Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 21 Sep 1950, p. 2

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, September 21, 195) First of meeting of the new sea- the Royal Canadian Air sociation was held in the form of a dinner meeting at the Riverside Lodge last Friday eve- ning. Following the dinner, am- bitious plans for the association | were outlined and discussed. This { Friday evening, Sept. 22, mem- | bers are holding a corn roast | | | and look forward to a large gath- ering and plenty of fun. MacTaggarts, with last week at The Ken their family, spent Victoria Harbor. sewn. ih Mr. Lavern Webb, former Old Time Fidler with the Nova Sco- | tia Lumberjacks over CKCL from Nova Scotia. appeared with Walt] | Always Orchestra Saturday eve- | ning at the Optimists Fair Al- | though only 18, Laverne has been | Ra | playing over the radio for the past | two years. | | i es Mrs. Gordon Watts and Mrs. { Jan McNaughton have taken an apartment in Toronto for the fall and winter EU P. G. nl is Seniie Roy- al Military College, Kingston. cesses summer working at the Manor | Mimi Bell, who has spent the Richelieu, Quebec, is now attend- : living at Hutton House. . . f ' Hugh Pawson, who has been id 8 employed as a metallurgist with > the Aluminum Company of Cana- da at Arvida, Quebec, is visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Harry Pawson, before leaving for West-| A. ern University, London, to take a es Mr. William Sheirs visited old friends in town this week. os with Mr. Ab Wilcox returns today from a convention at the Seig- neury Club. sesso Little Miss Beth Chisholm is back home recovering from an op- eration for removal of her tonsils at the OakvilleTrafalgar Memor- ial Hospital. * sx xn Mrs. Henry Coote Smith has been attending the Dominion Board of the Woman's Missionary Society being held in Toronto in conjunction with the General Council of the United Church. and Mee Herbert Merry a Ein canditer Seen Have returned from Victoria Harbor where they spent the summer. trees Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beckley are holidaying at Georgian Shor- es. Miss Isabel McGrath was a visitor last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambert. von os Mr. and Mrs, Grant williams are spending a weeks holidays with friends and relatives in the London--St. Thomas district. Farrar . Jack Sargant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sargant has returned to the Royal Military College at Kingston to resume his studies. nena Mrs. Wm. Landry, who has Been vacationing in Pictou, N.S. has returned home. ren The Afternoon Branch of the 'W.A. of the Church of the Epiph- any held a meeting at the home of Mrs. J. R. Aylesworth on the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 12, and made arrangements for a rummage sale to be held Sept. 26 at 2.30 in the Parish Hall. There will bé a home baking sale and afternoon tea. i) La * Mr. and Mrs. John Lovelady and son Cameron visited with rel- atives in the village on Sunday. . A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sid Seymour in the Toronto West- ern Hospital on Sunday, Sept. 16. FEE Miss Alice Gilbert has left for Toronto to make her home with her brother, Mr. Wm. Gilbert. a won Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sauve of Palermo, have moved into the residence on Bast St. formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rollinson. . and Mrs. Arthur Hart and to Mantua, their per- ES Mr. family have 'moved Ohio, and will make manent residence there. There was a large attendance at the Bronte Walton Memorial Church on both Saturday and Sunday of last week when the church celebrated its 100th anni- versary. During Saturday arter- y outof-town guests registered and attended the pe cial events put on for the occas: PEOPLE and EVENTS | | i f ese decorating that | Gilbert, who was in her 67th year is survived by two sons, William of Toronto, and Ted, at home, and one daughter, at 2 p.m. from the S. S. Russell Funeral Home, ment in St. Jude's Cemetery. The Rey. Canon D. Smith officiated. os Capt. Mrs. 23 have sold home on Trafal- ° ing the University of Toronto, and|&2ar St, ly for Chicago, Ill. Fa School was completed arrival Monday morning of Mrs. E. Boyd. There are 361 pupils now gure follows, post-graduate course. ing, .s Aulay, Miss E. McCullough, Mrs. E. Boyd, Mrs. Taber and Mrs. IL Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Banfield| Betty Ann McKay celebrated attended a wedding in Chicago|her 13th birthday last Friday, over the weekend. Sept. 