Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Sep 1950, p. 8

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Thursday, September 7, 195 TRIOS ID 7 AUT Ee Wm. WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKVILLE FOR SALE OR TRADE John Lorn Kilgour wishes to| CARNEL seed wheat, baled announce the opening Of his StU-| straw, both harvested before wet dio on voice production for the other. Phone 616J13, Oakville. Fall term, commencing Sept. 5, (pie) 1950. Voice and tone production a speclalty. Very| TABLE pears, Clapps Favor serious attention given to child: En he ren's voices. For audition phone| MME. Macbonale Ba a Port Credit 4495 evenings, or call at 12 Oakwood Ave. S, Port Credit Kindergarten Registration Some available accommodation may be found for pupils whose fifth birthday occurs in Septem ber and October. Parents are re- quested to register by September 19th, 9150 e MANGLE, or sugar beet cutter, $350. Also set of harrows, $7; two cattle stanchions, $1. each; whippletree, $2. May be seen at the new house being built on Gloucester Ave. opposite Galt. TASY spin dry washing ma chine, year old, cost $219.50, sacrifice; also white gas stove, 4 burner, large ice practically box, new, 291 Reynolds St. Phone 269M (75c39-41) H. Byers, Secretary BUSINESS SERVICES AHOGANY Cabinet, ALBERTA coal briquets, an|for record cabinet, etc. all-Canadian product, from Frank front and pull-out shelf, M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your| condition and excellent I Blue Coal Dealer. (35c1tf) | May be seen on verandah at 39 Once more we have that fine|Dunn Street 1949 FARGO panel truck. Tele- phone 1530W. (35cd1) RUST broadloom rug, 6x9, ex- cellent condition. Phone 15527. LARGE house Colman heater, used a few months, 1 Colman gasoline camp stove used once, 1 Moffat electric table model, way switch covered elements, perfect condition. Phone Milton 160-R4. (53p41) TULIP bulbs, Darwins, mixed colors, 35c doz. Phone 584W. HIGH school books: General Mathematics, * Cour Primaire Francais, General Science, Can- adian Geography, Britain's Story, Living English, Classical Stories, Oliver Twist, Elements of Physics, Shakespeare's Class- ics. Phone 584W. (50p41) DELUXE Iron Fireman, auto- matic coal burner complete. Used two seasons only. Perfect con- dition. Phone 11837. (25p41) International Business LOST AND FOUND LOST--Girl's Ted 'cardigan near or at Gregory Theatre. Phone 225M or 60 Second Street. (35c41) $50 REWARD LOST: 'DOGS--for information leading to whereabouts of 2 male retrievers, 1 black, 1 brown, lost or strayed Sunday morning, Aug- ust 27, from Lake Shore Rd. E. Phone Oakville 82. (57c41) FOR RENT LIGHT housekeeping room suitable for 2 girls. Phone 1316W after 5. (25p41) UNFURNISHED rooms. Apt. or small house. 2 adults. 900W af- ter 4 p.m. (26p41) FURNISHED room, central location, Phone 1099M (3541) BRIGHT bedroom, suit gentle- m: Phone (25p41) ROOM and board for a girl, centrally located. Phone 956R. Visible weight Pennsylvania oil. Bring your own SEED wheat, on's Golden| retail store scale. gal. container and we fill it for| Chaffe commerc al No. 1. W. H.|indicator, with self computing only 80c_ Grade 40 only. Hed-| Biggar, Oakville, phone 430J4., | prices. Adjustable, glass scale leigh Home Ltd, Dundas St. N. (50c40-41) | top, phone 379. (25p41) WING chair, excellent condit- ion, only needs recovering, $85. or best offer. Apply 28 Howard Avenue. (25p41-42) JACKET heater, large size. Phone 1258M. (25p41) That's Right! The Pig & Whistle Inn Bronte-By-The-Lake A Smart Place To DINE and DANCE Telephone Bronte 91 For Table Reservations This is strictly a family Bouse and an old-timer around here. There are four bedrooms, all large, and one bathroom. The cellar isn't up to anything except heating the house perfectly with an oilfired, air-conditioned and automatic humidified unit; bul there's an attic on the third floor that's one big room with a good floor--so the children play there. ingroom with fireplace that real: ly draws and throws heat, and a large bright diningroom. You can have the most elaborte kitchen: ette furniture in the kitchen, along with the usual Kitchen works; and there are two rooms off it at the back. We use one as a pantry, the other as a "music room" fdr children's practicing and for the sewing machine. Then there's a screehed verandah, and the lot is 150° deep and/ over 175 in frontage with trees galore. It's in the township so taxes are away down there, as opposed to town; and Linbrook schooling. Two blocks to the town bus, 15 minutes to the post office walk: ing. Only reason for selling Is we've got to get on one floor be- cause of health reasons. The lo- cal" agents' have our house listed, so contact your favorite broker. There's a good sized hall, a liv-| ROOM with board, suitable for two friends. Apply Mrs. E. But- ler, 3 Kent Gardens. (36cdl) ROOM at 133 Kerr St. N. (cdl) CENTRALLY located apart- ment, living room, bedroom, kit- chen and three-piece bathroom. Available October 1. Phone 115TW or [apply Box 419, Journal. