Page 6 — Halton Hills This Week; Home and Garden, Wednesday, April 21, 1993 STEAMATIC. the total cleaning serv DINING ROOM HALL $g9 99 SCOTCH GUARDING 107% REGULAR SOFA AND LOVESEAT *109.” UCT CLEANING all offers expire April 30, 1993 FIRE AND WATER RESTORATIONS 7 ~ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ~ i) Steamatic of Halto Zibie Haitner, is the new owner of the Steamatic Franchise in the Halton Hills Area, Mr. Haitner started working for the franchise 4 years ago as a cleaning technician. Last year he worked for the Steamatic Headquarters Store as a decontamination expert. Beside carpet, uphol- stery and air duct cleaning further knowledge was gained about fire and water damage Testoration and corrosion control. 3 Steamatic of Halton has a new address and Phone number and Zibie would like to Pass it on to all valued customers of Steamatic of Halton Peel: STEAMATIC OF HALTON 100 ELGIN STREET, BOX #12, ACTON, ONTARIO L7J 2W1 PHONE # 416-877-2320 Zibie would like to thank you for your past patronage and would sincerely appreciate the Opportunity to service your future needs. Steamatic would-be more than happy to help Maintain your homes’ carpet, furniture, and Air Duct System. We are also able to help in Emergency Situations. Water damage and Fire fi é Zibie Haitner and his wife welcome the opportunity to look after your cleaning needs, n has new owner damage can occur when least expected. The company is capable of restoring most items in your home quickly. It's Automatic With Steamatic! PHUU IN lanting a tree, shrub or vine can provide benefits greatly outweighing the cost. Well- planned landscaping can not only provide energy savings, but also can increase the beauty.and value of your home. Planting trees that lose their leaves on the southern and western sides of your home provides ENERGY SAVINGS BY DESIGN shrub eases the strain on an air conditioner unit. Just be sure not to block the air circulation necessary to run the machine efficiently. Vines are another quick and beautiful energy saver. Deciduous 3. LANDSCAPE WITH ALTON ILLS YDRO } CARE ENERGY HANTS Le f” Get the Lips vines provide quick-growing shade on the walls of your home. Consult a professional landscaper * Call before you dig. Your utility can tell you the location of any Brightest Lights summer shading to cool your to help you choose the right-vine. - Dust Your Lights! One 100 is better home, lowering summer cooling. _ studies show landscaping can underground lines, Dust free bulbs and than two 60s! Coste te ee eee also improve the resale value of _ * Don't plant tall-growing fixtures are more Use a single high obey, taanitigs oa eaten be OE sul Zeduce noise trees under power lines. If efficient - even a'thin —_ wattage bulb instead lution. ‘ into your home. Po : you have a tree with layer of dust lowers of two or more low Remember, before beginning a power lines running wattage bulbs Planting evergreen shrubs and landscaping project, call us to find . Seg oe wherever possible. A trees on the northern and western out if there are underground lines _ through it, don t climb it single 100 watt bulb sides of your home creates a _ you need to avoid. Also, don't —_ or build anything in it. will give the same Wines eer, Windbreak. cutting plant tall growing trees under Call if the tree needs z amount A. winter heating costs. power lines. , ar ce of light ./4 . - nies i trimming. Switch to fluorescents! : Shading your air conditioning For energy savings, beauty and bushy shrub: 40 as Z unit not only saves energy, but. noise reduction, nothing beats. ° Keep bushy shrubs away Compared to a 40 watt iwe helps lengthen the life of the unit. landscaping. : from your meter. incandescent bulb, a40 69, The shade provided by a tree or watt fluorescent tube put use up TM H will produce about six _ to 15% Jess energy. ALTON 43 Alice Street, Acton | testes (LLS Ont L7J 2A9 same cost and last 16 . : times longer. amember of l EnerMark l } _ The Electriciiy People