15. Among those present were Lily Golow, ward, Scarrow. Community Lewis, for the entertainment Both Sunday services saw Church filled to capacity and many people were able to renew old acquaintances. The Sunday morning service was in charge of the Very Rey. Dr. Willard Brew- ing, Toronto, while the Rev. G. W. Moore, London, Ont, former pastor, preached in the evening. The members of the church are to be congratulated on the re- has been done, and the beautiful floral display that made the church so attract ive for all who attended. ese ee Allan Belyea their honey- Mr. and Mrs. have returned from moon in Ottawa. esses Many friends and neighbors at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Florence Gilbert, who died sud- denly at her home on Belyea St. Friday, Sept. 15th. The late Mrs. Alice, Funeral ser- vice was held Monday afternoon Oakville. Intern B. Grant and expect to leave short oe The staff of the Bronte Public with the The staff with Mr. R. Hopkins, principal, are as Mrs. Small, Mrs. Horn. Miss Millward, Miss Mec sess Eileen Mill Myrna Husband and June sean at the weekly Club were Shirely Mrs. Micks, Mrs. Craigie, Mr. Babcock. Lucky draw was won by Mrs. F. Beecraft. rsa Winers Bronte Marilyn Beecraft celebrated her 6th birthday on Wed. Sept. 20 with a party of small friends at her home. Seek Driver After Crash Injures Three Provincial police Monday were seeking Samuel Johns following a crash on No. 2 highway near Clarkson Saturday, in which three Clarkson residents were injured. Police said Johns, an employee of a local garage, had "borrowed" the firm's tow truck and was driv- ing east at the time of the mis- hap. They stated he ran into a nearby bush after the crash, in which the truck was wrecked when it hit. a car driven by E. V. Festa, Fifth Line. Festa required four stitches to close a cut above one eye, his wife suffered knee cuts, and Mrs. F. Festa received shouldér bruises and head lacerations. / TRAFALGAR Mrs. W. Featherstone and Mrs. J. Walsh entertained on Friday at the home of the latter at a pantry shower in honor of their ister, Miss Peggy Watson, who is being married September 30 in Knox Sixteen Church. On Tues- day of last week Mrs. Keith Merry entertained for Miss Wat- sonson at a crystal and china shower, when . the guests were Miss Watson's fellow-employees at the Canadian General Electric plant, Tasos Mrs. Elmer McLean returned home on Tuesday from the Oak: ville-Trafalgar Hospital, where she was a patient. sess John * Lambert, last week at Wil Mr. and Mrs. Cannington, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. fred Pickering. cee Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McFaul of Owen Sound, are visiting relativ- es is Trafalgar and Oakville. They attended Munn's Church anni- versary. sesso On Wednesday evening neigh- bors and friends and members of Wesley Church, numbering nisety gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lunau for a last social evening before leave for thelr new home in Milton. After a sesion of crokinole, euchre and social chat, Mr. Stanley Turner, as MC, spoke about the reason for the getto-gether and then called upon Mr. Fred Near to read an address to Mr. and Mrs. Lun- au, in which he mentioned their great interest In the work of the community and church and their ready Bompltality fn the opening Miss Lois Biggar entertained her fellow associates on the staff of Annette Street school, Toronto, at a corn roast. A huge bonfire was the centre of attraction. The guests also included the wives and husbands of the married teachers. ces Mrs. Dora Klausen who has been staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson, since her sale in September, sailed from New York on Sept. 11th for a vis- it to her native country, Den- mark. Her son Kell, accompanied her. Her older son, Herman, is staying at the home of a near neighbor, Mr. J. G. Muller and will - continue his studies at Oak ville Trafalgar High School, where he Is a pupil in Grade XIII. ceses Mr. A. MacMurray, Oakville, is visiting at the home of his dau- ghter, Mrs. G. BE. Post. Beginners in Grade I at Munn's school under the new teacher, Miss Ella Mitchell of Arthur, are Laurette Desjardins, Linda Mac: Crae, Linda Stutt, Donald Bruns- den and Russell Pickard. At Sni- der's school Phyllis Bentley was enrolled under the new teacher, Mr. Connolly of Toronto. cess Miss June Fish enrolled on Tuesday in the Hamilton Normal School. While in Hamilton she will stay at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Dewart Carson. A photo of Mr. Herbert