eM CRIME Halton _ police have narios fraudsters use to convince people to give them money. The emergency or grandparent scam typical- loved one is in police custo- dy as a result of something like an impaired driving accident. The fraudster then re- quests a large amount of money to have the loved one Pigsey from custody, to pay for associated bille/fines accrued a: sult of the alleged ineident, The funds requested can be in the form of a di- rect cash payment, bank transfers, various gift cards, and digital currency. The scammers may even say there is a "gag or- proaching. Residents are being en- couraged to take time dur- ing the holidays to speak with their older family members about this ongo- ing scam. Halton police are offer- ing residents the following tips to protect themselves from these types of scams: + Attempt to verify the caller's identity — do not them. Police are remindin: residents that these fraud. sters are counting on a per- son's goodwill to make them act auickly to help their loved o1 tioned tips to protect them- selves. a additional information volunteer any and ask very specifi Prob- found at https: / WW hal, e cal- ler. «Request to call back the taying- salerira uds-and- scams.aspx or at hittps:// AWARENESS CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED AMID ‘GRANDPARENT’ SCAM SURGE ARE YOU THE VICTIM OF A SCAM? Did a family member recently call you because they were arrested? Did a lawyer or police officer tell you to withdraw cash to pay a loved one’s bail? Did the person on the phone mention something about: © Someone arrested for impaired driving? © Someone arrested for drugs? * Acar accident? © Finding a gun in the car? © A pregnant woman? * Agag order? Sa st fu at to convince you to give them money. Halton police image Halton police will display this poster in major Halton banks i an effort to educate potential victims about "emergency" and ly involves a targeted per- der"inplaceregarding the initial caller — then inde- www.antifraudcentre-cen- son recei an unsolicit- incident,topreventthetar- pendently findthenumber __ treantifraude.ca/index- Were you told to put the cash ed phone callaboutaloved get from discussingit with ofthepoliceservice(oroth- eng.htm. in an envelope and wait for a one who 's int trouble. anyone else. er purported agency in courier to pick it up? The may Police said the Regional question) and call them di- pretend to abet tie Towed one, Fraud Unithasnotedare- rectly to clarify the situa- or they may impersonatea centincreaseinthesetypes tion. If unsure, call your lo- police officer and/or other of scams being reported cal police service and ask SIGN UP FOR members of the criminal over the past couple of them for assistanc justice system (lawyer, bai- months and is concerned + Attempt to directly call OUR WEEKLY liff, bondsman, for exam- the increase may continue _ the loved one in question NEWSLETTER AT ple), and falsely claim the withtheholidayseasonap- and clarify the matter with THEIFP-CA "grandparent" scams making the rounds in the region. ‘ Wa 5 aa eh] m theifp.ca Windows & Doors Ltd. 905-877-8830 We also do siding, soffit, fascia and cavestroughs) Thank you for our. atts a aM pe ie