Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 21 Sep 1950, p. 8

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Thursday, September 21, 195 Wm. WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKVILLE FOR SALE OR TRADE HELP WANTED--MEN IRATE TEI |i ropes, Puitess: vance : 9 7 stretcher; Set of scales, 2 Te Womens EASY SPIN dry washing ma- : Erdle) opportunity oo Jil CLEARING AUCTION SALE | gil barrels; Clover seeder; ohn's United | chine, year cost $219.50, .| ior clerk, age not over Ew a 3 3 % x a Will be held In Lusk Hall rifice, also Wl a 0 Junior Matriculation standing or|of fully accredited Reg. Hon saw; Quantity of = mer) IN THE ESTATE oF we at 3 p.m, Friday, Sept. 28. burner, large i x, practically| its equivalent, Permanent posit: Cattle, Farm Implements, Grain, Cross cut saw; Feed bins; Fab|,pppycoTT STONE, De 4 591 Reynolds Phone| lon with a future. Apply Box 418| Poultry Equipment and Furniture.| ning mill; Scythe; Forks; Show: FB IERE P _------------------------ 5 ? a 3) rna 35ctf 1s, Chains, Bars, etc.; Chore- g Buchre will start on Friday (7501219) (ithe Jornal cea The undersigned have received) ph MIC St iy pargen| A8UNSE He estate of i 22 at 815 in the ic stove, high! YOUNG man to drive a truck... = . 2 5 Jephcott Stone, late of McCLARY electric stove, hig x instructions from MR. GEORGE SER roller: Es Good prizes. Every-| oven, in working condition, $15.| APL Loftquis (35¢43) Cll by bub. | tractor combined; Lawn roller; | of oakville, inthe County. one welcome Phone 712. ; (43144) | ~ Bookkeeper, experienced, male| CUDMORE & SON to sell by Pub| piectric clippers; Set of Ferguson| ton, who died on or apy EE br female. Phone Mr. Campbell, [lic Auction at his farm, Lot 3, COn.| (racer chains; xtension ladder;|17th day of August CAR THANKS ELECTRIC Janitor, = complete gi cvillo 1077. Evenings 1254M.. | 1 Twp: of Trafalgar, Town Line,| mnning mill; M. D. Cream sep-| hereby notified to Sand fy Tippeapolis Honeywell. oh ore] MAN for Oakville Hardware. REE arator with motor. undersigned ex rs or : ei See G. V. Dunsten. (25p43) | miles st Rie 3 4 10, SX pony 5 ae KROBHLBR chesterfield suite, Se oT a Shel north of No. 5 highway, on HAY, GRAIN, and FEED extended hearty greetings, and to| 00d condition; electric grate and|, ,, "highest wages paid. Groun| wep. SEPTEMBER 27, {950 | 2000 bus. ot grain, approximately the mayor and members of the Ginette buffet, both good as MEN and hospital benefits. Apply Hitch- 2 2 12 ton Ha a Oakville Town Council for the| Zhone 009K D2) | cox Motor Sales (50¢43) | at 1.00 o'clock, the following: al a beautiful flowers, on the occasion| MODERN coal circulating heat- POULTRY EQUIPMENT hited. orate vine Jari v re day --J. B. Moat) er. very gos condition, aco [TUTTE TTT RN | HO-STEIN COWS & HEIFERS): win aneliors; 500 gal water| (4 'staims. of whieh Sa S22 and Warren Powley| Small Quebec heater. Phone 560M 1 Reg. cow, 6 yrs. old, fresh time tank; 2 electric brooders; 500| shall then have hotles wish to express their| IASTMAN Premo 5x7 portrait| FURNISHED or unfurnished 5fof sale; 2 Reg. cows, 8 yrs. | chick capacity; feeders; water| Dated at Oakville, this 11) sincere thanks to friends and nei-| and copying camera and case;|Or 6 room house wanted 'by con-|due time of sale; 2 Reg. co: fountains; 225 New Hampshire|of Septem¥er, A.D. 1950), ghbors for the many kindnesses|lens, shade, tripod, Tocunia) cloth, | sulting engineer by Oct. 15th.|yrs old, in full flow, due in pullets, laying 70%. BARBARA NEVA : extended them in their recent sad| $60. Phone 1188W. 3)| Reply to Box 423, the a] gy| vay; 1 Reg cow, 4 yrs. } WILLIAM BATES bereavement in the loss of their ar (12004244) | ogy) not bred; 1 Res. cow, 6\yrs. FURNITURE 3 EDWARD WILLIAM dear mother, Mrs. Blishia Powley.