Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 14 Sep 1950, p. 2

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL ances and other activities will Thursday, Sept 14, 195) der the leadership of Mr. Loe PEOPLE and EVENTS | Westwood Friendly Circle will hold their opening meeting Wed- nesday evening, September 20 at 8 o'clock at Westwood School. Election of officers for the coming year will take place. Everyone is welcome to attend Mrs. F. Turner, Secretary seve Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beckley are spending a week in Victoria Harbour. cesses Mrs. Katie Rankin is spending a week with friends in King, Ont. sves Rev. David Gallagher friends in town this week. seen visited Miss Nancy Chisholm and Miss Barbara Campbell spent the week end in Victoria Harbour. . on Mr. James L. Cooke leaves at the end of this month.on a busin- ess trip to England, France and Italy. cess Chief John B. Derry will attend the annual convention of Can- adian police chiefs, to be held in Saskatoon from Sept. 19 to 26. sree "Japan, our study for the com- ing year," was the theme at the first fall méeting of St. John's Evening W.M.S., held in the church Monday evening. Mrs. Ray Collett led the worship service, and Mrs. N. McLeod, the presi. dent, opened the meeting an presided. Following the regular session the members enjoyed two colored films on India shown by Dr. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MacTag- gart and family are on holiday on Georglan Shore, Victoria Harbour. cscs e Acceding to the request of Ma- jor Art Kemp, of the local reser- e army unit, council Monday night decided to appoint a civil defence committee at its next meeting. seve Mr. and Mrs. Marvyn Veale, formerly of Oakville, and now of Simcoe, were visiting in town' on their way to spend a few days in 'Victoria Harbour. The Jack Cantelons entertained on Saturday night following the dance for the R.C.Y.C. visiting Major Ken Campbell, Ottawa, who is associated with the Joint Defense Board, was a guest for the weekend of his brother and sis- ter-in-law, the Jim Campbells. They entertained on Saturday night in his honor. veer The Frank Smiths entertained before the dance at the Oakville Club Saturday night. cece Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milne spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Demary at the lat- ter's cottage on Lake Couchich- ing. cesses Mrs, Jack Seed and the child- ren are staying at their cottage at Penetangishene, until their new house on the Lakeshore East is finished, while Jack is commut- ing for the weekend while stay- ing with relations in Toronto. » Mr. W. O. Gibson has left for Los Angeles for a ten day busin- ess trip. CR Mrs. Henry Baker, Winnipeg, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. O. G. Bennett. sss Among those giving showers in honor of Miss Irene Hinton, who was married on Saturday, were members of the Rebekah Lodge, Mrs. Oval Ribble, the bride's sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Belyea, Stoney Creek, and the Bersted 4 | Manufacturing Company. sss se Out-of-town guests at the Bel yea-Hinton wedding on Saturday included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie, Lanesville, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner, Zion, Ont; Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson, Luck- now; Frank Fisher and daughters, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duckworth, Toronto. cess Dr. and Mrs. C. Lloyd-Jones have returned from a month's holiday in Muskoka. sees Twin daughters were born to Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Farnham at Oakyille-Trafalgar Memorial hos- pital on Sunday. « oe Oakville Trafalgar Home and School Association will hold a tea for parents of Grade 9 pup- ils in the home economics room of the high school on Tuesday, yachtsmen at the Oakville club. Sept. 19, from 4 to 6 p.m. LAST DAY! LOVE THAT BRUTE with Paul Douglas and Susan Peters FRI-SAT (EN ROGUES 7 SHERWOO aie] or Fir 1 or Dre - Breed by CORR COREA roced J FED M. PACKITD SEPT. 15-16 The Son of Robin Hood uu Row thrilling exploits! FoREsT Jobo Dasa DEREK- LYNN Sop SREY - ia BALE MON. TUES SEPT. 18-19 SEPT. 20-21 POPKIN presentation starring DMOND O'BRIEN