Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Nov 1950, p. 10

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL : Thursday, Nov. 129, 195 ge IT'S A SECRET FOR BROWNIES ONLY A XMAS GIFT FOR HIM OR HER Pen and Pencil sets make accept. Page 10 LORNE SCOTS DRUB TEACHERS Lorne Scots drubbed the Teach- ers squad by a 48-11 count in a Clear The Way! regular Oakville Basketball loop Oakville car-owners are war ned by Chief of Police J. B. Derry that they must not leave their cars parked on streets overnight, the reason being that they Interfere with® the opera- tion of the snow-plow. If they have no garages, the owners should park them on driveways or in yards. In future, cars par- Kked on the streets in the path of the snow-plow will be towed to a garage, and the bills for towing sent to the owners. game at the high school gym on Monday night, as Bill Buck hoop- ed 21 points to pace the winners. Doug Junkin was close behind Bill with 15 points, while Bwart Carberry sniped eight of the mer- it marks gleaned by the trailing Teachers. Braves downed ~Jaycees by a 168 score when the latter club came on the floor sadly short- handed. In a practice game, the local intermediate team from the Toronto KiY league rolled up a 63-16 win over a mixed town loop Colborne St. E. able gifts. Come in and see oy assortment. A small deposit jj hold any article until Xmas, 0. B. BERGQUIST Jeweler SEEHE = Jarvis & Ryrie J. F. CARTER, ASSOCIATE = [squad, with Kennedy potting 14 points, Bill Hughes getting 12, and Jack Currie grabbing 10. Jim Sturrup and Ab Withnell looped in six points each for the losers. Completed schedule for the town league is as follows: Dec. 4, 8 p.m, Football vs. Tea- chers; 9 p.m. Scotts vs. Jaycees. Dec. 11, 8 pm, Jaycees vs. Teaqpers; 9 pm. Scotts' vs. Foot- ball. THERE IS STILL TIME TO || Dec. 18, 8 pms Football vs.. Jaycees; 9 p.m, Teachers é : Scotts. RDE --Central Press Canadian ORDER PERSONAL Jan. 8 8 pm, Jaycees vi | Girl Guides in the Preston, Ont, district have ramodelled an old Scotts; 9 p.m, Teachers vs. Foot. | barn into a smart clubhouse, now carry on their activities on a large . CHRISTMAS CARDS. ball, scale. Holding a convention' there they invited Guides and Brownies ; rom other districts, mapped out an intensive fraining scheme. These -- 2 8 'p.m oll V5. | Brownies, guests of their big sister Guides, have a secret they won't cotts; 9 p.m. Teachers vs. Jay-| tell in the meaning of the toadstool and the owl. You have to be a cees. Brownie to find out. Left to right, Bonny Knowles, Noreen Duncan and Jan. 23, 8 p.m. Scotts vs Tea- | Nancy Freeman, I 1 ' Hi | Ei HE HURRY! ii H (8 | IE ol REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE -- MORTGAGES 118 COLBORNE ST. EAST Phone 490 -- Holidays 296-W /h | [ | | | OPEN EVENINGS geo: T0 THE ELECTORS 1 OF TRAFALGAR TOWNSHIP [§ Come along in . . . chers; 9 p.m. Jaycees vs. Foot Bivis ball. - J hitto i ou re. STRESS CONSERVATION PLAN | Teachers; 9 p.m, Scotts vs. Jay- ! IF, AFTER REPRESENTING YOU ON TOWNSHIP iE cees. It Canadians would save their some counties. River valley con- iliich The Feb. 5, 8.p.m, Jaycees vs. Tea- [country from famine conditions servation was started in Ontario COUNCIL FOR FIVE YEARS, YOU FEEL | AM i ! such as have undertaken China 'in 1946, the speaker said, and the || Gr GOLDEN HOUR (Continued from page 10. | 1g [ndia they must practice con- [thirteen river valley authorities in || DESERVING OF PROMOTION, | WOULD ) ksh pl EE servation of their soil and forest [the southern part of the province. > t Booksho| resources, Reginald Hodges, of [These authorities institued. meas- , Bait WATCH FOR THE NEW fie Humber Valley Conservation ures for flood control, soil and APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT IN : 53 Colborne St. Authority, told members. of Oak |wild life conservation. Mr. Hod- . ifoce ELECTING ME AS vill ry 2 ¢ eve Phone 668 FORD Rotary Club Monday eve |ges showed a number of colored | "We must restore our resour- Lamy she work of the | li | ces" warned the speaker. "Un- er Valley authority. He was | STIRLING-DYNES LTD. [fortunately we have wasted many | introduced by Joe Wright. of them in the past." Out of a to- tal area of 363,000 square miles, Ontario had only 35,000 square S - . 