In response to local Liberal candidate Julian Reed’s charges that Halton-Peel MP -Garth turner misled«con- ue on the GST, Turner released a chronology of ny oa on the issue. Halton-Peel’s MP for the last five years, Turner says he is proud to defend his record of action during the introduc- tion and implementation of the GST. “During the 1988 election, . Largued that any federal sales tax should ‘be both visible to consumers, and the money used to only pay down the deficit,” Turner says. “And. following the vote, I worked - and su - at having that happen. I think it’s time to * clear the air of election thetoric, and look at exactly what your MP did during that period of time.” The technical details of the _proposed GST were released in the autumn of 1989, when it was suggested that a 9 per cent sales tax replace the hid- den 13.5 per cent manufactur- ers’ sales tax, the 8 per cent pee ty tions to the tax by the used ae pay the deficit The federal government agreed. .d with these recommen- dations. In January, 1990, the rate was reduced to 7 per cent and in April, 1991, all net revenues raised by the GST were directed to a special bank account to be used sole- ly for paying interest on the Garth Turner To date, the party commit- tee which examined the impact of the GST on consumer prices. It concluded that with the GST in place, inflation would like- ly not be impacted by more than 2 per cent, and that the government should not hire more tax enforcers. Halton Hills This Week, Saturday, October 2, 1993 — Page 3 Turner defends his record on the GST the third year of the GST,_-is just’1.7 per cent. The annual cost of administering the GST is $340 million, or 2.2 per cent of the net amount raised. There are 1.9 million busi- nesses registered to collect the GST,,or about 250,000 more.than the government expected to sign on. “Nobody likes paying any ‘ tax,” Turner says, “and the GST is a symbol of taxation ‘because it’s upfront and visi- le. “However, I can fully sup- port a tax dedicated to paying interest on the debt and keep- ing our deficit down. I believe most people want Canada to balance its books, and the GST is an important tool in Inflation this year; entering — that fight.” building materials tax and the 11 per cent = tions tax. Even before those something wrong details were released, Turner with your dentures? wrote and made public a dis- Does it take you cussion paper on taxation, the 10 minutes to explain it? release stat We have the time & answers, According to the rel e ‘Tuner then responded by: |) Calfor FREE CONSULTATION 29" "emote Control aaa « Sending details of the itor ON SCTEEN MENU...se0-0e- proposed tax to every home, Deluxe. Remate Control VCR 00 asking for reaction; * Writing and distributing a 4 Head fi Remote Control VCR 278" detailed “Citizen’s Guide” to JEANEL aenceacene tax; + Holding seven Townt Hall AMIEM ‘Double ‘Cassette cD, 398" meetings within 2 weeks to Stereo System with remote...... 8 get public input; ¢ Establishing a Halton- ‘Peel Tax Committée which held several separate meet- ings; * Delivering a detailed report to the Minister of Finance which, among other | Exercise Ay |your | Franchise Ib ELT a BEFORE YOU BUY CHECK OUR LOW PRICES. . WHY PAY MORE? GUARANTEED SERVICE WITH ALL SALES Phone 877- 3405 14 WEStEYAN SUslse wn DG zailisieet Mill Street Georgetown Adult & esenaie eiaatin (Halton Board of Education), in partnership with presents a.21 week Pre-Apprenticesbip paced as proecsihs bevc sc gubed® betits the duties of a BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC LOTTERY Encore: 152446 Sat. Sept, 25/93} 19 20 22 29 30 36) Bonus: 2! Early Bird 0822 31 35| courtesy of of trade areas based on the Ministry of Skills Development competency profile for { F BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Health & Safety Security Systems Communications Hectricity & Electronics Trades Calculations Plumbing = — | Building Management Custodial Applications Construction Basics Cutting/Welding/Machining ig will include practice and theory in a number Classroom & Workplace Training, job search skills and a 3 week workplace experience are components of the program. i Insurance Benefits, and Please go to your local ani Employment Centre for further information, or call:Linda Braisby - 416-877-6966, Georgetown District High School RESULTS UNOFFICIAL [cait870-0134 (Lotto 6/49) or 870-0135; Funded by: reaieees | od ee ea Canada Immigration Canada a, BOB WILL “CHARM” YOU WITH HIS GREAT VINGS » — 6.59/ “STOCK UP ro FREEZER SALE” LESS N STEAK “DARE BRETON RACKERS FRESH TURKEYS AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST CLOSED HOLIDAY MON. OCT. 11, 1993 | OPEN SUNDAY 11 a.m. -5 p.m, Phone 873-3963 ] Wa” GEORGETOWN MX. FOOD MARKET “A Part Of Your Neighbourhood" MOORE PARK PLAZA Buy One Get One Free Pita Gourmet Values in effect from Sun. Oct. 3 through Sat. Oct. 9/93