17 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,F ebruary 11,2021 theifp.ca We care about your hearing! Professional Arts Building 99 Sinclair Ave., Suite 210, Georgetown 905-873-6642 Serving the community of Halton Hills and surrounding areas since 1992 The Georgetown Dear people of Halton Hills; During these uncertain times, rest assured we remain open to serve you. We have adjusted services according to the guidance by Health Canada. Please call for an appointment. We are not accepting walk ins at this time. We handle every call on an individual basis to best handle each person's needs. Social distancing in clinic with one appointment per time slot in waiting room. If necessary, I offer mailbox drops as well! Take care, be safe and know this will pass. . . . Lend MeYour Ears Business (not quite) as usual.. By Cory Soal R.H.A.D. Movers and Shakers Marketplace To advertise in this full colour directory please call Kelli 905-873-7162 or email kkosonic@theifp.ca WINDOWS & SIDING www.winside.ca 873-0841905 CALIFORNIA SHUTTERS CARPET, HARDWOOD, RUGS & TILE The One Store For Your Perfect Floor 26 Guelph St., Downtown Georgetown www.carpetone.ca http://carpetonegeorgetown.goldbook.ca 905-877-9896 Floor and Home THREE EASY WAYS TO SHOP. WINDOWS & DOORS ■ Rep l acemen t W indows ■ Bay & Bow Windows ■ S t o rm Doo r s ■ Pa t i o Doo r s ■ Sea l ed G l a s s Un i t s Serving Halton Hills Since 1991 905 7 03 -0606 Teachers won't be re- turning to the picket lines just yet, but it is on the ta- ble. Halton's permanent Catholic Elementary teachers voted 94.1 per cent in favour of a strike mandate during their Strike Vote Rally on Jan. 28. The decision doesn't mean teachers will imme- diately be moving to a strike position, but the vote is one step in the local bargaining process that could result in job action. Tara Hambly, the presi- dent of the Halton Elemen- tary unit of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA), said they do not believe a full strike is imminent. "There is a wide range of actions that can be tak- en from administrative ac- tions right to the full with- drawal of services. We do not foresee a full with- drawal of services," said Hambly. Back in March 2020, a central agreement was reached between the prov- ince and OECTA. From that point, negotiations between individual boards and teacher bargaining units have continued. Teacher representa- tives have been uncharac- teristically vocal about the Halton Catholic District School Board's (HCDSB) reopening plan since schools reopened last Sep- tember. A letter from an OECTA representative to trustees back in October called the board 'duplici- tous' for its handling of the pandemic return to school. "This year has been very challenging and frus- trating for everyone, we know parents want pre- dictability and stability in the schools for their chil- dren, teachers want the same thing, we want pre- dictability and stability in our staffing assignments," said Hambly. The HCDSB released a statement saying they are hopeful an agreement will soon be achieved. "We value all of our staff as dedicated, caring pro- fessionals, and we respect labour laws that affirm the legal rights of our union- ized employee groups to engage in job actions. We are committed to the suc- cess of the local bargain- ing process and we are hopeful that a new agree- ment will soon be reached with our OECTA Elemen- tary Association. CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY TEACHERS VOTE FOR STRIKE MANDATE ROLAND CILLIERS rcilliers@metroland.com NEWS "This year has been very challenging and frustrating for everyone, we know parents want predictability and stability in the schools for their children, teachers want the same thing, we want predictability and stability in our staffing assignments," - Tara Hambly SCAN FOR MORE Scan this code to read about public board reopening protocols.