Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 21 Sep 1950, p. 3

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1, 195) Thursday, September 21, 1950 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 ST. ANDREW'S 5 will be celebrated on at 8.30 and 10.30 am. Most Rev. Bishop Jordon, of Prince Rupert, B.C, in the ab- sence from the Diocese of Hamil- ton of Bishop Ryan, will conduct the colorful Confirmation cere- to be held at St. Andrew's hurch, on Tuesday evening at 7.30 p.m. 30 junior be; of the parish will be confirmed at the services which will be followed by a Solemn Benediction and blessing. In ad- dition to the pastor, Rev. Father J. Kirby, the visiting dignitary will be assisted by priests from [Acton, Rockwood, Burlington, Par- is and other points Including Hamilton. | iH and senior KNOX The annual Sunday School rally ervice will be held in the Sun- day school hall on Sunday after- noon at 2.30. In the morning the minister will preach on "Turning the world upside down." At the preparatory service in the evening Lis subject will be "Not ashamed of the Gospel." The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered by the minister at the morning service on Sunday, October 1. The following Sunday there will be a baptismal service, and parents wishing to have their children baptized are urged to get In touch with the iminister at their earliest oppor- tunity & A tea and sale of home cooking is being held by the Chancel Guild from 3 to 5.30 this after- oon at the home of Mrs. James Campbell, Eighth Line N. = CHURCH NEWS = | men's Missionary Socieiy was held at the Manse on Tuesday af- ternoon. ST. JOHN'S St. John's. Sunday school is being, re-opened on Sunday morn- ing at 11 o'clock. In future the Sunday school will be held at the same time as the morning church service. A ateatory service will be healed every one." Acts 5: 12, 16. The Wednesday evening meet- ing will include testimonies of healing, and experiences and re- marks on Christian Science. CALVARY BAPTIST The Carolina Four, colored sin- gers from Buffalo, will sing at Calvary Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening. The pastor, Rey. A. A. Stoll, who recently ar- rived home from a trip to the south, will preach. A radio group of singers and instrumentalists from Briarcrest, a pro- held in Lusk hall, following com: pletion of the work of renovation: The date will be announced later. Church members wishing to make contributions toward the furnish- ing of the hall are requested to get in touch with Ryland H. New, chairman of the building com- mittee. The minister, Rev. Harry Paw- son, will conduct _a Communion service on - Sunday, October 1. Newcomers wishing to become members of the church are re- quested to communicate with Mr. Pawson before that date. The W. M. S. held its Septem- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Chapman, Reynolds Street, on Tuesday afternoon. A service under the auspices of the Halton Orange Lodge will be held in the church this coming Sunday at 3 o'clock. CHRISTIAN" SCIENCE SOCIETY Service' and Sunday school will be held at 11 o'clock, Sunday, September 24th. The subject will be "Reality," and from the Cita- tions, "By the hands of the Apos- tles were many signs and won- ders wrought among the people; there came also a multitude out of the cities around about unto Jersalem, bringing sick folks and them which were vexed ° with The regular meeting of the Wo- unclean spirits and they were SELF-BELT All the new Fall Shades | 136 Colborne St. E. Corduroy Slacks CASHMERE FINISH Short-Sleeve Pullovers $3. | Cardigans | $4.95 These Pullovers and Cardigans are available in match- ing colours for TWIN SETS BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOPPE and CUFFS 50 Phone 423 | BURN FUEL OIL PRICES UP AGAIN! Cut Your Heating Costs by Half FUEL OIL AT 17.6 PER GAL. IS THE EQUIVALENT OF 'STOKER COAL AT $27.79 PER TON. BUT DOMESTIC STOKER PER'T "Only Coal Gives Even Heat' COAL COAL IS ONLY $18.00 ON lily growers," gram at Monday evening's meet: ing of the Young People's Society. An illustrated talk on mission work in Africa was given by a missionary from Mid-Missions, an American organization, on Wed- nesday evening. Tomorrow evening's