Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Nov 1950, p. 15

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BY-LAWS CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE By-Law No. 1129 By-Law to provide for submit- Bb to the electors of the Mun- ality of the Town of Oakville Bucstion under the Lord's Day (@btario) Act, 1950, Chapter 40, bn of own of Oakville Bs it advisable to submit the hereinatter set forth to ote of the electors of the Town l0akville at the next municipal fon, [EREFORE the Council of the icipal Corporation of the kn of Oakville enacts as foll- There shall be submitted to electors of the Municipality nicipal elections to be held on [MBnday, the 18th day of Decem- next, the following 'question: Are you in favour of public and sports on the ord's Day to be regulated i by-law under | be taken at the same hour, the same place and by the ] procedure to be taken such vote shall, with such var- procedure prescribed for use voting at the said: Municipal i the 16th | day of Bcember, 1950, at twelve o'clock Town 8 place for the appointment by E Mayor of Persons to attend the various polling places and up of the les of the Clerk on behalf of interested in and aid question. The Clerk of the Corporation 1950, to sum up the number Votes given In the attirmative Bin the negative upon the said stion. Passed by the Council of the of Oak- JAMES R. BLACK, Mayor. Clarence Harold Byers, Clerk the Lown of Oakville, do here- certify that the foregoing is of By-Law No. 1129 the. Town of Oakville. al) C. H. BYERS. Clerk: CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE By-Law No. 1127 By-Law for fhe submission to ote of questions "g" and "h" on 69 pursuant to Section Sub-section (1) of The Liquor ence Act, 1946. icREAS pursuant to Section i Licence Act, Licence Board an 50,000 according revised assessment ftirmative vote. hay: pot "h" as set out in sub-section of Section 69 of the Act. [D WHEREAS under Section of The Liquor Licence Act, 6 the council of a municipality submit to a vote of the per- 5 qualified to be entered on list and to vote at ions to the Assembly in the pali any questions set ith in The Liquor Licence Act, the council ms it expedient and desirable 88 submit to a vote of the per- Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a din- ing lounge licence for consumption with meals on licensed premises? Are you in favour of the sale "of liquor under a lounge licence for con- sumption on licensed 'pre- mises? 8D WHEREAS the council it expedient and desirable Bt 2 vote on the questions shall taken upon the day upon which namely the 18th day of ember, 1950. [0 WHEREAS it is necessary Provide by by-law for the sub- Bion of the questions to the per- qualified to vote thereon for the taking of their votes 0 wn. REFORE the 'council of the The Liquor Licence 1946 there is hereby ubmitted to a vote of the versons qualified to be enter- ! list and to the municipality, the following questions: (1) Are you in favour of the sale "of liquor under a dining' lounge licence for consumption with meals on licensed prem- . ses? (2) Are you in favour of (Bill. Scade) Dundas, & Division Sts. Delivery: Phone 505 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 16 CHIEF SUGGESTS IMPORTANT CHRISTMAS LIST ADDITION Bingo On Ice Friday evening's terrible wea- ther cut down attendance at the big Rotary bingo in Victor- ia Hall. Nevertheless a number of bingo addicts braved the el- ements to enjoy their favorite diversion, and the Rotary Club netted an estimated total of $560 on the bingo and lucky draw, according to Bert Hard- wick, who was in charge of the proceedings: Winner of the television set was Carl Slipp, Dundas Street. Proceeds will go to the Community Arena fund. the sale of liquor under a lounge licence for con- sumption on licenced premises? . The vote shall be taken on Monday, the 18th day of December, 1950, on the same day upon which a poll will be held for the annual election of members of the council and in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, 1946. READ. a first, second and third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, 1950. Clerk, JAMES R. BLACK, Mayor. I. Clarence Harold Byers, Clerk of the Town of Oakville, do here- by certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 1127 of the Town of Oakville. (Seal) (le. 1-3) Clerk. C. H. BYERS, "put careful driving at the top |of your -Ghristmas' list," J. | Derry, Chief of Police, urges ville motorists. "Without more considerate driving than usual this year, Chief Derry, asserts, "there will be hun- | dreds celebrating a very sad in- |stead of a glad Christmas, for only one reason--because people who could have avoided accidents didn't do sot = 1 "December's uncertain weather, its darkness at peak traffic per- fods, its crowds of people on the streets, should. make it painfully obvious to any sane person that extra care and courtesy are essen- tial at this season," he declared, "yet year after year December sees the worst toll of death and injury to pedestrians, especially child- ren and old people. "The police of Oakville have to protect people from the relatively few" foolish drivers who will mot heed repeated warnings," he con- cluded, "With conditions at their worst, police will from now on be cracking down on all drivers who violate safety laws: those who speed past rows of parked cars without a thought about the peo- ple who might appear from be- hind them: who fail to signal be- fore turning across traffic: who try to "beat the gun" on signal lights at busy Intersections: and, above all, of course, on those who insist on driving after drinking." Onl TRANSITION A man grows up the day he has his first real laugh--at himself. T0 THE VOTERS OF TRAFALGAR YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE WOULD BE APPRECIATED BY E. J. JAMES . ELECT A NEW MAN TO YOUR BOARD WITH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN SCHOOL AND TOWNSHIP AFFAIRS. IS YOUR HUSBAND CRANKY? Perhaps he needs that June- June treatment! Take him to the Century to see that won- derful "Wizard of Oz tll put a smile on his lips, a laugh in his heart, and a gleam in his eyes. You, too! 2 "Fuerybody Reads Classifieds ON PAGE EIGHT JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS PAY DIVIDENDS FoR Trafalgar School Trustee 'D.A. VOTE Allan » Phm. B. "EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS, EFFICIENCY, AND ECONOMY" In planning the educational programme for your children | BELIEVE: 1. That a closer relationship with the Oakville-Trafalgar Planning Board is necessary to solve the problems of this rapidly expand- ing township. That my municipal experience, and business and professional training will be of value in deciding educational policy. That the WELFARE OF THE CHILD. is the most important fac- tor to be considered. That economy must not interfere with efficiency. "The cheapest is not always the best." Full value must be received for every dollar spent. That the trustee is the servant of the people giving leadership, yet welcoming their advice and assistance. i Sound educational progress is only possible through sympathetic partnership of trustees, parents and teachers. That a full report of school board activities and policy should be available to the electors at all times. IF ELECTED, | SHALL TRY, TO THE THE BEST OF MY ABILITY, TO PUT THIS POLICY INTO EFFECT, AND TO ESTABLISH A HARMONIOUS RE- LATIONSHIP IN ALL PARTS OF THE TOWNSHIP. Vio Realy 7 Yoke oH Another R.CAF. jet is ready! Serviced for flight by the world's finest aircraft technicians who have checked her over from nose to tail. These are the men whose skill and knowledge keep 'em flying safely. Your expanding has openings for more men immediately to train as Force N AFRO-ENGINE, AIRFRAME, INSTRUMENT and RADIO TECHNICIANS If you are between 18 and 30 and in good physical condition, you can do a service to your country by joining this team of experts. You will be given a complete and thorough training on the latest equipment, under skilled supervisors, and learn a valuable trade in the modern field of aviation. Act NOW -- Find out bow you can train as a skilled technician in Canada's expanding Air Force. See the R.C.A.F. career counsellor at the address in the coupon == or mail this coupon. few, I regay, ein the ny enlisps 7:4

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