Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 28 Sep 1950, p. 11

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28, 195 hursday, September 28, 1950 Page 11 Lc = ne AUTHENTIC MISPRINT oe ulled from a contemporary's bh, Gof mne is the following excel ht but hoy, 0 be ots op "The motorist lilton, Milton over 4B The way Baby loves milk CL Habit! chops) ll yours L. G. SNYDER'S you buy sore nflGILBREA DAIRY r. That Dundas St. at. Chufch ave foog PHONE 51 have t 6 cu. ff LSE-- a nickel THE i FOR A WEEK-END HOSTESS 1214.58 Den] PRICED FROM 75 "3.00 | Donna Lea Candy & Nut Shop Opposite Century Theatre |THE SAFEST TIRE EVER BUILT E E e s (388880 \r Is a fact that Firestone DeLuxe 'ampions are the safest tires et built The Safti-Sured con- fiction gives extra blow-out flotection, and the Safti-Grip oad gives extra non-skid f8loty. Yes, the important fea- " ; es that mean extra safety are. fiere in Firestone DeLuxe ®ampions to let you drive th confidence. i NADAS NuMBER T TIRE oy inadvertent propaganda for Inspector Vernon Page's approached coroner at 60 miles per hour." §cems he must know how good] lt is for him! Take a tip from Baby and make milk a health) BE BRAVES SHORT NIAGARA Ron Andersons battling grid Braves brought their win-and-loss average up to .500 mark over the weekend as they claimed a tidy 102 win at Niagara Falls Satur- day in a scheduled intermediate O.RF.U. tilt. Two costly fumbles paved the way to the third straight setback suffered by the Falls Dynamos. Hard tackling end Norm With- nell put the Braves out front in the first quarter when he pounced on a. fumble behind the Niagara line, The Dynamos, who were de- finitely in need of a few addition- al transformers, sparked: briefly to CIRCUIT FALLS DYNAMOS the half ended, but the Braye pluggers had a good edge on the play. Lloyd Crowley short circuited the homesters completely, in the second half when he raced around the end to romp over for the sec- ond Brave major. The try was set up when Dynamos fumbled deep in their own territory. Next home game for the locals will be played at Wallace park on Saturday, October 7, when Mal- ton will be the visitors. The Braves already have one victory over the Fliers to their credit, and hope to further pad their win tack on a' pair of singles before skein on this occasion. MCARTHUR SKIPS FRUIT, FOWL TOURNEY WINNER fruit bowl Chickens and baskets of were the prizes for which ers competed on Saturday after-. noon when the Oakville Lawn Bowling Club held its fruit and fowl tournament. Lachlan MeAr-| thur headed the winning team, |! his partners being Charles Phil-| lips and Mrs. Norman Groves. This coming Saturday promises to be a big day at the local greens when the club will stage the op- en competition for the R. H. Arch- ibald Memorial trophy donated by Mrs. Archibald In memory of her late: husband, who was a leading member of the club. A number of entries have already been recely-| ed, and bowlers from Milton, Ac:| ton, Streetsville and™a number of | other district clubs will take part. Rough Road Ahead Should our battling Oaks slug their way past the current Leaside threat, the whims of the playdown draw may order a far from jolly treat for them shortly. Over the weekend, those pesky Strathroy Royals knocked off Chatham to take the western counties intermed- iate A crown. Ah, yes, Strath- roy Royals! Just ask some of the Oaks vets, like Mark Pol- lock or Ray Patterson or Ben Languay, how they feel about the Royals, who have been marching those playdown trails these many years past. It would make for a torrid series--if and when! EO DUROCHER recalls with Mark Koenig led off one: innin; Lazzeri sent him in with a Babe and Lou Gehrig fol- | lowed with tremendous drives into the right-field bleachers. That brought up the Yankee third baseman, Jumping Joe Dugan. On the first pitch, he shortened his bat, laid down a perfect bunt, and beat the throw to first with 'plenty to spare. Manager Miller Huggins came steaming out of the dug- - out and bellowed, "I ought to fine you a hundred bucks for breaking up a rally." Brian Donlevy still gets laughs with his story of the Aberdeen brothers who learned their old father was Seriously ill in London, and dispatched the eldest son to look after him. "Wire 'us when you've seen him," said the other two, "and remember you can send ten words for a shilling." That night they received the following wire: "Arrived safely. Father dead. Funeral Tuesday. Rangers two, Celtics one." Copyright, 1950, by Bennett Cerf, Distributed by King Features Syndicate, . Try and Stop Me By BENNETT CERF-------- tale about the murderous Yankees of the Ruth-Gehrig era. double to right. Then the '77 OUGHT To 2 nostalgic gleam in his eyes a g with a triple to left. Tony FINE YOU A HUNDRED. Bucks: hereabouts, is try drilling for oil? More Basketeers All basketball players and would-be hoopsters who are an- xious to play this winter are urged to attend af organization meeting @n Victoria Hall to- night (Thursday) at 8 p.m. Pre- sent plans call for a four team league and an intermediate team fo play in Toronto district com- petition. The 'new high school gym willl probably provide the home floor, while 'some house loop