.M.S. and W.A. It was announ- ced that quilts and clothing would be sent to the Manitoba Flood Relief. The final portion of the study book was reviewed by Miss Abbie Turner. The guest speaker was Mrs. Victor Wilson of Sheridan. In appreciation of her many years of service as Bible Class teacher in the Sunday school and organist of the church, Mrs. Percy Merry was presented with a beautiful coffee table and magazine rack. Mrs. C. Ford and Mrs. W. Simpson made the pres- entation, Crean A cable-has been received by the family of Mr. and Mrs. John Lister that they had arrived safe- ly in Liverpool. Mr. and Mrs. Lister are on a trip to visit rel atives 'in Brffgnd. Mr. Lister, who bails from™ancashire, has not been back me for fifty years. EE Ross Fairbarn Arnold Fish Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and M{s. were guests on \ Friday evening at the home of )relatives in the Newmarket disirlés Py Rey. and Mf. J. W. Stewart are the happy (grandparents of a granddaughter, Judith Ann, . and Mrs. Melyin Ghielph hospital, on with her grand- Trafalgar parson- age. . holidaying this Hotel, Stoney motored there W. H. Biggar. Lake. They were by their father, Mr. BRONTE Livingston, Hamil- week at the F. Ham- Miss Jean 'ton, spent the past home of her aunt, Mrs. mell, Lakeside Park. PEP Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brewster have returned home after a va- cation in United States, and have as their guest, Mrs. Henry Norton, North Dakota. Mrs. George Christopheson, Fenwick, spent the week-end with her Mrs. L. Bray. Mrs, Christopheson is en-route to er --Oentral Press Canadian The Women's Volunteer Service of Great Britain has collected house- hold items suck as silverware, pottery, paintings and flower pots to sup- ply the homes of flood and fire victims in Manitoba and Quebec. Here a Volunteer inspects an attractive cookie jar before shipment to Canada. Determined Donation When Martin Collier, over in London, heard about the recent Oakville high, school reunion, he was mighty sorry that so much Atlantic water separated his present home and his old alma mater; And when he tried to send along a donation to the H. _ Archibald Memorial Fund, he found he couldn't send "his money out of England. But Martin wasn't stumped for too long: This week, the fund trus- tees received a sterling silver paper knife with an inlaid mother-of-pearl handle, with in- structions to raffle it off on_be- half of the fund. Mr. . Wiman, Peterbor- ough, is a guest at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hopkins. as en The sympathy of the village is extended to Mrs. Jack Rogers on the death of her mother, Mrs. Jack Longstaff, at the Oakville Hospital on Sunday, July 22. Mrs. Celia. Roberts and daugh- ter Hamilton, spent the week-end in the village. Mrs. F. B. Grant «ds vacationing in Chicago, Ill. EE Miss Gwen Mitchell and Mr. B. Gouthro, Toronto, are guests at the home of Mrs. H. D. Scarrow. FE Bobby Lambert «celebrated her 8th Birthday with a party at her home on Sat, July 22. Among the young guests were Connie and Edward Johnson, Fay Mc- Gann, Judy Seymore, Margaret Scarrow, Gordon MacDonald, Clara Lawyer, Bster Apter, Mar- tin Shiff, Marlene Goldberg, Hu- bie and Donnie McLeod The death occurred in the Sarnia Hospital on Thursday, July 20, of Mrs. L. B, Heartwell. The late Mrs. Heartwell was very well known in the village having had a grocery business here for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mitchell, Bobby and Edwin are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hanson. z sees ; Molly ~ and John Morland and son John, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Car- penter. sara Mr. Chas Lynch, Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill, Jr. cases and Mrs. ont., are holiday Mr. Galt, weeks" Park. Jack Franklin, spending a two at Lakeside Qbityaries MRS. JOHN LONGSTAFF Following a brief illness, Bea- trice Hannah Haddlesey Long- staff, ife of John Longstaff, 291 Allan St. died on Sunday in Oak- ville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospit- al. She was 64 years of age. A native of England, the late Mrs. Longstaff had lived in Oakville for 38 years. She was a member of St. John's United Church. Be: sides her husband she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Bruce Moore, Toronto, and Mrs. Jack Rogers, Bronte. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the funeral chapel of S. S. Rus- sell and Son to St. Jude's Ceme- tery. Rev. Harry Pawson officiat- ed. MRS, ALICE J. PRESCOTT Succumbing to a paralytic stroke, of which she had previou- sly had three, Mrs. Alice J. Pres- cott died on Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Stansbury, Queen Elizabeth Way. She was 65 years old, and was born in Muskoka. Before coming to Oakville with her family 14 years ago she had resided in Burlington. She was a member of St. John's United Church. Mrs Prescott is survived by two sons, Ralph of Oakville and Harry. of St. Davids; and five daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Stansbury, Mrs. "Albert Evershed and Mrs. Clif- ford Post, Oakville, Mrs. Wilfred Blanshard, Appleby, and Mrs. Roberts, Hamilton. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon "from the funeral chap- el of S. S. Russell and Son to St. Jude's Cemetery. Rey. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dorland spent the week-end in Detroit, Mich. Their daughter, Vieki, is remaining there for the next two weeks. Pawson officiated. Upper Middle Road CLIPPING - WASHING - Summer Reservations for the home of Mrs. Thos Tilford, Sault Ste. Marie. Deerhaven Kennels Regd. BOARDING (B. K. SNIDER) NOW---Accommodations For Cats ~ Telephone 457-J WORMING - DEFLEAING Boarding Being Received A 1-cl d is a satis Garment fied Customer ¢ Why Not Try RIVIER'S "Those Careful Forsythe St. at-the-Lake ----------on | Cleaners" THURS-FRI-SAT GREATEST OUTLAW HUNT Iv Oct AHOMA HISTORY €oLUNBA PICTURES prvsests MZ" fini] OKLAHOMA George Macready = Louise Allbritton - John Iretand Virginia Huston + Charles Kemper Thursday, July 27, 950 --_-- JULY 27-28-29 ADDED SHORT - CARTOON - LATEST NEWS IN OUR NEWS LATEST EVENT IN KOREAN WAR MON-TUES-WED EXTRA--SHORT SCREEN ACTORS JULY 31 AUG. 1-2 YOUR COMFORT YOUR FRIENDLY THEATRE PHONE 568 LAST DAY! YOUR FAVORITE FAMILY IN "VOTE FOR HUGGETT" FRI-SAT RES A ot COW so¥ ot Cue 1H Screen Play by Charles Hoffman - Diectad tv EDWARD RUTZFLL + Bredwad iu RINDY. ADI CB STARTS MONDAY FOR 2 DAYS! FASTER THAN SOUND . . . DEATH AT EVERY CORNER HUMPHREY RAYMOND MASSEY - RICHARD WHORE STURRY WeioLen 2x rov srs WED-THURS . . l 3 Q THE PERFECT MURDER AUG. 2-3 4. ARTHUR RANK PRESENTS ROBERT <7 WTON 3 COMING SOON! THE ANSWER TO THE UPROARIOUS QUESTION "ARE UMPIRES HUMAN" Phone 1123

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