Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Sep 1950, p. 4

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Page 4 Thursday. September 7, 19 Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ss. Casey Wood, Jr. Managing Editor Vincent H. Barrey Advertising Manager Puff Cotton of "Columnist while under control Frame of "Mind." i i i Westwood S Oakville- Trafalgar Journal Trafalgar Tales IT SEEMS TO ME Jc reiutons man is to pesto milk | Westucoe Se yl a a 'BY BESSIE CAIRNS By P. W. Thompson public at large will think that|} Sept. 10th., at 2.30 oy and the streets were in darkness ofr some time. The effect, though IN REVERSE ¢ Chief chore of the modern pub- ST. JUDE'S better mouse- For Complete hursday client fs building 3 Published Every Thursday Morning in Oakville, Ont, by By S. C. W. a Please Note Time i Oakville-Trafalgar Publishers, Ltd. -- mo 1 prope the tale| One night not long ago, follow- : of the "Tropical Fish Revenge"|ing a severe electrical storm, 7 DUNN STREET NORTH as perpetrated on me by PUff-| some of the street lights went out C Bill Cotton, Editorial Assistant De he of this) by no means different from what This fs t + endish revenge before you, may| might have been expected, was o | i ; ; an ks come | PHONE 1298 I take a moment to point out how| quite startling. Staring into the Automobile pe 1 this frame of mind immediately| unfamiliar blackness, one felt as Bcy call 18 Sorts ipo ite arrived Ea though suddenly transported to 0 Cart Ll H --such as Cotton is and Wood| some other location and some S * ] | Not Too High jsn't. I merely asked the Cotton other period. The change in at ervice 2 i i baler last week to cut his column| mosphere produced by the mere Oe fal A newly founded manufacturing business in- a mite shorter than his usual] gpsence of glowing blubs was al- DROP IN AT in fo ha - evitably faces a period during which losses will be Ta length, me Ene 5 most incredible. Instead of the cinged | in effect. It really doesn't matter what the business with a piece of indirect insult----|fmiltar pattern | of light and 0 ro Hi p dy " 2 and a darned sight too direct in|ghagows formed by trees and 3 RA fo pare Li is. You just can't start one and not have a period of some places--which labels me|ghrups there was a uniform dark: pre-heate fh i hey 2 ubs vas a rks vent | loss--the t; k is to have the amount of the loss as wordy, ete. It's like pushing a|pess, in which the masses of fo- WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION f A : | small as possible. button, the way you get the Te-||jage took on an appearance that Fume] y sult from someone exposed toy; Csterlons a ing. It 69 Colborne St. W. Telephone 1105 Viewed with this knowledge, the operation of NOS SOON 0 De ge. D 0 the frame of mind. But back tof was 'easy to imagine onself in the -- E | pital has suffered an operating deficit for five months fish increased in numbers some: | jjgnt unspoiled by artificial iflu- | of less than $5,000. It is generally well known that what like rabbits. Show a ten- iy = There is something MONDAY and THURSDAY 9.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, | { the move from the temporary hospital, and staff Simi Te Lh todo tranquilising, something infinitely SATURDAY 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon | problems during the first few months, resulted in an a TE a a, satisfying about a Ba At Other Times--By Appointment. Bit operating problem which made it impossible for full the Puffer offered its loan to get ny URE DLE | HIE occupancy to be achieved. Then, when the routines the project underway. rl of moonlight and star- [| Iq and staff problems were ironed away, it was summer With the tank In the house Weight is much more impressive | and people do not get sick as often in summertime drove to buy "Stock." That's the| fo; the absence of man-made | il as winter . . . but the hospital has to maintain itself mh =~ fish that stars it fingnis ils il i b se established in the| "Njght! What infinite depths of [il pital staff must be held together. Else increased costs describing a lengthy struggle noes one feels close to the primi- | will result every time additional patients flock with panes of glass that break, |tive origins of life, one feels through the doors. and cement which sticks to| somehow in harmony with the "Now you can buy meat ECON: worth its salt to a community should be looked up- 1 have a son, who like his fath-| jungle immeasurably remote on as a money making project. Certainly none of the er is an enthusiast about things.