Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Sep 1950, p. 2

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, September 7, The Ab. Wilcox family held a neighborhood outdoor corn roast on Sunday, ve The D. M. Dewars have return- ed from vacation. ces es Miss Jean Skelding entertained 2 small group of friends at her home Wednesday evening cess last Mr. Alex Guild is up and around again following his recent operation. cesses Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr. and M Bud Corbett en- joyed a vacation trip to Detroit over the holiday weekend. { % * 0° Mr. and Mrs. Butterworth and danghter Judy visited Buffalo over the weeken ress Mr. J. B. Moat, who under went a serious operation at St. Joseph's hospital, is convalescing at his home here. Fr Mr. Don Brown has just re turned from a vacation at Brit- tania, senses Mr. and Mrs. Tom Giles and son Bruce, with Ted Willis, spefit the weekend in Northern Ontar- fo. The John Botterells and Dr. and Mrs. Fred Sparling spent the weekend at the latter's cottage at Algonquin Fork. FE Miss Jean Hunt left for Malton on Monday to take a teaching position. ese Mr. Jock Carpenter visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lindsay at their, PEOPLE and EVENTS | Carle Davis and family spent the weekend at their cottage on Whitefish Lake, near Parry Sound. PP Mr. and Mrs. Much more uncommon here- abouts than the moonflower, des- cribed in last week's Journal, is the Mexican tigridia, according to Mr. Legatt, Sr. A bulbous plant, the tigridia has been rais- ed with most satisfactory results by this enthusiastic gardener, | gq who has blooms from midsummer to frost. The tigridia, however, is at full blooming perfection only from sunrise to sun: cess Mrs. James Roberts and her daughters, Wendola and Bianca, and son, Alfie, returned Monday afternoon by air from Holland, where they spent the summer with Mrs. Rob parents. PE Gordon Watts has return- Victoria Harbor and is Mrs. ed from spending a few and Mrs. Ryland New. EE The Cameron Hillmers arrived home Tuesday night from their cottage at Algonquin Park. BRONTE and Bill Ger- spent the sum- Ontario have Duane Godfrey man, who have mer in Northern returned home. BEE Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bayly have returned from vacation in North- ern Ontario. > Miss Noel McKim, nurse-in- training at the Toronto Western Hospital, has returned there af- ter enjoying a three-week holiday at her home. . cs ew of Walton Memorial e W.A cottage in Northern Ontario. their regular Th Church will hold LAST DAY HUMPHREY "IN A LONELY PLACE" BOGART IN Fri. Sat. COLMBIA PICTURES press, 0 Jack Calson S90 D000 0000000 00000 080d" STARTS MONDAY FOR 2 DAYS NDE WANDA BURL AFLAME WITH THE DANGERS OF THE pl Eby RULED, Tt MURPHY - HENDRIX - IVES - JAGGER' DEA und Screenplay by EDNA ANHALT - Directed by ALFRED E. GREEN - Produced by MICHEL KRAIKE' Based on a Novel by Stuart Hardy « A UNIVERSAL. INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Wed. Thurs. «2 rough, tough guy who couldn't | hurt a fly-- 'cause his heart was % BA made of 14k gold! ; Story of (LIU) L vith CESAR ROMERO» KEENAN WYNN = JOAN DAVIS id X Directed by ALEXANDER HALL - Produced by FRED. KOHLMAR ¥ SRG Witten by Karl Tunberg, Darrell Ware and John Lee Mahin < Sept. 13-14 .OVE THAT BRUTE" days with Mr. 1 monthly meeting Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 2 pm. at the home of H. Bumby, The 'devotional will be in charge of Mrs. Pickard and Ri County Commentary NOISE ANNOY: The march of 1 science y walk Mrs. Powers. ef) Mrs. J. P. Joyce, Mrs. McNally, Program, Mrs. Livingston, and Mrs, Coombes. Please note the change of date. caren Don't forget the Community Club euchre to be held Monday, Sept. 11 at 8.15 in the Community Hall. sess Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason and son Jimmy have moved into their newly built home on Belyea Mrs. H. D. June Scarrow Scarrow and Miss were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarman, Toronto. ssw Miss Joyce English wishes to thank all her friends and neigh- bours for their acts of kindness during her recent