THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, August 30, iy; [8 rs | SALES AND SERVICE | HAMMERS WIN . ANNOUNCING - t INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Some 24 swimmers were awarded senior, intermediate and VANGUARD CARS AND TRUCKS To ; junior crests, pins and certificates JS. t TRIUMPH MAYFLOWER CARS S Wi the Red Cross water als) a raser e i S mmer with a series of RELIANCE PRODUCTS p tests. Another ten of the oungsters who registered cap- | f tured "Fish" awards, given to boys 1 it 3 who began the season as W L swimmers and are now able to negotiate the test distances Howard Brown and Len Cherrington Only senior ranking attained was that of Anne Osborne, who : u [1 ted supervisor Phil Crompton CHURCH STREET - PHONE 6 Ts Kendling fhe Big castes. Four intermediate awards were won by Marilyn Searles, Marlene Longlay, COMMENCING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST. Heather Ann Hayward and Bill Skelly, who range in age from Bill's 10 years to Marilyn's 16 Fifteen juniors' who got the exa- miner's nod of approval were: John Groothand, Ricky Brooks - Hill, John Goss, Peter Gage, Susan Luckett, Martha Jennings, Judy Mudge, Susan Skelly, Nancy Ca- vanagh, Susan Aubin, Mike Jen- nings, Fred Hayward, Marie Cross, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WE DELIVER PHONE 334 | Stephen Chalmers and John Hulme. Four more juniors, Judy ; Marriott, Doug Murison, Bob Hop- EVERSHARP BASIC PLASTIC LUNCH KITS kins and Bill Carr, have one more oo For 'rying school EVERYONE IS FINDING fest to complete. JUNIOR PEN =k EL Et A Newly rated "Fish" are: Sharon : une BETTER THINGS Caplan, Mark Farnham, Bryce Gal- Approved for the new 98 EACH IN THE COUNTRY -- lop, Myrna Gallop, Dianne Larson, basic writing course 2 i 2 5 Elizabeth Head, Shirley Lawlor, $1.75 EACH ae m---------------------- JIRECT FROM THE FARM Linda Bentley, Doug Tilley and . Ho ] DIRECT FROM THE FE ne THERNOS SIE 1 -- 2 Pint Size | (Bartlett Pears Due In A Few Days) AY i BRONTE COUNCIL So G $1.95 i (Continued from Page 1) ROLL PALL PENS il is, would be more than $800,000. IRST AID KITS ? EACH .75 He also stated that the township [ .35 EACH had agreed to let the fire depart- A ment remain in Bronte, and ex pressed satisfaction at this decis- ion, Hughes Cleaver, MP. for Hal- ton, offered his congratulations. "I am happy to be here on this memorable occasion to congratul- ate you" said Mr. Cleaver, "and 1 wish you every success in the years to come" Stanley Hall, M.P.P., also expressed a wish for the success of the new village. | Reeve Joseph Wickson of Tra- ) 1 falgar township congratulated the i members of the council, and pre- | BD dicted a period of development i for the new village. ""I think you PHONE 650 WE DELIVER i have a pretty heavy 5 p 4 LL OPPOSITE LOBLAW'S AT THE OAKVILLE BUS STOP er ERLE NO.2 HIGHWAY. HOLLYDEAN FARM MARKET RAT Re £2 son, "but I believe it won't be many years before youll be going| ~¥ ahead by leaps and bounds. It is | possible that within a short time yowll want to annex Oakville, @® When there's need for speed, call on but I advise you to be careful x then. We are definitely going to i Russell Drug Co. Our delivery depart- miss Bronte from our township, | | ment is at your service. Remember we but you are on the way to better inti i things. I'm hoping you will always call for prescriptions and deliver the Nave the friendshih and eo-opera. compounded medicines. There is no ad- tion of our township." ih : ditional charge! NEWS Available this week for adoption are a vertiable herd of kittens -- a dozen, to be exact, in all colors, sizes and sexes. Male dogs include ia part collie a terrier-police, a part Labrador retriever, and a part spaniel. Although every Dit of equipment sought for the shelter proper has Call 1786 and we will deliver promptly because we been provided by the public, the : ; society now faces a new problem. GROWING { have a driver available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. | Keeper Corcoran is putting no | lot of his own time getting the up- i stairs apartment Into shape for { RUSSELL DRUG COMPANY his wife and himself. But the so- i basin, kitchen sink, electrical fix. Cait (Formerly Byers') | unos and some new or used lino- ciety still requires a bathtub, leum. If you can offer any of these | i | Colborne St. E., Oakville Phone 1786 items, a call to 515 would arrange $6.50 TO $7.50 PAIR | for pickup. OXFORDS ; | 'Q? | G wan Home 1 SIZE 9 to 12 $7.95 PAIR / SIZE 121 to 4 $8.95 PAR a | Gotta Go To School! "5 JACK AND JILL OXFORDS 4 | BY SAVAGE Al PLL SEE YA AFTER THE BELL RINGS, WHEN Ua PLAIN fi MOM'S TAKING ME DOWN TO GUILD'S : oe a on fl BOOK STORE TO GET SOME NEW 83x 185.95" | y " SIZES 121% to 3 ( BOOKS AN' OTHER THINGS I'LL $6.50 PAR : NEED FOR THE NEW TERM. \ | | Guus Book sToRe §| "Torley Keegan's Wh COLBORNE ST. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE 3 A ah |