Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 24 Aug 1950, p. 12

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GAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE I MORTGAGES * | W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 71 Colborne St., Oakville ' Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R The Lorne Scots Peel, Dufferin and Halton (Reserve Force) Tt is the intention of "B" Coy of The Lorne Scots | (PD & HR) to recruit any personnel who see fit to prepare themselves for any situation that may arise from the present condition of world relations. | Training in the Reserve Force will provide basic knowledge for anyone willing to join active service i) should the need arise, provide a force necessary to defend Canadian territory and to be co-operative in i] civil defense for local emergencies. Preparation is not "alarmism" but arrangements to meet undesir- i able situations: Ns JOIN YOUR LOCAL RESERVE FORCE UNIT THE LORNE SCOTS (PD & HR) Parade Every Tuesday 8-10 p.m. The Armoury, 12 Thomas St., Oakville ie Phones: Orderly Room, Oakville 849 W Major A. Kemp, Burlington 3217 menu and shopping EX EXTRAS A hundred dollar bill will go to the man or woman who can plan the best weekend menu and shop- ping list for a family of five at the Canadian National Exhibition it is announced by Kate Aitken, director of the women's division. Two other . prizes of $75 and $50 will be awarded to the run- ners-up in this Weekend Budget competition to take place Satur- afternoon, September 9. contestant will plan a list with Saturday night breakfast, lunch Mrs. Aitken ex- quantities for supper, Sunday and dinner, plains. Cash prizes for interest and planned and for to obtain best will be aw arded food rent food prices will be provided at the contest. FOR YOUNG FARMERS An Innovation in the junior ag- ricultural E. department program at the C.N. this year is the farm machinery defects test. Contest- ants will be asked to detect and name up to ten faulty adjust ments in a two-furrow, pull-type plow hitched to a tractor and supposedly ready for sod plowing but purposely faulted before- hand. NEW BERED There are now more than forty breeders banded together in the Ontario Red Poled Cattle Assoc jation. The Canadian National Exhibition, Aug. 25th to Sept. 9, has included the breed in its competitions for the first time. Bred for beef as well as for dairy products, the Red Poll is 'expect ed to zorove popular with spec tators and exhibitors " ART MARCHAND Formerly with EY Boon Co Ryrie-Birks WATCH All Repairs Done In REPAIRING] Oakville Located in Te Opposite Loblaw Groceteria Colborne St. E, -- Oakville Thursday, August 24, 1958 Contemporary Offers Views Concerning = CHURCH sight to the blind, NEWS = to set at i, ?, H ST. ANDREW'S Newspaper's A rane ST NDREWS rate 50. Them that aro bruises Under the heading "A thought| Mass at 8.30 and 10.30 a.m. Sun- ELA os or two about newspapers," the|day. nll 3 2 4 8 ser. a vice will include testimonies o 1 3 ta ST. JUDE'S healing and experiences and np. io weekly paper, came up With| 4 ,rsery school for children} marks on Christian Science. the following concerning the place of the weekly paper in the life of its community. While cer- tain of the facts mentioned do not apply exactly to the Journal --such as the $10,000 for equip- ment--which we wish was all the dollars | involved--the overall viewpoint will be of interest to our readers we believe be ai c Si hy Ji al A Thought or Two x About Newspapers "In this modern age of ma- chinery and advance few if any of us even stop to question the where or why of it all. This little article is written to direct your thoughts for a moment to a little of the ins and out of newspaper work. Many people would Dper- haps be amazed were they to really realize the cost and labour involved, even in a small weekly, such as the one you are now read- ing. The cost of the machinery alone exceeds $10,000. The cost of paper for another example has soared away beyond and above what it was a few ago, in fact it has actually ad- vanced 100 percent An argument that frequently is used, why take a weekly paper when the dailies and radio car ry all the news first? Do they? Just for comparison sake some week take your local paper compare it with the daily. not pretend to compete with them. That Is not its purpose. It does however claim to bring the interesting happenings, those some times trivial incidents which so vitally concern us, but have no place in the bigger pres- ses of the newspaper world. Let us take last week's issue as a point in question. The article in connection with the meeting of the Board of Trade deals with the subject of a park and play- ground for our children. That in- terests no daily paper, but it does o] a. li For