illness. cess Horticultural So- cfety will hold its next meeting in the Anglican Parish Hall, Sept. at 8 pm. "Garden Lilies in Color," will be the subject, and Rev. E. Rigby, Hamilton, Presi- dent of the Ontario Horticultural Society will be the speaker. There will be the regular flower show, question box, and door prizes. Everybody welcome. The Bronte We are glad to know that Mr. Harry Ostrousser, who was a tient in the Welland Hospital, 1s much better, and has returned home. sss en Mrs' Wm. Landry left Sunday for a two week vacation with friends and relatives in Nova Scotia. essen Mrs. Clff Reid and children have returned from a holiday at Orr Lake. cesses Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wright on the birth of their daughter at the Oakville Memorial Hospital on Saturday, September 2. (Susan Frances). . Mrs. Charles Lawlor and daughters, who spent the sum- mer in Pictou, N.S, had their re- turn delayed by the railroad strike and did not arrive here until Saturday night. sees Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hopkins and children have returned 'home after a 2 week vacation in Peter- borough and Chatsworth. seee Mrs. Cecil Kyle who has been spending a holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Williams has returned to her home in Port Dover. secs Miss Dawna Scarrow spent the holiday weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Monas, Ham- ilton, TRAFALGAR Reeve W. H: Biggar attended the convention of the Mayors and Reeves of the Province of Ont- ario, which convened in Sudbury last week. sssse Berkley Albertson, who has been helping his uncle, Mr. Earl Albertson, on his farm during the holidays, has returned to his home in Toronto. His sister, Miss Beverley Albertson, has also re- turned home. ress We are sorry to learn of the ill- ness of Mrs. Emerson Ford, who is a patient in Milton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. ss H. King will be "At - Home" to their friends at Kingsholm, Dundas Highway, on Friday evening, Sept. 15th, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of their wed- ding. csece Miss Mary Swift, Guelph, has been the guest for two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fish. sexe The sudden passing on Satur- day of Mrs. S. G. Powley of Oak- ville, was heard with regret by her friends in this district where to in Burlington, with Craig directing last week Mayor Norman the slowdown of traffic. Mayor Craig bemoaned the increasing se of sound trucks for advertis- ing purposes on town streets, informed council he had ordered police to issue no permits except where local organizations made the applications. Councillor Has- well expressed the view that business men should also be priv- ileged to use this newly popular type of advertising promotion, drawing this retort from Council lor Cassidy: "Do our residents have to be blasted nightly?" Net result of a lengthy and heated controversy was a police com- mittee ban on sound trucks until such time. as council can draft new legislation covering their use. New Corn Grop Paraphrasing the famed novel, Milton business man T. Hutchi- son last week verbally related to the Canadian Champion the un- usual tale entitled, "How Green Was My Eavestrough." For in the tin trough in question, above MF. Hutchison's office window, is flourishing a dwarfed but sturdy stalk of corn. The irrigation sys- tem is excellent, although Mr. Hutchison doesn't expect to over- stuff himself on the crop he pulls. LIGHTNING _SINGES GLENN Glenn McCleary of Burlington, is probably still wondering how he missed sudden death last week when a bolt of lightning streaked through the kitchen door of the McCleary home, flashed down the kitchen drain and out through the sewer. Glenn was sitting be tween the door and sink, but Corners. During her residence here she was a member of Munn's Church and an active worker in Munn's W.A. and Trafalgar W.L, since disbanded. ary The members of Sheridan Church W.A. have announced the date of their annual bazaar for Oct. 18th. ar The Sheridan Nurseries were successful again this year in win- ning first prize in the class