Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 24 Aug 1950, p. 2

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, August 24, 195, Winners of the competitions at the weekly Ladies' Day at the Golf Club are as follows: 18 hole div. Medal Round, winner Mrs. D. H. Dixon, second, Mrs. E. I. Farley. 9 hole div, Jingle Com- petition, winner, Mrs. D. Stewart. Tied 'for 2nd place, Mrs. J. Cond and Mrs, C. Hillmer sess The Fred Hotsons have return- ed from a vacation at Victoria Harbor. seses The Allan Campbells celebrat- ed their 10th wedding anniver- sary with a party at the Brant Inn on Thursday night. Among those present were Mrs. Jack Milne, the John Hamiltons, W. A. Scotts, Cameron Hillmers, John Botterells and Hessel and Paul Boultby from Montreal. evans Rayburn arrived to spend two Miss Phyllis home by T.C.A. weeks with her parents before returning to Hamilton, Bermuda, to take up permanent residence. re Lol lel LY Thurs. Aug. 24 Last Chance To See! GEORGE FORMBY "| SEE ICE" & GRACIE FIELDS IN "THE SHOW GOES ON" IN 2 DAYS ONLY THURSDAY, FRIDAY Aug. 25 - 26 DES | RIDE... mune JI BANNON oles Added Colored Cartoon & Latest World News MON., TUES., WED. Aug. 28-29-30 The Picture Everybody Should See Les NOT BE FANCY... 700K GUTS! "They'll shout insults at you. they come In 10 you spikes figst.... they'll throw at Your head .. but no mailer what happens remember --you can't fight back! JACKIE ROBINSON "The Pride of Brooklyn" as HIMSELF in we JACKIE ROBINSON STORY a with RUBY DEE + MINOR WATSON LOUISE BEAVERS » RICHARD LANE EXTRA -- SHORT Gregory AIR-CONDITION COMFORT PEOPLE and EVENTS his son John to visit Jack Milne and drove to Kirkland Lake his family. esse David Wright celebrated his birthday on Tuesday. sere The George Cairns family have moved from the Morrison Road to Rockwood in Guelph where they have bought a house. evsgos The Carr-Harris family are on vacation at Lost River, north of LaChute in the Laurentians. sess Mr. and Mrs. Tom Giles drove to Kingston to pick up their daughter Barbara, who has been taking a summer course fn art and music at Queen's University, then visited Ottawa for a few days this week. oe ces Mr. and Mrs. Willard Skoog and family of Simcoe are visit ing with the former's father, Mr. A. Skoog. PI Irven Fell are Ontario Mr. and Mrs. holidaying in Northern this week. os Mr. and Mrs. Tom Makin and Ricky have returned from their vacation, spent with Mrs, Mak- in's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mackenzie, at Tracy Lodge, Wa- washesh, near Parry Sound. . Linda Anne Myers is in -the Sick Children's Hospital having her tonsils out. * Messrs. Bus Richards, Fred and Stan Butterworth haye re- tured from a very successful fish- ing trip at Boyce Lake, 'Tema- gami, PE Four members of The Trafal- gar Travellers, Ron Smith, Allan Low, Reg Speed and Stan White recently returned from a motor- cycle jaunt to Massachusetts. Congratulations to Bob and Gwyn Barker of London, Eng- land, formerly of Oakville, on the birth of their som, Celfyn Robert James, born July 11. + roe Mr. and Mrs. A. Flaxman, Navy St, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keenan and Mr. and Mrs. William Shears in Ham- ilton. sess Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Norm Walton and family are holidaying at Burton- cliff Park, Lake Rosseau. + nox Mr. and Mrs. Bert Webb and family have returned from a va- cation at Lake Rosseau. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Hackett, accompanied by their son, are visiting their daughter-in-law at Sundridge. ) + nos James Roberts, Dundas has returned from Holland, leay- ing his wife and children there to visit Mrs. Roberts' parents. + ono St., Rev. W. B. Caswell and Mrs. Caswell are on a boat trip from Midland to Parry Sound. GIVE YOUR CAR NEW COMFORT MAXWELL BROWN MOTORS Church St., Oakville PHONE 6 Treat yourself to a new luxury ride. Cushion your car with the smoothest-riding tire of them all--Firestone Super-Bal- loons. You'll travel farther, faster . . . with greater comfort, less fatigue because Super- Balloons soak up road shocks . . . end excessive ride vibra- tion. Get Firestone Super- Balloons for the smoothest ride you've ever known. | NEW COMFORT Mrs. Kenneth Marlatt and Miss Agnes Forster left Tuesday to visit the former's father in Kirk: field. sons Miss May Henry and Miss Florence are on a motor trip to Victorfa Harbor and points far- ther north. 