TRIS PAPER may be found on file at Geo. 12 Howell & eos Ae valanae Advertising Bureau (10Spruce St.), where advertising contracts ew be made for it EN WHEW YORK. The Oakville Churches. St. Jude’s, Episcopaliam—Rev. J. R. Worrell, Bector. Sunday services # 11 and 6.30. Sun- day school at-2Z,30 in the afternoon. . St. Andrew’s, Roman Catholic—Rey. O’Reilly, Priest. Sundéay services at 10.30 and 6.30, Sunday sehool at 2 afternoon. Methedist Hpiscopal—Rev. T. Argue and Mr. Leek. Sunday service at 2.30. Sunday . School at 9.30 morning, Canada Presbyterian—Rev. W. Meikle. Sun- day serylces at 10.30 ando.30. Sunday school at2. Prayer meeting on W ednesday eve- ning. ‘ Canada Methodists—Rev. J. McAllister and R. W. Wright. Sunday services at 10.30 and 6.30, Sunday school at 2. Class meetings aiter morning services and on Monday eve- ning. Prayer meeting on Wednesday eve- ning. Bripsh Metouists, colored—Rev. T. Jefferson. Serviees on Sunday at 11 o‘elock forenoon, and at 6.30 evening. G. W. Railway Time-Card. TO TORONTO. MixEps- i062. S55 8-03 A.M. ACCGOMMODATION.... 12—-20>P.a1. WON Ss SSO ee ON ae ACGOOMMODATION......, 9-57 P,M. TO HAMILTON. WET XE DS cee eee - 8-03 a.M- ACOOMMODATION...-. 1-50 P.M. Metis <2 notes. . + CoB RMS SEERERDGS: sty se 2 8-16 P.M. Oakville Post Office. GOING WEST, mails close at 7.20 a.m. do do do do 3.40 p.m. GOING EAST, do do- 7.20 a.m, ~ do do dh do 11.40 a.m. do do do do 5.20 p.m. MALLS ARRIVE, from Hast, 8.25 a.m. de do do do 4.35 p.m, do do do west, 12.35 p m. do do do -do 6.25 p.m. Mail from Trafalgar closes daily on arrival of mail from the west. ‘Letters for registration must be mailed at Jeast ten minutes before close. Jes Office hours from 8-00 A.M. to 7-30 P.M., after which hour no letters will be de- livered. R. Batmer, P.M. << OAKVILLE SECRET ORDERS. ORANGE Lop@k, No 272, meets every first W ednesday in each month : R. B. LALIT, Master. White Oak Lodge, AF & A M, No 193, meets on Tuesday evening on or before full macon. Oakville Lodge, 10 OF, No 132, meets every Monday evening. Royal Oak Temole, 10G T, No—, meets every Thursday evening. Fruit Grange, No 83, meets on Saturday on or before full moon, That Barrel. Just as the last rays of the setting sun were gilding the church spires and. whitewashing the back kitchens of Detroit the other afternoon, a man and a barrel were discovered at a stairway en Monroe avenue. He was a small man and it was a big barrel, and pedestrians who saw him looking up the stairs and back at the barrel inferred that it was his intention to elevate ib to the third story. But how ¥ “Jd rig a tackle and pulley im that, third story window,” said the first man whe halted. ‘That's your easiest way, and there’s no danger of ac éident.” He leaned against the lamp-post to calculate on the length of rope and the lifting pewer required, and along eame'a second man, who took in tke situation at a glance, and said : “Go and get some scantlings feur- teen feet long, and lay ‘em on the stairs. Then two men can roll that barrel up there as slick as grease.” The little man looked around in a helpless sort of a way, and a third man came blustering up, and called out + “Want to get that barrel up stairs, eh? Well, now, fasten your palley at the head of the stairs, and ten men dewn here can snake the barrel up in no time. Where’s your tackle?’ By this time the crowd had in- creased to twenty, and was pretty evenly divided between a dead lift through one of the front windows and a pulley at the top ef the stairs; but the man who suggested the skids had a very loud voice, and was determined to carry his poimt. Taking off his coat, he said ; “J know what I’m talking about, and I say that [ can skid that barrel up there alone. You just wait a min: ute.” . He crossed the street to an unfin- ished building and returned with a eouple of 2x4 scantlings and laid them on the stairs, and the crowd now num- bered fifty. “You want this barrel on the third floor, do you?’ he asked of the little man. “¥es—but—bat “But what}? “Why, I was waiting for my wife to get the clothes-horse out of the upper hall’ She's all ready now, and Ill take it up.” And the little man shouldered the barrel and trotted briskly up stairs between the skids. Jt was empty !— Detroit Pree Press: ee Mr. Winwiiam Mosuer,. of Nova Scotia, had occasion last week to take up the threshing floor of his barn. He found scattered on the ground under- ‘neath it eighty old silver dollars much corroded, having evidently been there for some time.. bed NEW TAILOR SHOP! W. B. STONEHAM, AVING RENTED THE PREM- ises next door to the Oakville House Colborne street, Oakville, is prepared to Cut and Make Up every des- eription of ee Gent's Clothing, Ne ; ELRST-CLASS STYLE| Qn short notice and on Reasonable Terms Persons wishing to make up their clothing at home can have patterns cut in the latest styles at moderate rates, Key SATISFACTION GUARANTEED W. B. STONEHAM. Oakville, April 24, 1878. 