21 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,June 16,2022 insidehalton.com Political pundits would describe the most recent provincial election as un- eventful -- even a bit bor- ing. The data from Elections Ontario showed a very low voter turnout. Why? Well, in my opinion people and businesses are trying to get back on track following a surreal time of lockdowns and uncertainty. Ontari- ans are focused on getting back to normalcy, trying to recover from the hardships experienced from a world- wide pandemic. The best thing the "new" government can do is get back to work on behalf of the electorate by champi- oning growth to support economic recovery. Ontario businesses have faced unprecedented years characterized by a prolonged pandemic, re- cord-high inflation, supply chain disruptions, labour shortages and geopolitical turmoil. The time is now to focus on a policy agenda that pro- motes growth. As outlined in OCC's election priorities docu- ment, Vote Prosperity, par- ties should be focused on policies that result in more prosperous communities, improved business confi- dence, high-quality jobs and a more resilient economy. This requires: • Boosting confidence and predictability by mod- ernizing regulation, com- mitting to meaningful con- sultations and developing a long-term plan to tackle Ontario's debt without in- creasing taxes or cutting valuable programs and services. • Implementing pro- growth policies through helping businesses access the capital, markets and talent they need to grow. • Building resilient com- munities by bolstering health care capacity and bridging our infrastructure gaps, including housing. And finally, supporting en- trepreneurship and innova- tion with targeted supports on technology adoption and data innovation. The Oakville Chamber of Commerce congratu- lates both Stephen Craw- ford and Effie Triantafilo- poulos on their successful re-elections and com- mends all candidates who put their names forward to serve their communities during this provincial elec- tion. To that end, we look forward to continuing to work with the government and all parties on policy so- lutions to advance econom- ic growth in the province on behalf of Oakville's business community. Now, let's get back to work! Faye Lyons is the vice- president of government relations and advocacy for the Oakville Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at faye@oakvil- lechamber.com. TIME TO GET BACK TO WORK OPINION ECONOMIC RECOVERY MUST BE 'NEW' GOVERNMENT'S TOP PRIORITY, WRITES FAYE LYONS FAYE LYONS Column "The time is now to focus on a policy agenda that promotes growth." - Faye Lyons, vice-president of government relations and advocacy for the Oakville Chamber of Commerce The Oakville Beaver values the opinions of its readers, and the communi- ty at large. With that said, we wel- come your letters to the ed- itor on all matters that im- pact area residents. We ask that letters be no more than 275 words, and include the full name and town of the writer. Your address and tele- phone number must also be included for verification purposes only. We do not publish anon- ymous letters. Letters will be edited or rejected for of- fensive content, factual er- rors, legal issues or space restrictions. Send your letters to insi- dehalton@metroland.com. SEND US YOUR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Post the details for free in our calendar. Hosting an event online or in the community? INSIDEHALTON.COM/EVENTS