12 be 5 aver | Thursday, July 20, 2023 | Oakville Be: insidehalton.com ‘WHO WILL SCOOP THE TITLE OF BEST ICE CREAM FLAVOUR? HERB GARBUTT hgarbutt@metroland.com Over the coming weeks, Metro- land 2oill be calling on you to help inits Sizzlin' Summer Preions In the first edition, potato chips edged out sandwiches for the best road trip snack. Now we're looking for our readers’ input again to decide the best ice cream flavour. Weigh in with your favourite and see if it has what it takes to become the ul- our. It should have been every kid's dream. When you're 10 years old and the ¢ doctor puts you on a diet of ‘ilkshakes for seven weeks, 't argue witha high ical fes: it even better, “Siok Wars" had just been released on video, which made me among the first to get to watch Luke Sky- walker repeatedly whine about not being able to go into Tosche Station to pick up power convert- ers. Oh yeah, I didn't have to go to school either. Now, the events S leading to this snack? How about ice cream? But won't that ruin my dinner, you ask? Nope, because dinner is ice cream. Now there was one catch. Ten- year-old me was a very picky eat- erand not very adventurous. Soit was vanilla ice cream every ti time. Not that there is anything wrong with vanilla. It's a solid choice. But is it the best flavour? Especially, if you're using it to make 350 milkshakes. Sure, in retrospect, the pda chocolate milkshake might things up a little. A Oeics ae cream milkshake sure sounds good now. But not to 10-year-old me, who had yet to figure out piz- good fortune, I do I took a baseball to the side of the face, breaking my jaw. That meant having my jaw wired shut for seven weeks. Seven weeks of people waving hamburgers and in my face saying, "Oh, would you like some?" But I had the last laugh. Re- venge is best served cold, with a straw. Ice cream for breakfast. Ice cream for lunch. Oh, feel like a THANK YOU. Your support matters now, more than ever! ere was a bunch of different foods all to- gether, touching each other! The milkshake diet was pretty sweet. But wees, I noticed the mailkthekes mom made weren't as good. They tasted different. Mine were much better. Was she using different ice cream? Had she mixed up the ra- tio of milk to ice cream? It wasn't until years later I To our loyal subscribers and advertisers. Vanilla/ tye. French Vanilla ‘Strawberry A 4 Chocolate 2 <= Butterscotch Chocolate Min Chocolate 3 Raspberry Riple Vote for your favourite ice cream flavour in our Sizzlin' Summer Playdown. found out this dark family secret. Something the doctor had failed to mention while I was in the room. Apparently, scrawny 10-year- olds can't live on ice cream alone. Apparently, they need protein. while I watching, mom was slipping eegs into my milkshakes. Eggs? In ‘the same glass as my frothy milkshake? Did you think I wouldn't notice? Well, I did. But I never found the proof that my milkshakes had indeed changed. I'd like to say this ruined vanil- laice cream forever, But it didn't. Still love a good vanilla ice cream, but it tainted it. If vanilla ice cream wasn't go- ing to be what I thought it was, maybe it was time to try other fla- vours. The next trip to the Kawar- tha Dairy Bar, I would try some- thing new. Rocky road? Didn't re- ally cut it. Neapolitan? Three ice creams touching each other. I don't think so. And then came the fateful day I tried mint chocolate chip. That was it. The ice cream flavour to topallice cream flavours. It's still my favourite. The mint of the After Eight chocolates I Jove so much. The chocolate chip, the best part of the chocolate chip cookie. But best of all? No e: The great ice cream flavour A & : Teds ¢ = and Cream Rocky Road Chunky Monkey Metroland graphics brackets are set. BASICS: vanilla/French vanilla vs. strawberry, chocolate vs. but- terscotcl A LITTLE SOMETHING: chocolate chip vs. butter pecan, mint choco- ite chip vs. raspberry ripp] YOUNG AT HEART: lobes and cream vs. Neapolitan, maple wal- nut vs. cookie doug! WHOLE a wens ON: moose tracks and cream, rocky road vs chunky monkey ‘SCAN THE CODE to cast your vote to help the ice cream flavour "B champion. The stakes are high for this local newspaper. With declining revenue, jobs lost and emerging news deserts, your support means everything to us. Every dollar helps us do good work in your local community. Where does the revenue from your subscriptions and advertising go? TO SUPPORTING YOUR COMMUNITY This paper provides a space for conversation, communication, and information about residents, businesses, organizations, and government. Many local businesses and organizations depend upon their local newspaper. Readers appreciate local advertisements that align with their needs and that keeps them informed about new businesses, organizations, and events in the area. SUBSCRIBE AT COMMUNITYEPAPER.COM OR CALL 1-833-440-7474 e : metroland