Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 31 Aug 1950, p. 2

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Thursday, August 31. OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL 3 ine mn the moval oil TRAFALGAR ' ; ng two vears In the naval col: o { lege, he will attend R.M.C. for Garden S Moon Goes Down Quick| | two years, completing his course Mr. and Mrs. John A. Russell ! : | ui PEOPLE and EVENTS with one year at U of T in| Tor-|and son Wallace, of Port Credit,| Lovely but shortlived are the | they only last a day and , | | iN : 5 awa h 5 *| blooms of the moonflower, a rare| then they wither and die 1 | onto, when he will be awarded an [were guests on Sunday at the 7 a 0 I i 3 engi i 0 5 ticultural specimen in 5 he i | Mrs. Thomas Bmack, Toronto, Helen Slater recen re- engineering degree. home of their cousins, Mr. and a as Blakelook has one| from Herbert Merry, who § arrived on Tuesda a visit| turned from a v to 'her son in Mrs. Howard Cullingham. i i \ i Edward! Barringham was the AE growing in the back garden offed the 'seeds in Boston with her daughter and son-n-law| Va e 0 ; ! > ; 104) | ee see | featured Personality of the month | Misses Daisy and Ida Picker-| lis home on Church Swect| years em i . Sanderson has returned| in Canadian Plastics. ~The full-|ing visited on Sunday at the| Since he planted ft oy € Foti G&L TH FOC | Mrs. Frank Tyers entertained |from a holiday in Wiarton, Tob-|Page biography, with pictures, [home of their cousins, Mr. and and 2 oy ah Benes a ) : ing il at tea on Thursday ermory and Kineardine, traces his career from his start as| Mrs. T. C. Pickering, Indian Val-| from a Huy SPIOUE CF i oe meme } P Parr arers a bookkeeper with the BE. G. Law [ley Trail, Port Credit. about ro eet; fan Sy Mr. Merry got two small fh Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bull and and Mrs. Clarence H. By. Construction -Company Ltd, Tor- BATE Ee ne one. of "whieh from this man, which he tr, ; i il Elizabeth and Geraldine arrived| ers are home from a visit to their| onto, through the 'various chang-| Mr, and Mrs. Earl Albertson,| (B80 B= 0 ™ FL hey [ to Oakville, The other is sry, ith f i home on Friday from a motor trip| son John in Winnipeg. es which resulted in the Barrin-| accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. 0% S00 SCE Lai UR (he garden of Robert oi (HERE lg to Winnipeg and other points in seve ham Rubber and Plastic Ltd. of| Donald Albertson and daughter| pI e 5 ert Hop | ff the west. and Mrs, Eyre Davis and which he is president. of Mimico, motored to Fort Erie, | fit TNE sane family have returned from their La a _ |on Sunday to the home of Mr. ol Nancy Cavanagh celebrated her| summer eottage on Georglan Bay.| Alex Guild is recovering satis-|and Mrs. Harry Lewis, parents 5 By BBA © on Sturdey.. win a eh. factorily following an operation | of Mrs. Albertson, Jr. THE JOAN WHITING | | theatre party. Margaret James celebrated her| in Memorial! hospital. He fs ex: silver I it * * birthday Thursday with a party pecte ome as weekend. Mrs. Ernest. Hopper entertain [Lt Janet Hendershot celebrated | for her young friends. © |ed on saturday afternoon and ARE her birthday with a hill-billy corn Kenny Tucker and his band| evening at a trousseau tea in i i | | a roast Ponti. Bonnell celebrated her| Will provide music for dancing at| honor of her daughter, Mi will commence on i sis en eighth birthday on Mon the Oakville: Club Saturday eve-| Carol Hopper. The tea ta TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th In Five town and district veterans eos ning. with cloth of cut-work, was ce AT a) 7 iti d with lorful ~~ arrange- £ hi lili were among the competition Miss' Winuifred Price has: been tered w a colo nge: EE judging committee for last Satur ccented for missionary work m BRONTE ment of pink and white summer BRONTE COMMUNITY HALL HH day's Warriors' Day parade at flowers. : | | i oe ay ar exhibj| Japan, having' appeared