Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 14 Dec 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS D. Halton County Mr. and Mrs. M. Dewar el hold a turkey t I ternoon 3 urday night, and successfully | ginton, and Mr. Cook of Kitchen Walker's Line, game warden Dud [forged into lead position for the er and Mr. B. T Hinton and Mrs. Hitcheox advises. Ammunition | first time in the series. Hall of Toronto. will be supplied for both shotguns piers tw + = - and ri The shoot gets under| Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wilson | yo are sorry to hear that Mis. way at 2 p.m pent the weekend with the Al | wp pill, Trafalgar St, has been an Reads. * J. A. Campbell, veterinary sur- rI.z uated from Marvel Hairdressing geon and curator of Riverdale Miss Ann Rawlings, doughter| nana Mys. Alfred Martin, | School and opened her beauty . BO iho spas arf Mu and Mis, Donal Smith, 35 | ones Street visited Kitchener | shoppe on Wed De Rothey OID Monday might, | |aIViving from King's Hall, Comp-|5¢ weekend. cose PEE oo a Dos 1510, bn spend LS Mr. and Mrs. H. Swartman, e Christm: Sis a : § : i o As Miss Grace Osborne of Nor-| Springfield, spent the weekend at Dr. Janina Zaborowsks, a grad | grandparents, Canon and Avs. BS an Jisiting hor S15 toa. ewe of Mr. and Mrs. H : 'Andrew's Medical col-| Russell Smith. Her parents are|q.. ang brotherin-law, Mr. and | Corbett , Scotland, has become an as | spending the winter in Palm, ys pan wilson, Lakeshore Hey. » oe Sociate of Dr. Maurice Lunau in [Spain. Vitson, La Site : his practice, ompanied by reece ; The Community Club will hold The W.A. of the Anglican Church | (ner Christmas party i her husband, now a technical en- Industries, James L. Cooke will gineer at Taymouth annual company Christmas party | odo hy e [bridge in J she came fo Canada in June and EE a paties hah fist Tiwrsoey vais her Dominion Council eX-) owners at the Barclay Hotel on wyuison; 2nd, Mrs. Martin Booby sense Monday night. prize Mrs. Stafford. Mens: 1s Spa ne Mrs. Brewster, 2nd, Mr. Brew- Organizations of St. Andrew's| Bruce Bantield has returned |ster, booby prize, Mrs. Gilbert. { parish are holding a turkey raf-|jome from the Memorial hospital | Bridge prizes: Mrs. M. Green, fle tomorrow evening at 815 in|following an appendicitis obera- | Mrs. Lukeman, Mr. D. Wilson, Mr St Mary's school hall. Proceeds tion. eo Will be used to defray the cost FE Ha ; of decorating St. Andrew's church. Mrs. Leslie Hulme, Balsam Dr, entertained at a Christmas tea 'yesterday afternoon. Assisting her garet James will give a Christm: recital on Saturday The Headmaster, Master a Were Mrs. Don Gibson, Mrs. Pet-|poys of Appleby College are hold- er Bennett, Mrs. Gordon Crad-fing an At Home on Wednesd dock, Mrs, Leonard McGuiness, | evening, Dec. 20 at 9 p.m Mrs. John Noble, Mrs. Harvey [9 Ai Philip, and Mrs. Mervin Card. ar. J 2 tewmell left x on oe All friends of the staff and pu- pils of Appleby College are cor- dially invited to attend the an- nual carol service of the College Chapel Choir in the chapel this Saturday evening at 8 p.m. cess «os sau, Bahamas. ox Lady Baillie urday night for members of t Oakville Yacht Squadron. M Mrs. Herb M y re- Shr Metinney. Bas renmmen], 2 nd Me erb Merry Tei oon of the W.A. turned Tuesday from a visit to from Montreal, where he attend- friends in Scarsdale, N.Y. Li al FU ed his brother's funeral. oni Mr. and Mrs. Norman Newport B85 Le % visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Beecraft, Michael Read celebrated his| A&I on Seen Nelson St, last week. fifth birthday on Saturday with a |g =RRos ae i = ride party. ntario championship baseball] qe «ard Times" dance spon- club at the Old Mill last Wed- as on Taisise Ee those 9 tained the bridge club on Friday Z Mr. and Mrs. Bud Corbett, M night. Beth MacTaggart, Tom Sale, M Marylyn Mayhew, Miss Irene MacDonald, Don ax x x x Miss Patience Cumberland en- tertained on the occasion of her birthday on Wednesday. Currie, Miss Ann Osborne, Wilf ea sae : : ; Herbert, Jim Withnell, Miss ; and Mrs. Leslie Forster, Shirley Chambers, Jim Scarrow,| Tie Bronte Community Club Mr. Reynolds Street, entertained: twice on Sunday. Orr, Ken Brown. tertained the bridge club on Sat- hold his The piano pupils