=~ ‘the time to be “ap in. the early, just at the peep of- day.” crop,-aud a heavy yield of “-! Th Brappert an old resident of sorgetown, re on the 19th, Saiker cen mae ac Their life in a plane, one, and flo things: on the square. ; ; Tue Southern Belle. is lying at th Disstomn : ip at Toronto, waiting _Taratone-hodker Nameless, was driven . ashore near Cantley's pier on Saturday night,—all hands safe. Coox tays— “Sass is powerfnl good in aeedtae bat noted Day- needs some other kind of dressing.” Mr. A: Farmer, srator at Burling- ton station on the H & N. W. Railway, ‘bas been removed to Cheltenham. “Tur three thousand wretches’ that annually drop into the deunkard's doom, all, all coms from the ranks of the moudur- Taere aro but very fow people in this world who have got either the time or the talent to modile with their neigh- bor's business. “Whar makes my paper so wet,” was question asked by a delinquent sub- _soriber of an editor. ‘‘Bscause there is ao much dew on it.” WAILE A MAN was sinzing, the othor day, “‘There’s a Gvod Time Coming,” “nother man rose ani said, “Would you kindly fix the date I” or ~Tan Qieva's birthday passed off aietly in this town, untilin the .even- deateok Albertson's band gave a cheer- ing coneertin Guorge’s Park. Iris the intention of St. Stophon's cope School to hold a sviree in the Orange Hall, ¢ oraby, on the e of the 2nd of June.) ~ : Mr. and Mrs. W. 0.108 ‘eft for sph, Mich., on #évorable impression people. B, f | Pact Axor, of Waterdown, had one s hands se lace x dn Mon- ‘Hie, The woundal womb is ikely is ni lvted, “and a splen- ailding it ia to), measuring in the 103 by BS fost, with two adui- b) by 35 fect each. - day rosently ths lightning struck ney fades Miurs nee, makes big show for delivery early, late and red cabbage +P -pand_thinge-are—not-ranning fe DW Caxrsetic's bard, near. Singer cata yece Vahl same mon = 0 cheap goods. ies €. 21° Mr. James Banser, one of the most Prominent citizens and business men of Georgetown, died at his late home on 19th imst.; at the age of 69 years. 17c., to atrive on Saturday ; also cheap dress goods, hosiery, ete, 21 Mr. E. J. Wausa has taken possession of the Thompson Honae at Milton. hav- ing recently bought out the interest of 8. Cook, in the furniture and fixtures ‘of that establishment. Mr. Geo. Warp has now ready for lants ; alo, a large quantity of celery plants. Parties requiring any - quantity will be supplied on liberal terms. 22 Mr. Davin Linpsdy of Hornby, by some mischance, had the misfortune of having one of his. legs broken~ while being brushod-off his-horsa as ho waa passing through a neighbor's gate; on the 14th inst. At last report he was getting along quite comfortably. Five farms in Halton county haye been entered for competition for the prize awarded by the Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario. They are Robt. F. Bessey and Joo. 8. Bessey, of Esquesing ; Jno. Fothergill, of Nelson ; D. W. Campboll and Jos. M. Bussell, of Trafalgar. Three out of the five will be selected to compote. : Instructions have been issued from the Post office Department in relation to the enclosute of hand-bills in newspap- ere assupplemants. If they are enclosed in newspapers hereafter the rate of post- age on papers will be three cents a pound extra, Hereafter, merdhants wishing to send supplements through the newspap- ers will have to pay theAdditional post- age, and no newspaper can violate this ment 4 Qurre too hinny of our contemporaries ef Bob Ingersoll's infidel books. Theg~ would ba doing a somewhat similar ser vice to. the public by advertising and helping to dispose of packages contain- ing-small pox, cholera, yellow fever, ete. Bob Ingersolj’s infidel produoc- . of spreading -a rconntry wo see that ntemporary leads, Many ts aro evon yet heard, as 4o the inconvenience and the annoyan- ‘oes occurring since the retirement of Mr. Wm. Wasa, from his former profession of public auctioneer, conveyancer, etc. i is withdrawal; huwever, matters quite so smoothly as could be wished for ; while during the many years that Mr. W. car- ried on this business it was never laid to his charge that he was in | 6 with friends, in ofder to knock down cheap ‘bargains to them and then share in the profits. : . Mr. M. S. McCraney sells the best expositicus held in jenna and on, and at the Centen- nial, also fm Sydney, Australia, in May 1877, and had also awarded the first medal and diploma, as the best family sewing machines on exhibition,—there being 14 of the leading makes brought into competition with them. Extra fine, lated wheels, cheaper than any. other. ease call and see thein. 