tilts may be staged at Vic- toria hall. So if your fingers are itching to grab that big round leather ball, turn out tonight. Behemoths Of Ring To Exchange Scowls At Arena Friday Intrigued by the interest arous- ed when wrestling was introdue- ed recently at Milton, the Oak- ville recreation has Fielding smoothly ; sterling mound efforts of Wilf Herbert, Oakville's Snow Con- struction juveniles took a well earned 5:3 win over Port Hope in the first game of their third round 0.B.A. playdown series at Port Hope Friday night. Herbert walked not a single batter and doled out five hits as he fanned 15 in one of his better huFling performances. His mates pounded out seven bingles and ran the bases in speedy style to glve him his victory margin. Third sacker Don Rutledge op- ened the scoring in the initial BASE THEFTS HELP JUVES TAKE PORT HOPE OPENER behind the frame when he singled, stole sec- ond, and romped home on Opie Camm's, single. Camm stole sec- ond and thefl crossed the rubber on a pair of Port Hope miscues. Bud Corbett's kids added anoth- er in the fifth when Thomas' single cashed Scarrow, and count- ed their last pair in the sixth on two HBP's, a single and a trio of baseline thefts. Camm was the clouter to collect two safeties, with Rutledge, Sgle,, Thomas, Hughes and Johnson getting ons each. only Oakville For Complete Automobile Service DROP IN AT EDDIE'S WHITE ROSE SE 69 Colborne St. W. GARAGE RVICE STATION Telephone 1166 lined up a sextet of grunt-and- groaners for a card of exhibition. bouts in Victoria rink Friday night. Part of the proceeds, rec- reation director Ted Kennedy informs, will go fo the arena fund. ~ Mat fans will see several new names in the lineup of this group, which is composed chiefly of fast light heavyweights. Jack Sib- thorpe, veteran Toronto grappler, is known to many for past ring exploits, but George Pitkeathly, of Columbus, who meets Jack in the main go, is a comparative newcomer. In the same category are Pete Raimon and' Pat Mur- phy, who tangle in the semi-final. But in the opener, an old familiar deadpan expression around well known Maple Leaf Gardens will be on display when Chief Thun- dercloud begins to rough up Les Lyman. Those old rink walls are bound to rock when the Chief swings into action. Referee for the night's wrang- ling will be popular Bobby Niel- sen, who was himself a headliner around the old Mutual Street Ar- ena in the days when Ivan Mike- aloff first brought the sport back to popularity in the Queen City. Bob, who now operates a nursery therefore well equipped to handle any bad actors. PAGEING MR. WHALEN Consider the plight of the poor Arab, An unhappy shiek recently moaned to a Canadian visitor: "Every time we drill for water, - we strike oil!" Why Yan JOHNSON HEADING THE STELLAR CAST OF MIGHTY "BATT SEVERAL MINOR MUSICAL COMEDY ROLES ' VAN FOUND HIMSELF WITH A S| IMPORTANT PART. IN TH MALL BUT E NEW YORK STAGE HIT, "PAL JOEY."HE ALSO UNDER- STUDIED LEAD GENE KELLY IN THE SHOW. DD 1 BEEN A MAJOR LEAGU BASEBALL PLAYER HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR| A HUNCH THAT HIS FUTURE LAY IN ACTING. A ST. LOUIS CARDINALS' SCOUT] SPOTTED JOHN IN A HIGH ScHooll GAME AND OFFERED HIM A JOB ON ONE OF THE CLUB'S FARM TEAMS. HODIAK| RESISTED AND PURSUED HIS ACTING CAREER AN D TODAY IS IN M-G-M's MIGHTY "BATTLEGROUND", CO-STARRING' VAN JOHNSON, RICARDO MONTALBAN AND GEORG! Recarnde E MURPHY. MONTALBARN BORN IN MEXICO, WAS EDUCATED AT, FAIRFAX HIGH SCHOOL, WHERE HE TOOK EXTENSIVE DRAMATIC TRAINING. RICARDO| OFTEN VISITS THE SCHOOL. HIS DRAMATIC TEACHER AT | George MURPHY OVER THE YEARS HAS BEEN A TOP / FLIGHT MUSICAL COMEDY STAR AT M-G-M. IT WAS HIS WIFE, THE FORMER JULIETTE AS A DANCE TEAM IN A CHOP SUEY RESTAURANT, ACCEPTING THEIR MEALS "3 IN PAYMENT. REQ US PAT. OFF 637 "Coming To CENTURY - Oct. 2-3-4 NOT ING N ashe MEN'S 10-PIN LEAGUE BEGINS FRI., SEPT. 29 AT 5 P.M. MIXED 10-PIN LEAGUE S., OCT. 3 P.M. BEGINS TUE AT 10.30 OAKVILLE BOWLING LANES BOWLERS Team Captains who have not already entered immediately. ICE 10 - PIN teams are d to contact Mr. Russell saves embarrassment... and money! If you are in doubt, have your letter or parcel weighed before mailing because recipient must pay double the deficient postage. This is especially important on overseas air mail. Eaveloj Send a POSTAL ' MONEY ORDER instead of cash! can be broken or torn and money slip oa out. It's wiser . , . and safer . . . to use Money Orders. You can get them at your Post should always BI ®\ Be sure ADDRESS is clear... correct and complete! Fall name, strost addross, Post Office Box number or Rural Routo number and ofr be included. Avoid Wrap PARCELS carefully! strong con of tiffon- ing boards; ota. Tie securely. ~/ "YOUR Post Offios will help with your postal probloms. Ask about services availablo--Ale Mail, Canada Air Lottors, special, delivory; by using ogistration, Rural Diroctorios, instirance on | parcel post, C.0.D.; gift parcels for oversess; international and Imperial reply Goupons, Pos Savings Bank. Ry CANADA POST OFFICE ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF HOM. G, EDOUARD: RINFRET, K.C, M.P, POSTMASTER GENERAL Er mi

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