7 a x Miss Grace Merry of Toronto is visiting Mrs. W. T. Merry. 'BRONTE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stephens an daughter Sharon spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bric Jackson, Sturgeon Lake. sess Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Landry, Jones St, were Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Matheson and family of Hamil: ton, and Mr. Tom Langille of Pictou, Nova Scotia. sere Mrs. Harold Neuns family, Gormley, Ont, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Smith and son, Niagara Falls, were week- end visitors at the home of Mrs. Clifford Carpenter. . Mr. and and Allan Sargant is visiting at the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. Harris Bell, Burlington, while Billy Sar- gant is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Clemence. sees 'Week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Margaret Scarrow, Tra- falgar St, Included Mrs. Celia Roberts, Miss Thelma Hill, Mrs Keith Hornibrook and son, all of Hamilton, and Mrs. K. Cooper, Mrs. D. Jackson and family of Dunnville. tesa Mrs. Chas. Lawlor and daugh- ters who have spent the sum- mer in Pictou, N.S, have re- turned home. rene Mr. and Mrs. John Feduck are spending a few days in Ridge way. Ont. sss The many friends of Mr. Harry Ostrosser will be sorry to hear he is quite ill in the Welland hospital. «oboe Mrs. Cecil Kyle, and family, Port Dover are visitors at the home of Mr. and Williams, Triller St. sree Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heaton, Nelson St. left last week on a short motor trip through North- ern Ont. Mrs. Grant The many Joyce English will to hear that she is recovering from her recent operation, and is now at home. "se friends of Miss be very glad "es 'Weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Coombes, Ww: Mrs. Coombes' father, Mr. C. Hall of Bowmanville. For the next month, Miss Jean McLachlan, Reg.N., New York City, will be a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McLach- lan. Er Mr. H. B. Wiman, Ottawa, spent a few days at the home of his sister, and brotherinlaw Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hopkins. Free The Bronte Community Club held an executive meeting on Monday evening and have made plans for the coming winter. The first euchre will be held Sept. 11 at 8.15 and the regular Saturday night dances will begin Sept. 16. esse Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black on the birth of their son (Robert Lorne) at the Oakville Memorial Hospital on Monday, August 21. Miss Barbara Anne McVittie is spending a week at the home of Miss Connie Grant. TRAFALGAR The anniversary of Knox Church, Sixteen, was held on Sunday morning, August 20th, with Rev. Earl Smith, Hespeler, as guest minister. Rev. J. W. Stewart . of the neighboring Munn's Church, who was present at the service, gave the prayer. A special anthem was rendered by the choir, "Sun of my Soul" the arrangement by the choir lead- er and organist of the church, Lester Burtsch. The quar- tet, Miss Alice Torgness, Miss Violet Burtsch and Messrs Keith and Deanne Hopper sang and Miss Torgness and Deane Hopper were also heard in a duet. Bask- ets of gladioli were used as floral decorations. Many visitors were present from Boyne Presbyterian Church, Omagh, and Munn's United Church, and also former members from Oakville and oth- er places. sssee Mrs. Ewart Hall attended the funeral in Toronto on Wednesday of 'her cousin, Mrs. Theodore Nelson. On Saturday she was present at the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Gedrge Nelson, of Thistletown, with "service held in Toronto and interment at Wes: ton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Post and daughters, Misses Betty and Mary Post, motored to Rochester on Saturday morning where they were the guests of relatives for a few days. sssve Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Feather stone and son were guests on Saturday