|from the thickly peopled modern Ll d E MacDou all D C people who donated their money to build our hospital NT a pettind mvleommunity/l (The! sensation was oY = gall; V.\., expected it to be run as a money-making project. The EE Ln SE novel and by no means unpleas- Chiropractor | best that was hoped for was that it could operate, hobby of Tropical fish was en- al ay Went 15. wondertl Pp ! when in full swing, on a break-even basis. thralling. ~~ Of course, the Dboy|gonvenience. Yet sometimes we 61A Colborne St. East., Oakville | took fire at the description of the | fea] that people who dwell in bons Russ!!! Brug C5) i h 2 glass, and cement that I still{jy)) my suspicions. However, | occupancy over the year--and at that figure the have under my nails. And each|nope the less, his "Columnist i break-even point is bettered and small black figures tank has to be put somewhere--|Frame of Mind has triumphed "You'll Be Dollars Ahead and Much Better Fed" a new hospital is not entirely different. No hospital After five months of operation, the same first months as are referred to at the start of this editorial for a manufacturing business, we find that the hos- on a basis where, if necessary, full occupancy could be handled. Also, once established and trained, a hos- This means that for the five month period the hospital suffered first from organizational pains, then from reduced occupancy. It was to be expected that summer months expenses would be the same, while revenue would be lower. But over a full year of operation, the lows of the summer would be com- curately determine how many patients would use the Memorial hospital from surrounding centres. It would seem most reasonable, judging by the past five months, to suppose that the Memorial hospital will have little difficulty in achieving eigthy percent of ly critical, the case of the manufacturing firm out- lined at the start of the editorial. The loss reported by 'the board would seem like peanuts to a firm with the same amount of invested capital after five months of operation. The hospital's loss to date is not large, and should not be multiplied by the remaining seven months in order to get a picture of the first year. It wouldn't be a true one. The facts would seem to in- dicate that any deficit for the first year, if there is one, will be of a size which will have us all full of satisfaction. To date, the hospital has done well. Tt will do better from month to month and year to year. my fish. hours of pleasure that would re- sult--the would be realized, because these hint of profits that tank, which had to be made wa- tertight, which is a quick way of everything except the metal side of the tanks, we were off. I say we, because at this point I found the "Columnist Frame of Mind" was at work successfully. It was an open debate whose fish they were--mine or my son's. Now fish have little sense of death at the jaws of all and sun- dry of the elders. So that means a tank for each breed. And each tank 'means the same inexorable struggle with breaking panes of with its crop, inhabitants. Each tank requires an electric light bulb above ft--so the elec- tric light bill went up. Each tank--at least ours--seems to spring' a leak about every other week, and the fish just go on and on having younger fish. Like the fleas on the back of other flea: So the Wood menage is now seriously threatened with an in- hundation of fish tanks--and cer- tainly the time consumed sitting in front of tanks speculating on the number there'll be this time, is a serious drain on what free or about fo crop midst of some strange forest or towns get a little too much of it. Those who live in the country have the privilege of seeing the mystery and magic the very word suggests. Surrounded by dark- elemental forces of the universe. To experience such undiluted darkness is next to impossible in the modern city or town, with its eternal glimmer of electricity. It might not be a bad idea if the lights were put out for an hour or so, every now and