Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 24 Aug 1950, p. 3

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'Thursday, August 24, 1950 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Cavity Curtailment Obituaries Halton Dental Program Ln my Mary Ann Masters, widow of the S OM R rt late Frank Herring, died Tuesday morning at the home of her uccess, eara epo S daughter, Mrs. H. P. Hinton, 14 Since the new county dental| Under the new federal health| Athletic Ave, Toronto, with program began Oct. 1, 1949, some | grants, we are now able to un-| Whom she resided. The late Mrs. 5,063 pupfls in Halton's primary | dertake preventative work, and|Herring, who was 83 years of schools have undergone pre-|it Is emphasized that this project| age, Was born in England, com- ventative examination, it was|is not a charge on the local tax-|ing to Canada 41 years ago. Be- revealed this week In the first| payer," the report stated. fore coming to Oakville with her annual report of Dr. B. J.| That the health unit's concen-|family in 1930, she lived in Bur- O'Meata, of the Halton county| trated drive to improve the|lington. While in Oakville she health unit. Insufficient time pre-|standard of youthful dental |attended St. John's United vented extending these examina-| health has much to strive to-| Churc. Following the death of tions to secondary school, which | ward, is attested by Dr. O'Mear-| her husband, in 1945, she remov- will be included In next years| a's figures. Of 94 6-yearolds just|ed to Toronto. Besides her dau- program, the report stated. commencing their school - careers, | Bhter she leaves two sons, Ron- "Over a period of years, more| there was an average of three|ald and William, both of Toronto, and more local school boards in| untreated cavities and only one|and a number of grandchildren. YY 1S EGq WHITE BE WELL the county have assumed the| filling per child. In the 7 year| Funeral service js being held to- : WZ7 RICHER IN cost of treatment for children inf age group, of 651 examined, the|day in Toronto, at the Ingram 2 BROT aN the primary schools, until now|average' was three fillings per| Funeral Home, 1055 Gerrard St. WILL 0] GROOMED practically all rural school child-| child and 3.5 cavities. East, with burial in St. Jude's 2 ARSE ren have this service," said Dr.| Summing up, Dr. O'Meara| Cemetery. ie ES. ELEPHANAS HEAD Just a short while nouw|| QNear® In his report "This says: "Our findings show without WILLA J ISTONE BY cuMBING ue His aun program had been made possible| doubt that the new scheme is il before school re-opens.||| by the dept. of health making|giving benefit and procuring| Following an illness of several 5 funds available for the purpose,|better dental health for the|months, William J. Stone, Lake- i Let us fdry slean eo yoy and through local agreements| children. With the more exten-|shore Rd. East, president of the wardrobe now! You'll ap-|l| between school boards and prac-|sive dental education that is|Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co. oung qua alwarts preciate our quality work-|[| ticing dentists whereby the Work| being carried out, improvément| Limited, dled on Thursday in 3 is done at a moderate hourly| can be expected to be progres-| Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- a {| manship and you'll look]i| ;, sive through out the entire|pital. The late Mr. Stone, who To Receive Awards smart in the classroom. However, even with free dental| school population. was in his 61st year, was born in i treatment now available, Hal- i Toronto. He spent his summers| young swimmers of varlous * ton's school children are as yet in Oakville for twenty-one years| jgrees - of proficiency will re long way from being dentally Painted Painter Case |bctore coming here fourteen) ceive wards tomorrow morning STARTS MONDAY FOR N i perfect, Dr are on "ge . |years ago to make his permanent ynen the summer 'swimming and For Pick-up & Delivery |i} «py far, the most common defect! Baffles Victim, Police |bome Im addition to being hend| iter "sataty program conducted 4 BIG DAYS! found in school children has been : 1. of the Dr. Chase Company, he|yc ipa Oakville and District Phone 1557 dental decay, and it soon became| His face, chest and shirt soak-| was director of the William Stone|yrineh of the Red Cross Society obvious the children were going|ed with iodine, Paul Martin, aged| ang Son National Fertilizer Co.