Ruby the Witch has landed again with all the supplies Page, 8— Halton Hills This Week, Saturday, October 10, Agee ’ to make your Hallowe'en party a complete success. COME IN AND SEE! 2 LOCATIONS 355 Main St’ 2 Mountainview Ra. S. — Georgetown ear oft Gout St 3-7. 878-2339 — Georgetown Hours ies Hours Mon, Tues, Wed 10-7 Noel Duignan MPP Halton North In the life of any nation there are times when the course of history is changed forever. That happened in Canada in 1867 at C -# Queen’s Park Report is a decision that will stay with us for a long time. Why do we need to make that decision now? And why should we choose the elements con- tained in the Charlottetown Accord? A constitution must be a living document. That means that, from time to time, a constitution must be looked at again to see if it is serving its purpose. If it is allowed to stagnate, a nation becomes stuck with a piece of paper that describes how it looked a hundred or two hundred years ago. There’s a better way—a document that evolves to depict the way things are now and the way we would like to be in the future. First of all, the constitution helps to define who we are. That’s part of the Canada Clause that I’ve men- tioned before. It describes the fun- damental In 1931 the Statute of Westminster decreed that the United Kingdom could never again control Canadian laws. It happened in 1982 when the Constitution came home. The upcoming referendum is an opportunity unlike the others, It’s a chance for ys to have a say in what type of country we want to build for ourselves and for our children. Changing the constitution—helping to chart the course for the future— A Network of Independent Member Brokers of the way we see Canada today. See people or groups are worried because they’re not mentioned specifically in the Canada Clause. They think this means they will be second class citizens. But the clause itself has the answer to that concern. It says that “Canadians are committed to a respect for individual and col- lective human rights and freedoms of all people. Not just English or French or This gorgeous custom built executive home sits on a hill over- i i f land. L This lovely almost an lots of oak cupboards. Family room has floor to cell wet bar! Lovingly cared for and details. DONNA MASON*, 87-5211. ing fireplace. room is a must see! Sauna, whirlpool, beautiful custom built decorated home. Call forall the RM240-92 acre lot minutes from Creek. Well is in, levies are paid. Only $125,000. Call for all the details now, DONNA MASON’, 877-6211 RM241-92 Lovely starter with large eat-in kitchen, wood stove, ren- ovated master with semi-ensuite, new bath in ‘91, com- jely done. Main fl. laundry, new in ‘91 sliding doors plet who to fully fenced yard and patio. Huge this price, Call DONNA MASONT, 877-5211. RM158-02 lot. Must see at women or men. All people. The Canada Clause also covers: some elements that have been left out of our constitution for far too long. It recognizes that the First Nations have the right to self gov- ernment in Canada. That means the tight to promote their culture and language, to ensure the integrity of their societies and govern those societies themselves. It also recog- nizes that Quebec is a distinct soci- ety—not better, not worse—merely distinct. That’s a historical reali- ty—one of the building blocks of our nation and one of the things that makes us all distinct—distinct- ly Canadian. Another important section of the Charlottetown Accord talks about Canada’s Social and Economic Union. It describes what our gov- ernments should be trying to accomplish. It’s a section that the people of Ontario should feel par- ticularly good about—it grew out of a series of proposals that Ontario’s negotiators took to the bargaining table. Some items on the list weren’t even thought of as the work of government in 1867. But today Canadians count on certain things as key to our way of life. Here’s what the representatives from across our country felt must sat objectives for our social well- ing: — a comprehensive system of universal health care, run by gov- ernments and equally available across the coun! — reasonable access to food, shelter, and other basic necessities — high quality primary and sec- ondary education with reasonable access to post secondary education — the right of workers to orga- nize themselves and bargain collec- tively — and protecting and preserving the environment us the present and future generation: at’s not a aii list—just the bare bones of what govern- ments must try to provide ~ their citizens. T’'ve already decided to vote “yes .” If you need more information to help you make your choice, call my Milton office at 878-1729. Music teachers meeting Oct. 13 The next monthly meeting of the Halton Hills Music Teachers Association will be held on October 13 at 1 p.m. at St. George’s Anglican Church in Georgetown. Teachers of all instruments and of any are urged to Sales Rep.* 877-5201 |_Res. 87 877-1919 In this 3 bedroom, nearly new, yerator. Owner transferréd, fast clos- ing possi ;, townhouse condo, 2 - 4 pe. baths, central air, garage with inside entrance to sell at only $134,000. Call BRUCE POGERS 877-5211 or 874-3051 RM143-92 | $229,000 | hen house and good 5 bedroom home on 98. acres. 5 acres of hardwood bush. Call BRUCE RODGERS 877-5211. $229,000 LUnimato in country ving. Appealing desig, open concept Ivng TH. BRIGGS UPHOLSTERY + Kitchen & Dining Chairs + Rec. Vehicle Seats 877-9312 —cuatisy service RMO87-91 Wak out to deck and balcony family room & den or 4th bedroom. Large garage or shop & ultimate $229,000. Call BRUCE RODGERS’, 877-5211. from living room. Ground level seen for the 'n county living, Li isted at AM124-02. "4 Cute 3 pedo home just perfect for first time Close. oH pe jate lot with room for the kids to play. mee a) Winston vet Bid. ‘bmdoame, sears eg and ring owe, a any GINNY'S © DIAPER SERVICE 877-0950 pel = town, where the Sa oan ae and Dad can tinker 877-5211 wih ae Cik commuting fo owrown an excelent highways. Asking $229,000, Call JACKIE GREEN. WOOD", 877-5211. for easy commuting. Asking $142,900. Don't ek eens i Ghia rescue te aia delay - call aay. SIACKIE, EREENHOOE dyman. ic property to wih JACKIE GREENWOOD’, 677-5211, M1782. « Have your own diapers? We'l do those too!_/