then. The that Puffer Cotton, hotfoot in his plot to ruin my free hours, was emeshed also--for. he even went to the lengths of securing a few fish for himself in order to enthusiasm I've been showing to date, will mean divorce. You see there's another pair of fish we need to complete our set- up, and I hear they have simply thousands of young. They don't cost much--by the way we've still to sell our first fish--and we've simply got to have them. My son doesn't seem, so keen, but 1 insist. See what 1 mean by revenge? I'm the busiest guy in Oakville, and all because the "Columnist Frame of Mind" drove Cotton to make me uncomfortable. At least 1 think that's the reason--which TELEPHONE 146 OFFICE HOURS OMICALLY the way a hotel does --whole quarter or half at a time. That way you get your own choice of cuts, too, something that's hard to get at the corner butcher's, for we will cut and package the meat for you befor you store it" i than a nickel a day! Annual Locker Rental $13 and $16 Royal Bank Bldg., Colborne St. Phone 1214 FAIR AND HORSE SHOW STREETSVILLE i could be recorded. in this case in the diningroom|_ he's even with the boss. He's | i : ) to start, until there were SiX|embrofled him in a project which, -M (0) : i Ih So let us all remember, before becoming excited- tanks in operations, each one|if I continue to follow it with the Bl OR FROZEN F ODS§ it pensated for by the highs of other months. the fitness of controlling the garkness of night should not be i or ; . size of a family. Those that have 5 2 th ; kl Citizens should, therefore, look on this loss without their young alive, have anywhere Solty ae row the A Bi-Mor Food Locker is |b fear. Tt could easily have been much larger. It could from five to fifty at a birthing-- better than any home freer | have stood at a figure which would have been im- and the egglayers simply outdo|ply, was pacifying my wife's er--there's no capital in Wik possible to whittle down to the break-even point in oma by levine oy 2 complaints - that fish were zt vestrient tol make, no. dan the remaining months of the year. The directors have OUSARg ERE i e main | her idea of the perfect guest, an ; been orking under dittioultios of a new building, a problem is that each breed of fish quietly wrging on the son and gsrilofi cucrent ifailire, And 3 1 urging, has to have its own breeding | heir. we insure your food against new staff and a new experience, for no one could ac- ground, else the young suffer| Truth compels me to admit spoilage! It all costs less For P cl HEP ROM f=) 3 Conmremesni : hours newspaper men seem to|it isn't at all, my wife says, and rame for have. swears if 1 don't stop Tll have Tuesday and Wednesday Start pai . While all this expansion was|the bug as badly as Bill . . . so anne F { If the radio singers don't finally get through with saying going on, our columnist friend, | next week Bess will be back with EP E BE Gifts. Ma | goodnight to that girl, there's going to be some suicides, we having helped with the first| you again. But at least you now 12 13 world-fam swear. In fact, we swear every time we hear it, which seems tank, was listening with pre-|know the dangers of being expos 1 tended sympathy to my descrip-|ed to Columnists, so don't say I Neptune , about all the time a radio is on. tions of the trials of tank assem- didn't warn you AFTERNOON and EVENING about . | { This is the season when we wish all the lads and lass- . i" Hugh fie | ies happy hunting for A grades during the coming year. Sept 19 Sept 13 rystal ir | . Hi We don't know if there's some special law which says you PUFFS FROM THE : Come an El can erect only so many 30 mph signs along a stretch of road. Hall Exhibits Open Ontario's Finest 1-Dyf ef Gift-w FI If there is, then possibly that's why Township council leaves rom why | ie the 8th Line, Linbrook and Morrison and MacDonald roads Eyening HORSE SHOW ew stoc | } with so few signs on them. More signs are needed, and an Streetsville Band Concert Over $1,000 in Prizeif@re expe ( active program by the township police chief to see that they If one is to believe the three-|after attending it's super-colossal 0 [Beptembe i { are obeyed. It worked on the Queen Elizabeth Way, when the color pamphlets released regu-| summer outing, I can readily un-|| Bi Grandstand