Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 14 Jun 1951, p. 2

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Thursday, June 14, THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL wn hg Page 2 [PEOPLE ana EVENTS PHONE 601 the guests at the for Eng wedding who stayed at of France algar Arms were Mr. and are attending |) J. H. Gillies, Miss Nancy convention in | Gillies, Mr. and Mrs . Mor- Festival of Brit- | rison, Mr. and Mr G. Brown, visit the contin- | Mr. and N. S. Irwin, Mr. | and Mrs. J. S. Hyatt, and MF. and | Mrs. J Scott, all of London, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Merry mot- ored Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Bide to Montreal Tuesday. The Bides sailed for England aboard the Scythia. Mr. William Hughes has fay, over his duties as secretary the Oakville Baseball Assn ceeding Mr. C. L. Oliver, His Honor the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Ray Lawson held a reception on Tuesday in honor of the delegates to the six- th annual conference of the Can- adian Library Association. * x Mr. and Mrs. Alan Read and Michael and Pat spent the week- end in London. «x of » Sle . Anne Home celebrated her birthday last week Fra B serra : Mrs. W. B. Shipley and Mrs. Hart Crawford attended the dia: mond jubilee of the Hamilton General Hospital Association in Hamilton last week. PERE Mrs. Elspeth Young, librarian of the Oakville Public Library, is attending the annual convention of the Canadian Library Associa- tion being held in Toronto this Custus of Port- | week. Groffett nx Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hillmer are entertaining T. A. Roberts, of Ingland. During the late war Mr. Roberts entertained a number of Oakville servicemen. NOTICE OF CLOSING FOR SUMMER MONTHS DURING THE MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY: AND AUGUST WE WILL REMAIN CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY. HOME TRUTH An old minister once said thy it your troubles weren't 1 enough to pray about, they orem big enough to worry about. MRS. DOUG AHERN and Mr Miss Penny Slipp is showing three horses at the Galt Horse Show on Saturday. Fr Mer-| The Linbrook Cub pack will be presented with a mounted wolf head by the Linbrook Home and School assn. at the field day and community picnic on Saturday afternoon at the school ss or vn Among ry-Farle; Ar. Charles land Harry Empre: They ing the on the next Frida an adve ondon ain and will a ent Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Anundson, La t Clarkson, are entertaining af barbecue luncheon on Sunds honor of Miss Barbara Campbell and Mr. Ted Stone. nw ox ar Mr. and Mrs. William Tyre, Sr. Vancouver, B.C., are visiting with the William T:; Morrison Rd. PS HE and Mrs. Donald Wilkins, the weekend with Patrick BE. Cavan For Windows and Doors E CHAS. F. DOTY AND: SON Dundas St. N. F. V. Groffett, land, Jamaica, and Mrs. a fun frolic sponsored by the en-|have been guests of Mr. and Mrs terprising community centre in |B. T. C. Burke for two weeks. that section, will be keld at the THEE B-A recreation park on Friday Mr. Ray Collett and Saturday evenings. y on Tuesday noe os = meeting of the Hc uxiliary of St. John's held on Monday eve- of a picnic at Fred Hotson PE Che closing Clarkson's anmial Gypsy Fai | Evening = | church w ning in the form the home of 1 Mrs. son raydon and V for dnesday hire, at for New business left on a Phone 76 to at- Dart- | The Trainin School of the mouth Col Hamilton General Hospital had its 60th Jubilee last week. Among the Oakville people attending were Miss Dorothy McBain, M Miles O'Reilly, Mrs. Hart Craw- ford, Mrs. W. B. Shipley and Mrs! Fred Tilley Heath, Pine Ave, Aww an home following a| Dr. and Mrs. B. P. Soanes and the Memorial hos-| Miss Virginia Lee Soanes en tained on Friday evening for Miss Beth Wilson and Mr. F. S. Milli- gan, Miss Barbara Campbell and Mr. Ted Stone and Miss Shirley Chisholm and Mr. Eric Pawson. Farr Frank turned in Mr. has brief s pital lor and Miss left on Wed- Scythia," from on a University Tour of and the continent cat Margaret I x rox ov The season's final meeting of the University ° Women's Club will be held June 26 at the home of Mrs. Rupert Helmer, Ninth Line C. R. Slipp spent the weekend weekend in Hamilton Mrs. Roy Irwin. and Mrs. D. E. Phin ss 2 noe Fx haa a Milligan and | Michael Davis entertained a ten Glahn, will attend a [number of his friends on Satur- graduate course at the Uni-|day evening on the occasion of versity of Toronto, June 18 to |his 13th birthday. 20th. 3 the Mr. Mrs. spent with A. Schwint, Los with Angeles, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Burritt, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, arrived on Friday to spend a week with Mrs. Burritt's sister- and brother- inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. BE. J. Far ley. 2 2 2 = Carberry attended the annual meeting of the Nia- gara and District Film Federa- tion, held in the municipal build- ing, St. Catharines. © Mr. Bwart William C. oy i: Mrs. Milne Gourlay, Mrs. Dennis Garside and|was a weekend visitor son left by air last week to spend | and Mrs. W. A. Scott. a month with Mrs. Garside's fam- * one ily in England. * + lie a OPEN ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOPPE 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 London, a with Mr. M Debbie Graydon brating her thirteenth