of Miss Mar- this week for the Balmoral Club, Nas- entertained Sat- sent were Miss Dorothy Ingram, Jim Johnson, Rut- ledge, Miss Lorraine Dorian, Bill Miss Donna Tufford, Miss Bunny BRONTE Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Victor Hinton, Nel- son St. were Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. n- ill for the past week. + BS held an euchre and bridge in the + vox Miss Dawna Scarrow, Dunn- ville, was a weekend guest at the . and Mrs. Ken Staf- ome of M ford, Triller Si . as nd t. sass Mrs. Ted Gilbert, Belyea St. is at home with her infant son An- drew. ay Mrs. Lloyd Stafford, Sovereign St, visited her husband's family in Clarkson for a week. PR A cake sale and afternoon tea was held in the Anglican parish hall on Wednesday afternoon un- der the sponsorship of the evening he sored by the which was held in the Communi Hall last Friday was a huge suc- cess. The music was supplied by the Circle A Ramblers and the proceeds were in aid of the Com- munity Club's Children's Christ: mas party. re- iss iss held their regular old time dance on Saturday evening in the com- munity hall. Music was supplied THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DEC. 14-15-16 ORY In ol: nde i IN OUR NEWS LATEST EVENTS IN KOREAN WAR by Norm Gill and his orchestra. +x Clarence and Gerald Tibbets of Port Credit and Mr. and Mrs. Jan Breeman were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Me Keel, Triller St. x ow Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carpenter and family, Trafalgar St, visited Mr. and Mrs. Legere, Caledonia, on Sunday. esses Miss Maude Eburne, well-known Hollywood movie star, formerly of Bronte, is visiting her sister, Miss Ada Riggs, who has been ill. sss se Mr. Charles Lynch, wellknown ex-resident of Bronte was hit by a truck and is now in Toronto SR TES Mrs. Charlotte Carpenter grad: Community Hall on Tues 19th. Children under age will be entertained from 7 to 8.30 p.m., and those over 8 from 8.30 to 10 p.m. TRAFALGAR The December meeting of the local church women's organiza: tions were held on Wednesday Dec. 6th. The election of officers was held by each society, Mrs. W BE. Dent was hostess for the Six teen Church Ladi Aid and W. M. S. The officers for re: Ww. LA.; president, Mr vice-president, Mrs. Martin cord; secretary, Mrs. BE. A. per, Mrs. Martin Secord; tary, Mrs. E. A. Hopper, Mrs. H. Hopkins, flower er, Mrs. J. Beamish. W President, Mrs. Allan Dent; president, Mrs, Perey King; retary, Cecil Robinson; trea- surer, Mrs..G. Robinson; supply, Mrs. G. H. King. A Christmas program, arranged by Mrs. G. H King, was given by the members and the annual L.A, Christmas "Give and Take" table was the centre of interest after the meet- ing. The Munn's W.A. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. R. D. Fleming. The election of of- ficers was conducted by Rev. J. A. Stewart. Elected were Mrs. A. Walsom, president; Mrs. S. Barn: staple, vice-president; Mrs. Ewart Hall, secretary; Mrs. J. Bentley, treasurer; . flower convener, Miss M. Featherstone, For the affiliat- ed W.M.S,, pres, Mrs. Lloyd Pick- ering; sec. and M.M. sec, Mrs. Lorne Fish; treas, Mrs. Fleming. A Christmas reading prepared by Mrs. L. Pickering was read by Mrs, W. Pickering. sees Se- Hop- secre- treas.; conven- M. 8, = winners at the Tra- falgar Fire Brigade euchre on Friday night in the Trafalgar Community Hall were for the la- dies, 1st, Mrs. W. E. Dent who donated her prize to the door re- ceipts; /2nd, Mrs. Adair. The highest scores for the men were Mr. E. Schroeder and Mr. Cliff Norton. In the draw for a motor rug Jim Bailey held the lucky ticket. Norm Gill's orchestra sup- plied music for dancing. The prize x or ox oa x Mrs. Gerald Brown (Ardelle Lawrence) Foremost, Alta, was the guest of her aunt, Miss Ida Pickering, over the weekend be- fore returning home. General Hospital. Pa MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY DEC. 18-19-20 +HOODLUMS yas 0 GUTS ROV he William MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER Lo- N IN ER Barbara Ado orto KRUSH "gra iYCR MENJOU- OLDEN Mary Lou Hickson returned home from hospital on Wednes- day. PE Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilliam, Sov- ereign St, visited with friends