Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Dec 1950, p. 2

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Page 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS ville streets Saturday night. Sal- vation Army bandmaster Fred V. Russell writes the reception from Ss was very. ing, and plans to have his group |} out in full force this Saturday. Fara Favored with rge attend- ance, the annual Christmas bazaar of St. Andrew's Catholic Wo- men's League, held Friday after- noon in St. Mary's hall, was a big success. Christmas decorations gave the hall a festive appear- ance, and all the booths and the tearoom were. [well patronized. Ms. Hubert Hunt was in charge of the tearoom, and Mrs. Louis Cote and Miss Irene Harker pour- The Christmas turkey raffle of St. Andrew's parish will be held in St. Ma school hall on Fri- day evening, December 15. * . weekend visitors at the home of Mr. Street. been ill for the past week. evening. Winners 1st, Miss Lorraine Heaton, 2nd. Mrs. Allan Elliott. Men, 1st, Mrs. Harry Brewster, 2nd, Mri F. W. Babcock. Mr. George Penfield won the draw. Refreshments were ser- ved. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard were and Mrs. Grant Bray, Jones ERC Mrs. Corbett, Chisholm St., has The Bronte Community club held their weekly euchre Monday were: Ladies, od. Mrs. C. J. McDermott super-| Members of the University I) Sd fhe home baking booth, Mrs. | Women's Club are holding al yuck Sloan visited Mrs. Scarrow Fred Collier was in charge of the | Christmas party on Dec. 13 at|,nq family in Dunnville ast. week Variety table, and Miss Beatrice|the home 'of Mrs. Blair Ferguson, |g Sullivan bad charge of the can-|King Street. : SE dy booth. Mrs. McDermott, presi: ard ; Mrs, John Monarchic, Nelson it cted as general convener| Turkeys will be the prizes|gooot is ill with the flu Of fhe bazaar, assisted by Miss| when the C.C.F. holds its turkey : _ - euchre in Oakville Masonic hall Mary Hunt, president of the jun- Tuesday evening, Dec. 19 at 8 p.m. x no jor C.W.L. There was a euchre in the evening. In the lucky draw, A. B. Colville won the turkey, David Boocock the basket of groceries, and Lloyd Fitzsimmons the wool blanket. Net proceeds |Mrs, A. A. McDermott. from the bazaa ere $246. segs BBO. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Merry left Tuesday night for a brief holiday in Scarsdale, N.Y. eo so Mrs. Arthur Bourget, of Ottawa is spending the winter with her son-indaw and daughter, Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. D. Burros attended the fashion show at the King Edward Hotel on 'Wednesday eve- ning. C. F. Adderley, of Port Arthur, visited with his mother, Mrs. E. L. Adderley, and his sister, Mrs. J. "BE. Peat, Riverside Drive, over the weekend. . somo Mr. and Mrs. James Kendall, and. Rey. and Mrs, J. W. Stewart, Trafalgar, have returned from a trip to Washington, where they attended the centennial celebra- tion of the Order of the Eastern Star on this continent. Freres DRC) The annual Christmas Tree Party of Branch 114, Canadian Legion, will be held on Tuesday evening, December 19, beginning at 7 p.m. David Street has completed his CRC basic training in the R.CAF, s and is stationed at Chatham, J. E. Peat flew to Fort William N.B. on Monday to attend the funeral EEE of his father. Members of Groups 3A and 3B >is Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell en- of St. John's United Church Wo- men's Association held their an-|tertained Saturday evening prior nual Christmas party Monday [to the final night's performance evening at the home of Mrs. Gor-|of "Born Yesterday." Pr don E. Perdue, Dundas St. On be- half of the members, Miss T. Directors of the Oakville and Sumner presented Mrs. Perdue, | District Humane Society. met Tuesday night at the home of Dr. group leader for many years, with and Mrs. C. Lloyd-Jones. a handsome silver rose bowl and silver candlesticks. Mrs. George FE Grice presented her with a cor-| Miss Mary M. Smith returned sage. als by air last Monday from a vaca- tion in Montreal. BRONIE 3 i of bloom in the Garden," will* be the subject of A quartet of bandsmen and as many callers braved the pouring rain to bring the first Christmas carols of this Yule season to Oak- discussion at the Bronte Horti- cultural Society meeting to be held Dec. 14 at 8 pm. in the Anglican Church Parish Hall. John Clark of the Department of Agriculture will be the speaker. A Christmas table arrangement will be the special competition with extra prizes for men mem- bers who exhibit. There will be the regular flower show and door prizes. CHRISTMAS Mackintosh"s QUALITY STREET A Delicious Assortment of TOFFEES AND AC1 William Campbell was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Landry over the week- end. cses Dan MacLeod is recovering in from an attack of flu, .s Hexagon Tin Box 1 Ib. and 2 Ib. Boxes $1.50 © DONNA LEA CANDY AND NUT SHOP Phone 1229-W Mrs. J. P. Joyce visited her son Jim, and her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce last Thursday. F. Darling visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lewis last weekend. Little. Helen Beecraft, Nelson Street, has the measles. The Bronte Community Club is sponsoring a "Hard Times" dance Friday evening, so wear your old clothes and come to the Commun- ity Hall and have a good time dancing to the music of Walt Al- way and his Circle A Ramblers. The proceeds of this dance go the the