16 Temperanca Resolutions. At the regalar meeting of Broate Di- vision S: of f.. 04 Wolaerdiy ovsning, 28th, the fitlowing resolutions wore offared and ao- cepted, and ordered printed in tha Exraess : J, A. Wiiurass is doing nearly double. the bus a ~ J. A. Williams is expecting another | & 10 dozenof those large towvls,—2 for that tule without defrauding the Govern- ; in Ontario are publishing adve"*:-s[enes - ed ese er the ale lagi I Sh gS ee Lo “Dee af rafaigntss Perce os Cyrus Allisoa, of. -ofher age. Funeral from her at et inf The s&d tidings on Monday m deceasa the Tuesday morning Toronto pa only could give certainty to the infor-’ mation of the day before. On Tuesday evening at 5:40 the de- ceased was brought to the G. W. R. do- pot accompanied by an immense funeral cortege of relatives. and friends, from where the earthly remuins were taken eastward for interment by the bereaved husband, accompanied by his brother; R. K. Appelbe, Esq. There is no issue left to this now desolate household, and the one left has the deepest sympathy of the entire community in this his jlatest affliction, having stood by the coueagnae of father, mother and wife within less thau two years. The Decease of James J. Beardsley. Tt becomes our painful duty, again to chronicle the demise of an old and wor- thy citizen, in the porson of the gentle- man named above, which sad event took place on Saturday morning last, the 22d inst. Mr. Beardsley’s health for some time previous to his last illness was poor, but nothing to cause alarm by-hisfriends. Only a few days before his death he was seized with alarming symptoms of dis- ease, his fa\nily hysician, Dr. Johnston, was at onde paltod in, who appeared to u on. for, and everything that medical skill could suggest was dous, but-all to no purpose. Mr. Beardsley was in the 60th year of his aye,—having resided on the homestead he has left for over 30 years. From his kind and obliging mannor, to- ether with his upright and -honorable ife, it is doubtful if Mr. Beardsley had a single enemy, but was held by the en- tire community in high estéom. He was a inember of the Anglican Church, and a life long Liberal in politics. He leaves hree sons .and one daughter to motrn his loss. . The funeral took place on Mon- day last, 24th, to St. Jude’s cometery, the Rev. Canon Worrall conducted: the last and solemn services of committing his mortal remains to. the earth, Demise of Mr. James Barber. James Barber, was born in the County of Antrim, Ireland, May 18, 1811, and was consoquently sixty-nino years of age, his sixty ninth birthday falling on Tues- day, and his death on Wednesday May 19th. He came to America with hi father, mother, threo brothers—and~ sis 4 : “| ing and lot, that it is not Spitsayt a Fes spectable poor man should exclaim, “] really can't afford. to die!” This pense, though not felt by the rich, is a i he r. But, i the rich must lead the way, because they set © fashions, and also because they can safely economize at the bidding of ed y bury hun- dreds of dollars with the dead, that might better be employed for the good of the living? Surely, dn an intelligent and Christian cemmunity, it ought to be possible to get up a public sentiment that shall discountenance the folly and, sin of costly funerals, and emancipate| the community from a class of tradesmen whose c seem often to be based on, the presumption tnat bereaved people will not be in a position to examine or dispute them. only to be expected, Hanlan again the winner in the boat-race at Washington on Wednesday, over Riley. The question is now settled that Hanlan is the ‘‘champion oarsman," AS was WAS agal THe currant worm is again at work, and now, therefore, is the time when fruit growers shonld pay the closest attention to their currant bushes. A be the safest and best remedy, a few applications of