|nt pan Wilson's beach, west of | u to the dentist only when some-|38, of Hamilton, was found lying| ngersoll. : ] Ine town, comes to a close. Under the 1 thing as drastic as an aching| beside the Lakeshore highvay.| Mr. Stone was a member of| guidince of Miss Joan Coppin, / i tooth, an abscess or a huge cav-| just west of the Fourth Line. the Toronto Board of Trade, Har-| mornto, swimming Instructress, ity showed up, or when they were| shortly after midnight ~Monday.| mony Masonic Lodge, Toronto, ang ner assistants, a number of urged to do so by school nurse|In reply fo an anonymous lele) st. Jude's Church, Oakville Clb youngsters who couldn't swim a vsicl - - ack- v 0) e is 8 5 fi 0 MN or physician, The (reatment BIC] Phone sal, Sergeac Me of ibe|iand Oskvilte Galf Club, He 1s n|wiroke at the beginning of the. J. ARTAUR RANK gram had become solely repara:| SOD 2 eo vived by his wife, the former|gougon have mastered the rudi-| QRGANIZATION I | Tepara:| vinclal Police went to the| Edna Sodley of Toronto; two ITs. ive rather than _ preventative. han . ot Le ments of the art. Children from y spot, picked the man up and|sons, William and Edward, and aly gay camp attending the drove him to Oakville Trafalgar daughter, Barbara, all of Oak- have ranged between 60 Memorial Hospital. A check byl ville; a brother, F. H. Stone, Dr. Campbell MacArthur failed| Ingersoll; and two sisters, Mrs. |" D HAMILTON WRIGHT to reveal any injuries. The man,| Mary = Hdwards, Oakville, and| About non-swimmers have . who appeared quite normal,| yrs. Walter Nugent, Toronto. also been given Instruction in the could give no explanation of how| A private funeral service waslmorning, and some 30 children he came to be lying by the road- ducted t th residence on| 4 adEe fg Chartered Accountant Bee ne eine by fan sont omaniied | silo] coskuuns fon wi [momo enowintie of tswi fl ADULT C.N.R., Martin told police he had| x MM. Bell. Pall-bearers were| Ming have been coached In the igs ONTRIANMEN Wishes to announce that he has opened got off a bus at Oakville after| Gordon Pearcey, Walter Nugent| afternoon. VALERIE HOBSON DENNIS PRICE | a branch office at visiting a friend at Long Branch,|and C. M. McIntyre, Toronto,[ "We have been somewhat ham:| yoAN GREENWOOD ALEC GUINNESS LLA, ] and was walking towards Hamil) Arthur Stone, Ingersoll, D. Bur-| pered by cold water and ralny A MICHAEL BALCON PRODUCTION . He had llecti f , Hamilton, H. Mills, New| weather," Miss Coppl Id the nev| |] 2 LAKESHORE RD. E. - PORT CREDIT on [0 =, ms a ian 5 ave sown 1 se of i wnscn| Cetury Theatre 1 di 4981 kind. Members of the Provincial{and A. S. Auld, Oakville. Inter-| however, the course has been Y Telephone Pt. Credit Police took him to Hamilton. |ment was in St. Jude's cemetery.| quite successful. OAKVILLE y : = el |] » | ; | , | | Ig LOR | | : Make 8 BETTER Students % IR S That's Why Y Z c¢hool Ke-opens Joon . . dat $s y fTour 7 7 eaturing Back - To - School Food 7 ) Are Now Featuring Back - To - School Foods 7 y = - Phone Your Neighbourhood Grocer for FREE Delivery 7 | Bamber's Groceteria Carload Groceteria A. Tuck Grocery i PHONE 171 PHONE 1020 PHONE 736 7 (Bill Bamber) (R. E. Harris) (Art Tuck) 7 . ' v | Mor Frozen Food Service Wm. Gove Grocery Woalklett's Groceteria PHONES 1214-5 VBE PHONE 1570 (GEOF. BIDE & TED MORGAN) ana ih Walkiest) Delivery Arranged NAN Jas. R. Black Grocery Scade's Grocery Westside Food Market ' PHONE 614 PHONE 505 PHONE 61 be Pao Black) (Bill Scade) (Mickey Forbes) ppfe! AU t2e Your Own Necghborhood

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