in Welland over the weekend, cree The December meeting of the Home and School Assn. has been cancelled. no. Mr. Donald Gibson was visiting friends in Bronte on Monday. cso The Community Club held its weekly euchre on Monday eve- ning. Prize winners were: ladies, 1st, Mrs, C. Craigie, 2nd., Mrs. L. Ribble, booby prize, Mrs. A. Bl- liott. Men's, lst, Mr. H. Hart- land, 2nd, Bill Smythe. Booby prize, Morley Tumor. Draw, Mrs. S. Lewis. Gary Cullingham was one of the junior performers in the piano re- cital of the pupils of Mrs. Louise Thompson, on Thursday in the O.T.H.S. Gary and his brother Glenn, were members of the Rhy- thm Band which played at the re- cital. sesas Rev. Mr. Stewart presided for the election of officers for the W.M.S. and W.A. of Wesley Church. For the W.M.S, pres, Mrs. S. D. Turner; vice-pres., Mrs. F. Near; sec, Mrs. W. Sinden; treas. and Christian Stewardship sec, Mrs. M. McClure; depart ment secretaries, Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Near; Supply and Temperance, Mrs. R. K. Gibson; Friendship, Mrs. Calvin Bentley. Supt. Baby Band, Mrs. H. Culling- ham. For the W. A. pres, Mrs. E. A. Albertson, vice-president, 1 AS SPARKLIN RS THE TWINKLE IN | WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL XMAS SHOWS That's the way your garments look from THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT OAKVILLE RIVIER'S PHONE 1123 when they return "Those Careful Cleaners" Forsythe St. at-the-lake G Speaking don't leave mas cleaning late . . . Phone us to-day. of Santa . . . your Christ needs too Mrs, G. B. Post; treas, MIs: Long, Ou skate Exchange! de 4 "Murer presided for | whose death occurred 'o, 3% ' Fish, aofing. The treasurer of the|day, Was a resident in pis i To help skating enthusiasts |S. Mrs. Cullingham, present-|er days of Munn's Comers oF get skates that fit, the recrea | oq" ilar report which showed the | [alee where he was ap, I eommisston is, operating a |ouount of $93.00- to be sent tole Bumti® Church and oe owonangs at Vistoria Hall | 300" prothyiorial trepsurer Long home. tecently sol, this week. Hours are 7 to 930 |yi R Tish gave the W. A. fin [landmark at Munn's Corpo, this evening, 4 to 5.30 pm. to- | cial report which was very sat Bi. HR orrow, and 10 a.m. to 12 noon, | {in oiory Mrs, Cullingham was| Mrs, Lorne Fish visiteq and 2 to 4 p.m, Saturday. Tran: | jooieq for a gift of 50 cups and) weekend at the home of Jor actions will be on a cash basis. | 2 cers to the church. The deter, Mrs. Earl Jewitt, 0 ki votions, lowed the Christmas theme. Rov. J. A. Stewart conuoled |g) gr Ortona Bar : the funeral service of the late DE | Gommind, have 'been a George Hardy at Clarkson lastly oo, Department of you week. Defence. The Canadiny pd 2 alia 3 Forge) i ; ho. nas | Decoration and 1st Clas, 1, Miss Laura Bradley who NAS | yiomis Hayne Austin | peo ill with pneumonia is recov oh Royal Canadian 11. Thursday, Dec. 14, 15 R. Mr. William hymns and program fol- = ARMY AWARDS cae § The following awards | conducted 0 pers ering. Corp: PC a nad Decoration, Capt. Edwi, (y oy Lar] Albertson visited for (George Long, « Royal Char favs last week at the| Army Pay Corps; Capi home of her aunt, Mrs. Horton |stanley Robinson, Rc Ayearst. fan Army Pay Corps * 2 Officer Class II, i Mrs. G. K. Bentley, who has|Kellman, Royal Canady been A patient in Peel Memorial | Medical Corps; _Serg Brampton, is now conval-| Thomas Lean Royal Hall, escing at her home. Corps of Signals. tots 'n teens SAT., 16TH. TO CHRISTMAS Open evenings until 9 p.m. Colborne Street Phone 1303 LASTDAY WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS DECEMBER 15-16 GENE TIERNEY FRIDAY, SATURDAY TWEPICTURE p> ° HEH pres CLARK Yi . GABLE - KEY TO THE CITY with MARILYN MAXWELL B57 FRANK MORGAN JAMES GLEASOH J LEWIS STONE + RAYMON WALBUR) MONDAY, TUESDAY DECEMBER 18-1 i YOU READ ABOUT IT... NOW SEE IT... suns RICHARD WIDMAK - PAUL UI 2 'BARBARA BEL GEOOES bana ELIA KAZAN » sss $0 CHF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY DECEMBER 2028 It could happen to so many W/V) Directed by MAX OPULS - Produced by WALTER WANGER TO MAKE YOUR TREE A TREASURE. ISLAND REMEMB TUR PHONE OAKVILLE THE SHOWPLACE OF HALTON COUNTY 0

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