= MONEY MATTERS sday, September 1, 2022 AGENCY WANTS ‘TO é MAKE SURE THIS MONEY ENDS UP & WHERE IT BELONGS 2 — IN TAXPAYERS’ POCKETS’ LOUIE ROSELLA lrosella@metroland.com cashed cheques valued at 2 million were re- deemed by Canadians be- tween Feb. 10, 2020 and May 31, 2022. In 2020, the CRA intro- duced a feature where tax- payers can view their un- cashed cheques and collect unclaimed benefit and CRA HAS $1.4 BILLION IN UNCASHED CHEQUES it launched iis initiative taxpayers to cash any in February 202( 0, approxi- cheques they have in their mately two million un- Possession.” The average amount pe! uncashed cheque is $158, the ay toe taxpayer, reg: Pee of whether ae re- ceive a notification, can check if they have a cheque by logging into My Ac- count on the CRA website. CR credit payments that be- tion under "related servic- Canad: cone, long to them. Through My es" led = “uncashed Agony (CRA) oe approxi Account, Cana cheques.” From here, the’ mately $14 wy check to seeifthey havean _ will be able to see if they cheques that have gone un- Shutterstock photo uncashed cheque with the have a CRA cheque, un- cashed over the years, it As of May 2022, there were an estimated 8.9 million uncashed cheques with the CRA. CRA, some dating as far cashed for six months said. back as 1998. more. t the CRA sai ly 2022, there sues millions of payments i recipients of any un- "As government Aso en- were an estimated 8.9 mil- in the form of refunds and “ashed cheques by email, cheques never expire or sure “they never miss a pay- lion uncashed cheques benefits and these pay- with the CRA and the gov- ments are issued by either ernment agency wants "to direct deposit or by cheque. makesurethismoneyends “Over time, payments can up where it belongs; in tax- remain uncashed for vari- payers' pockets." ous reasons, such as the Each year, the CRA is- taxpayer misplacing the Allstate Canada is proud to recognize as the national recipient of the Community Hero Award. Celebrating agency employees who embody our mission of fostering an environment of inclusion, involvement, and empowerment for those who experience barriers to participation. With agents like Alexis, You're in Good Hands’. Approximately 25,000 e- _ stale date, the CRA cannot notifications will beissued void the original cheque in August and another and re-issue a new one un- 25,000 in November, fol- less requested by the tax- lowed by the next 25,000 in payer," the CRA said. May 2023. "These upcoming e-notifi- The CRA saysthatsince cations are to encourage ment again by registeri for direct deposit. In My Account, taxpayers can sign up for direct deposit to get any payment quickly bank account. PARENT & TOT CLASSES Oakville Swim Academy is now registering for our Fall 2022 Parent & Tot Program! CALL 90 00 OREMAIL Schedule an appointment Allstate. sine. 22605) s63-2779 Wotreintecodiancal or visit www.allstate.ca insidehalton.com TO ENROLL!