at the wedding of Mrs. Featherstone's cousin, Miss Laura Cates and Mr. J. Alex Murphy, in the Presbyterian Church, Port Credit. Miss Mary Hall and Robert Hall, and cousin, Billie Anderson of Oakville, are holidaying at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Hector Anderson, Midland. sew Miss Norma Fish entertained on Friday evening at a china and crystal shower in honour of Miss Carol Hopper whose marriage ti Mr. Colin Anderson in Knox Church, Sixteen, is an event of Sept. 2nd. The guest of honour opened the many lovely gifts seated - beneath the traditional white wedding bell and pink streamers which were tied with bouquets of sweet peas in pastel colors. Her sister, Miss Donna Hopper, and Miss Fish assisted in opening the gifts. For enter- tafnment a session of bingo was enjoyed. Lunch was served by Mrs. Lorne Fish and Miss June Fish. cena In honour of the bride-to-be, Miss Carol Hopper, a -miscellan- cous shower was given for her on Saturday afternoon by her aunt, Mrs. L. Cherrington, Oak- ville, In the evening, Mrs. E. M Readhead, Milton, aunt of the groom-to-be, entertained for Miss Hopper at a pantry shower. On the previous, Wednesday, Miss Hopper was also guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower, with Miss Elmarie Somerville, Oak- ville, as hostess. cso service at Sheridan Church on _ Sunday morning, Aug. 27th, Rev. T. D. Jones, Streetsville, will be supply min- ister. At the esses Mr. A. MacMurray, Oakville, is visiting at the homes of his daughters, Mrs. G. E. Post and Mrs. Elmer McLean sen Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lytle Kids! "Those careful MY MOM SENT MY CLOTHES TO RIVIER'S Forsythe-at-the- Cleaners" Lake Phone 1123 and son Bruce, of Inglewood, visited on Sunday at the home of their aunt, Mi A. Marshall. . . Misses Barbara, Marian and Nancy Biggar are holidaying at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Conover. EE Miss Mary and Peter Haight, Toronto are visiting at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Gibson. rr ar Miss Eva Pickering and Misses Kathryn and Martha Biggar spent the week-end at Stoney Lake, Peterborough. resem Members of the Fish connec: tion in this district attended the reunion of the Thompson family at Brock's Monument. The late Mr. Alpheus Fish's mother was a member of this family and was the only one who came from the Niagara Falls district to this lo- cality to live. Those attending were Messrs Roy, Lorne and Edward Fish and families, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Albertson and Al len Fish. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fish, Oakville, were also guests. CRUISE FOR VISITORS The Royal Canadian Navy give visitors to the CN wil E a r treat this year. One of Canady active fighting ships, ine minesweeper H.M.C.S, guests out oy |b on Lake Ontarjg [1 during the Exhibition. --_-- ------ tage" will take short cruises the Alge. Por. Upper Middle Road Deerhaven Kennels Regd. BOARDING Telephone /457-J (B. K. SNIDER) CLIPPING - WASHING - WORMING - DEFLEAING Summer Reservations for Boarding Being Received NOW--Accommodations For Cats LAST DAY! MARRY M. POPKIN presents po vag COLMAN for Cocoa | - Released thru United Artists 2 Days Only Distributed by RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. ADDED FEATURETTE Fri. - Sat. Lh! ADVENTURES OF wos; BASIL RATHBONE <~ Color by TECHNICOLOR SEAL ISLAND IN TECHNICOLOR Aug. 25-26 FOR THOSE WHO THRILLED TO CINDERELLA, WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THE ALL-DISNEY PRE-SCHOOL FESTIVAL! ode Stings AND 7ELLS A TALL TAL (8) / - PS we eueve you wins eo THIS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST BITS OF SCREEN WHIMSY YOUVE EVER: ENJOYED- ALEC GUINNESS WILL DELIGHT YoU WITH (THE UNLUCKY BIGHT RELATIVES) FABULOUS STORY OF A GAY ASSASSIN 2 esis WHO JUST HAD TO KILL ALL EIGHT OF HIS RELATIVES SO at. ove HE COULD BECOME A DUKE! The JURTHIR BANK Organization Toronto presents +" KIND HEARTS VALERIE HOBS! AN GREENWOOD. ALEC GUINRESS AMICHALLEALCONPAGBUSTION. ists AOBCAT HAWER 'HIS CLEVER PORTRAYAL OF EIGHT PEOPLE Starts Monday For 4 Big Days Dione (a "Thurs

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