PAMELK BRITTON LUTHER ADLER otued by Leo C. Popkin -taectt ty Rudy Mate A Hairy M Poghin Production « Released Iau United Artets HARRY M and Mrs. W. Paul, Randall celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary Saturday with a dinner at the Oak Villa. They had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Browne and Mr. and Mrs: Harry Smith. sss Mr. Street, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chisholm and Son Robbie and daughter Janet have returned home from spending the summer in Almonte, near Ottawa. oo» Mr. Hedleigh Home was away fishing over the week-end. Er Art Hardy and the weekend Georgian Bay. Mr. son Hagood on their launch and Mrs: spent on a Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Slattery who arrived last week from Eng- land have been visiting with the Peter Downs in the Kent Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Slattery brought their two dogs and "Barty" their cat with them. "Barty" has stray- ed away and has been seen in the Kent Garden District. He's a ginger and white cat, so if anyone in that district sees him please notify the Slatterys or the Downs. a 0» Scott Taylor, 258 Reynolds St. N., last week received his C.L.U. degree. Mr. Taylor studied for the degree through the University of Toronto's special extension course. seen Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan and Elsie and Bobby are leaving' on Friday for a two week motor trip to the Maritimes, where they will attend the wedding of their son George. They plan to' return by way of Gaspe. BRONTE Mrs. Wm. Preston was hostess at a Pantry Shower last Friday evening in honor of Miss Doreen Pickett, Streetsville, whose mar- riage to Mr. Gordon John Fuller, Trafalgar, will take place in Trin- ity United Church, Streetsville, Saturday, September 23, at 3 o'clock. There were 25 guests present, and the bride was thef recipient of many useful and at- tractive gifts cee Mr. Clifford Reid left on the week-end for Winnipeg to attend the Legion Convention being held there. Cliff is a member of the Oakville Branch No. 114. cso s The Fire Department had 2 calls on the weekend to minor blazes. Thursday evening a small fire broke out in the -kitchen at the home of Mr. Wm. Wilson, Lakeshore Highway "E. and was soon under control, and a bonfire at the home of Mr. Cy Anderson Saturday afternoon was brought under control. Damage at both fires was slight. Stevie and Allan Elliott left by motor early Saturday morning for a short visit with relatives in Brandon, Man. - seven Winners at the Community Club euchre Monday night includ- ed Mrs. Van Horne, Mrs. O. Pat- terson, Jack Sloan, and Hafry Brewster, while Mrs. Dave Fit zsimmons, of Oaxville, won the draw. . cess Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowen have moved to their new home in Pal- ermo. seme, Little Billy Sargant: celebrated his 5th birthday September 8. saree Mrs. Sam Trethewey and dau- ghter Joan are temporarily at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. M. Bray. Mr. Trethewey, who was formerly with the Oakville Branch of the Bank of Montreal, and lat- Columns Return With town and township 'teen- agers swinging back into school and work routine after the hol- iday season, two of this young: er element's favéurite 'features return to the Journal's columns this week. Mike Dyer, now en- rolled ! in journalism at Ryer- son Institute, will once again conduct the column, "High School Highlights," in his own inimitable manner, while Don Lovegrove succeeds Karen Peck as Teen Town commentator.t Both columns will be found on Page 14 of this issue. er at Simcoe, has been given an appointment as dcfountant at the Wallaceburg Branch, while Mrs. Trethewey and her daughter hope to be able to join him soon. Bobby Rogers entertained a small group of friends at a wein- er roast last Thursday night. Among those who enjoyed them- selves were, Joan Millward, June a: be assured of a much more pleas: ant surrounding. The euchres will be held every Monday night at 830 and the dances every Satur- day night at 9. Anyone who would like to come to any of these af- fairs will be given a warm wel come by those in charge. TRAFALGAR Mr. and Mrs. Schell McCartney of Rochester, 8 were guests