Community Club's: Children's Christmas Party Fund. = ros Miss Greta Hadden visited Miss last Anne Osborne, Ontario St. Sunday. sesae Mi. and Mrs, Beecraft, Burling- ton Beach, visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Beecraft, Sunda; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Busby and family moved into their new home on Belyea St. on Monday. a . Mrs. Millard, formerly of Bracebridge, moved into her new home on Triller St, Saturday. PE Mrs. Joan Whiting and pupils gave a dance recital at the Com- munity Club Friday evening. The proceeds went to the Community Club's Children's Party Fund. saws The W. A. of Walton Memorial Church held a Christmas Bazaar Mary Tou, Hickson will be a pa- We are sorry. to learn that = tient in Sick Children's Hospital for arother week or two with a knee injury. vewes mi Mrs. Robert Joyce returned home Sunday after spending a few days al in Sarnia. o EI Mr. Kenneth Densmore, Free: man, visited Denzil Martin on |i Sunday afternoon. cess Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lang were among the Many to visit Mr. and Mrs. Walton Hughes and family in their new home on Inglehart Avenue in Oakville. PEE 2 Mr. and Mrs. Houghton of Galt visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cor- bett, Chisholm St, Sunday. e+ 8 ze Mr. BE. T. Hinton and Mrs. V. Hall of Toronto visited Mr. W. L. MacDonald. « + a o® Rev. W. T. Delve chistened Victor William Hinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hinton, Nelson St. in Sick Children's Hospital on Suiiday. * PE W. A. of Walton Memorial Church will hold their meeting on Thursdhy, in the Sunday Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Coombes will conduct the devotional. Mrs. Pickard and Mrs. Powers will be in charge of refreshments, Membefs are asked to please make an effort to attend this meeting. The members of the W.A. take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped and gave donations to make their an- nual bazaar a financial success. TRAFALGAR Arranged by the Odds and Ends group of the N. T. Community Club, under the leadership of Mrs. F. Near, substituting for Mrs. George Bentley who is ill, a euchre and dance was held on Thursday night in Trafalgar Memorial Hall. After the lunch The United monihly Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. School rooms. in the church:basement last Sat- urday afternoon. The bazaar was opened by Mrs. George Dawson of Hamilton. in intermission, Miller's Orches- tra supplied the music for dan- cing. The president, Mrs. J. Will- jamson presented the euchre priz- ENDS TO-DAY "S0 YOUNG SO BAD" (ADULT) AND FLAME OF YOUTH HUNTZ HALL bo A MONOGRAM PICTURE /DAYSONLY FRIDAY, SATURDAY IN OUR NEWS: LATEST KOREAN EVENTS DECEMBER 8-9 MONTE HALE YE £ A REPUBLIC PICTURF MON., TUES., WED. DEC. 11, 12, 13 MAY WE SUGGEST . . . FOR HER . WATCHES Canada's Own Standard of Time AN EXQUISITE DRESSER SET Pe kg F a -- Dainty in appearance with curved crystal -- shock - resist 17 - jewel gr _ movement 52.50 GOVERNOR -- Handsome, anfi- magnetic, ¢ 17-jewel watch of great ac- curacy and dependability 45.00 A SET OF MILITARY BRUSHES GROSVENOR'S Jeetins 88 Colborne St. E. Phone 121-W lune HAV0Q loin RUSSEL Dorothy HART Wiiten and Diected by CRANE WILBUR. Produced by AARON ROSENBERG. A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE. ADDED ATTRACTION co-starring Richard BASEHART + Marilyn MAXWELL Fish draws, 2 1st. and Mrs. Pish 2 ering also tied, MT. the draw. Miss Barbara Roy! president euchre and dance to be he winners. Ladies, and Mrs. and after to the arvey Dunn tied Dunn Was en, Lorne Fish and Lloyd Fish Ww! larence Ford won the in the lucky spot dance. announced al st week in December. PEE Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Fish en: tertained at a Sunday in honor of the of Mr. r, Tish. Mr. Newmarket, family bi Tish's father, came down vent. awarded nd. For the dinner on and Mrs. "Willard Fish, for STARTS TODAY FOR THREE DAYS ] BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Thursday, Dec. 7, 195 Mrs, | The teaching staff of Lin, School, Miss Willis, principa| tertained on Wednesday eo in the school at a turkey qin: for the members of Trap. Township Area School Boarq Veniy, Pick inning: lo and prize The nother 1d the board, Mrs. Roy Speers ang yy Speers, ! Linbrook school. Other gy, included Inspector Skuce (Continued on Page 7) rthday | THE FIREPLACE FUEL FOR HEAT AND SPARK(| Hillmers Fuel and Ice Co the Phone 23 Bp. M-GM:s MIGHTY MIRACLE TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL SHOW OF SHOWS! * JUDY FRANK: MORGAN - RAY BOLGER - BERT LHR - JICK HALEY BILUE BURKE + MARGARET HAMILTON - CHARLIE GRAPEWIN A METAD- GOLDWYN - MAYER MASTERPIECE REPRINT ATTENTION GIRL GUIDES ON THE SAME PROGRAM WOMEN OF TOMORROW starring GARLAND AND THE HUNCRKINS their ladies, the secretary of ol and the caretakers ang | CANNEL CORL | 4 MONDAY, TUESDAY simp Yvonne De with Jackie GLEASON - Lois ei Aa CARLO - Richard GREENE ANDREWS - George MACREADY - Rock HUDSOH| WEDNESDAY, THU RSDAY Is a detective's badge a license for murder? "GARY, MERRILL Bart Freed « Tom Tully 20. "zai OT10 PREMINGER SS From a Novel by Wiliam L. Stusrt ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW PHONE THE SHOWP| FOR THAT HARD TO SUIT PERSON BUY ODEON GIFT | TICKETS! | CENTURY Zomus! OAKVILLE 1120 LACE OF HALTON COUNTY DECEMBER 11-12 | 0

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