Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Nov 1950, p. 16

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Page 16 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL ONLY THEN Psychology will become a gad- get for every home when its ap- plication shows as marked results as a slipper. C.P.T. EUCHRE EVERY FRIDAY 8.15 p.m. sharp 1. 0. 0. F. HALL Everybody Welcome FOR Quality Meats "Fruits & Vegetables Groceries PHONE 1020 (Prompt Delivery) CARLOAD GROCETERIA R. E. Harris, Prop. Quality Venetian Blinds Custom Made Guaranteed Two Years REPAIR and LAUNDRY SERVICE Venetian Blind Laundry & Mfg. Co. PHONE 859 MUSIC ALBUM By Irven Fell Grieg is quoted as ng, "Had I not inherited my mother's ir- repressible energy as well as her musical capacity, I should never in any respect have succeeded In passing from dreams to deeds." John Powell's mother expressed herself when lying ill in bed. The family doctor, like Powell's fa- ther did not approve of allowing the younger Powell to study mus- ic and make it a career and the doctor said, "You are not going to make a musician of the boy, you? "No doctor," she re- od has done that already." We are told that Arthur Schopenhauer, the great philoso- pher once conducted a study of genius and came forth with the idea that such people inherited it from their mothers. Dealing with musicians and looking into their histories, it is very true, whether or not the masters inherited their genius from their mothers, the mother's influence, guidance, pa- tience, sacrifice and faith in them certainly played a great part. The mother has always been looked upon as the guiding light, the father being pre-occupied in making a living for the family. However, there was a time when father ruled the roost and had his word taken for law. I think there is a good deal of it yet in good sound homes, but it is more subtle and reasoned out more. One wonders at times that, now that so many mothers are also out working to 'augment father's earnings to make ends meet, if mother has the time or patience to glve sincere guidance to her brood. "Composers and their mothers" is a good study. It does reveal that many of the characteristics of these giants of music are dir- ectly traceable to their mothers. In many cases, if the father had had his way some of them would never have studied music. There are exceptions of course. but they are few, that is, where the father was the sympathetic one. In many cases. we find the mother was a musician herself and father a business man who wanted the son to be a mercantile or industrial giant and where the mother had to make provision for the son to study music unknown to the fa- ther, Handel and Schuman were both destined for law. Delius and Franz were to enter the mercantile business. Hector Berlioz. French composer, was the son of a medical doctor who HIS BIGGEST SALE LAST TUESDAY The cash register said "No Sale", but actually the pharmacist chalked up the biggest sale of the day . . . he had helped sell a man back his health, his happiness . . . in fact, his life. It had been a busy morning in the prescription room, but the phar- macist was aware of a man who stood near the telephone booth for quite a time, apparently looking up numbers in the directory. As soon as there were no other customers within hearing, he approached the counter saying: "I think I may have a venereal disease 3 1 + will you give me something I can take to clear it up?" The pharmacist took the customer aside where they could talk quietly and inconspicuously. In a friendly manner he talked to him about these diseases. He explained their dangers quite frankly. He told him the truth--there are no drugs which will cure venereal diseases that are safe for self-medication. But he also explained that medical science has developed modern drugs which, time required to treat th the hands of a doctor, materially reduce the e diseases. The pharmacist sold that customer... . sold him on going toa physician for effective treatment that would rehabilitate his health, his family life, and his usefulness to socicty. With those few minutes of advice the pharmacist sold that man-back hs life. vas the biggest sale he made last Tuesday. Giving dependable nal advice is but one phase of your pharmacists contribution = to public health and welfare of your community. -- Reprinted from a copyrighted advertiss al published by Parke, Davis & Company. PHONE 47 . THE RUSSELL DRUG C0. (Formerly Byers') OAKVILLE 'poor taste. ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby Father Kirby will celebrate at 830 and 10.30 am. ou Evening devotions are at ST. JUDE'S _ Rev. F. C. Jackson Although the weather was un- favorable, there was a splendid attendance at the annual Christ mas fair held by St. Jude's Wom- en's Guild in the parish hall Sat- urday afternoon. Lady Baillie of- ficiated at the opening. A big feature was the booth exclusively for children, where young folks could buy a big variety of Christ- mas gifts at very low prices. This booth, which was presided over by Mrs. Evelyn Scott, was well patronized, as were all the oth- ers, including handicrafts, in charge of Mrs. Tom Chisholm; home baking, in charge of Mrs. Jack Milne; delicatessen, in charge of Mrs. W. B. Honeywell; and the parcel post sale, in charge of Mrs. Ross Ryrie, In charge of the tea room were Mrs. Eric Burke and Mrs. Whitney Harris. Those pouring were Mrs. J. A. M. Bell, Mrs. R. W. Allen, Mrs. R. H. Howson and Mrs. Roy Smith. A fish-pond for the children also proved a popular attraction, as did movies for the young people, shown by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor. Mrs, E. G. Batten was in charge of children's activities. General convener of the fair was Mrs. A. Weatherstone, president of the Women's Guild. A corporate Communion for the women of the parish is being held this morning, St. Andrew's Day, at 10 o'clock, with coffee served in the parish hall afterwards. The men's Advent corporate Communion is being held this coming Sunday at 8 am. to be followed by breakfast in the par- ish hall, served by the Senior W. A. The address of the Bishop will be heard by radio. A memorial service for the late Archbishop