cottage prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Browne, Stewart St. East. ST. LUKE'S > The Banns of Marriage were called for George Thomas Jack- son of St. Peter's Church, Erin- dale, and Joyce 'Adeline Beamish of St. Luke's. The Evenlhg branch of the Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. R. Jones, Tuesday eve- ning. ST. JUDE'S Sunday marks the launching of the one-day Blitz camaign for $60,000 for the St. Jude's building fund. The cdmpaign will be out- lined by Charlie Ambler, who is in charge, at the 11 o'clock ser- vice. Following the service a luncheon will be served to the canyassers In the parish hall by the ladies of the church. Sunday is also the day of the Harvest Thanksgiving service. There will 'be Holy Communion at 8 and 9.45 a.m. In the evening the preacher will be Ven. W. G. 0. Thompson of Georgetown, Archdeacon of Halton and Wel lington. . A" junior confirmation class is being held every Thursday at 6.30 p.m. in the primary room in the parish hall. No new members will be accepted after next Thurs-| day. The adult confirmation class will start after the evening service on Sunday, October 1. Children's Day and Youth Sun- day will be observed on Sunday, October 1. There will be a cor- porate Communion and breakfast for young people at 8 a.m. and a special service for young people in the evening. A baptismal service was held Sunday afternoon, when the fol- lowing were baptized by Rev. F. C. Jackson, the rector. Colin Garth Read MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garth MacDonald; Robert John Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Winnipeg; Barbara Elizabeth Hillmer, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hillmer.- CHURCH of the EPIPHANY Harvest Festival Services will be held next Sunday at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Rev. E. Rigby will' preach at the evening ser vice. After the evening service the pictures illustrating "All Thy works praise Thee, O Lord," will be shown in the parish hall. The Girls' Auxiliary will every Tuesday at 7 p.m. meet Lily Hybrids Colorful Bronte Society Learns Colorful Kodrachrome slides, which stressed the infinte variety of this floral species illustrated the lecture dealing with garden lilies presented by Rey. E. Rig- by at the regular meeting of Bronte Horticultural Soclety last week. Mm Rigby, formerly of Bronte, is vice-president of the North American Lily Society. "Many ytpes of lilies, including the new hybrids, are asy to grow if reasonable care and attention is given to their cultivation, and a treat is definitely in store for new he told the meet- ing. Winners of the flower show wera LET US INSTALL A FESS OI Burner It is better to be farsighted when selecting a heating sys- tem for your home, rather than to think only in terms of initial savings. That's the advice offered by heating engin- eers,-who realize that no matter how attractive the low first cost of a heating system may be, the savings effected often are more than eaten up by expensive maintenance and repair over the life of the system ... That's why we recommend FESS OIL BURNERS Complete Installation by STIRLING-DYNES LTD. OAKVILLE DISTRIBUTORS PHONE 800 10% Down - 24 Months For Balance ] : Mrs. B. Scott, Mrs. D. Wilson, Hillmers Fuel & Ice C Dorthea McDonald and S. Col- 0. lier. Door, prizes went to Mrs. H. : E. Rose, Miss M. Wilson, Miss DUNDAS ST. N. PHONE 23 ||| Blizabetti Smith, and Mrs, D, Wilson, THANKS MILLION WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE THANKS TO THE PEOPE OF OAKVILLE & DIS- TRICT WHO SUPPORTED OUR ANNUAL FALL FAR TO THE EXHIBITORS, WHO MADE SUCH AN OUTSTANDING ATTRACTION WITH THEIR PRODUCE, AND TO ALL THE PER- SONS WHO SO ABLY ASSISTED US IN OUR ARRANGE- MENTS, WE SAY THANKS. THROUGH YOUR EFFORTS AND SUPPORT WE WILL BE ABLE TO ADD CONSIDERABLY TO SERVICE WORK IN THIS COMMUNITY. The Optimist Club of Oakville You Saw The AUSTIN At The Fair NOW MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO DRIVE IT YOURSELF PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT i Phone 1031-W for Demonstration CLARK'S SERVICE CENTRE AUSTIN SALES & SERVICE SL Colborne Street W. at Chisholm St.

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