3 IS YOUR HUSBAND miles, or about 10 percent, which You will certainly Sleep Better with a was available for aaron) pur- CRANKY? FOR 1951 ON MONDAY, DEC. 4, 1950 \\ | J/@ poses, and of this only 20,000 |} Perhaps he needs that June- gy ce = | sare miles had been improved. | june treatment! Take him to Reo: | worked out at'5 acres Del || the Century to see that won- ret capita, which is twice the basic |} Fo FI hat ott: | nec ©y for good level subsis-|| 2 Smile on his lips, a laugh in tence, and far better than the || his heart, and a gleam in his Fel European average of .88 acre. eyes. You, too! | : : "We are a "have" nation in the Good Sleep is essential to good | 14" Coo ov geclared Mr. Hod- | bi 11 SER ard will help: | 85: "and it looks like the "have: | 3 Mats, b: nots" are going to expect us to [$ { § Relax nervous stair, |, (ake some of thelr excess people, | § i. Hi re but for our own protection we're Hii 1g Donel 3s Body. |Z0ILE tol ave fol draw fihe line, 4 - Be {hii Rest mind as well as body.) Too many people means famine." | § : li ny Se vey The purpose of conservation, |€ = Hii i Bien Lumbago, and Sac-/Mr. Hodges pointed out, was to|Q | roliiac strain. evaluate and conserve natural | i resources. While there was some | 3 2 { lace between spring and mat. [soil erosion in Ontario it was nott | § | a serious as vet, and was checked [&" l i Doctors recommend it for (DY the cold climate. Cities and D4 y S i | ie omen: polis |mustiial developments, the | @ OF MY CAMPAIGN fit - and other back ailments. |speaker believed, should be built | J hi Price $5.95 F.0.B. Toronto |on land unsuitable for crops. He bS | Et a urged the extension of commun- | € {AE SLEEP- WELL" BED BOARD CO. ity planning to rural areas, and < ) Ee 136 MERTON ST. TORONTO 12 the control of tree-cutting on < pital PHONE: MA. 0421 woodlots as practised already by < - at = < i iS 4 ) I oO ! Hh RE 15 < > g El / 1 i 4 2 [dl i 4 I i ! 4 1 4 1 SHOULD YOU ELECT ME IT WILL BE MY 1 | Iw 5 | | $ FIRST PUBLIC OFFICE AND I WILL WORK a | <€ | $ | W I ! $ TO THEBESTOF MY ABILITY IN THEIN- gi rap PARCELS carefully! 2 It's a shame to see'gifts broken in a] it happens so often because they haven't been properly | 4 > I wrapped for mailing. Avoid possible damage to parcel contents by using strong container. S | Protect documents, pictures, ete. with stiffening boards. Tie securely with strong cord or twine. € | = ~ » > Si i Send a POSTAL CORRECT POSTAGE--ze > 3 MONEY ORDER saves embarrassment! PES S$ : Ssvead of cash! a '$ ERNEST GC. § Envelopes can accidentally break or postage. If you are in doubt, always 4 tear in handling and money be lost. honever ave your letter or parcel weighed > 3 + you send money through the mails it's safer to because the recipient must pay double the S i is use Postal money orders. You can get them at deficient postage. This is especially important 4 3 your Post Office. on overseas air mail. Q VAR - N 4 ue sure ADDRESS 4 YOUR Post Offco is your friendly sorvant. $ elear.: . = €orret an Ask for help with your postal problems at < complete! any time... . and ask about the various seryices & You can help your Post Office by available, such as: Air Mail, Canada Air Letters, D4 = writing clearly when you address letters or special delivery, registration, Rural Directories, > arcels. Full name, street address, Post Office insurance of parcel post, C.0.D., gift parcels | € Box number or Rural Route number and return for overseas, international and Imperial reply | Q : address in top left hand corner should always coupons, and the Post Office Savings Bank. 'S E OUNCIL be included. < | 4 AVOID: DISAPPOINTMENT MAIL EARLY FOR CHRISTMA @ ) 4 > CANADA POST OFFICE S 4 : ISSUED BY AUTHORITY. OF HON. G. EDOUARD RINFRET, K.C., M.P. POSTMASTER-GENERAL = 4 ae

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