on Saturday with a party od Westwood Friendly Circle will hold its closing meeting and pot luck supper in Westwood school Wednesday, June 20, at 7 p.m. 2 x 3% 0% is cele- birthday Kate. Reid a last week after spending six months in New York. Miss Reid will spend a short time with her mother, Mrs. W. C. Reid, before joining the Theatre Series Com- any in Peterboro . for the sum- mer season. ? - Miss, ne Mrs stock is the Mrs. Charles Ave, Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Woodmere, N.Y. were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp, Forsythe St George Hoskins of Wood- guest of Mr. and MacKenzie, Palmer Beauchamp, weekend Chas. Oakville Club Ladi Tennis team played a match in Toronto on Tuesday afternoon at the Badminton and Racquet Club. + 4 The piano pupils of Miss Mar- garet James are haying a recital this evening. ss xe Mr. Wilson Milon, New York, 2 s visiting his sister Mrs. J. Don- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holman and [ald Sr. daughter Alice Montgomery who vox * have been visiting Mrs. Hol-| Mrs. D. JgGladman and child- man's parents, Col. and Mrs. R.|ren of Winnipeg arrived last 0. Bull, left on Saturday for their | week to spend some time with home in Foeck, Cornwall, Eng-|her brother and sister-in-law, land Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wyndham. FE HELD OVER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JUNE 14-15-16 ...back on the old farm where the ZZ began! UNIVERSAL: INTERNATIONAL presents. | THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 14-15-16 Ea PE Among those from Oakville at- tending the R.C.A.M.C. annual June Ball at Toronto Military Hospital were Major General and Mrs. H. Graham, Lt. Col. and Mrs. F. Ovens, Lt. Col. and Mrs. T. Bigleow, Lt. Col. and Mrs. King Mason, Major and Mrs. J. D. Galloway, Lt. and Mrs. Wool ford. oe Major Mr. anf Mrs. Francis McHale aljorje Toronto, were weekend guests of 7 by the Harry Lescelles. + 8 8 © KILBRipF Mrs. C. Brunt, Hanover, was a weekend guest of Mrs. C. A. Birge. * A successful point dinner meet- ing of the Halton medical and dental societies was held in the ERBERT J. YATES se rosonts PE starring TERA RALSTON - JOHN CARROLL introducing MURIEL LAWRENCE A REPUBLIC PICTURE WILLIAM CHING HOPE EMERSON - GRANT WITHERS STEPHEN CHASE + JOHN QUALEN » HENRY MORGAN. Screen Play by D. D. Beauchamp Story by PETER B. KYNE Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Emerson leave next week for a class re- union at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. ass Lt. Col. and Mrs. A. Ruther- ford and daughter Virginia, are moving to Oakville from Ottawa where Lt. Col. Rutherford has been posted to Central Command. + a Mrs. C. A. Birge and Mrs. G. R. Brant Inn last Wednesday eve- ning, with 29 members and guests being present. Speaker of the eve- ning was Dr. D. Kelly, asst. secretary of the Canadian Med- ical assn. PEE Dr. and Mrs. Carleton Green are spending the weekend at their Lake of Bays cottage. RICHARD LONG « MEG RANDALL RAY COLLINS Oe ¢ Directed by ALLAN DWAN Republic Fictuss Cogontion + Hocbert 1. Yates, Presideat LATEST NEWS OF THE DAY McConvry are entertaining at a tea and shower for Miss Barbara Campbell on Tuesday afternoon. + Fa FATHER WOULD PROBABLY SAY Miss Isabel Fowlds, New York, who has been visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. . M. Dewar, returned home on 'Wednesday. + MGMs Fowr-Ston WYMAN - JOHNSON "KEEL + SuLliiaN BETTE DANIELS 7 ROY BARCROFT PAUL HURST JAMES CARDWELL to a present on FATHER'S DAY JUNE 17 SO GIVE HIM PR Mr. Michael O'Shea, London, has moved to Oakville and is liv- ing on Spruce Street. * 2 x x El Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brennan en- tertained at a supper party on Sunday evening for Miss Beth Wilson and Mr. F. S$. Milligan, and Miss Shirley Chisholm and Mr. Bric Pawson. sx . Mr. and Mrs. John Oudhoff and Mr. and Mrs. W. Allan Campbell spent the week end at Algonquin Park. essere Mrs. L. Bracci and daughter, Windsor, spent the weekend with Mrs. Braccl's sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. McDuf- fie. x a ox Mrs. Louis Keene and Mrs. W. G. Reid entertained on Saturday for Mi Beth Wilson and Mr. Sandy Milligan. Er oo» wih, JOHN MCINTIRE » SAM JAFFE « § Screenplay by GEORGE ZUCKERMAN + Directed by TED TETILAFF Sifprem STAD es A UNNVERSAL PICTURE ADULT ENTERTAINMED ADDED ATTRACTION: ACTION, DRAMA, THRILLS SEE: ROBERT CUMMINGS T Mr. Alex Hall, Belfast, Irelgnd, arrived in Halifax on Thursday on the "washington," to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs, D. Aitken. pupa FROM THE CRE Mr. Morgan Pidgeon, son of and Mrs. D. R. Pidgeon, ar- vives home from "The Grove," Lakefield, next week, and leaves from Montreal on the 28th to spend the summer in England and Switzerland. The J. chthis Rank M ORGANIZATION ARLENE DAHL THE BLACK BOOK "aes sx KENT ox BOGARDE som McCALLUM susan SHAW AN EAGLE-LION RELEASE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CHOICE CASHEWS per half pound PEANUTS per half pound 14¢ & 35¢ DELUXE MIX per half pound 75¢] 80¢| DONNA LEA Candy & Nut Shop Opposite Century Theatre| Phone 1229-W nugget SANTE FE Brown walls PRINCESS BROWN ceilings bleached fumiture 3) 0 THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT PHONE OAKVILLE THE SHOWPLACE OF HALTON GOUNTY PHONE OAKVILLE

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