which will be aure to destroy the pest,;~and enable the pro- ducer to sectire a good and proper yield of this moat useful and valuable fruit As the worm does not attack the black currant, of course no necessity exists for sprinkling thoso bushes. MARAIEO, the 20th instant, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. Jas McAlister, John G. Cloke, Eeq., of -Hamilton, to Bolle, third a “7 iar anata pe ger, and ——s it money on a Pyeng upon her chest and tions, and ¢ Call and regular size for 31.00 sud Ongs OT be utilized and season by re=dyeing. ty itself, needing only a dish of boiling and a package of dye of the desired colour. They colors. Take only Mrs. Freeman yes. daughter of the late James Robertson, Eq., of | | Oakville. -| an al at hk abl Sartors, Sea-Faring Men a arén who gre liable’ to be 6X-/| ancous Rone shee aary * but on my son asking Oul, I did so at once, 2 half an b Dagens he Fic, eo hour was pia LS am gratefully youre, Ranaee freed ac ar’ stop That Cough. If you are suffering with a Cough, Cold, Asthma, Broncbitis, Hay Fever, Con= sumption, loss of voles, tickling in the throat, or any affection of the Throat or Lungs, uss De. Kixo's This is the great remedy that is cau hg #0 much excitement by its wonderfal cures, cur- ing thousands of ho re h rw Discovery for Consumption. is really ¢@oan uuhesitatingly exy that th for throat and lung affec- eonly sure core tally to all. get atrial bottle fires of cost or # C, W. Prance &Co., Agent, Oakville. For Laptes Onty—There is scarce- ly a houschold in the country where is not studied, and in all such therw are is ki, Woollons or cottons that may. msde to do duty after i Tho process is simplici- water im all dealers. s New ae sb? ina 15 cent pack or sale by Druggists a Gentlemen :—I desire to express my. Appreciation of the National Pills. I suffered for several years with Dispepsia without per- pe A pe manent relief until a friend men # ste Pills. [I took one box according to directions, 35 ‘ore all parts of the country, Beate ee a el ne Pe Aivertisements, _ HE 8U ILL PAY the highes n cash for €Clean-Wamme¢ delivered at his warehasse in Oakviils, P. A. McDOUGALD. May 20. 1889, Phws ter in 1822, and settled in the Town of Niagara. In 1824 the family came to West Flamboro, where the deceased learned the trade of a papermaker in the mills belonging to the late ‘Hon, James Crooks, father of Hon. Adam Crooks, now Minister of Edueation for the Proy- ince of Ontario, where, it may be said, the firat paper made in Upper Canada was prodneed. In 1337, about the time of the Mackenzie Reballion, the deceas- ed, in company with his three brothers, William, Joseph ani Robert, settled in the Township of Exjwssing, where they built and carried on a. woolen factory. Since then Gusrzetown sprang into exis- tonce, and its snvoo34 may be attributed Be . AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. E DIRECTORS of the Traful- : r Agricaltural Sosiety will mest at PALBRM , on Tuesday, first day of June, at 10 o’cloes a. m,, for the purpcse of revising Prive List, and transacting other businoas. 2lw2 GEO. HARDY, Seoretary . SAIGIToOO, From the Missiseauguas of New Oredit, late « Port vedi madigeuey Whe eadt-bteos INDIAN DR. MAUNGWUDAUS, AY Be Fouxp at Sprinerie.p, until further notlee, es a a supply ry] i} to the Besa and persevetance of the Messrs. Barber Brothers. In 1854 Bar- ber Bros. built the Geo for th Z Sih TE oe — ee Wy = 9h a3 . TMRh ek / oo Bal Be -— = be E SUBSCRIBER KEEPS ON SALE, & quantity of . cas0 OF Money re box. For sale by C.W. Prance & Co, 29m 7 do better FINE and COARSE PLANN&L on band constantly to the trade. oo DOWN GO PRICES| us Any person consulting a person giving a testi- mal, should enclose a postal card for reply. 25 Buckien’s Arnica Salve, The Bkst satvr: in the world, for Cuts, eam, Totter. Bruises, Sores, Uleere, Sait f Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and oll kinds of 8 BOYNE WOOLEN WORKS | (Three and q half miles east of Milton.) PRakMEES, CONSULT your own » interest, by having your WOOL MANUFACTURED into. TWEEDS, FULL CLOTH, BLANKETs, © FLANNELS, oto., otc. By your COTTED WOOL you can by selling it in market. SS ens oD re~ prompt attention, : Jas. Hanzsson, Proprietor.