| ( & 8 refviseraton 6 ou. ft, €00F| "BY 5 adults, unfurnished rooms, ol. fresh, 'not bred; 1 Reg. cow,| Light Oak Bedroom suite consis-| Executors of the Last 50.00, Phone 1595-3. (25p4s)|® Mat or house. Box 421 Journal. 4 yo 01, fresh; 1 Grade cow, in| ting of bed, dresser and wash-| Testament of William ENGAGEMENTS = i flow, due in Feb.; 2 Reg. Hei-| stand; Birch Bedroom Suite, con-| Stone, Lakeshore Highyay, COOK stove, good condition. Ap- : ting of bed, dresser and wash.|ville and their Solicitor, Mr. and Mrs. James Shields|ply Earl Smitn, paone 147J Bront fos i y JE as roshon (sisting of hed) avesrer and ach y wish to znnounce the engagement| --SILVBRSTRINI i a no-accor- PRACTIVE iting, ne Of sale; 2 Res Hate rs 2 Fests of their daughter, Helena Mar-| dion, 120 ba Daur tant La Lost old, due to freshen time of sale; |consisting of bed, dresser and garet, to Douglas Walter Mc| Trade for C saxophone. Phone| jacent. Suit business he 2 Reg. Heifers, 1% yrs. old, open; | Vashstand; Spindle' bed; Steel ai Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.|591W. (25p43) | 552W. 7 2 Reg. Heifers, 8 months old; |bed; Wooden bed; LE room HOUSES FOR SAl McDonald of Hamilton. The wed-| --7g50 FORD 7 fon pickup. Tele:| BRIGHT bedroom----r--==ofic.|2 Res. Heifers, 6 months old; 2suite, consisting of extension ta hats a ror SI PD on pickup. Tel ERIGHT Bed oon; Suit gentle:| pO onths old: 1 Reg.| table, T leather upholstered chairs, | $7,.000--Why pay rent? Church, October 20th, at 7.30) ror ---------- ions : (50p43-45) | J or Cro ths old; 2 Reg. |Dining room suite, consisting of| month carries this WALNUT double bed & spring, | ROOM and board for gentleman,| Bull calf, 2 months old; beh + rooms and bath. Zn Quebec Heater with oven, inns 150 Robinson St. Heifers, bred in July; all cattle| extension table, side board and 3 WANTED- WANTED BIE ad Wooden kitchen table, 00M, With or without meals under 3 yrs. old are bred by Maple| six chairs to match; 2 book vas: gq | Hotpoint electric stove, Walnut (25¢43) | unit, and vaccinated. Herd enter-| es; Organ; Hall rack; Odd Chip-| ment, extra USED tricycle, medium _size,| Dat rack, Fire basket, Metal cot, "ROO wr pe ed in herd Improvement and un-|Dpendale buffet; Oil lamps and lan-| month carries. Phone 1502-M. (25c43) | 8 Gallon wine cask, Power lawn OF 2, Bn der test. Fully accredited and| terns; Oil Heater; Blectric iron; |$11,000--5 rooms, bath, also 2 mower. Phone 580R. one PW Aer 2 PM) aded. Sold subject to blood|8 Occasional chairs; Odd Rockers; | washroom, full basement, gx BUSINESS SERVICES HOUSEHOLD furniture, separ- T ; fest. 0dd Tables; Carpets and Lino-| with breezeway (immacuifs ate dining room pieces. Phone||£ HORSES leums; Brock cookstove with| $4000 down. ALBERTA coal briquets, an|5080. ~~ (25p43) OFFICE 1 team of work horses, about 1600| reservoir and warming closet; FARMS FARMS FARMS all-Canadian product, from Frank | ELECTRIC Tawn mower, $25.00; Ibs, good workers; 1 Percheron| Wood cookstove with reservoir|15 acres, near Milton, 25 ming M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your |large gas steam table, $50.00; Gelding, about 1600 Ibs, good|and warming closet; Odd dishes; | from Oakville. Solid brick tu Blue Coal Dealer. (35e1ts) | large size Jeet, etten Revlon; ASSISTANT worker: Harness, blankets, etc.