17-18 € ane This Great Household Medicine rank amongst the leading necessaries of Life. eDPhese famous Pills purifysthoyBLOOD,-and | act most powerfuily, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomacu, KipNeEys, and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as @ never failing remedy in all cases where the consti- tution, from whatever cause, has become im- paired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of al] ages; and as a GHNERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known throughout the World, For the eure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores & Ulcers, if is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neek and chest, as salt into meat, it Cures SORE THROAT, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glan-— dular Swellings, Abseesses, Piles, Fistuals, Gout, Rheumatism, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been knewn to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at : 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And are soid by all Vendors ci Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with directiens for use in almost every language. The Trade Marks of these Medicines are registered in Ottawa. Hence, any one through- out the British Possessions, whe may keep the American Countnrfeits for sale, willbe prese— cuted. é2F Purchasers should look te the Label on the Pots and Boxes. li the address is net 533, Oxford Street, Lon- don, they are spurious. NEW LINE —To— CHIGACO & MILWAUKEE. _ Northera Railway of Canada. x ‘The first-class passenger a Veee? steamers Caniae: Colum- bia, Kake Erie, in exclusive conneczion with the NORTH’ N RAILWAY, will run through— out the season between A Collingwood, Milwaukee and Chicago, calling at Cheboygan, Mich. Leaving Colling- Wood every WEDNESDAY and SANURDAY at 10 p.m., on arrival of express train leaving Toronto, City Hall station 4.10 p.m., Union station 4,17 p.m., Brock-str’t station 4.25 p.m- Through tickets te all points iu Western States. ECS For tickets and ail information apply to Bar- low Cumberland, 33 Yonge-st., Torouto, and Capt. B. J. Fairgrieve, Hamilton. FRED CUMBERLAND, ROBERT KERR, Managing Director. Gen’l Passenger Agent. 27m3 BEFORE YOU START” ~~ INSURE Acaist ACCIDENTS ! Get an Aceident Ticket or Yearly Policy, —IN THE o TRAVELLERS, At Local Agency or Railway Statioa. The Tsolated Risk —— AND —— FARMERS’ INSURANCE CO., CAPITAL ~- $600,000. Government Deposit - $700,000. REVISED PRICE LIST. DRESS GOODS, Plain, 10 cts, to $1 00 DRESS GOODS, Fancy, LO 2 50 Insures enly Non-Hazardous Property Joun K. APPELBE, 38 AGENT, Trafalgar P.O. pt MOURNING GOODS, 2 0 | WESTERN ASSURANCE C0., PRINTS, eo to ae tones tee WHITE COTTONS, Ts 6G 18 ASSETS OVER........6/,675,000 GREY COTTONS ae 12 Annvat Inverest Funp 60,000 TWEEDS, Union, : 25 Sete 60 JOHN K. APPELBE, TWEEDS, All-Wool, 00, he eae 38 AGENT, Trafalgar P.O, > Ee Dro $10 to $25). PIMPLES. WILL MAIL (FREE) THE RE- - CEIPY for a simple VecrrasLe Baro that will remove Tan, FRECKLES, PIMPLES and = Buoreurs leaving the skin soft, clear and beau— fiful ; also instructions for producing a luxur- iant growth of hairona bald head or smooth SUITS made to order, CG I SUGAR, 10, 112, 18; 14 lbs. for sh Toto oe ee stamp, en, TEA, 35, 40, 50, 60, 75 and 80c per lb CORERAN ITS, © <= - - 20 Ibs for $1 ate WORLD’S BALM. PRUNES, | -- > ‘16 Ibs for $1 ae es Ae RICE, = 3 S = 20 lbs for $i THIRTY-FIVE YRARS in a private practice, ang neyer failing toradically cure RUE UMATISM, ~Drojsy, Erysipelas, Serofula, Secondary Syp- hilis, Gravel, Diabetes, and all diseases in which the blood is implicated, is now offered to the public. Soild py all Retail Druggists, and (wholesale only) by the Weyburn Medicine Co. P.O, Box 338, Rochester, N. ¥. 