THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 31, 1951 | Page 2 [PEOPLE ana EVENTS MRS. DOUG AHERN of First on The College Church, morning. Chapel Choir sang in Port Credit, «soon Dr. P. family their and Mrs cottage, Georgian Bay. » Ted Morgan and the weekend at Mr. and Mrs children spent Victoria Harbour. . Mr. Mrs. Eyre Davis re- turned on Friday from a two months holiday in the British Isles and on the Continent and Mrs. Robert secretary of England and Mis Toronto, the 24th holiday with M Bedlington and Miss Florence Delamere. tree Spencer, formerly nada House in Caroline Grant, Miss Nancy Skerratt tained on Saturday. Ears enter- who is at Cen- at his Cadet Donald Green, training with the RCAF tralia, spent the weekend home. sor ovo. Mr. and Mrs. L. Akerman and Mrs. C. A. Birge spent last week- end in North Bay. «aoe oe Miss Lorna Keene and Miss Nancy Patten entertained at tea on Saturday at the home of the former for the graduating class of Branksome Hall, Toronto. Appleby United Sunday Soanes and spent the weekend at | PHONE 601 On June 2nd, Mr. Gordon Perdue and Mr. Doug Tough will graduation of M due from the University ern Ontario in London. REE and Mrs. and Mrs. attend the Dorothy Per- y of West- McDermott was elected a director of the Toronto Advertising and Sales Club at last week's annual meeting. Mr. A Congratulations to Mr. and L. Shanly, on the birth of a son, last Wednesday. ss. Mrs. R. J. New are before the Oakville on Friday evening. rar Mr. and | entertaining Club Cabaret Mrs. P. Hutchins is entertain- ing before the Oakville Club Ca- baret on Saturday evening. x BE Ricky Brooks-Hill celebrated his seventh birthday on Saturday with a party. + x + x The W. H. Edwards entertain- ed on Saturday evening. Fa Mrs. Frank W. Bowman, Min- neapolis, arrived last Sunday to spend the summer at her home on King Street. FEE Miss Anne Campbell ed on Friday evening. entertain- Miss Carol Boorer left on Fri- day to visit friends in Kennil- worth, Illinois, o got ! Hlonandre Domes' Y MAGNIFICENT ADVENTURE OF FRANCE AFLAME... Dum GEORGE HON PAULA CORDAY An Edvard L Alpin Produc Relea by. Tuentiel plan fox Added LATEST NEWS OF THE DAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 31 - JUNE 1-2 ih ter est smash smugglers! i Hil 3 [AIFF van HORARDST.IDHN 4 AND HEARTACHES OF A GREAT CITY! EE Bogeaus presents starring PAT O'BRIEN WAYHE MORRIS * DOLORES MORAN Directed by ROBERT FLOREY Raleased thru United Artists ALL THE HEARTBEATS Remsonts JOHNNY ONE-EYE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT There's a man she must find... and a man she -- ROBERT Em JOMING SOON TO THE GREGORY - JUNE 11-12-13 THE STORY OF A WOMEN'S PRISON "CAGED" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PHONE OA THE HOME OF FAMILY. ENTERTAINMENT KVILLE Mrs. \L. G. Ostrom and daugh- ter Dibble are in Cobourg, visit- ing Mrs. Ostrom's mother, Mrs. MacTaggart. «x or 0x Col. and Mrs. W. G. MacKen- drick left by plane last week for Vancouver to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dane MacKendrick. FR Dr. and Mrs. Victor Large, Toronto, are spending this week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ambler. Mr. and Mrs. Ambler are entertaining for their guests on Friday evening. PR Gordon Perdue from Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. will return Friday, City, where they have been at- tending the Rotary International Convention. Preceeding this they spent a week at the Lake Placid Club Pasar Rockets shot skyward to burst in cascades of gorgeous many- hued sparks, while several hun- dred eager-eyed spectators of all ages looked on in rapture. The scene was the lake at the foot of Chisholm Street, the time, Thursday evening, and the occas- ion, of course, the anniversary of the birth of Queen Victoria. The public fireworks display, to which a large number of citizens con- tributed, was organized by Fred Sharpe, Joseph Anderson and Norman Carlson. It was a huge success, and all who saw it thor- oughly enjoyed the brilliant dis- lay. Pr Mr. Barl Theriault Ray Kelley are visiting don. and Mr. in Lon- axe osx Cifisholm and Campbell had a kitchen shower at the home of Miss Chisholm for Miss Beth Wilson on Tuesday afternoon. or oworow Miss Shirley Miss Barbara Ted Kennedy, reation director, and Mrs. K. A. Morrow of the Brantwood Home and School Association will be the speakers at the Sma next evi Monday, June 4, at 8.15 p. Oakville's rec- wor row os Mrs. George Kinder of Strath- roy is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Shipley, and Mr. Shipley. nee xan Her many friends will be sor- ry to learn that