Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 23 Nov 1950, p. 2

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PEOPLE and EVENTS Roger Leighton Wilcox was christened on Sunday in St. John's United Church. A reception Was held following the ceremony at the home of his parents. cen District Governor Gor 1 of Brampton, paid his it to the Lions Club of Thursday night at official V Oakville last Victoria Hall. esse E. L. Bott, musical director of Appleby College, has started re- Mr. and Mrs. Eyre Davis enter- tained on Saturday night before of the College, choir for |the Badminton Night at the Onl hears he Ba the annual Christmas carol ser- pilleiCrd fe A vice, to be held in the chapel on Saturday evening, Dec. FE Fred Hotson has returned from a three week business trip to the Maritimes. esses Mr. and Mrs, James A. Roberts spent the weekend in Buffalo + Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacKenzie and their young son Jonathan, of Kingston, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacKenzie, Palmer Ave. sees Leitha McKinney celebrated her birthday recently with a theatre party for her young friends at the Gregory Thi evo Students of Appleby College are busy training for the College's an- nual gymnastic and physical train- ing display, to be held at H.M.C.S. York, Toronto, on Saturday, Dec. 9. Physical directors are W. A. Joyce and Sgt. H. Bayley. Maj-Gen Chris Vokes will be the inspecting officer. One enterprising grandmother in the community decided to take on the Santa Claus parade chore for her: grandchildren this year. Re- fusing to undergo the wild drive amid the morning traffic on the Q.E. highway, she engaged a sampleroom at the Royal York hotel, had beds for six children put in it--and then had another one added for herself. With the dormitory finally settled for the night she also retired amid her charges, only to be wakened in the far too early hours to the tune of loud urgings to "hurry or we'll miss the parade." © ss = cesses Dr, and Mrs. C. Lloyd-Jones, Mrs. James Chisholm, the Misses Nancy and Mary Chisholm, and Mrs. Douglas Wilkes Sen. attend- ed the opening of Adrian Dingle's exhibition of paintings at the Little Gallery, Alcina Ave. Tor- onto, on Saturday. Mr. Dingle, a well-known Canadian artist, is a former Oakville bo: esse The semi-annual dance of the Halton County Police Associa- tion will take place at the New The Allan Massons entertained on Saturday night prior to the Pier, Burlington Beach, on Fri: Ozkville cab party. as follows. Travelling prize. 1st. day evening, December 1. Any . Myrna, Sault; 2nd, Mrs. English; ios) Taree oo, Sydney Ferman leit on| mychre, Mr. Hartland. Ladies, De haa wetentey for, aiew, Ooi, Se will cheerfully provide CKe':| where she will visit with her par-| Roflinson; Bridge, Mrs. Totifa * koa oxow ents Sa shian, Mrs. Cowan, Mr. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Powless 4 Mr. Warden, Mrs. Davidson. Winner of a subscription-sell- of Niagara Falls, N.Y. visited ivan on (Sataiiay ing contest, David Hardwick spent * . the weekend in New York as his mr Ee RE arrived home from an extended holiday spent with Mr. Bide's par- ents in England. wee Susan Page, 8, is in the Tor- onto General Hospital, wherelshe underwent a successful operation Mri Bi Tevlor! 