TB MUNICIPAL ELECTION WHO'S RUNNING FOR WARD 1,2 &3 CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE? GARRETT DENNIE OCCUPATION: Finance Ex- ecutive ADDRESS/WARD: Wards 1, and 3 CONTACT IN- Fo: Email: gden- nie4hcdsbtrus- tee@gmail.com PREVIOUS POLITICAL EXPERI- ENCE: None WHY HAVE YOU DECIDED TO RUN? I care about the envi- ronment my hhters being raised in, ‘ their education.I believe Catholic Church needs to better engage with younger generations and believe the school boards have a lever- church and the rest of the Catholic community. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP THREE ISSUES? 1. Unity in the Cath- olic community. 2. Re-establish a culture of prokeociowolism, efficien- cy, openness, trast and re- spect to the trustee board. cus on policies that heb students catch ue what through the uO rh that also position TO ACCOMPLISH IN YOUR FIRST 100 DAYS? Listen to stake- holders, establish culture of trust, respect and cohesion among tru: mem- bers, then build a road map it lays out the priorities 7 % Garrett Dennie photo GARRETT DENNIE problem solve and eet there for the larger grot HOW WILL YOU EMBRACE AND CHAMPION DIVERSITY IN THIS RO- Le? TT pelieve t the Catholic church/community need to ‘do a better i job in consid- ‘leoming. Peo- background ma SS al be be. liefs. I am not exclusively an advocate for conserva- tive or progressive vie" points, I am more an advo- cate for ensuring all voices are heard, considered and participatory to a mutual common ground. ROBERT KENNEDY OCCUPATION: Finance professional (asset man- agement) ADDRESS/WARD: Wards 1, 2&3 CONTACT Fo: Email: tkemnedydtruct. ee@gmail.com; Phone: 416- 556-5219 mus POLITICAL EXPERI- ENCE: Non: WHY WAVE YOU DECIDED TO RUN? I am running to en- sure the inability of Robert Kennedy photo ROBERT KENNEDY want to ensure that the board is prudent in the allo- cation of financial resourc- es and will use my exper- tise to establish balanced budgets, accountability and transparency. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP THREE ISSUES? 1. Preserving Cath- olic education —fostering a school community that is infused with Catholic val- - Supporting student 3. Community Support for students — this cludes supporting police of yur schools tc 5 bring students and com- munity police officers clos- er together. 10 YOU pun TO ‘ACCOMPLISH IN YOUR FIRST 100 DAYS? J will consult with parents to represent their voice to the board. I will also iew - posed budget that was passed in June and com- pare it to the actual budget 1 is required and up- hold TeDses Catholic identity and purpose. As a finance professional I also in December. I also want to propose the establishment ofa finance committee. HOW WILL YOU EMBRACE AND Alice Anne LeMay photo ALICE ANNE LEMAY CHAMPION DIVERSITY IN THIS RO- rs we meaning of Catho- iversal' and avail- able for everybody and ev- oy background. I believe sp 3 Alex Power photo ALEX POWER ee. IF ELECTED, WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH IN YOUR FIRST 100 DAYS? No answer provided quality of for Sndividuals of all back- grounds. I would promote supporting equal opportu- nity initiatives for students and staff at the individual level. ALICE ANNE LEMAY OCCUPATION: Retired ADDRESS/WARD: Wards 1, 2 &3 ‘CONTACT INFO: EMAIL: alice- lemay13@gmail.com PREVIOUS POLITICAL EXPERI- ENCE: I was a former school board trustee for over two decades. WHY HAVE YOU DECIDED TO RUN?:I worked very hard for the children and families of HCDSB, earning the re- spect of staff, parents, stu- dents, Would love to continue this journey. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP THREE ISSUES? 1. Putting children and families first. 2. The integrity of the board. 3. Making st wi derstand the role ofa trust- LL CHAMPION DIVERSITY IN THIS ROLE? Diversity is a huge topic. Basically every child must feel welcomed an loved no matter their back- ground or abilities. Being a trustee is a vocation and the role is never taken lightly. ALEX POWER OCCUPATION: Family phy- sician ADDRESS/WARD: Wards 1, 2and3 CONTACT INFO: Email: in- fo@alexpower.ca; Twit- ter: @PowerdTrustee; In- stagram: @alexpow- er4trustee. PREVIOUS POLITICAL EXPERI- ENCE: I have helped along- side several Political ¢ cam paigns, but have nx tured into politics retain the past. WHY HAVE YOU DECIDED TO RUN? The students and fam- ilies of HCDSB deserve to have a trustee who will lis- n to and champion their concerns. Trustees need to We combine the ability to customize your search with the latest mapping technology, demographics and a REALTOR Directory. Giving you the valuable Real Estate information you need to make informed decisions. HomeFinder.ca — helping YOU to“Find a place to call home”! ®HomeFinder.ca MUNICIPAL ELECTIONY be cone ne to their com- TT a 8 3 8 a s Pach Be 2 SF (epsiny | seneeg eNIAHEO | GZ work together, and to treat 3 everyone with respect and > 2 integrity. I will bring these 2 values to the table and en- § sure all voices are heard. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP THREE ISSUES? 1. Helping our chil- 8 dren catch up on their learning gos 2 Ensuring our schools are safe for all of our stu- dents and staff. The promo- tion of equity is a corner- stone of my platform. ipporting program- ming that ensures that stu- dents see themselves re- presente IF FLECTED, WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH IN YOUR FIRST 100 DAYS? I will work to support students in their learning. This means main- taining capped class sizes and providing additional resources for tutoring. I will also work to create a clear avenue for students, staff, and parents to report instances of abuse and we need to be transparent in the handling of these com- ‘ints. HOW WILL YOU EMBRACE AND CHAMPION DIVERSITY IN THIS RO- LE? HCDSB lacks diversity ized teachers. I will also work to ensure that each school within our Board has a Black student excel- lence group and a GSA group. woo"uo}EYyapIsUt