|Some silverware; and numerous| low, 4 rooms, new furnac, {8 Once more we have that fine SO J HOGS other household effects. bone of Pennsylvania oil. Bring your own 800. Pleasant, economical -- RE : . Ca i y, on container and we HL it for | living, white clapboard in good|| MUST HAVE KNOWLEDGE || Yor Sev and litter of ples. : Cash Settlement with) road. $7000 insurance "carr only 8c Grade 40 only, Hed-|repair, 4 bedrooms, insulated, au- IMPLEMENTS a - om No En as| buildings. $5500 c: leigh Home Ltd, Dund _'N,| tomatic gas water heater, gar ; : Dhor e proprietors have sold their|54 acres, Dundas eigh Home Ltd, Dundas St age and aice garden, lot 80x9676%|| OF SHORTHAND, TYPING ]|Fersuson tractor on rubber With p,m ang are giving up possess.|twesn Palermo $86.00 Conveniently locat: lh bi ion immediately. Lakeshore Highway West, Wy x 0 i Serk: i Oakville, A commuters bargain, EXPERIENCE cultivator combined; Tractor dit|& Currie, Clerk; Hindley and); YOU CARRY AN UMBRELLA Phone Oakville 896-R for appoint: cher; Tractor rubber-tired manure d 2 TO PROTECT YOURSELF ment. 3 PREFERRED spreader; Rubber-tired trailer; 2 fer. GENDRON baby carriage, rubber-tired wagons; M. H. grain SPECIAL NOTICES 80 acres, o AGRINST BAD WEATHER=N | ;504 condition. Apply 40 Washing. Ta. [vinden sn ester Hien mews [ERY sy bar od ER YOU GET PRESCRIPTIONS ton Ave. (25p43) Apply Box 426 M. D. Mower; Wi alking plow; M. In forder stofconserve power Day| all "under cultivation, FILLED AT TRANE ulliig, ISHS, oil OAKVILLE-TRAFAL ay =) (Cyan Dum te Lah a , space fiesion ise Sfflony ol z GAR Py k grain drills | ni 201 am, Sunday, Novem | L. H. CORNWALL DUN N S Tuy Th ros JOURNAL time | jor 26th, 1950. Established 28 years DRUGS str} range. J. Willis, ae ver; 4 sets Int. seed harrows, James R. Black,| Realtor, Oakville. Phone i hy 9 p43) new; Steel land roller; Dump Mayor Ross M. Gibson, Phone iff RATED Sauk SITUATIONS WANTED HEALTH 7 AN, age 40, intelligent, per sonable, active, requires spare time income. Would consider ac- counting, office work, typing, light factory work, or what have Available ti u abou 19 of their L Immediately thereafter NL SRS evenings, the Journal (91c43) aan BILTMORE HATS ~ SHRT aligns cleaning windows, i 3 floors, wood work, painting, also caring for furnace, etc. half day . Newest Shades Solid colors, whites and patterns by-- or whole day per week. Apply Box" 425, Shiai ; LORD BILTMORE ....... $750 ® FORSYTH LTD. YOUNG lady wishes to baby sit. ROYAL BILTMORE $6.50 @® ARROW Phone Mrs. Hook, 1582W. : ZEPHYR $5.50 ® B.V.D. HELP WANTED_WOMEN : CAVALIER ........... $500 CLERK with Junior Matricula- : A ERICED FROM gonlistanding flor it) equivalent, ; Just the thing to top off that new suit to age preferably around 20. Per SS9 3.95 manent position with good op- and topcoat $ $6.95 portunity for advancement. Aj JOHN. DUNN , Phm.B. ply Box 417 the Journal (5lctf) x 1 he goumal_o1o) SWEATERS soda fountain. Good hours. Dunn's Bit Bom ne Br Highiand Knit New Fall Samples PULLOVERS AND COATS Plain Shades . > for - TWO-TONE COATS - SLEEVELESS VESTS Congratulations el LADIES Our Draw Winners SOCKS and , BYFORD'S ENGLISH HOSE AT THE rp FALL FAIR HOE Th ose GENTS $1.25 $1.50 Mr. D. W. Garside, | Plain Shades, and Fancy Hose 7 Made-to-Measure Suits Apt. 9, Kent Gardens, Oakville CANS Sa lL WINNER OF MOTOR RUG : FAMOUS ENGLISH AQUASCUTUM by -- second RAINCOATS ¢ Tip Top Tailors Lightweight ; Wm. R. Johnsto Mrs. J. McKenna, Medium Weight, double breasted 7 ha & Co. 8 Wilson St., Oakville semi-military 7 Wm. H. Leishman & Co. Other Qualities at various prices. WINNER OF REAR VIEW MIRROR wm. whitaker & sons || Bill Grammell's Men's Shop Station Road Psone 141 COLBORNE ST. E., OAKVILLE OPPOSITE LOBLAW

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