Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Dec 1950, p. 11

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ursday, Dec. 7, 1950 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Tage 11 JR Tigres certain young man Butychus fell third loft, and was taken up 4. Paul said his life is still' in . They brought 5 alive, and were not a little Acts 20: 9, 10, 12. jm forte esday evening service frhe will Include tes of the Sunday |'"® ' From the ci The Evening W.A. met at the Stevenson Afternoon down from the young Ira Cowan, ection of Mri J. ~ CHURCH NEW/S = | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE subject brning service will be "God the timonies of heal- ST. LUKE'S Canon D. R. Smith Branch of the home of Mrs. W. Tuesday evening. The Branch (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. meets today A Natlylty Play under the dir- . Fairbrother will be given in the Church, Sunday, Dec. 17th at 7.30 p.m. EPIPHANY Canon D. R. Smith A euchre under the auspices of the Afternoon Branch of the W. A. will be held tonight (Thurs- day) in the Parish Hall. The flowers on the Altar were given by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Orr as it was the anniversary of their wedding day. ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby Father Kirby will celebrate Masses on Sunday at 8.30 and 10.30 a.m. Evening devotions will be at 7.30 p.m. ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. C. Jackson Rt. Rev. W. E. Bagnall, Bishop of Niagara, confirmed a class of thirty-two candidates at a confir- mation service at St. Jude's Sun- day morning. The class was made up of twenty boys and girls and twelve adults. Assisting in the service were Rev. F. C. Jackson rector, and Rev. R. H. Howson, curate. An address was delivered by the bishop. About fifty men took part in the men's Advent corporate com- munion at 8 o'clock Sunday morn- ing. Rev. F. C. Jackson officiated, assisted by Rev. R. H. Howson. Following the service, breakfast was served to the communicants by members of the Women's Aux- ilfary in the parish hall, and a broadcast' of an address by Bish- op Bagnall was heard. Confirmation classes for adults and juniors are being continued as usual, Those just confirmed will take their first communion at 8 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 17. A meeting of the Women's Guild will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. A. Weath- erstone, 48 Park Ave, on Wed- nesday evening, Dec. 13, at 8.15. Renovation of the interior of the parish hall Is proceeding, and the large auditorium of the Sun- day school is being redecorated. ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson One of the most successful events of its kind in the annals of St. John's Church was the Christmas bazaar held Friday afternoon under the auspices of the Woman's Association. Lusk Hall was beautifully decorated under the direction of Mrs. Doug- las Peck, assisted by Mrs. Tom Lin A feature of the. decora- tion scheme was a handsome drawing of Lusk Hall by Miss Alice Peck, who also designed the posters advertising the bazaar. Evergreen boughs lent a sea- sonal touch to the decorations. There was a huge attendance, and the various booths did a splendid business. Patrons were welcomed by Mrs. W. H. Ford, president of the Woman's Association and general conwenor of the bazaar, and Mrs. Harry Pawson. The tea- room, which was well patronized, was in charge of Mrs. Jack Lee Lloyd Wright; delicatessen, Mrs. J. S. Fraser, Mrs. L. B. Christie; candy, Mrs. W. M. 'Wilkinson, Mrs. Allle Jackson; white ele- phant, Mrs. Arthur Tuck; fish- pond, Mrs. Harry Wilson. Handi- work booths, under the direction of different women's groups, were convened by Mrs. R. L. Gregory, Mrs. L. Anderson, and Mrs. Gor- don Perdue. Proceeds from the bazaar were extremely gratifying tos the members of the W.A. The annual Woman's. Associa- tion Service will be held this coming Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Special speaker will be Mrs. H. McCullagh, of the Domin- ion Woman's Association Coun- cil. Young people of all denomina- tions are invited to attend a spe- cial Young People's service at 7 oclock this coming Sunday eve: ning, when matters 6f interest to youth will be discussed by a group of young people Including Rex Louth, David Patrick, Mary Lou Shipley, Janet Wilkinson, Johit Ford and David Pawson. Directing the discussion will be C. G. Bain- bridge, youth leader. The High School Glee Club, under the dir- ection of Hugh Brearley, will sing, with David Pawson as solo- ist. Preparations are being made for a Nativity pageant, to be giv- en by children of the Sunday school in the church on Sunday evening, Dec. 17. Mrs. Fred Hot- son is directing the pageant. A special meeting of the Wo man's Association will be held tomorrow afternoon at 8 p.m. when officers for the coming year will be nominated. OX Rev. C. K. Nicoll A Communion service will be held this coming Sunday at 11 am, with Rev. C. K. Nicoll of- ficiating. At the morning service Mr. Nicoll will preach on "Loyal- ty and Desertion." His subject at the evening service will be "Mis- understood." The annual Sunday school en- tertainment will be held in the Sunday school hall Friday eve ning, Dec. 15, at 7.30. CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. A. A. Stoll Any day now, news of a Com- munist revolution among the na- tives of Africa may be in the headlines, it was predicted by Victor Veary, of the Sudan United Mission, who spoke at the mofn- ing and evening services of Cal- vary Baptist Church. Mr. Veary, who is home on furlough from the Equatorial Africa mission field, stated that Communist ag- itators were busy among the na- tives. An intensive missionary campaign was necessary to com- bat this propaganda, he pointed out. The Baraca Quartette of Hamilton sang at both services. and Mrs. Hunter Reid. Conveners of booths were: Home baking, Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain, Mrs: STIRLING-DYNES LTD. CORDIALLY INVITE YOU ~ TO INSPECT THE 1951 FORD WHICH WILL BE ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM COLBORNE STREET FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th ° FEATURE BY FEATURE FINER BY FAR Victor Griffin, missionary home on furlough from Paraguay, ad- dressed the Young People's So- clety Monday evening. Mr. Stoll, the minister, will preach at both "morning and eve- ning services Sunday. Tomorrow evening's cottage prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Snoy- der, Dundas St. North. John T. Davison Passes Following an illness of nine weeks, John T. Davison, 80 Pine Ave, died in Hamilton General Hospital on Sunday, A native of Durham county, England, Mr, Da- vison was 55 years old. He had been a resident of Oakville since coming to Canada in 1921. The late Mr. Davison saw service in both great wars, serving in the first war with the South Lanca- shire Regiment, and in the sec- ond with the 48th Higghlanders. In religion he was an Anglican. Besides his wife he is survived by a son, John Davison, and a daughter, Mrs. E. Snowball, both of Oakville. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the funeral chapel of S. S. Russell & Son to St. Jude's Cemetery. BEAUTY AND THE BURP For every woman who yearns for that schoolgirl complexion, there's a man who yearns for that schoolboy digestion. . ES ------ SS -- TO EVERYONE WHO MADE MY ELECTION POSSIBLE BECAUSE THEY WORKED AND VOTED FOR ME, MY MOST HEARTFELT THANKS. R.C. A. "RUSTY" CUMBERLAND SHOULD LIKE. TO THANK ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHOVOTED FORME AS COUNCILLOR ROBERT MARSHALL MY THANKS TO THOSE WHO VOTED AND WORKED FOR ME IN THE ELECTION W. H. BIGGAR | APPRECIATE THE CONFIDENCE HAVE SHOWN IN ME ESTS OF ALL TAXPAYERS J. M. WICKSON | THE VOTERS OF TRAFALGAR | SHALL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO SERVE YOU AS REEVE TO THE BEST INTER- MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO AND WORKED TO ELECT ME ERNEST G. PULLEN VOTED VOTED MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO WORKED AND AS A SCHOOL TRUSTEE PERCY W. MERRY "coag,] FOR ME

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