Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 26 Oct 1950, p. 10

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Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, October 2g > 1 Skating A-Plenty (Continuing from Page 1) Material Assistance Do you have any old sashes or doors, hinges, odds and ends of [= CHURCH NEWS - REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE disappointed that a few people | lumber or second hand bricks : y were apparently taking the view ST. ANDREW'S gregation attended the services | pi tacked in the backyard or clut- Se Hi point it expressed. "People say, it ay ibe a Or Wo you | Rev. Father James Kirby will of Witness in Christ's Church Ca- MORTGAGES is all right for you to be interest- | (SUA6 KP IE SCT] 0 dors | celebrate Masses at 8.30 and 10. thedral, Hamilton, Tuesday eve- * ed in this arena project, John, be- 30 am. Sunday, and will conduct | DinE. cause you're getting skating for | | | your boys | | ! | the rink in the early hours of the afternoon when the district child- ren will not be able to. Appleby will be one of the largest contri- by the active group of men and |and his committee. tea was served by members of i 'S 2) a al revenue of | | DO ee cing] Woman who lave bisniworking ST. JUDE'S the W.A. Mrs. G. C. Atkins and § sar. ie. hat anyone ise 1nd to gst the Shetter complet | | vmen's Sunday | was marked | Mrs. Millard presided at the taste- Vil li ar. We will continue te be "J and iniopsration on Sunday. At the 11 am. ser-|fully arranged table. a large congregation heard | Several laymen assisted in the the best users of ice as long as the town will rent it to us." Campaign Nov. 6 Explaining the delay in launch- ing the campaign, he stated it was which was conducted to make sure that everyone, not just the property owners, was in favor. That brought us into summer, which js a poor time for a cam- paign.' The campaign would be launched on Nov. 6th he said and those materials by acting immed- | served on Sunday, November 5,| 7° ; lately." For this reason a dele-|when Rev. Alan Green, of the Se Insigae no of | gation had waited upon the bank | Columbia Coast Mission, will esling, and experjences and res Ht ded to applause. Tuesday evening. Rev. F. C. THI No Deficits Likely Jackson and Rev. R. H. Howson | Mentioning doubts expressed as|attended the Diocesan Clergy Conference at Hamilton this week. N Gifts & Greetings for You -- through WELCOME WAGON il from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Ii Social Welfare Leaders The Birth of a Baby EngagementAnnouncements Change of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to | O09 the occasion of: | / City 5 Burlington, to attend the celebra- Yet in doll d cost, your telepk remains one \ { tion of the fifth birthday of the of the smallest items in your family budget; even a 0 PHONE 807 WATCH FOR United Nations in Trinity Church emaller part than it was Lore the war. i y 1 or obligati on Tuesday, October 31, at 2.45 ie bi i { (No cost or obligation) ANNIE hr pe ido bn Today, as always, your telephone is big value. | W. Marjoribanks, vice-président you're thinking about disposing picking up of any such articles, and this type of material assist- ance would be much appreciated there was a wonderful enthusiasm among all those taking part for the project. "You may wonder why we un- dertook a bank loan," he said. "We only to find when we did build it that prices had risen away beyond the original estimates. Also, ow- ing to the Korean situation there was strong indication from the government that materials re- quired might well be in short sup- ply before the completion of the campaign, and we could have and had secured the loan. "But principally, I suppose, we knew that by starting now we could have ice for this winter," he ad- to possible deficits. Mr. Bell stated that the best assurance he knew of that there would be no deficits was the experience of the 38 towns which were members of the Arena association. "All of these, for the last five years, have shown profits ranging from $2,000 to $12,000. This community can run a rink and community hall as well as any other community there, is" he said. Oakville was a sport ing town, he pointed out, men- tioning the three ball teams being in the playoffs. "Put all this to- gether, gentlemen, and there is no reason to expect deficits." He expressed the hope that all members of the club would give continued support verbally to the project, as they had given finan- cial support. "If your club is be- hind us in nailing down false rum- ors, then we are assured of assis- tance by people the community knows as leaders." | | 1 Gptometrist 163 Colborne Street 9.00 to 5.30 Daily .... at. .... 9.00 to 12.30 | Carsten Glahn R.O. -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- ! OFFICE HOURS | Or By Appointment Optician Oakville Ev enings Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 October devotions at 7.30 p.m. Renovation of the interior of the church is proceeding under the direction of J. W. Woodcock v Christopher Armstrong deliver an address on the subject of Chris- tian Stewardship. Rev. Canon H. F. D. Woodcock of Toronto, rector of St. Jude's will be in attendance. The preach- er at the evening service will be Rev. C. F. Pashler, rector of St. Bartholomew's Church, Toronto. The service will be followed by a social hour in the parish hall, to which all newcomers to Oakville are especially welcome. Missionary Sunday will be ob- speak at the 9.45.and 11 a.m. ser- As Sunday was Laymen's Sun- W. S. DAVIS & SON | | I 3 a of? The Oakville and District 0 ; "Il w. