THURSDAY Pa OCTOBER 6, 2022 CARSTAR. y Collision & Glass Service aed www. 916 Winston Churchill Blvd. 2212 Wyecroft Rd. $2.00 | CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY | INSIDEHALTON.COM ie N EW IMPACTING YOUR BORDERS i 7 = PROPOSED FO R [e) Desjardins ELECTORAL ELECTIONS fOUK CONIVUNIT ¥. [OUR VOICE TOUR VOTE BOUNDARIES ROLAND CILLIERS. Changeis on the table: je oat ville democracy, and it could have a huge Impact on ihe way you're repre: The Federal iBlectoral Bound: aries Commission for Onta has proposedanewelectoral map that includes a new district for Halton and the redrawing of local boundaries. The change is the re- sult of the region's steadily grow- ing population and rules set out in the constitution that re INI D ON OCT. 24. federal electoral boundaries to ‘be reviewed after every 10-year cen- INSIDEHALTON.COM /2022MUNICIPALELECTION Under the new proposal, Hal- ton would have six districts: Oak- ville Lakeshore, Oakville North, Metroland Media Group Ltd., 1 Yonge Street, 4th floor, Toronto, ON, MSE 1E6 See MPs, page 27 SHEILA BARRY LINDA. ZYLIK ‘Quen 905.399.4693