for Formal Gardens | fn the Horticul- tural Exhibit at the C.N.E. PE Following the Robinson-Hopper wedding and reception on Satur- day, the attendants and friends motored to the Royal York, Tor- onto, for the evening dance. «eo» R. A. Fleming entertained at afternoon tea on Thursday in honor of Mrs. Bertsch, who with her family is leaving shortly to reside in Aurora. sw Mr. Walter Evans, Sarnia, was a guest over the weekend and holiday at the home of his cousin, Mr. W. E. Dent. cs ren Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Feath- erstone have returned from a mo- tor trip through the Muskoka district. + oes Mrs. G. Gilliard friends in Hamilton sae is visiting Mrs. John Ross Rae and family, who motored from Sault Ste Marfe and have been visiting at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. Wilfrid Pickering, Mrs. Harvey Dunn and Mrs. S. Barnstaple and 'other relatives in Streetsyille and Port Credit, returned home last week. Over the week-end Mr. Rae made a flying business visit by train from the Soo to Ottawa and Toronto and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pickering. oo ox Miss Luena Conover, Toronto, visited for the week-end with the Biggar family. ses Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Levack visited last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Harold Big- gar. sss Mr. Ralph Fish, Miss Norma Fish, Miss Mary Swift and Mr. Sam Harrop were guests on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. she formerly lived at Munn's Willard Fish, Newmarket. OPEN TELEPHONE 1328 as porary deafness, escaped un- armed. During the same storm, a second bolt gouged out two deep holes in the McCleary gary den, close to the house, thus contradicting forcibly the theory that lightning never strikes twice in the same spot. New School North Halton high school dis- trict board will meet Stepember 11 to survey the central part of the district with a view to making a selection of sites that would be side from singed hair and tem- 195 suitable for the location or school. E Censored Mess pursday, Driving a shiny new = tible, a feminine driver slo down while passing throug) ton last week to call out to a pedestrian: "I don't |, what you're 'doing in this , | but it's a--mess!" Tho | man readily forgave the | He owns a gleaming ney too. But he refuses to ay, around town until the ney ers are finished. 3 ng Upper Middle Road (B. K. SNIDER) Deerhaven Kennels Regd | BOARDING | Telephone 457. CLIPPING - WASHING - WORMING - DEFLEAING | NOW---Accommodations For Cats Jarvis & Ryri J. F. CARTER, ASSOCIATE REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE -- MORTGAGES 118 COLBORNE ST. EAST Phone 490 -- Holidays 296-W OPEN EVENINGS y oh 1 Cl Cl. 1, L Bread, | BI xu LC BE Tea Bi Cookies Cake, 1 Assortet ( sin Pie; ] 15 Ib. C Miss Lightbourn's School | 102 REYNOLDS ST. NORTH Elementary and Nursery Day School For Girls and Small Boys Nursery School to Grade VIII Inclusive Autumn term commences September 11th. MISS RUTH LIGHTBOURN, Principal Telephone 427-W or 399 | Hens' A Larg I | | | | | | 1 | + Circulars On Request Miss Margaret L. James B. A. (Music) A.R.C.T. (Pupil of Alberto Guerrero) Teacher of Piano and Theory Autumn Term Commences Sept. 5, 1950 Beginners and Advanced Pupils Accepted CLL, W Greenin (5); CI Snow, Greenin Courtla Wealth; bushel; Cl. 20, | packed any var | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | 64 Howard Ave. Phone 899-J Thur-Fri-Sat. IDARKYS COMMAND } CL. 245 Cl. 27, . Sept. 7-8-0 Extra -- Latest News In Our News! Latest Events In Korea War From the Best-Seller rp wa, L.SEOTT DENNIS ORGAN LAST COMPLETE packed donated $25.00-- Beardm re 1 (a) 15 HUTTON - AERO of Hom jo Adal AYAN HALE - WILLIAM PENCE (RRR (1) canned (¢) Alu Potatoes CL 1-17 be CL 18-- Mon. TFoes- Wed Sept. 11-12-13 TWO GREAT WAR PICTURES | Oh 60D i 3 2 otte Cl 1.7. Ro, . CL.>8, 9, MY Bla E Large = Fastene . 1st--$§1 SHOW AT 8.25 AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT YOUR FRIENDLY THEATRE (d) 1 9 Deep : pies, Limited £10.00 4 to be si PHONE 568 E. |

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