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE Merchants and Citizens of Oakville and District Local The employees of the Oakville Wood Specialities have gone on strike--because: . The Company refuses to pay a wage that will meet the cost of living requirements of to-day 2. They demand their employ- ees work at least 5 hrs. more than other plants in this dis- trict. The employees ask only for a living wage with hours in com- parison with their fellow-employ- ees in other plants. This Strike Needs Your Support If you are in a position where you can help financially or other- wise, your help will be deeply appreciated. Phone 844W or call at Strike Headquarters, Dundas St. N. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Local 95, I.W.A. HELP WANTED--MEN HELP WANTED --W OM Excellent opportunity for jun:| Huirdresser, $40 a week, ( for ene age not over 20, with| Ball, Port Credit. Phone ys; | ator Matriculation standing o| --OLERK with Juror Many its equivalent. Permanent Dosit:| tion standing or its equiv} jon with a future. Apply BOX 418) 550 preferably around 2 py the Journal. (3506) | manent position with goo | WANTED- WANTED portunity for advanceme. (1 ply Box 417 the Journal (i COMMUTERS to Toronto, 6 days a week, leaving Oakville FINE LINE at 8. Toronto at 5.30. State ad-| Character, they say, is dress and phone number. Apply|Yyou are. And reputation is y), 29 Dunn St. S. (37p41) you get caught at. For The Teen-Age Miss We have a complete stock of latest styles materials and colours in clothes yowll need for the coming season-- POSITIVELY THE LOWEST PRICES 7 BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOP 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 See Us AT THE OPTIMIST'S FALL FAR SEPTEMBER 15-16 Win A Lucky Prize Wm_ Whitaker and Sons Telephone 141 Station Road A REAL BARGAIN FEMALE HELP WANTED One Secretary, one Junior Typist, one Senior Typist. For appointment, phone Mr. Jekel, Oakville 860. AND INTERNATIONAL A SALES € SERVICE CHURCH ST. W. at'NAVY VANGUARD CARS At the OPTIMIST FALL FAIR Sept. Maxwell-Brown Motors € OA ST Le TRUCKS 15-16 PHONE 6 15 acres, 3 miles from Milton, ever running stream, solid brick cot- tage bungalow, new fur- nace, 5 rooms, good base- ment, $5,500 cash. L. H. CORNWALL Realtor Phone 930W Oakville SPIRITED MEETING Red were the jowls of the ed- itor of the Alyinston, Ont. Free Press, after that paper offered its readers the information that, dur- ing a Chamber of Commerce meeting, "several very good pints were brought out." ENGAGED GIRLS This lovely basket of gifts is awaiting you, if you are a Newcomer to the city, have Just become engaged, are a New Mother, have just moved to a new address within the city, or just become Swee! Sixteen. This basket of gifts comes to you as an expres. sion of goodwill from publ! spirited local merchants. There's nothing to buy. No obligation. Phone your Wel- come Wagon Hostess below and arrange to receive these gltts. Welcome Wagon 5 pc. CHROME and PLASTIC DINETTE SPARKLING AND DURABLE, this graceful suit consists of four straight leg chairs, upholstered in any 2 5 colour, plastic leatherette, and very newest Duncan Fyfe Chrome base table with lifetime plastic top and extension leaf. SALE PRICE DOMINION FURNITURE STORES PHONE 957 = OAKVILLE NEW YORK * MEMPHIS + LOS ANGELES. TORONTO PHONE 807 3 COMPLETE FLOORS OF FURNITURE COL : Get mammot the seco officially governor opening Bus; to arang ment va include band €0 Polish f 1 At th old fall have bh cultural thing fr kins di to the in Halt a full a cial and of whic popular Walt A chestra pops to to pleas and als and als barber mission. Premi appeara teous ai Oh, yes travelle for frol so sing and Op Warring preview high or headline Chuck being a to Poli; the dire ska hay | ditorium year's ing wit Solovsk: The t whose mented for its | will ope the gro ballyhoo jaunt. © sales fo: 30 attra local my ( In the raip wa either lost da Monday. tural se Friday : » No John of Oaky growing will add pressive will be upper a how he Dlied "F of the f serious Hospital previous ust two Tnarkable ness of ge, Mr. lug an e already alks u

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