1s onl an ex|C2 TUSSERTELE tended business trip hTough| yo vincent Barrey underwent Western Canada. a an appendicitis operation at the Memorial hospital on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Manbert en- mornifis. tertained at dinner Saturday night Twenty-three grandmothers and for Mr. Alexander Cheape, of St. Andrews, Scotland, who is visit- ing the Manberts prior to moving on to his winter residence in Bar- bados. two great grand-mothers were the SHE "9 guests at the seventh annual Mr. Gordon Nairn spent last| grandmothers' party of the Wo- week in Cleveland and Chicago. | man's Missionary Society of the ss. Walton Memorial United Church, The November meeting of the| Bronte, on Thursday. Rey. W, T. Havergal Old Girls' Assn. was| Delve, the pastor, opened the gath- held on Monday night at the home | ering with prayer, and Mrs. A. E. of Mrs. G. B. Dalton, Eighth Line Pickard: presided. A duet "When I of the evening | have gone the last mile of the way" « 3 x South. Speaker was Mrs. Harry Coote-Smith. was rendered by Mrs. A. Brown wl and Mrs. E. Grice, and a poem Mrs, H. H. Sheppard of Sorel | entitled' Sometime,' written es ie cockond! with|| pecially. for grandmothers, was Quebec, spent her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nairn. ew ax read by Mrs. M. Osborne. Rey. B. Edwards, a former pas- tor of the church, spoke on grow- * ling old. The things that assail the Mrs. J. K. Kennish is visiting | yay go not DE with her brother, Mr. Robert| qcoiared. "Reflect, and think of Grout, in Montreal while Mr. Ken-| yn; marvellous contributions that nish is absent in England on | yoy have made throughout the Businessferip. years." Mrs. W. HL. Speers, oldest eat grandmother = present, was pre- Lee, of Mid-| sented with a plaque. Each guest acre, Lakeshore Highway Bast, | received a bookmark. At the close has been accepted for aircrew |of the program refreshments were training in the RCAF, and reports| served, and the conveners, Mrs. to the London depot on December |J. English and Mrs. M. Dawson, 4th, He will be the third son in this | were complimented on the suc family to fly for his country, as| cess of the party. wae David A. "Dave" Mrs. - week-end were, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson and family of St. Cath- arines. for the past week. TWO DAYS ONLY his brothers Pat and Tommy-- ss the latter publisher of the In-| Susan Brown of Brighton gersoll Tribune--both had their| Beach is visiting her grandpar- wings in the last war. Daye is a|ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Patterson. stalwart of the Oakville Bray x ow and, as a reult of an injury sul Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have fered during the floodlight game, | moved into the Glendella, which is presently confined to bed. He's| has been made into apartments. in quite a dither as to whether | -------------- the medicos will pronounce his BD ienis ivovoren worl! WATCH [FOR THE NEW him to report on time--out bet- ting is that he'll make it. FORD The Blair Fergusons enter-| STIRLING-DYNES LTD year ago, "Do Your Christmas Shopping In Oakville" the Jaycees swing into their 1950 drive, the street scene above as apt as It was twelve months ago. EL Euchre and bridge winners at the Church of the Epiphany par- ish hall Thursday evening were the Community Hall wete: Draw, K. Lewis; VanHorn, Mr. Hartlen, Mrs. Pat- terson, Rosie McDonald, J. Sloan. NO VARIATION O When the Journal 'carried this Euchre winners this week at Travelling prize, H. esses Guests at the home of Mr. and W. Horworth, over the Connie Johnson has been ill N THIS THEME cartoon by Al Boddington just a the Junior Chamber of Commerce was launching it's first campaign. This week, as ip quits The fire department answered a call to the Lady Baillie estate on Sunday afternock. ~ TRAFALGAR As a result of the pictures and write-ups Which appeared in a daily newspaper and the Journal, recording the ninetieth birthday of Mrs. A. A. Biggar, she has re- ceived one hundred or more let- ters and cards of "Best Wishes." Among one of the most interest- ing is a letter from Mrs. John M. Elson, of Spadina Road, Toronto, because of its references to local places and familiar family names in the district. After felicitating Mrs. Biggar on her birthday, Mrs. Elson says, "My thoughts im- mediately turned to the memory of my mother. You will be very surprised to know that I am the 4 FRIDAY, SATURDAY