for a few days at the home of thelr relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don E. Post. While here Mr. and Mrs. Post entertained at dinner for them and also . at the same time in honor of the birthday of Mr. Post's mother, Mrs. R. H. Post. ; casas Charles A. Jay of Perth Avenue United Church, will be the guest minister , at the anni versary service of Mumn's church on Sunday morning, Sept. 17th, at 11 o'clock. Special music will be given by the combined choirs of Knox Presbyterian Church Rev. (Sixteen) and Munn's Church un- Burtsch, organist and leader o the Sixteen Church Choir. q, Tuesday, Sept, 19th, the Womey, Association of' Munn's church yy serve a turkey supper. The [yy Concert group of Brampton be the entertainers Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nig, New Westminster, B.C, and y, and Mrs. Dick Jones, Toron, were Sunday guests at the hop, of their cousin, Mrs. Ewart Hy, and Mr. Hall. ceva .Mrs. Bwart Hall entertained gy, members of Muni's Church wu at the meeting on Sept. 6th. Ty, Scripture lesson was read py Mrs. R. D. Fleming. An interey ing talk on her recent motor tr, to Winnipeg, calling! on frieng, enroute was given by Mrs. Lor, Fish, Among the large cities pac sed through going and returnip were Sarnia, Duluth, Chicago, Paul and Minneapolis. Mrs. Lig; Pickering played two piano solos, The Program conveners wero Mr S. Barnstaple and Mrs. H. p (Continued on Page 6) Scarrow, Joan Lorna Micks, Ernie Butler, Rock and Glenn Osborne, Eddie Monarch- ik, Jerry Overland and Alexan- der Tsucikovsky. . Harold Maxwell, St. ary's, Ont. who. has been a guest at .the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Jack Ross, returned to her home on Saturday. ees Mrs. Mr. Roy Johnson, who suffered severe head and neck injuries in a diving accident last week, is up and about again. Bob Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Allan left Friday morning to attend the R.M.C. Kingston. Be Don't forget the Community Club dance this Saturday, Sept. 16 at 9 p.m. Norm Gill's orches- tra. = 6. Little Wendy Ross celebrated her 5th birthday with a party at her home last Saturday. Small guests included Colleen Coombes, Rosemary Walker, Shirley, Bobby and Bernard Poole. se sew Miss Rita Lambert celebrated her 14th birthday last Saturday. Those attending were Joan Dob- rashian, Lorna Micks, Heather Blake, Peggy Sloan, Betty Ann McKay, Berylanne Craigie. = aos Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ostrosser, Fenwick, were Sunday visitors in the village. saves Mrs. R. H. Gilliam has returned home from an extended vacation in Bar Harbour, Michigan. PP An interesting event took place at the home of Mrs. H. Shaw last Thursday afternoon, when the Mission Circle of the Bronte Baptist Church gathered in hon- or of Mrs. S. Land, formerly of Bronte, now of B. C, who has been visiting for some time at the home of Miss Ada Churchill Mrs. J. Castle was guest speaker for the occasion. During the af- ternoon Mrs. W. Gilliam made a presentation of a beautiful book to Mrs. Land on behalf of the Mission Circle. Mrs. Land is re- turning to her home in B.C. The Community Club has the Community Hall sparkling to start the winter activities. The entire hall has been given a coat of paint, attractive drapes have been hung, while a new sink and builtin cupboards are' making it better for serving refreshments. New card tables and cards have been purchased, and anyone who now attends the weekly euchres, you . the Those If you want to learn your Dry Cleaner can do for turn to Page 111 of September Reader's Digest. Then send your garments to RIVIER'S Forsythe St. at-the-lake PHONE 1123 what issue of Careful Cleaners THUR-FRI-SAT SEPT. 14-15-16 Now with JEFF COREY - THE FAVORITE OF MILLIONS WALTER BRENNAN ON THE SAME PROGRAMME: t TRULY A GREAT BOXING PICTURE TOM BROWN IN "Dyke of Chicago' A GREAT SCREEN STAR! abr, co-starring ELLA RAINES WARD BOND BARRY KELLEY MON-TUES-WED WARNER BROS. E-RELEASE ADULT ENTERTAINM TWO OF THE BIGGEST HITS OF OUR TIME TOGETHER FOR THE YEAR'S BIGGEST THRILL! HORE Ae SEPT. 18-19-20 PETER HAL B, WALLIS PRODUCTION # directed by a WILLIAM KEIGHLEY PHONE 568 Thurs SPI Canada pne Jour

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