86 STOCK FULL & WHEL ASSORTID-. J. BARCLAY. TO CONSUMPTIVES.” M\HE ADVERTISER, HAVING 4 been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by # simple remedy. is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the mea :s of cure, To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescriptions used, (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure eure for Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, &c Parties wishing for Prescription, will please address, E. A. WILSUN, 194<Penn St., Wil- liamsburg, N.Y. ~ 8m6 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN WHO SUF. BPEKED for years from Nervous DE- BILITY, PREMATURE DECAY, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suf— ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s ex- perience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. New York. ; &mb Oakvitn, May 7, 1879. THRE LATEST! C. W. COOTE & CO., EG LEAVE to inform their many customers and the pub- lic generally that having removed back to their former place of business, now refitted and greatly improved in_ap- pearance and convenience, they have FOR INSPECTION the largest and possibly the best assorted stock of ever offered to the people of OAK VILLE and surrounding country, at prices® = ssame.#s-Lefore the N. P., and for quality and style unexcelled. CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, “ahd be convinced that we are not blowing but stating facts. we also offer great IN G RO C ip RIE bargains, CUTTING PRICES as low as possible. OUR SUGARS are extra value also OUR TEAS, special lines of which we are selling 4 lbs. for $2. Cheaper than ever ! - OC. W.COOTE & CO. ORBERED WORK Neatly amd Promptiy executed, of the RECTUM quickly and per- fectly cured by a simple and soothing Remedy; For information, address Dr. J. FABER & Co.- 22 Ann St., New Lork. 8m6- GRAW’S SPECIFIC MEDIOINES TRADE MARK. THE GREAT ENGLISH TRADE MARK. pS RENEDY, AN Uh- f failing cure for ae Seminal weak- ness, Sperma- torrhea, Impo- lag teney, and all ke Diseases that Bc SNE » follow as a se- eS <4 Before T: en euende of ple : a aking Abuse; as loss 5 : orth emory, Un- After Taking. iyersal Lassitude, Painin the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. &9>Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail toeyery one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per package. or six packages for $5, or willbe sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing Hk GRAY MEDICINE €6., TORONTO, Ont. Sold in Oakville by all druggists and every- Where in Canada and the United States by all wholesale and retail druggists. byl N- B.—The demands of our business have ne cessitated Our removing to Toronto, to which place please address ail communications, GoOoD NEWS OED BERRY GROWERS | OHN CROSS, Jr., IS NOW ON HAND with a large stock of BERRY BASKETS, which nre ready and must and will be disposed of at the SS ORE: O FARMERS, BUILDERS. LABORERS, and all in want of goods in the Harpwarz Lins, at his stand in OAKYILL , two doors east. of the Royal Exchange, is always fully supplied with SEASONABLE GOODS, sueh as HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Paints, Oris anp Purry, Buriprers Goons, Nails, Butts, Screws. Hinges, ete. ; GARDEN TOOLS and FIELD IMPLE- MENTS, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, and Forks, Wheelbarrows, Saws, Cerdage and Rope; Glass, jand Paint Brushes ; Scythes and Snathes ; Whips; Horseshoe Iron and Nails; COAL OIL a specialty 5 TABLE CUTLERY, and Shelf Goeds, ete. Keeps also on hand MOWERS and REAPERS andSULKY HORSE RAKES from the Massey Mfg Co., Neweastle ; as also DRILLS and HAY RAKES from the Noxon Mfg. Co., ab Ingersoll, MACHINERY furuished to order. 2 Goods will be soldat the VERY LOWEST COMPETITION PRI CES. Buyers will consult their own interests by calling on me before pur- chasing elsewhere. All orders filled promptly. Call on me. VERY LOWEST RATES JAW ES KELLEY. == The competition will be sharp this sea- x = son, asthe proprietor is bound to sell his bas- ee kets, and give the best satisfaction every time, BUY THE BEST FERTILIZERS ONLY ! THE CONFEDERATION in view of the new N. P. EVERY FARMER SHOULD USE Be ee VOUTES Am moniated FER TLL Zao Heap Orion, - - TORONTO. Guaranteed Capital, $500,000. Oakville, April 2. 14tf For Strawberry Lands, Corn, Wheat, Flax and other Grain Crops and Vegetables ; made from PURE NIGH? SOI}, and sold in | porroy Honpurs participate im the man- any quantity. Parties wishing the material in its unmanufactured state, agement, and are awarded Ninety can have it packed in my Patent Iron-topped barrels on the ear in Toronto, Per Cent. of the profits of the Murua Brancn. : dee Sve aly Be : ae eS ee ! JOHN K. ARPPELBE, c- H- VOUTE, Sou Aeent for Oakville, 93 Adelaide Street, Hast, TORONTO. | ee CANADIANS,—Patronize Your Own i : \ = : PAC 1 nT £2 Samples and price of the manufactured material ‘can be-seen on appli- = Institenge HOD once aoe tion te W. A. ORR, OAkyvinie. Trafalgar, Sept. 20, 7878. 38 Por further particulars, address ofgheOfjallkinds, TUMORS ;~diccharges —— —— of BLOOD or mucus and all diseases