G. F. Kingston, Pri- mate of All Canada, was held on insisted that his son also be a doctor and sent him to medical scuool. It was no use, Berlioz was a dud at school simply because le was not interested. lt caused a definite break hetween father and son, but as Mrs. Powell said eariier in this article, "God had made him a musician." I'schaikovsky was another who started out to pe a lawyer: In fact Le was a lawyer and once held a position with the Ministry of Justice. It wasn't really motherly influence which turned him to music, for we read that he took the lawyer's job after his moth- ers death and that it was a rel- ative who got him to. take music seriously. The emotion so evident in his music was undoubtedly in- berited from his mother, how- ever. So many times one reads,. "he was fust taught by his mother and then sent to such and such a teacher." Cherubini and Liszt were two exceptions that I can think of, for their first teachers were their fathers, both of whom were very much interested in musi Brahms was another who was in- fluenced in music by his father. We of today have reason to be thankful for some act of sacrifice on the part of mothers of years ago. It will always be the same because the same thing is going on tod Mothers never know what their influence towards the ight things in their offspring Il mean to generations yet un- born, and by the same token they will never know what harmful in- I fluence they may generate by un- thinking advice and indifferent attitude. Psychologists will tell you that. This is getting quite long for one issue, and I propose next week to give some instances of how mothers moulded and influenced some of the great musicians of the past. Winner of the Week _.If Muriel Willis, Linbrook Rd. will call in at Lofquist's Record "= CHURCH NEWS administered did attendance, and all booths did a rushing business. Serving of afternoon tea was in charge of Mrs. R. H. Archibald, assisted by Sunday evening, The sermon Was |yrs Thomas Marshall and Mrs. preached by Rey. R. H. Howson, yw 0. Gibson. Mrs. C. Hitchcox curate, and the chorak service in-| yc in charge of the home baking cluded an organ prelude, "Hark a lyooth, M Mortal," Bach, and the anthem "I Will Lay yrs Howarth Ezard was in wm. Anderson pre- bY | sided over the fancy work and charge of the "white elephant." Confirma- | phere was also a fish-pond, pre- this | sided over by Mrs. W. O. Gibson, Sunday at 11 a.m. by the Bishop lang a candy booth operated by members of the Chancel Guild. | day afternoon. There was a splen- Thursday, Nov. 29, jggd carol service Dec. 17 CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. A. A. Stoll Victor Veary, a missionary fy, French Equatorial Africa give an address at Calvary py tist Church Sunday evening, np Baraca Quartette from Hap, will sing. J. H. Winnett addressed (| Young People's Society Mong evening, on the eve of his de, ture for Bermuda. Cottage prayer week were very Sunday eveniy meetings | Rev. M. M. John, of the Church of South India, was the speaker at a congregational supper held Monday evening under the aus pices of the Missionary Commit- tee. ST. LUKE'S Canon D. R. Smith Holy Communion will be admin- istered Sunday at 11.156 a.m. ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson St. John's church will hold its Christmas Bazaar in Lusk 'Hall tomorrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock. ea will be served, and there will be special features, in addition to food and handiwork booths, a "white elephant" booth and a fish-pond. Clothing for needy people in Europe and Asia is being ap- pealed for in the St. John's clo thing drive. Information regard- ing the kind of clothing desired may be had by telephoning Mrs. Gordon DeCoursey, 1259-J. Subjects of interest to youth will be discussed by a group of young people on the rostrum on Si special Young People's service. The High School Glee Club, un- der the direction of Hugh Brear- ley, will present the musical part of the service. All young people of the church, their parents and friends, are invited to attend. Some exquisite colored views of Arizona and New Mexico were enjoyed by members of St. John's Men's Club at their supper meet- ing Thursday evening. The illus- trated lecture was given by E. Gordon Silverwood of London, Ont. KNOX Rev. C. K. Nicoll Knox Church Ladies' Aid held a highly successful Christmas Bazaar in the church hall Thurs- in charge of s. H. service will be conducted on Sunday by the min- In the morning Mr. Nicoll will preach on s," at| Lt-Gen. John C. H. Lee, Kp service his subject [former deputy to Gen. Bisenyy will be "If the Vision Tarry, Walt | er, will address the laymen of | of the Lord's S will be administered by Mr. Nicoll at the morning service school will hold entertain: | jy memory of Flight Lieut, Hey ment on Friday evening, Dec. 15. | Keith Lefroy, light | given by his family. well attengg Tomorrow evening's weekly mg ing will be at the home of Geo, Rutledge, Kerr and Sieg streets. EPIPHANY Canon D. R. Smith ning on "Applied the world to-day." to install more cupboards in kitchen of the Parish Hall, "YOUR VOTE unday evening, Dec. 10, at a || INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED SCHOOL TRUSTEE PERCY MERRY AND FOR ~ THREE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE THREE YEARS OF SERVICE PLEDGED TO ANOTHER YEAR OF ATTENTION TO YOUR PROBLEMS R.C.A. "RUSTY" Cumberland BE SURE AND CAST YOUR VOTE ON ELECTION DAY RE-ELECT TO COUNCIL | Bar, she will be pi with a Red Seal Record with the compli- ments of the Journal. 5 BEYOND RELIEF Many a parent who has for- gone beautiful things and suf- fered in cheapness to provide children with opportunities is wounded beyond relief when the false values acquired by the child- ren cause them to be ashamed of | what they regard as their parent's AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS ¢ Oakville Ready-Mix CON C EET IE Phone Oakville 928 4 a a oo Aad AAAAAAAARAAAAAARARS NAAARA A NINN For Tempting STEAK CHICKEN CHOP > DINNERS DRIVE OUT TO Pig & Whistle Inn ~= Bronte-by-the-Lake --" ---- =F \) WY WWW VYVVYVVVVVVVVVV VV VV VVYY

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