Pa oo _ GOOD Food BUILDS Community This holiday season, we want to ensure that all our friends and neighbours in Halton have GOOD nutritious food on their dinner tables. That's why between December 20-24, we're distributing 800 senior boxes to older adults in Burlington, Oakville, Millon, Georgetown, and Acton. This is made possible by the support of community members— lke you! So, what's in a Food for Life senior box? We're glad you asked! Each older adult wil receive a box filled with good healthy food for the holidays including fresh fruits and vegetables, a protein, such as ham or chicken, stuffing, cookies, and tea. They'll also receive a handwiitten holiday note from community members at Community Development Halton. Seniors boxes wil be distributed with the help of a team of 30 volunteers who wil ensure that each boxis filed with holiday cheer! Thank you to Ippolito and EarthFresh for providing produce. Learn. Volunteer. Donate. ‘fen e 1 sLife FoodForLife.Ca i Lele) @icelalielce| to receiving aa miexerem elele) folate Maton c-mia(-te, many new foods. | feel I'm Youitavemat-xeliialiqve since I've been receiving this l(oYore il - Georgetown neighbour Woz ‘ez sequisseg ‘Aepsinyy | silt UOWEH- dl OUL | 6 eordyouy