Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 31 Aug 1950, p. 1

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>0 3 - @ : W 0 dkville [rafalg oral used ol. 3, No. 40 Entered, 2nd Class Mail, Ottawa Oakville, Ontario Thursday, August 31, 1950 20 Pages 5 cents a copy, $2.00 Per Year in Advance utumy rgeous nthe at the . The it has OARD MEMBERS COMMEND A THOUGHT FOR LABOUR DAY EMPLOYEES, 99-3, TOWN COUNCIL'S ZONING ae By a vote of 99-3, employees of ug BY-LAW, CONSIDER APPEALS I : Dark . the Oakville Wood Specialties ins Following the summer recess; southern boundary ~of the CDE Co. Li International Wood: workers' Union, Local 95, gave council will hold its first| section, comprising the north 2} naty Bcoting Monday night at 8 pm. |side of Robinson Street, extended the company until this morning -- tember 11th. Township coun-|to Allen Street, then north to (Thursday) to meet union do will meet on' Tuesday after| Church Street. mands or face a strike. The uno m-- fhe Labor Day holiday. The property of S. S. Russell was certified as the bargaining agent July 6th, Tim Cooper, pres: ident of the local told the Jour nal Wednesd morning Ask 20c Increase Union demands are for 20¢ per hour Increase on the total 'pay roll, Mr. Cooper sald, "This Is a packaged deal which will take care of off:shift bonus rates, love elling of rates for equal work, and reduction of the work week from 48 hours to 45 hours," ha ex: plained. He ated the company contended rates pald were tha highest in the industry, and in or der for the company to romain competitive the company would have to absorb the additional amount. "Tho company states this would amount to $75,000 per year, and that it not absorb such an amoun Mr. Coopar On Tuesday of this week, the|and Sons came under discussion Beeting of the Municipal Board|and will be probably exempted ® near any protests concerning| from the by-law, in order that ex- ie proposed zoning by-law, which| tension of a chapel may be made. v two readings, was| This must be done, however, on d in the council chamber. This| the existing property without WMccting provided any property| extension to the holding. who felt the new zoning| A reauest, received by mall, be detrimental to their in- that the south side of Robinson to appear and lodge rea- Street be made a part of the com- a for consideration by the| mercial section was refused. bard of changes. All appeals but Council stated a petition had been Bhe were granted. received requesting this not be Fir. Rotana ann! Mr, Lister) op) oon%, 2nd eoila seejiniofustifics; i Bi: Dovertment of Municipal Ar| tion for such action conducted the hearing and| A small section taking in Ingle- @mpiimented town council on| bart St. north of Spruce set up as cellent zoning by-law. Their|a B section, was made a B and E of a minor na-| section on recommendation of fhe, or | councillor' Cooke. It was also sug: 5 the size of dwellings in line| gested by the Municipal Board the N.H.A. requirements that D sections be permitted res- -- g Councillor James Cooke rec.|idences, as it was possible a bus- sald Bh mended two ammendments.|iness might be located in the Said In 1864 i 9 Explains Bonus + ehanged the bottom boundary | front of a house with the owner 64... . Should Be Our Way OF Life To-day He statod on Wednesday the Repel the A section perissig the living in the back. "The strongest bond of human sympathy, outside of the family relation, should lh a La a ss" ot wane Li 50 an BS be one uniting all working people, of all nations, and tongues, 'and kindreds. Nor Ph. conipany. Nad, bean paying a tmz» 0% 0 aclu. ho Re-assessment Said should this lead to a war upon property, or the owners of property. Property is the |ponus of 20 porcont of the profs 1 fruit of labor; property is desirable; is a positive good in the world. That some should [its each three months, to employ: ix months standing. amounted to botween ad Ge per hour. The com - x be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to indus- Possible, But Would try and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but reets. The change was also re- y ise let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his ested by Harold Stirling and Lees dnt] Prove Costly Venture | ol'Shaii 5 cafe'from violence when but" Abraham Lincoln Sin in Be pe cked onto the first line. On request of Judge Wilsie N. fant flat Meroase of Go per r. Tom Lawson, representing| Robinson, the appeal of Burling- hour," he union loader conclud isholm, requested alton and Oakville against the 'S - e 2 L H od A aE ION CRATER EDGE, PARTY Road Builders Profit Coa Sse portion of tax to be paid by eac «.Unlon memborship Is with itty: Rt MUNCHES OAKVILLE MENUS] BY Camere, Laboratory if weit cnt Ji A Wad £5 : ing. The meeting was in the na- 2 al ua i fo uke Wn wed 8 ed 4 B iL o era and the testing laboratory make y t Gil by an industry. ; ture of an arbitration meeting, to| Recent discovery that an en ned te buldozer and the| hosday. Mr. J. M. Wallace stat Wine rorster survey is to be|see I an amicable solution could] enormous crater in Northern) ty H k Re rollers. ossonti| 0d lo no. longer hud any. renpon: * Jef to council and Mr. Forster to be reached and forwarded to the| quebec was of meteoritic origin| UFGe FlOmMemMakKers Ta toot of the' modern. Canadian) bilities with regards to labor out a reclassification to| judge. If there was no further|pelq more than ordinary interest 2 3 'l and had not been In on nogotin in line with bulld-| appeal against the percentages or a local firm which played an To Preserve Peaches| ot en lie tions. Gordon Porduo wis out of estrictions now. part of titles| arrived at, the court would in alll important part in helpiwg--tier==r="" A ra, EO uray town. Rosa Bulluntyne had no : lang. T. S. H. Giles, represent.| likelihood adopt this last recim-| Roya) Ontario Museum expedition) "Our organization has been a TO Oakvilla| Statement to make Harold Roberts, had the| mendation, _deputy-reeve Ted| nat made the find 3 asked by the government to ap- i Mos al SE ee "0 . | Lauder explained. When plans were being made|peal to the housewives in the| "u ; [ORS : ee mosting, 0] or en LS ere be Pratt Doth fo can. all the peaches] gu mee, fe, suri rods oF in| Kennedy Named To ruck Crossin Road duced the amount to be paid bY of the Museum, in The Globe and| possible" Mrs. W. R. Walton, Ju picic and shovel a 0bile g 4 Oakville by $5576. Not so lucky jrir's amphibian Flying News English wpresident of the| yg40rg roadmaking tat Ee Dominion Executive e tal Work Killed was Trafalgar Township, whose| room, the weight of equipment, | Canadian socation of Con] ei FHL BE or is Bnd | atre eta orker Ri | | contribution was upped $6.952.| food 'and personnel was a vital|sumers told the Journal Monday.| jon procedures. Our mode ONMtruet | Tod Kennedy, the town's ener : However, this latter figure was 'a| consideration. Every camera,| "The British Columbia crop Is| P SR Joos! Bh patie recreation director, Wid ways are capable of Banding an last week named a director of the In Driving Rainstorm | sculls down of an aimost easal|iucpingbag, change of clohing| poor. OWINE to the stele 0roBs| gre of 7000 cars por day. an sum from the previous basis be- Aga " tans of 12 and so on was weighed. Pilot| from the Niagara fruit belt ean| .,ynaved with the 400 vehicles ation Asan, of do un. mot for Ita 1 Parks and Re Canada, The wo John Shroda, 62, was instantly fore the by-law. Bill Poag had patterned his route| not be shipped as usudl. An: 0 ed on Monday night When he Cause of the difficulty was that nig Nom Ungava to take ad:| peaches which can be processed | Per day of the dirt road erat do.) gi, ynnual* convintion at Mon | Sait by a pickup truck on| some townships had completed| vantage of fuelling bases, yet had|by the commercial companies will claged Mr. Tslpuras, who heads), oy) ; das Street North. Driver of| their re-assessment on the equal-| {o' include extra drums of gas-|be shipped to districts which the asphalt division at the B-Al"Xccompunylng Mr. Kennady to Of Company's Clarkson rofinery.