Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 28 Sep 1950, p. 6

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL % Thursday, September 28, 1950 [0 - EE. 2 es WORD TO THE WISE DECORUM TR -- : on oan : Never overlook an opportunity| Just got word of the fig, to make somebody happy, even f| sitter Who, when his mots." B! you have to leave them alone to|law died, observed the proprio. 1 do it. by sitting at half-mast, 8 0 -- | Li | ' | $ ED SLATERS || & | S YOUR Re Sn MUSICAL INSTRUMENT i -- Toho fen re i er Solr : iH K : E ti n Grim I HEADQUARTERS 1 ints. It saves frequent trips to : request tips to the gl Ens Mrs. Walton Heads orean Lvacuatio / CIGARETTES, TOBACCOS, i ty es an ICE CREAM, MAGAZINES | Can. Consumers Grown Sealer Tells U.W. Club Es | Mrs. W. R. Walton Jr, of Oak- ee ------ ville, was this week elected pre: Thirteen hundred women . mis. ited in the course of a round the Drop In For A Hot Cup Of Coffee ident of the Canadian Associa-| sionajres were packed aboard a| world air trip. Northern Korea, tion of Consumers, in conven-| Norwegian freighter whose capa-|he pointed out, has the greater tion at Toronto. Mrs. Walton suc-| city was supposed to be only 12|part of the country's industry and passengers, in the hurried evac-| one-third of the total population uation of Chrigtian missionaires|of thirty millions. The southern 1 CA to Japan from Korea following the| part is agricultural. Farms are EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS outbreak of war. This incident| small, roads very poor, and the was related by Rev. David Gal'| people live in mud-walled huts. ; ny lagher in the course of an address| The conditions of the country fa. Are being held in" the at the September meeting of the|vor guerilla warfare. 4 University Women's Club of Oak.| Mr. Gallagher also dealt with MASONIC HALL, OAKVILLE ville, In the music Yoom of Oale| India, China and Japan, He wasfl gi ndays at 7.30 p.m., Mondays & Fridays at 8 p.m ville-Trafalgar High School on| introduced by Mrs. Dan Chisholm i 1 i 3 Mis: own and Miss Marshall Wednesday evening last week.| 4 thanked by Mrs, Malcolm Conducted by Miss Br speaker, who is assist: Hi rotary of tnd Dnitea Chard Bosra, STIL. More than seventy mem: ALL WELCOME of Overseas Misslons, described) bers and guests of the club were (The Bible and Gospel Hymn Book are our only ljt- | conditions in Korea, which he vis:| present. erature) 100 Tablets cuoking, canning or . we Fay LUE TA Al | iC oe: (Tl lr SISTERS ALL ; a J a erly vice-president (English) for this group. Holder of an econ- omics degree from the University Phone 47 of Saskatchewan, she served on the speaker's panel of the Con- -| sumers branch in the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. By Jean Love Galloway How many widows of 50 years of age left with an invalid moth- er, three teen age boys and heavy debts through a husband's long illness, how many of them could at once knuckle down to building up a paying business operated from home in a small town? Hilda | | i Mathieson of Port Credit] Ontario, has done j i | ; es ) ) just this . . . . A And be- I il Youll want to read about Dan || Palermo W.l. Meets sides, she is running a business which is really helpful to her neigh- CH il O'Dan, the leprecaun, who lived > na | Pa 4 Mrs. H. Proud entertained the| bors and hundreds of people in the district. in 8 7airy land and the lazy || (00 Hy ors Tatars a her ALPHAMETTE CAPSULES 3 Dragon . . . and Timothy Tom- ||} one on Thursday, September Last October, Mrs. Mathieson started her Home Service Bur- For Adults llson who wanted to be a police- || 21, at a regular meeting. Mrs. Ira|cau with a staff of ome practical nurse and one young baby sitter. Il man . . . and Little Boy Green || Cowan presided over the meeting. | Today, her office in the ront hall of her house contains two busy 100's | i ++ - and Melinda and the Giant || The roll call, "My Hero in Fic telephone lines and her staff totals 35 mon and women. She also sup- 3 Sizes | +» - and many others , . . in the || tion," Was well answered. A short| oi ios three Boarding