HB NEWS PARENTS’ ANGER GROWS AFTER HDSB STAFF DRESS CODE REPORT THE PARENTS WANTED ANSWERS’ KATHY YANCHUS kyanchus@metroland.com alton District Schaal Bowa is "making good progress" on the de- velopment of a staff dress code policy, but little more information than that was a boardroom cated withivusteated par- of education liv- sionalism policy's imple- mentation, nor did he com. mit to student voices being part of the process, prompting angry outbursts from parents and the temporary shut- down of the meeting. Ennis said any proce- iting from the policy were subject to the current statutory freeze according to the Ontario Labour Relations Act "which clearly defines for us things that we can and cannot do within that peri- od." Ennisalso said he would determine from the board's policies procedures the stakeholders who need to be consulted as a part of the process, "and if stu- dents are part of that con- sultation then we are going they are in- The by which that information will be collected from stakeholders is still being worked out, he added. Parents were not satis- fied with Ennis' responses. 4 statement issued after the by parents! treup Students First Onta- rio read in part, "The parents wanted an- swers. The director (Ennis) did not have any ... Since September, par- on have > expressed their le “lack eee cy" bythe Sear over an Oakville high school transgender teach- er's overtly sexual class- room attire, whi in- cludes large fake prosthet- ic breasts. After forming Students First Ontario, they decided to take legal action against the board. For its part, the HDSB has stood by its offi- cial statement to establish and maintain a safe, inclu- sive, equitable and wel- coming learning and work- ingenvironmentfor allstu- dents and staff. “We haven been t heard © dent. I've issued a number of letters. They don't get re- sponded to, or they are re- spo: to in a way that's not meaningful. We want to be | heard; that's all that el IS delegation to the board pri- or to Ennis' report Trustees only recently 4 Graham Paine/ Metroland HDSB director of education Curtis Ennis delivered his interim report on a staff dress code which did not go over well with frustrated parents. made the request of Ennis for a professionalism poli- cy after months of protests, bomb threats and interna- geting High School and the HDSB. Following Ennis’ brief report, chair Margo Shut- tleworth asked the director to include answers to “those two key questions" —a concrete timeline an: how stakeholders, particu- larly students, will be con- sulted — when the staff dress code policy returns to trustees March 1. home care. We're making it easier to access See all the ways we're helping you connect to care at ontario.ca/YourHealth Paid for by the Government of Ontario Ontario © £202 ‘6 Auenige ‘Aepsinyy | Jeneeg amAxeO | 7 woo"uoy]EYyapIsUt