| yy, rourday conference, which truck, Peter Kroon, with affized basis, while the protesting| line" to supplement the full tanks could not secure peaches this| "yo yi photography Is now enger Hardy Homer, both: of two municipalities had not. Coun- 3 : , atondet Ty he two P: taken on a Fort Chimo, on thefyear. This will mean a shortage| "prt gtep In laying out n new was attended by some 160 dale 1, were driving north at cil therefor threw in an * fac-| goksoak River at Ungava Bay. [around Oakville. Local house-| ay atin gatos from all parts of Cunada, pm. on their way to work|for to adjust for the different| Department of Transport au|wives will be Insuring themselves highway, the speaker stated. | ©" pn Shipley, membor of the second shift at Ferro (Continued on Page 7) thoritles, from whom permission|a supply of peaches for the Composite platures are studied] y= gupyiile Recreation Com 8 orities, 2} 3 3 " ®| even before survey partles go out.f ot (Canads) | Limited, be obtained for all flights| winter, and will also be helping | {i °C uivad Tands are pur into Arctic and sub-Arctic areas,|to save waste chased, pundreds of lub samples sufficlent food supplles| Mrs, Walton pointed out that| ur testbd before base and sur: HM + specified Parental Pilgrimage | iG: rainy and emersency| provontion of a glut on thn mark aco troatments are dochiod up . : he planned ii 5 "While The! prairie | sghuonevsl of jold, [periods of aouble fhe et was) algo necessary. fle | on. Purchase of land by the govt our ospl dl turation of the flight. Such sup-l some people may think that a glut| ho explained, amounts to about engaged in transporting fam- | i i ry lies, it was explained, would would force tony downs oh ilies to their eventual living | Pl®% would force prices down, thus, 0 ove o ond: w De a arahy of mately In Tanefiting: thom Hild fs mot the|L gcies, loc overy CATEE RE LAST EEK places, were once more in effect 2 0 ro DR Oakville. to boys! and (|cvont of weatherjorgmechan case. Growers merely refuse to ne toll Patients Admitted .. . 23 ! nt of modern me ding to police, it was raining heavily, and in a flash of htning both men in the truck realized something Was and pulled to the right| girls' camps in Northern Ont- hi vey 3 30 nesters pick the fruit when the price Develop Patlonta Discharged 20 stopped. Homer jumped out| ario, when mothers took to the olay) in' thejibarve drops, as it is not profitable tol thods has been a long and 6x i he| wheels of their cars to bring Extra food meant extra weight, pny the pleking labor. Any peach-| pongive business, but now we Surgleal Casas Be a2 n Shroda was seen on he = the surmeribronzed stal- until Ken W. MacTaggart sug eg canned In the home are al hi ; Medical Cases 11 ana Peter Kroon immedia-| 0o7E 58 SUBTLE witn |sested that the advice of ta] anne tial In ig time of|DAYe "ouds that are mrob&|. ion "Gages a fo th motile Col a I sarents of || Beerdmnre ormEmizaton of Oak-| emergency," she concluded enough to stand up under the in: ooo . Be Atbert. Eversied Tovestil| 'shiideen irsceived werd! that [ville be sought. 42 outriiters itor crensingly heavy traffic and] CC 0 Cierettetines k and Dr. Dixon, before| they'd better get up for the Ly plating tne ihe aE which are covered with a surface In Hospital Wednesday famil fit of the weak, | Himalayas, African es 5 ; iim 2 : se house the accident hap.| family or the Hira 8f HE WESC | South America's jmountains. the Fall Fair Round-up [that ts siddmroot even in the) Patients .oooieieiconns 19 y a ran," Mr. Talpuras concluded. | Newborn 4 Beardmore firm had the answers to the crater expedition's prob- em. The Oakville firm produced With September taking over 1 tomorrow, preparations will soon A re were no charges involved. RETURN FROM HOLIDAYS be starting for fall falrs In this diet lists prepared for them by § 2 i BThe victim was employed at| pw op and Mrs, leading medical authorities, and eid froze " Oukiills Je Tole Hear Dem Bells ! i le! found Vi 5 he V. . and. Mrs. : iy spofisored by the Optimist Club|-------- i \ foundry of J. A. Wotherspoon| oi1'*iave returned from their|in a few hours had worked out jo oo" Tproyige plenty of in: Son Ltd. holiday in Parry Sound. & complete meal progmm for the| Promises to Lie dsEPUILY fo Sl | entire trip, The result was al ionic' Wii Include clasnes xpect ecor nrolments slashing of weight to the point|for fruits, vegetables and flowers. pounds of extra cam-| Milton's fair Is scheduled for) With hundreds of town and(asks that Grade IX pupils as y and 30 township primary and secondury| semble In the auditorium Sept. § | ed, pronounced the man dead.