homes for young children, | | on quiz was given by Mrs. A. Brough- 5 Hi ton, convener of e and i | Hilda Mathieson, a trained | JUST MARY Sanadin industries. wr Proud, RED CROSS nurse, has been through so much FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL FOOD I Siuzenship convener, fred 2 pap: illness as a young girl and has I | BLUE STORIES er on the Beginning of Civiliza- Young 8 1 had to meet so many home prob- For Children | by tion. School reports were given NEEDS SEWERS lems due to illness in her own - Hi om den Merton mad hy family, that she can see the des- 24 day size . $1.35 : Mrs. r Cowan w erate need for a bureau of Hom i i I Mery £. | Grannan ed delogate to attend the Guelph| Ladies who can sew are hadly| Berriog rs eo. 3 Sizes 72 day size $2.95 Ee $1.25 Area Convention at Stratford on|needed by the Oakville and Dis- ingenuity, Mrs. Mathieson is thus 144 day size ... $4.95 | | Oct. 17 and 18. It was decided tol trict branch of the Red Cross So-| solving her own home. problems [ hold the annual Hallowe'en party| ciety. Starting Thursday, October| 2nd at the same time. hetsme [ {J [J] atl Sv " with Mrs. C. Kingston and Mrs. 5 the work room of the branch, | others to 'solve theirs. : G. Booth in charge. Mrs. A. Cowan | located in-St. Jude's parish hall,| * This Home Service expert | | H ? li 1 Introduced the guest speaker, Mrs.| will be open every Thursday from | keeps pace with day and night | | 1 The Hazel Mathews of Oakville, who 10 am. to 3 p.m. Voluntary work| calls for baby sitters, practical | | ) told of her work in moving and| ers, both skilled and unskilled, | nurses, fldor and window clean } GOLDEN HOUR Toston any fi ol Nail Post oa to a Lo caterers, cleaning . TOR, Your Prescription Pharmacy ce and making it into a mus-| Re ross' outpost ospitals| housekeepers. Many of her calls Booksh eum. The work is now well under| throughout Canada, and also for! concern emergencies of one kind||| PHONE 1382 WE DELIVER i 00KShop way. Mrs. A. Spencer displayed|shipment abroad. The need for|or other about the home. Charges Open Every Night Until 9 p.m. Hi | the articles in the Milton Fair| supplies has been rendered par-|are within reason and employees £ Siatayt Soturd | 5% Cotboruie St. Exhibit, which included weaving,| ticularly urgent by the depletion|are respofsible to the Bureau's xcept Sunday: Saturday 9.30 p.m. Jit | | knitting, crocheting, a layette, a|of stocks caused by the Winnipeg| director who operates on a com. h dl Phone €63 quilt, gifts and aprons. The meet-| 1100ds and the Rimouski fire.| mission basis, | Workers are asked to come for| If you're looking for something either part time or full time..Fur-|quaint in a DOOR KNOCKER, ther information may be obtained|keep your eve out for a medium | fro and a social time were| by calling Mrs. Wyndham, tele-| sized weight from an old fashion- i l enjoyed. phone 891M. ed pair of scales . . . For a porch I | seat with that Canadianna look, nothing can beat an old milk wagon seat, or a cutter seat painted a gay red. There's a little poem about MISTAKES that goes like this "When a plumber makes a mis- take, he charges twice for it. When a lawyer makes a mistake, it is just what he wanted be: cause it gives him a chance to EW handle the case all over again. DS When a doctor makes a mistake, he buries it When a judge makes a mistake, McCRANEY--SPICER a reception at the Masonic Hall| it becomes the law of the land. St. John's United Church, pro-| Mrs. Spicer, the bride's mother,| When a preacher makes a mis. {usely decorated ' with autumn| received in an afternoon dress of| take, nobody knows the aif. flowers, was the setting Saturday| fuchsia crepe with matching jack-| ference. evening for the wedding of Rosel et and navy. accessories, and cor-| But, when the editor makes a ISthel Spicer, daughter of Mr. and| sage of pink roses and gladioli| mistake--WOW! Mrs. George Spicer, Toronto, and| petals. Receiving with her was| UNCLE FRONTENAC says a Orlando C. McCraney, son of Mr. Mrs. McCraney, mother of the| perfumery is a firm that makes and Mrs. Frank McCraney, Oak-|groom, in a suit of honey beige| money by sticking its business ville. The ceremony was conduct-| French wool, black hat and acces.