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERL ye at AnLihy College. Humane Society could use such A mission will be conducted by ay 2 Sh and or A. Dob: : AND Totem 25 principal of SR iby Articles In the new animal shel. | Father Conway of the Redemptor- | rasuian read 0 CHOS ~C o 71 Colborne St., Oakville hh Phone 41 | College I cap assure you I don ist Order the middle of next month | Next week is Nal sita- A Sn 2! : ter now under construction. The [iS 2 venings and Holidays Phone 612- A have to ao at. Because we can | E00 (RM AU Tao | with dates to be anounced ater | ons Week, Evening y: R | * FEIN OU Smal es and into the chimney. A call to |People of all denominations will ST. LUKE'S i culum, Appleby will be able Lo Use | 151y would arrange for the |be welcome to attend Miss Nattress, a missionary from India gave a very instructive address in the parish hall last Thursday afternoon. Afterwards © Personal Memo service Sunday. The lessons were read by Mr. G. S. Atkins and Mr. D. Pope. Mr. T. Bullock sang a solo and Mr. A. Weatherstone of Oakville gave a thought provoking felt by the board following the |y.q pids in from contractors, and | from 1912 to 1922, will preach at'|address. voters' approval of the debenture ij. one we want to accept was a [ll a.m. this coming Sunday, on|cHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 0 issue, that the campaign should [gi 1a, if we went ahead, im-|the occasion of the patronal fes- f 2 (of ier or? be left until after the opening of | pegiately. There were many |tival of St. Simon and St. Jude. (ht pow Sindee Wing oe the hospital in February. "You |mion IL (10 lad experienced | Members of Oakville Town Coun-| yf ie I or > Ean V/A on | men worked for us on the Survey | jolaying building something, | cil and Oakville Fire Department nn, "I pave. Ei a Coin 7) the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye." Ezek. 18 | 32. Jesus saith unto himfi wilt thou be made whole? Rise take up thy bed and walk. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto theefl John 6. 6, 8, 14. The Wednesday evening meet- marks on Christian Science. vices. A meeting of the Evening Branch of the W.A. was held on KNOX Knox Presbyterian Church will celebrate its 118th anniversary on Sunday, Nov. 19. Preacher at both morning and evening services will be Rev. Willlam Barclay of Ham- ilton, former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presby- terfan Church in Canada. "Where there is no vision the people perish," will be the subject of Rev. Mr. Nicoll's sermon on Sunday morning In the evening he will preach on "The Old Sup- ports." Small children and their moth- ers enjoyed a Cradle Roll Tea in the church hall -on.Tuesday after- noon. ST. JOHN'S All the women of St. John's United Church congregation are invited by the Woman's Associa- tion of Trinity United Church, of the Toronto branch of the United Nations in Canada, who recently returned from Lake Suc- cess and Flushing Meadows, where she acted as official observer. A Baby Band party will be held in Lusk Hall at 4 pm. on Wed- nesday, November 1. Children six years and under, with their moth- ers, are invited, and all newcom- ers in the congregation are espe- cially welcome. St. John's Men's Club is holding its first fall meeting in Lusk Hall this evening at 6.30. Lloyd Min- shall is addressing the meeting p. WATCH FOR THE NEW Stirling-Dynes Ltd. S| I will run a dozen errands ... make appointments, do your shopping +. stand guard over your safety «carry you to the side of a sick friend ... save you worry, and effort, and hours .. make your work eusier, your life pleasanter. How would you measure your telephone's true worth? Tts endless convenience. Its life-saving speed in time of need. The steadily growing number of people it brings within your reach . .. All these things contribute to the sum-total of telephone value. TELEPHONE, 2, That you will have i tacllities. Our continuing 8 nt it, when and where IF YOU ARE WAITING FOR sorvics, you have out ares ide the necess: eo et savin to all ho va al is to pro- they went it. on "Youth Calls for, Leadership." CALVARY BAPTIST Only lack of adequate ofl sup- plies is preventing Soviet Russia from starting a war of world con- quest, Dr. R. M. Nielsen of the Biblical Research Society, Toron- to, told the congregation at Cal- vary Baptist Church in the course of an address on Sunday morning. Dr. Nielsen, who specializes in| Biblical prophecy, believed that Russia was bent upon world dom- ination. The pastor Rev. A. A. Stoll, preached in the evening, and selections were rendered by the Baraca Quartette of Hamilton. A number of members of the Young People's Society attended Young People's Rally in Ham- ilton Monday evening. Weekly cottage prayer meetin are proving extremely popular, the attendance averaging between 35 and 40. Tomorrow evening's > yi 06 oat = oe 81% go™ \ =| Ng UITS 6 VEGE AN [BUTCHER a ursde © You can drive with peace of mind when your car meeting will be held at the home has the official O.K. of our factory-trained mechanics. Ee Hartley Sims, 15 al Tune-up special includes cleaning and adjustment of The pastor, Rev. A. A. Stoll, SD will preach at both services on carburetor, spark plugs and distributor points; reset- ting ignition timing; compression check; coil and condenser check; battery check; electrical system check; thorough check and conditioning of cooling BE WISE -- WINTERIZE NOW! I +Chryco is a trade-mark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. HEDLEIGH HOME LIMITED "The Home of Chrysler, Plymouth, Fargo Sales & Service" Sunday. In the evening, Mrs. Jean | Roell, well-known Hamilton vio- | linist, will play. | Midweek study services on The | Deity of Christ are being conduct- | ed by the pastor on Wednesd: evenings. "To Every siona film Moody shown system. a mis- | E by the | Institute, will be | evening, Nov. 6 at 8 o'clock. Everyone is welcome! CHURCH of the EPIPHANY Several members of or the con- DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS ANNIE'S COMING ONTARIO GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister PHONE 1063 - NDAS ST. N. u = SOON

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