| po Tdicuities. Tuesday the police stated SET P H 2 h where 100 own Prospects Dright ume mes sso: the plane, : E: when Harry Peppall of the| |! bol students making the most|at 0 am. with Grades X, XI, XII, the last short days of sume XII and speclal commercial stu vacation, principals and| dents following at 1040 sm. falr will have a william Fox, ntative of the On less than four teams intermediate B series against neal 0.BA. play-| Fort Erie here Wednesday night, Oakville tiiis| Chris Speyer's Orphans will tray-| Beardmore company heard of the of Agriculture, busy this| New staff members this term forged well Into the|el to the border town Saturday (Continued on Page 5) the Journal. "There to grost record| ut OTF. are Miss Irons Smart among Ontario's top| for the second game. Fort Er a new feature--classes| enrolments come next Tuosduy| of Collingwood, who will teach 1 towns. And, while coach-| squads have always provided a jE for commercial lots of apples| morning, September 5, when a Homs Feonomles, and Guy Onl of the clubs in question have|solid stumbling block for Oakville . . The fair will have an exc other school years gets under| bralth of Toronto, a specialist In i no opportunity to size up| contenders, and word from the Bronte Projects Still ally good Holstein cattle depart 7 English courses i th Mr. Fox stated that the| At OakvilleTrafulgar high| Public school principals also i son pective oppositiop, there is|penninsula indicates this feeling that this is the| will be no exception. Sp at least one provincial| lads are confident they will be ¥ e's i otential Ba a ie thaluiht To faere | Matting for thal Cons bee major potential} Fy nyiritiva value, production take over his on the Wallace park flag-| verdict, however. projects, Incorporation and al .ng marketing of apples at the| January 1, acting Bud Corbett's Snow Construc-| water system,' are still in the] Milton fair, and also at the| Stirtan noted th She vosuy imptoved Oaks | tion juveniles, thelr scheduled) fact finding stage, it was report-| Cooksville and Waterdown fairs. istrations | are up over last] school, permitting ¥. W. Brown Bh from thelr sweep of the first round opener against TROM-| oq last night by Alfred Jennings, Cooksville Far, which will be| year. He was a unnble to ew | to davops ull his time to direct Fergus series, will probably meet|old rained out ay night, te Commission, "It a| held the same days as the tmats by how much last aut fon of Brantwood school, Miss Ya Toronto club in the first round| will trek to Thorold Thur, off Jue Bronte, Comiss a sday Ontimist. Fair, Sept, 15 and 14,| umn's opening enrolment of A06( May Dennls continues as pring the intermediate A playdowns.| night and play back here next| newly appointed | sxpect bumper turnouts on Tues: it i but wore reluctant to esti In Planning Stage| department of agriculture ts] school. wh sponsoring an educational display| principal D new s untll| mate possible enrolments, M, W. principal ©. W.| Holmes will commences his new Grade 1X reg | dutles as principal of Central | expected the survey will require will have extens! fruft and veg: would be surpassed, but exps pal of Westwood school, is expected this Initial oppon-| Tuesday night. Oakville Motors| about two more weeks to com-fetable sections Dates of other] 8d the jump in the school's stu At Bronte public school, prin an be named this wl an scrappy crew, lOWn representa| plete before estimates can bel fall fairs In district are asf ont Samiation og he > oy cipal 1. A. Hopking will welcoms le Baseball assn. officials| tives Ii he LA. a e | Ws eto 2 3; stantial one. Intervie > a v unce kandi ee SR hn Hs (prouglie dow, | while tne Inger Ey in Be George Stirtan may be arsanged by st thres new staff members, Mrs, Friday night here, fans willl winner of the Chippewa Thorold town, September dents and parents today, Friday|Jessle Tabor of Barrly, Mra, Es Ins end teach. ae and should et lato action further discussion later this | ville, September and Saturday from 9 am. up fof John Cook of Hamilton and Miss owing the opening of their! next week. week," he told the Journal down, September 2 12 nooh, The acting principal] Ethel McCullough of Trafalgar. poration committee will meet for

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