W. Al- bertson, who is well-known in Trafalgar and district, appeared in Sept. '8th issue of the Globe and Mail. Mr. Albertson, who is 86 vears of age, is a native of Sni- der's, retired from farming sev- of their home for On behalf of the guests, Mr. John Dunn, a former neighbor, and Mr. A. McNab, a near neighbor for many years presented them with a walnut nest of tables and flowers. Expressing his thanks for the gift, Mr. Lusau said that it was fifty-one vears ago since he first walked up the lane to: the house, and extended a cordial in: vitation to all to visit them their home. Mrs. Lunau said that they would miss their old friends but a welcome would await them whenever they came, morning, noon or night. Regrets at their removal and good wishes for the future were voiced by Rev. J. A. Stewart on behalf of the church. The daughters, Miss Evelyn Lunau, of Guelph and Mrs. G. Livingstone, Lansing, were both present and received with their parents. Large baskets of gladioli and mixed flowers from the gar- dens of Mr. Turner, some of them having gained the red ticket that day at Streetsville Fair, decorated the rooms. The ladies served re- freshments. Among the guests were Miss Edith Lunau and Mrs. George Fish, sisters of Mr. Lus- au, Mr. George Fish, Mrs. E. P. Lunau, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fish, Mr. and Mrs. W. Post, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morden and Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Lunau, Oakville. The Lunau family originally came from Mark- ham. Mrs. Lunau before her mar- riage was Miss Jennie Falkner of Inglewood. teres The anniversary of Wesley Church will be held on Sunday morning, October 1st: Rev. W. T. Delve, of Bronte, will be the guest minister. At a special meeting of the W.A. being held on Monday evening in the Sunday School hall, arrangements were made to hold a turkey supper en Oct, 24. There is only one place in ment Forsythe St. at the Lake ion. The supper banquet was a huge success and many stayed this--That's Rivier's THE REASON We have the only hat cleaning and blocking equip- RIVIER'S Those Careful Cleaners Oakville that does a job like in town Phone 1123 Thurs., Fri, Sat. 21-22-23 SEPT. fi Ie an AR? sli RICHARD | ici 5 MARTHA HYER Mon., Tues., Wed. SEPT. 25-26-27 T0 THE MAN BETWEEN CRIME AND THE LAW... all Women ae BAD! On the same Programme LAUGHS GALORE Close Thing close were contestant cal- culations in the Oakville Mo- tors mileage guessing contest at the Optimist Fair, that May- or Jim Black had to make a special draw to separate the first two winners. At the close of the fair, the new car had rolled 232.1 miles, with Dewey Dowdle estimating one tenth of a mile over that distance and Bob Heilig guessing one-tenth under. Bob won a mantle radio on the drawing, Dewey received a motor rug for second prize, and Les Pennycook took home ap Astra Lite for his third clos est guess. So eral years ago and now lives on Dundas Highway East. He at- tended this year's Toronto Exi- bition and in the picture is being shown the operation of a jot fizn, er. Mr. Albertson, who wate the opening = ceremony by Marquis of Lorne at the first ¢, hibition 71 years ago, made a trip west. While admit: the armed service display yy good, the motor cars excolluy he deplored the lack of compre, mowers and other farming imp, ments that ome expects at g called agricultural exhibition, 5; could not find enough implemen to operate "a market garden, (5 Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs, 4 bertson will celebrate their mond wedding anniversary On Friday evening, Sept fs Mr. asd Mrs. George H. Kip, were At Home to their friends the occasion of their 40th Wedding anniversary. Mrs. King way fo. merly Miss Jessie Caverhill (Continued on Page Showers, Parties, Too Busy To Get Ready For A Party? THEN LET US QUOTE ON YOUR NEEDS! FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES HORS D'OBUVRES Special Or CATERING SERVICE F MORGAN-BROWN Phone Oakville 616421 LAST DAY! EXCITINGLY DIFFERENT ..... "D.O. A ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 9 SEPT. 22-13 Ou MATTEL pects? HENRY KING - ret NUNNALLY JOHNS MON-TUES-WED WITH i 4a: 1950'S 'TEN-BEST" LIST WILL STAR ORAL REAGAN PATRICIA NEAL RGHARDTOD SEPT. 25-26-17 osc nVINCENT SHERMAN eacon ae r ani THURS-FRI-SAT sa DUREA - MoNALLY wit MLLARD MITCHELL ns DRA JUHN McINTIRE - WILL GEER = « JIC. FuPPEY ANN - Produced by MROK ROSEAEERS WATCH FOR THE BIG OF FALL FESTIVAL OCTOBER HITS IN SREY RL EE CENTU

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