Please accept an invitation to a Heritage Canada sponsored conversation about transforming the Halton Region toward an inclusive, respectful, and culturally healing community for Indigenous Peoples. Collectively, we can plan Seven generations from now; what needs to be different and what needs to stay the same. The vision is for the Halton Region to be the best place for Indigenous Peoples to live, work and heal together in community. Our conversation will be facilitated by Mary Medcalf and Cheryl Taggart. GATHERING AT COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK GAMBREL BARN ° \ MONDAY NOVEMBER 21ST Suv 6:30 REGISTRATION 7-9 PM INFO SESSION LIGHT REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED Your voice is needed for Halton Region to be the best place for Indigenous Peoples to live, work and heal together in community. REGISTER AT: GRANDMOTHERSVOICE.COM/GATHERING 70% ‘Lb Jequienon ‘Aepsinyy | senzeg eAHEO | GE woo"uo}EYyapIsUt