SWORN TO KILL A MAN WALTER BRENNAN - MARIE WINDSOR NOVEMBER 24-25 9° Bg worring RATHORD FATAN una CATLETT- CORA 3 | | tained on Friday night. | RS SPARKLING RS THE TWINKLE IN SANTA'S EYE That's the way your garments look when they return from RIVIER'S "Those Careful Cleaners" Forsythe St. at-the-lake PHONE 1123 N Hi MAA of Santa . . . don't leave your Christ mas cleaning needs too late . . . Phone us to-day. Speaking kissed and told has a decp, dark secret now! (es Corliss Archer) V GORDON M*RAE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY NOV. 27-28-29 JAMES NASSER presents HIRLEY TEMPLE-DAVIDNIVEN, for Corliss VIRGINIA MAYO wo TOM TULLY IRGINIA WELLES - DARRYL HICKMAN EXTRA ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ter, lives in Toronto. daughter of your old school friend, Melissa Secord the time I was a small child, my mother told me of you and your late sister, Mrs. Fleming. I well remember when at Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- by, Eoing Aunt Rebecca. my No. 3, Trafalgar (Munn's) dated July Barber. My grandfather grandmother Fish) in the cemetery at Munn's Corn- ers. Linwood, Ont. R. Y. Fish, of Linwood. I am sure 1 have many relatives in the dis- trict lives in Oakville and our daugh- Thursday., Nov. 23, 195 Mes, Biggar, Still has i her po MEET session a small picture of the pils, including herself, of Muu| school with teacher, Mr. Bari to which Mrs. Blson refers. ji Bison's husband, John M. Els is a wellknown Toronto wri) and literary critic. 9 PO The church Services on Trafalgar charge will be condyg| ed by Rev. G. I. Stephenson, Tq onto, Mr. Stephenson was frome a minister of Georgetown ed Church. The hours of wors will be on standard time. or ox oe ow (Faulds:) From I was a student to your home with Kaitting. I also have mother's school certificate, 28, 1865 and signed by James and my Secord (Phoebe and small child are buried Lizzie Fish, of Also Aunt sister of the late Dr. Mark of Hanover, supplisf the pulpit of Knox Church, gif teen, on Sunday. | xix ow ow Miss Martha Biggar was pf week-efid guest of Mr. and Mp John Hugh Peckitt (Lois Lung) Our son, Col. M. A. Elson Dr. 'Harold Couch, Wilhelmina Bl- home refer- wife of son." Mrs. Biggar's red to is the Munn pioneer home: Chatham. . Mrs. Robert Fleming was J oo Mrs, A. A. Biggar, Mrs. Rol (1 the mother who lives stead. The owned by The names well-known The Gun that became the Law of the Land! ANDOLPH SCOT RUTH ROMAN of R. Dewart Fleming on the Mun -honie- Khitting home is now Mi. George H. King. of Fish and Secord are in this community. Fish, Mrs. Lorne Fish and iy A. Marshall were guests on gy urday evening at a dinner gig) by Mrs. E. P. Lunau, Oakville, honour of Mrs. James Raby (of (Continued on Page 6) FRIDAY, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24.25 | | jith th ys. B WARNER BROS! ECHNICOIORY Ja of ~. IACHARY SCOTT EDWIN LMARIN @ WRITTEN BY THOMAS BLACKBURN THE HOME OF FA MILY ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27-28-29 THE BIG MUSICAL! ON THE SCREEN AT LAST! The show that played three years on Broadway and thrilled the world! IRVING BERLIN, composer of its songs, says: "Congratulations © MGMT the best job I | ever doneof transferring in © a stage musical to the ot ti screen." "The Girl That | Marry" "Sun In the Morning" "Falling In Love" "anything You Can 00" bin' What Comes Natur!' "You Can't Get 3 Han With a Gun" "There's No Business Like Show Business" ty. Defenses Are Down" m An Indian Too" and "Colonel Buffalo Bil"! Avaliable on MGM RECORDS | starring BETTY HUTTON HOWARD KEEL 1001S CALERN CARROL HAH EDHARD ARNOLD - EENAN WENN A METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PICTURE CENTUR THEATRE PHONE OAKVILLE 1! THE SHOWPLACE OF HALTON COUNTY x ENVELOPES L] NOW ON SALE R. ADULTS OR. CHILDREN

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