Mrs. George Harker is seriously ill in Oak- ville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospit- 1 CRC . B. Shipley entertain- ed after rehearsal Thursday eve- ning in honor of Miss Jean Pope and Mr. Thomas Shipley, whose marriage took place Saturday in the Church of the Epiphany, Bronte. + nos The Jack Milnes visited Mr. Milne's parents in Kirkland Lake over the weekend. + + a Miss Isabel Fowlds, New York, is staying with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. olds spent with Mrs. Cleveland. » and Mrs. Larry B. Reyn- the holiday weekend Reynolds' parents in x Betty Merry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Merry, graduates this week from the School of Nursing, Toronto General Hos- pital at Convocation Hall. CY DRY CLEANING, TOO, HAS GONE MODERN Warm weather garments need special care . . . with repeat- ed cleanings during the sum- mer it will pay you to let us give them the extra care to preserve the fabrics . . . . SEE US TO-DAY! For Pick-up & Delivery Phone 1557 Oakville Cleaners ENQUIRE ABOUT SUMMER STORAGE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gill, Glou- cester Road and guests, Prof. and Mrs. G. W. MacElheny, Port Credit and Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman, Hamilton, are spending this weekend at the former's summer home at Pleasant Point, 'Sturgeon Lake. oor x xx Robert Gill spent last weekend on a fishing trip to North Bay. 2 ox vox PIR Rey. Harry Pawson, minister of St. John's United Church, W. T. Hambrook and John M. Camp- bell, delegates of the church, and ing the annual meeting of Hamilton Conference of United Church at McMaster Un- iversity, Hamilton. stis Members of Angela Bruce Chapten, LOD{. will dispense hot dogs and cold drinks to hun- gry and thirsty ball fans to raise funds for their many wel- fare and educational activities The refreshment stand at Wallace ark is being operated by the Chapter again this season, and was opened last week. x x or 02 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Marshall entertained on Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Till, Toronto. » Mr. and Mys. Paul Holman arrive in Oakville today after a trip to the coast. «xox ove Dr. and Mrs. B. C. H. Windel- er, Windsor, will spend the weekend with Mr. and Mis. C. H. Windeler. Thursday evening they will attend the graduation of their daughter, Joan, from the Toronto General Hospital Fr Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Clement, Sarnia, visited their son and Lal Mr. and, Mrs. L. F. Clement. While in Oakville Mr. and Mrs. Clement stayed at the Trafalgar Arms. PE Mr, Ray Collett spent the weekend in Exeter. Helen Arundel is pro- gressing favorably after an op- eration in the Oakville-Trafal- gar Memorial Hospital. ge Miss. Mrs. John Mahoney, Vancou- ver, arrived on Sunday to spend a few days with her parents, Col. and Mrs. R. O. Bull. FE Miss Shirley Chisholm is en- tertaining before the Oakville Club Cabaret on] Friday evening. Mr. A. P. es oo Mr. H. G. McKillop, are in Atlantic City attending the Rotary Interna- tional Convention. x x ® omox Hugh Thompson, be guests of Mr. A. Scott this week- Dr. and Stratford, and Mrs. W. end. Mrs. 1] ER Mr. J. B. Humphrey is in St. Louis this eek on business. Mr. and Mrs. Cats C. Hill mer and family spent the week- end at their cottage at Algon- quin. Park. ) PR Miss Irene Smart spent the weekend in Toronto. PEE The St. Jude's Women's Guild Annual Birthday Tea was held in the Parish Hall on Wednes- day. CREE Mrs. Pat Cavanagh is in Win- nipeg, where 'her father passed away last week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Saup, dg are spending the Bre mend nid Mr. and pss Roy. Ir . Mr. wo PL. Bailey "Cherry Trees," Port Weller, arg entertaining at a supper par, on Sunday, in honor of Miss Bay. Continued on page three ee -- AIR CONDITIONED ICE REFRIGERATORS ALL SIZES $51.00 to $95.00 HILLMERS FUEL AND ICE DUNDAS ST. PHONE 23 FOR... BUILDING MATERIALS --SEE-- CHAS. F. BOTY AND SON Dundas St. N. H Phone 76 The Completely HAVE YOU SEEN New 'To Canada BRITISH FORD CONSUL NOW 'ON DISPLAY AT STIRLING-DYNES LTD. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MAY 31ST, JUNE 1-2 ie floy Syd len 5 PESTON FOSTER ACK OANE- 0M TL - S54 cha. ALEX NICOL N Showplace Ya U Halton County R OAKVILLE PHONE 1120 starring | COLUMBIA PICTURES presents Hoo Jil Wr 3 tt nS. SILVAN SHOR. ew GEORGE YOU'VE READ ABOUT IT - YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT IT NOW YOU CAN SEE IT ...... MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, JUNE 4-1 ACADEMY AWARD RA A ey LA a. ----------_---------