|into other people's moses. i 5 ing closed with the singing of the | National Anthem, after which re- COME Iv ano 57 He Meow Comfo-Visian ar eatyred os, INTERNATIONAL bey $s In this completely redesigned cab you ed by Rev. 'Harry Pawson. Wed.| sories; and corsage of sunset roses, -- drive in "cushion Comfort" --with u11. Co! { ding music was played by P. C.|For going away the bride wore a around visibility--with new truck c, Garton, organist of All Saints'| tailored suit of blue and grey YOUNG GRADS trol. Come in--compare it fi rie Anglican Church, Toronto, and|pin-point check, with grey ac. and utility! Check the on Tal | Dominion Royal | QUring 'the signing of the register | cessories and navy topcoat. and liao Mos en pe se s00my { "AIR RIDE" | Mrs. Garton, soloist of that| corsage of pink roses and beuvar GET DIPLOMAS ® Tall view room, knee room. Get church, sang a solo, dia. Mr. and Mrs. McCraney will & new full view of the road through the The bride, given in marriage by | live in Oakville, Eleven juvenile pianists will ooc-piece curved "Sweepsight" wind. Leslie Martin, of Mimico, wore a LUER PICKETT proudly step forward to receive shield. For a new deal in truck perform. : own of white slipper satin. The Bo = i ific i i ance, comfort and safety it's I our used tires | & op ; A prot om k place in| certificates for their proficienc: ; ety it's Interns. Nu | on 5 Sr = ; y ng took place in y tional with - o -- | tight-fitting bodice was fashioned Trinity Anglican Church, Streets.|at the keyboard on Saturddy onal with the new ""Comfo- Vision" cab. | with seed pearl embroidery and, he oh Saturday afternoon afternoon, when the graduating R---- | lace yoke, and the long skirt ex- i EE !| class of Miss Susan Cuttell's { are worth more | cor. inion chreuins train, The hen Doreen May Pickett, dmugh- : ida1| ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pick-| Kelly Kirby Kindergarten course briges Ioldengi veil of Imaal rete tea a el Sete tn fhe Mtr re angel Trem 8 SONOS oraun Talis Ballons son or tre | Brentwood schoul. Presteting the money than ever before... | ot orange blossoms, ana she. car. ° Mrs. John Fuller, Trafalgar, | Certificates will be Mrs. Kelly ried a bouquet of pink roses, white Rev. W. J. Province ' the rector, | Kirby of the Royal Conservatory gladioli petals and bouvardia. Miss officiated. The bride, who was | Of Music of Toronto. Mrs. Kirby, armel Hemp, fhe rides only En os he or (iEinetor £F the coire waa attendant, wore a picture gown|® Sia | vhite | dress the children's. parents on s 2 Diet wore a wedding gown of white| res: of Tess Treen enlfton velvet WHR Er ee Cal elie ten ao red Dede ery SR | Ee rae ration the Toole Rhoades Hor Doacorens Way of vist sent Se RE ri a 5s ate Be ers, and she carried a bouquet of | 7S: I ; ; young graduates will perform and 0 o bride's sister, was matron of hon- vellow gladioli petals Ml WIk| wearing a dress of mauve taf | ke an active part in the demon. son, wearing a floor-length gown| Oo" We stration. Those graduating are i OAKVILLE MOTORS of primrose yellow chiffon velvet| ®t With matching bandeau, and : SE ;| Garry Cullingham, John Farnha; 4 carrying a bouquet of yellow mn, % and matching poke bonnet, was TOR M y MeL i Chevrolet & Oldsmobile | fower gin. Sho. carried an ola 70s, 0d. gladloli The brides | Murray MeLeoa, Poter Rose, To axwell-Drown otors 3 3 maids, Miss irley Fuller, the r 2 J Ee Sales & Service La room's sister, and Miss Barbara| TS Margaret Atkins, Bronte, and Church st. w, at Navy &] En 3 SL . Dorinda Vollmer. Others wh Teleph 6 Opp. Contucy Theatre Gill of Erindale were gowned|D : ; o e'ephone | pp. y af man, and Alex Mutch and Robert| uo G1 hd taffeta, and carriea| P11 take part in the demonstra. PHONE 460 McMillan were ushers. i The ceremony was followed .by (Continued on Page 8) fe -- a ER YANG! RD TARY y INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS SE 3 then : 5 i S AND SERVICE :

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