Tempting fig STEAL CHICKEN CHOP DINNERS DRIVE OUT TO Pig & Whistle Inn Bronte-by-the-Lake ~~ -- vitally concern us. The paper brings to the attention of all in the , what is happen- ing at such meetings which should and must vitally concern you. We have heard extensive re: ports of the Winnipeg flood and all that disastrous deluge has coused in the way of damage. Surely nome of it carries quite the personal touch, like a letter from a citizen to read and pon- der on the front page 'of last week's issue. Your school, your home, your Church, is a first with The Lead- is who, and what goes on in all these places of prime import- ance in your life and ours. Far 'be it from us to take any PR of the importance and need that is surely filled by radio and daily press. However, we are en- deavouring to point out that the with all its limita- ngs fills a need and place that is of prime importance to every one of us.--Tara (Ont) Leader. OF LUGGAGE SPACE Lo The em ------ | SALES & SERVICE WW SzANDd CHURCH ST. W. at NAVY AST T1O There's Plenty of Room In The | VANGUARD SEATS 6 IN LUXURIOUS COMFORT, PLENTY OF HEAD ROOM, LOTS Ideal Family Automobile axwell-Brown Motors FEMININE FOIBLE that er Imagination is something sits up with a woman when husband comes home late. the subject of Rev. of on Sunday laid in the church hall and corri- dor. graduated from college, vary vears | m at the Baer solovox both ning. At pastor Briarcyesty Bible Institute, Saskat- chewan, Calvary Baptist Church on day evening, August 28. The ser- vice musical alists. er, bringing as best we know low, before you, an accurate|® and interesting account of who ctween the ages of 18 months held every starting on 10. building fund on Sunday, years will be at 11 am, y, September The St. Judes ampaign will open eptember 24. A Holy Baptism service eld on Sunday afternoon, when ohn Ernest Willis, son of Mr. nd Mrs. J. Willis was baptized vy Rev. R. H. Howson. KNOX CHURCH "The Jealousy of God" will be C. K. Nicoll Knox Church nd 3 was The r his sermon at morning Knox Sunday school will re- pen for the fall session at 10 .m. on Sunday, September 3. A new hardwood floor has been CALVARY BAPTIST Herbert Foster, who recently a Dallas, Texa was the preacher at Cal- Baptist Church Sunday Monica Barnard sang morning service and Ken selections on his morning and eve- the evening service the A. A. Stoll, preached. team from orning. rendered Rev. An evangelistic will conduct a service at Mon- include preaching and numbers by instrument- will Tomorrow evening's prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stair, Lakeshore Road East. GHURGH of the EPIPHANY Patricia Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hall was baptized Sunday. The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brazier. The flowers on 'the Altar were given by Mrs. Busby in memory of her mother, Mrs. Pollock. Holy Baptism will be adminis- tered Sunday at 10 am. ST. LUKE'S The Harvest Festival services will be held September 10th. The flowers on the Altar were given by Mr. and Mrs. C. Norton in memory of Mr. Henry Norton. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY On Sunday, August 27th, ser- vice will be held at 11 o'clock. The subject will be "Christ Jes- us." From the citations: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me be- ause he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brok- en hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of Late summer and early flowers variet; Hortic: C.N.E, Toronto Parks outdone scaping the great 350 acre park reached new Floral Fantasia autumn gorgeous in fhe at the foliage in be on view "Building and will tural Aug, to Sept. 9. 1 Department itself this year The las in land famous ~~ Rose Garden yg heights of beauty et CH I ---- EST HRT IDE Dominion Royal "Poorless™ ' € save you money RCT TAR TE Chevrolet & Oldsmobile Sales & Service Opp. Century Theatre PHONE 460 t lowest prices JTRS LLC | OAKVILLE MOTORS Gptometrist - 163 Colborne Street Daily 9.00 to 5.30 Sat. Carsten Glahn R.O. Optician Oakville -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- OFFICE HOURS Evenings "9.00 to 12.30 Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 Or By Appointment PHONE 4 TI DIRECT HALTON (Daylight Time) CKETS AND ATIONAL EXHIBITION AUGUST 26th TO SEPTEMBER 9th (Except Sunday) INTO THE GROUNDS Pn Includes urn Exhibition Fare $1.55 Admission (For Children's Rates See Your Agent) LEAVE OAKVILLE LEAVE EXHIBITION 7.50 a.m. 10.50 am. 7.30 p.m. 10-30 p.m. 8.50 a.m. 11.50 a.m. 8.30 p.m. 11.30 p.m. 9.50 a.m. 12.50 p.m. 9:30, p.m. Exhibition passengers travelling on regular buses will transfer at Toronto Bus Terminal to buses running into the Grounds. INFORMATION AT PHONE 600

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