Perfor- | | : g / | i police cracked down. A little clamping on drivers on these or oe By both sein) ad Si i oe bor 1 he mance De LaSalle EG i roads might be the means of saving lives. S abour, this is truly an enlighten- uld rather be picnickers i ; a , A e as, of waving Dyes, The: sebool seven ed age in which we live, We hear | than picketers. (Finest Talent in Prov.) 100-Piece Boys' Bar is here again. Those roads are travelled by many children four ie 0 2 men 5 Guy. Tie cost. of wlgns Is smalitel ' such terms as "personnel man- ne gets to the Hooker picnic Ch Colvilk . i t y. gns is small--let us see more o ager" and '"employer-employee | by driving some 16 miles out of 2s. Colville them. relations" bandied about with in-| the Falls to a spot on the Creek Ventriloguist Pony Show | - ; i Sas creasing regularity, and we con-|Rd. midway between Youngs { Tun Col ra to Siisiong Bets tly yn stanly ea of "negotiations" | town and Lochpor, where the The Pauls : § i s well for the last period of the #nd "arbitration." company maintains a well equip- ; Livesto Competiti year as it has during the first citizens should feel well But in spite of all and sundry|ped park for it's employees. From Comedians oh pleased with the operations of their elected officials. attempts to persuade me to ac-|a sandy swimming beach, the This year progress has been made in a number of ways cept the notion that the boss and|land slopes up past a ball field Matgaret Brunton Oid Time and there has been little to criticize in any way. Of his hired band ne donger try feland wu reereation Dall to 3 big Comedienne 4 i ars Toe shill loritioaiib ok surreptitiously kick each other's| grove of trees, under which one Fiddling Contest course, "weirs ist Jcritical Rbecauss ws jhavenitiifound financial teeth out, I remain suf-| finds enough tables, benches and Earl Kay those drinking fountains among the estimates . . . ficiently cynkal to cherish. the|open fireplaces to keep a hun- Cowboy Si but that's just a drop in the town operation, we sup- suspicion that the '"personnel|hundred outdoor cooks happy. y Singsy: Band Concert 1 pose. manager" is still just the guy| Just about -every lad on the Jake Setz , who hands out the jobs and that|payroll, it seemed, wag on hand 2 Seer By De LaSalle Boys A question for Fred L Ker, publisher of the Hamilton can still be freely translated as:| when I arrived in the early after- King of the Ivories | i Spectator: As luncheon speaker on press day at the C.N.E. he "you do, or else!" noon. 'And they'd all brought N 5 | pointed out our civilization was higher than ever before. But It was therefore refreshing, |their wives with them. To say Jack McLean + Sanction Dog Shov | \ i he warned other civilizations in the past had been high too, with embryo strikes facing us on| nothing of at least three kids per Master of Ceremonies | ontirehiea because or materalam\ Quoting at exammies ofl (oy Sls to spend onaiday of mylsieite, el of Sem wers as busy ¥ - - : r : P| late lamented vacation attending{as ants trying to win silver dol- materialism two Canadian unions, he warned that unionism an amazing function known, sim-|lars in varfed contests, or lining Mid ; { as forms of the same -materialism could destroy our civiliza- ply, as THE HOOKER PICNIC.|up for free rides on a midway [ way - Fun alore - ame} i tion. Our question is: What were the names and locals of the 1 write it in capitals because|that would have gladdened the ; E i unions that pulled down Babalyon, Egypt and Carthage? Could | that was how it hit me. The heart of Harold Orr at any Lions DINING TENT ON' GROUNDS ol cr {ih i ed event is an annual one staged by| carnival (I mean th | it have been the Egyptian Pyramid Builders Union, Ox-éart a Sly e midway, Come Early and Stay Late 4 3 e Hooker Electrochemical Co. e free rides, would bave ih Local? Seems to us we remember something about slave labor = (li | Foy mon En slid of Niagara Falls, N.Y. a firm|gladdened Harold's heart), A. S. MENDELL, MRS. T. H. SINCLA Spor i . 056 days, We el thei namestot the ont unicns to that hasn't had to worry about| Yessirree, mister, that was a|| President Sec.- Tre complete our records. . strikes for full many a year. And (Continued on Page 6) |

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