before! Mi and Mrs. Harry Hartlen| Pouring were Mrs. Robt. An- Registration will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 5th il i ; hai the board of the Far Bastern| spent the weekend with relati the hall at 7.30 p.m | ikl ion. Committee chairman was Lt. : i D With relatives| derson, Mrs. B. Readhead, Mrs. -30 p.m. 3 lis ) Gospel Crusade at their conven-|in Barker, New York 4 . hend, wy Col. B. K. Snider, whilé commit- 1 ¥ LA % G. H. King, Mrs. L. Cherrington, | Hat : dq 0 tion at, Winona Lake, Indiana. Ss sisisis = i i { tee mémbers included Major J. M a i Mrs. .Warden King and Mrs. Per- Tg {hil R. Black, M.BE, Major George T. an Irs. Wm. Hill Jr,|cy King. Assisting were Mrs, W. | Doty, Capt. R. C. A. Cumberland, i i a Loe I peng a pleasant weekend in New|. Dent, Mrs. B. Bewy, «Miss {AL , a ve., wi e Yor] Hi Mi S {Hat ! all of Oakville, and Capt. J. D. A 3 Donna Hopper, Miss Summer Hi a thelr trlends' "on Labour Day, Cees xine, wees Norma ana une|§ - | Je€rhaven Kennels Regd. | + on eptem = 5 ring © oarier:| Sunday visitors at the home off Fish, Miss Peggy Gray, Miss B16 All district schools resume op-| 20% S16 SHTHE OF the gccasion| Mrs. R. McFarland included Mr.|June Kent, Miss Sybil Calverle i erations next Tuesday. of their 25th wedding anniversary| ang Mrs. C. E. Ferguson, De-|Miss Marie Patterson and Mi | al CRC ti sss troit, ; or Mr. and Mrs. 'R. H. Fergu-| Mary Sullivan. : Mrs. Joo) Lavrones WAS returis Toms on 2% a oe ad son, Stevensville, Ont, Mr. and sare Upper Middle Road Telephone 457.) ed from a holiday at Balm Beach,| 427 might at the Oakville cb yrs. H. Hahnau, and Mr. A. D.[ Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Feath- (B. K. SNIDER) to the music of Kenny Tucker ] < Hahnau of Hamilton. erstone were host and hostess on and his band. Dancing starts at AE ay, Che host andl hostess °*|% CLIPPING - WASHING - WORMING - DEFLEAING I Mr. and Mrs. Reg Blakelock| nine o'clock sharp, and refresh- : Sava at in soca] evening of | | ahd family have returned from a| ments will be served at midnight. |, Mt; Truman Altcheson whojthe Postville Farm Forum. The|¢ Summer Reservations for Boarding Being Received "| ! vacation at Wasaga Beach 2 "| bas been a patient in St. Joseph's| guests of the evening were Miss NOW--Accommodations For Cats | i seven Mr. and Mrs. 1aovd loss ana| HOSPltal Hamilton, for the past| Carol Hopper and Mr. Colin An- be | |i 7 Mr. Mrs. vg Low two months is at her hon ain d ot k i Kemey Herbert fs celebrating] utr. ana. Mrs, Porcy Wardle are| any goo ior "O° SE L000, VRS, SATRge I if his 12th birthday today with a| enjoying a holiday at Lake Cou- zr ; re Sint Tr 2k Hei i a ile wate Mrs. Bernard Tate and family,| was spent in playing court | {Rt} ; : rol Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd| whist. On behalf of the members LAST DAY! [i 5 Pe ny Sere = 2 3 Mr Ralph aly Foster, Barrie, Mr. Redge Hales|of the Forum, the guests of hon- TE 1 g y and are are leaving this weekend for a|and daughter Carol Ann, and|or, were presented with a mag S CO 0 BREESE A and Mrs. Bide | irip to) the US. Miss Donna Hales, Detroit, were|azine table. Mr. Elton McLean KIND HEARTS and R NETS JH a ew LEE | an visitors at the home of Mr.[and the host making the presen- WITH ALEC GUINESS Hie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warring-| and Mrs. T. Aitcheson. tation. Mr. Anderson thanked the iL Mrs. Gordon Watts and Mrs. |ton have returned from vacation. ex xs members for the lovely gift and F b Fn McNaughton are staying at Vie cege 5] 7" Jovely os | I : Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilliam and|best wishes to Miss Hopper and ri. - t m a | - toxiaBarbor, bil Mr. and Mrs. Lou Meyers and| family, Welland, spent the week-|himself. The ladies later served at. epte er 1 2 i family are enjoying a holiday at| eng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | refreshments. bt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs spent| Jackson's Point. v. Gilliam. cess f the weekend with his parents Mr. aisle ins saa. Mr. H. W. Albertson, Dundas i and Mrs. R. W. Hobbs following| Qualifying as one of 100 candi- | a motor trip vacation. dates selected each year from all 250 of Canada, Bill Hall, Watson | Due to the holiday, the regulan| Avenue, will enter Royal Roads | monthly directors meeting of the| College, Victoria, this fall. At Oakville Optimist Club has heen|PTéSeRt Working near Ottawa, he will be home for the weekend, vidit postponed from September 4 to| and will leave the first of ihe| Veekend at the home of her son, after visiting at Wednesday, September 6, : : . Mr. Wm. Hill Jr. Mrs. Jackson's sister, | d 5 week for the west coast. Follow- heady Sy | Richmond Clemence, Toronto, iG is visiting "at the home of his | | A, | =z parents, Mr. and Mrs. John He Clemence. Thurs Fri- Sat. Aug. 31 Sept. 1-2 ig : Hy East, spent a few days at the home of his son, Usher Albert son, Erin. Mrs, G. Toronto, the home Carpenter. Madden and children, spent the weekend at of Mr. and Mrs. C. sane css Mrs. - Wm. Hill, Sr. spent the Mr. and Mrs. aw, Mich, have Jackson, Sagin- returned home the home of Mrg. A. Fa Following the re-opening ser- vice of Munn's Church on Sun- day, Sept. 17th, the Women's Association are holding a turkey dinner, on Sept. 19th. Particu- Jars will be announced later. star sev Miss June Hooper, Hamilton, who has spent the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Les Burtt, i i has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. EA. Fish, Ken- | ses neth and Miss Vivean Fish visit- il Mrs, E4 Coombe andl cRliTenl al on Soe os hz Tene 0 \ a spent the weekend at the home|Mrs. Fish's sister, Mrs. Raymond h Hi , Mr. and Mrs. C.| McMaster and Mr. McMaster. if lle. Tees rowley Rev. W. B. Caswell will sup- An enjoyable stag party was|Dply the pulpit at Sheridan Church ie held last Saturday night at the|on Sunday, Sept. 2nd. 7 home of Mr. Norman Gilbert for ssaies | { Fadler Is A Backelor, Mr. Allan Belyea who is being| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Magee of ; i A comnia nce married in September, The men| Windsor, have been staying at i ti of Walton Memorial Church were the home of their cousins, Mr. ! il Latest World News joint hosts for the affair. During|and Mrs. Roy Fish. While here, i Zie evening, Allan was presented| they also visited friends and | 1 - - with a beautiful chair and lamp.| other relatives in the district and i Mon. Tues W ed. Sept. 4.5-6 An hilarious mock-wedding and! in Oakville. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT i i SPECIAL MATINEE MONDAY AT 2 P.M! plenty of refreshments served by frre i You have read about the future world in the papers. || !h¢ men were greatly enjoyed. On the occasion of her forth- Monday-Tuesday September 4. 5 i NOW! We bring i in thi I ' comin; arriage, Mi Carol » g it before your eyes in this outstand Charles Wo eorvon. TN. Baal Lely iss aT BATTS SWASHBUCKLING PIRATE STORY HAS EVERYTHING Jit ing double feature. qeuanes Lawrence, | Dill Bud: Hopper was presented on Thurs: day night with a silver carving set by her office associates of the Oakville Wood Specialties Co. I have returned from a motor trip to the west coast during which they drove 6,300 miles, i = Jogrunes "LOUIS HAY hi MEDINA MACREADY® PLAN TO ATTEND BIG HOLIDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW Wed. - Thurs. Depa 4 6-7 four men and a girl as they soar "info the unknown on' the greatest I 2 fi : "adventure in the history of mankind JHE MOSTIAMALING STORY (VER TIUAID)* wo "__ "ROCKETSHIP MY MOM SENT MY CLOTHES TO RIVIER' 5 LOR ANE Frodiedty R ROBERT 10RD - Directed by HEHOLAS fy COMING SOON! CANADA'S CRAZIEST comic | "Those Careful Cleaners" JACK CARSON : Forsythe-at-the-Lake i GOOD HUMOR MAN | AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT

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