in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 2, 20 22 | 30 PENTECOSTAL Tel: 416-892-8123 Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Bishop M. Brissett (Pastor) Email: Jesus is lOrd Oakville PenTecOsTal aPOsTOlic cenTre 454 Rebecca St (St. Paul's United Church) Oakville, ON Sunday Service 12:30 - 3PMWorship Service Sunday Evening: 7:30-9PM (Via Zoom Virtual Platform) *Covid-19 Safety Protocols Strictly followed.* NON-DENOMINATION SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Tel: 289-830-6717 Pastor Mark Ewen (Senior Pastor) Pastor Carl Cunningham (Associate Pastor) Pastor Dean Lashington (Lead Elder) Twitter: @Oakvillesda Pastoral Services Available for Community In-person worship resumes July 9th, 2022. As of July 9th, 2022 - choose between In-person (1250 McCraney Street East) and virtual zoom services. Services may be accessed virtually and in person Virtual Worship Services on Zoom: Zoom ID : 867 6764 2331 PW: worship Saturdays 10 AM - 1:00 PM Wednesdays 7:00 PM Thursdays 6:30 PM Email: OAkVIlle ADVenTIST COMPAny "We Press On" DIRECTORY If you'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature please email Fiona or call 289-293-0691 Worship Master's Grace ChurCh Are you looking for a place to worship the Lord Jesus Christ? We meet at the Meadowvale Community Center every Sunday at 10:00 am. Master's Grace Church, Auditorium 1 & 2 6655 Glen Erin Drive Mississauga, ON All COVID-19 safety protocols followed. Pastor Joseph Thomas Pastor Mini Thomas 416-951-0884 UNITED GLEN ABBEY UNITED CHURCH REV. TED VANCE IS BACK! 1469 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville 905-825-5292 SUNDAY JUNe 5th COME AND SAFELY WORSHIP IN PERSON. PeNtecoSt AND holY commUNioN! it's your choice: WORSHIP LIVE AT 10AM! MASkS ARE REquIRED, OR VIEW ON-LINE SERVICE ON YOuTuBE LATER Click on To help your Church survive the pandemic, please send e-transfers to: Thank you and God Bless you! "I don't go in there. I hear things." The woman, eyes wide, crinkled the side of her mouth as if trying to bite her own nose. I had casual- ly pointed down toward the end of her yard and asked, "What's in your shed?" It was a substantial yard, something from the old days when a yard was a yard and big enough to toss around a Frisbee, a foot- ball, maybe even a boomer- ang. The kind of yard you could describe the end of as being, "down yonder." The woman had called me in to tackle the downsiz- ing prior to listing for sale. I love digging into a house full of memories and sorting out heaps of stuff from the before times. Call me a masochist, but I really love dealing with jam- packed barns, lofty garages and especially mystery- filled old sheds. It's dirty work if left unattended for a few decades. The critters move in and do what critters do. Some- times you find treasures all forgotten and woven tight- ly into a solid, dusty mass. The average shed is less daunting. It mostly has stuff one needs on a regu- lar basis. But often a lot of, "What the heck?" stuff as well. So here are some quick tips to get your shed in spring shape. 1. Lay down a tarp and empty it all out -- every- thing. 2. Clean it top to bottom, every cob web, every chunk of dry sod, wash the walls, everything. 3. Install sturdy shelves to use vertical spaces. Store clear, rectangular, "marked" containers of all the small -- stuff, gloves, hardware etc. Collect free salad contain- ers from the grocery store. Give yourself a couple of empty ones for drop spots for loose stuff. 4. Review and dispose of toxic items properly. 5. Use the walls to hang tools (not ceilings), rakes etc. Be same-place consis- tent to find things fast later. 6. Use floor spaces for manoeuvreability. Drill a small hole in the bottoms of stacked recycling bins to kill the vacuum sucking when you try to pull them apart. 7. Most importantly toss out the useless stuff -- the solid bag of cement for starters. Don't put it all back. Declutter your shed this spring. It'll make life easi- er. Stephen Ilott is a profes- sional home organizer. He can be reached at si- WHAT'S IN YOUR SHED? OPINION ORGANIZING JOBS CAN OFFER A TREASURE-TROVE OF DISCOVERY, WRITES STEPHEN ILOTT STEPHEN ILOTT Column Stephen Ilott never knows what he'll find during a shed organizing gig. Metroland file photo