in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 21 ,2 02 2 | 36 CONCRETE FREE ESTIMATES 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 uality At Its Best! Call Fernando 1-888-944-5518 www 1-888-944-5518 • DRIVEWAYS • FRENCH CURBS • PATIOS • STEPS • WALKWAYS • GARAGE FLOORS ExposEd aggrEgatE (pebble) SAVING YOU MORE ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE SAVING YOU MORE SAVING YOU MORE SAVING YOU MORE For more details shop instore or online at The Halton District School Board is proud to announce two additional recipients of the Schulich Leader Scholarships: Tu- dor Barsan, a Grade 12 stu- dent at Iroquois Ridge High School and Lucas Komljenovic, a Grade 12 student at T.A. Blakelock High School. Barsan's scholarship is valued at $80,000 and Komljenovic's scholarship is valued at $100,000 to study Science, Technolo- gy, Engineering and Math- ematics (STEM) in their post-secondary education. Selected for their out- standing academic achievement and involve- ment in extracurricular activities, Barsan and Komljenovic are among 100 recipients to receive this scholarship in Canada and join previously an- nounced Schulich Leader Scholarship recipient Rob- ert Firsov, a Grade 12 stu- dent at Oakville Trafalgar High School. Enrolled this fall at the University of Waterloo, Barsan hopes for a career in the field of innovative technology. "I am extremely thank- ful toward those who have surrounded and supported me throughout this exten- sive journey. Receiving the Schulich Leader Scholar- ship has been a dream come true, and I look for- ward to the outstanding opportunities that come with it," said Barsan, who will attend the University of Waterloo this fall and hopes for a career in the field of innovative technol- ogy. "When we were in- formed of Tudor's award, we were not only pleased for him but proud of his ac- complishments," says John Stieva, principal at Iroquois Ridge. "He is a very deserving young man who worked hard to ac- complish his goals. We wish him all the best for the future and know that he will continue to make us proud." Enrolled this fall at Queen's University, Koml- jenovic plans to pursue a business degree with the goal of starting his own en- gineering firm. "I am extremely ho- noured and excited to have received this award. Being able to fully explore my cu- riosities in STEM without financial stress is a dream come true. I'm grateful for the teachers, communi- ties, and clubs that have enabled me to become a Schulich Leader by foster- ing my love for learning and leading," said Komlje- novic. Jonathan Shoss, princi- pal at T.A. Blakelock, said: "The Blakelock school community is so proud of Lucas. He is heavily in- volved in student leader- ship and is deeply respect- ed by his peers. We know he will go on to do amazing things and make the world a better place for every- one." LOCAL STUDENTS AWARDED SCHULICH LEADER SCHOLARSHIPS COMMUNITY TUDOR BARSAN HDSB photo LUCAS KOMLJENOVIC HDSB photo Robert Firsov, a Grade 12 student at Oakville Tra- falgar High School, has re- ceived a Schulich Leader Scholarship -- valued at $100,000 -- to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in his post-secondary edu- cation. Selected for his outstand- ing academic achievement and involvement in extra- curricular activities, the Halton District School Board student is one of 100 recipients to receive this scholarship in Canada. "I'm really excited to see what the future holds," Fir- sov said. "Having the re- sources this scholarship provides will allow me to really spend my time ex- ploring my passions and finding where I can make the biggest difference. The opportunities ahead have me feeling beyond excited and joyful." OTHS principal Meena Sahi said she has had the op- portunity to witness Fir- sov's progress since Grade 9. "His exceptional aca- demic achievement, athlet- ic involvement, musician- ship, school leadership and community initiative made him stand out amongst his peers. Robert is among the next generation of motivat- ed innovators and we are so excited to witness how this prestigious honour will al- low him to shape the future of STEM." Firsov, who will attend the University of Toronto this fall, hopes to find a ca- reer where he can pursue innovation in the automo- tive industry to help develop new technologies and re- duce vehicular greenhouse gas emissions. He feels his time at OTHS has helped prepare him for this path. "The great thing I've ex- perienced during all of my years at OTHS is opportu- nity," he said. "Whether it's through courses, clubs, ex- tracurricular activities or just the amazing network and community of people at the school, including students and teachers alike, OTHS has given me every opportunity to pur- sue my many diverse inter- ests while gaining the skills to prepare me for a successful future." The group of 100 students will represent the best and brightest Canada has to of- fer and will make great con- tributions to society, both on a national and global scale, said program founder Seymour Schulich. "With their university expenses covered, they can focus their time on their studies, research projects, extracurriculars and en- trepreneurial ventures. They are the next genera- tion of entrepreneurial- minded, technology inno- vators," said Schulich. TEEN AWARDED PRESTIGIOUS SCHOLARSHIP ROBERT FIRSOV HDSB photo