Oakville Record-Star, 10 Aug 1944, p. 2

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[a s : ~~ FHE OAKVINBEEPRECORD-STAR : ~Thursday, Aug. 10, 1944, | 2 gave 4 paper on the atudy book and Locals & Pe Personals hn 4 fe fo: Vea obi Mrs. Herbert Inglehart led in Sie Business Directory | : NEWS OF OUR NEIGHBOURS : ee ee Oe a el a, sia We ae Ba FROM OUR OWN CORRESPON DENTS Arthur Spencer, Mrs. Grant Heslop | nury Wish to Bhaouace the engage- and Miss Ann Wood. ment of their daughter, Kathleen) h nok Tuesday The Palermo Junior Farmers and) yfaryarot, to Kenneth Elmer Me- The ya ba BRONTE ar naan O.- Flumerfelt visited al Mri. John Osborne and family} Junior Pemeaets salen i nea Lean, son of Mr. and Mrs, E. Me- MITE : cl) e fe hal a li “ursi mikton on . 5 re week-end visitors at.the home |light excursion from Ham "| Lean, of Trafalgar, the marriage to GEORGE ATEINS, Pres. b (Conti a Frew From Page 1) few ge po eee: my ae ick a if Fah Mrs, T. Hill, Burgess-|Tuesday evening, in company sate take place Angust 19h, t St ; : = ain grandson, Muster Peter” Zipping: ch vies & of Windsor. ville: the other groupe of. Halton ‘and | tyi9's Tnited Church, Oakville, Phones: Office 16; e5, Among the guests were Mrs. Charles Speers Mrs, Harry Belyea and son Wentworth Counties, : fes2 Collingé of Toronto, Lient, Sock Little Annie Pickard, daughter); oo: of Hamilton apent last week| Mr, LeRoy Sargant of Bronte st Wo toss Stewart, R-C.N.V-B., and Mrs. Ste-jof Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pickard, is) .ity Mrs, E. Belyea. the guest epeaker At tee eaten |.” Rev. and MraS&, B, Eddy ‘and LEGAL wart, Mr, ‘and Mrs, C, W. Fell of | malcing favourable progress follow- Mrs. M. Blakey of Hamilton was morning servire ~of © the mite badsSly axe yheatlontag in Dkaskole: Toronto, Mra. W. H. "Speers and ‘ing a sevious mastoid operation and ia week-end guest with her son-in- |Chureh. Mrs, A. E. Pickard. jis expected home at the end of the;;).. and daughter, Mr, and Mes, t Mr. and. Mrs, ©, Piet rere ae se ate oe iaeuee Ww. N. N- ROBINSON, K.C. Friends in town Were interested | week, Gordon Collins, ilpaet Cha of. Por =m 2 peace gore Fk lying On ah sees , af re re Pacers j t . a ray = hantier © Orowate ere + Y)is spending leave ith h arenta, to hear of the birth of a som on Mra, James Spring paased iat Mr. and Mrs, George Woodhouse | uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.) \fr. and Mra. W. T. Marlatt. Solicitor for the Town of Oakville. Monday, to Mr. and Mpa, Earl)yn Sunday moraing at her home 4 tah ‘ richsicns pf Tovonte,: formerly 68 here adicr a léue. iiiness; in. her “of Toronto were wWeek-en ant * Arthur Cowan. : Vo OFFICE 3 DAVIS BUILDING Rronte, ; 63rd. year. Mr, and Mrs. Springe at be home. of Mr..and Mra. Wes Mr, and Mre, Charles Lockley anid Gano and Mra: “1. eat “ll Smith | OVEF Canadian Bank oft omen? Miss Frances Dawson has been in retired to Bronte two years ago 1 ser Solel aes : jchildren, Wayne and Mary Anne). oi orandehildren age holidaying at seeencsuge . aD; ee the hospital for anather two weeks’ |/and had made maty friends during Mr, and Mra, Aubrey Pickard jof Hetvilton, were week-end Visit-| srinde Money to setiae mortgage ¢treatment on her elbow, which was|that time, Mrs. Springe was the|and family of Hamilton reacts Qlors at the home of “Mri and Mra. Vv mas eeurity. : eer i i a ‘ %: ell-|dav last week +h Mr. and Mrs.)tra Cowan, o- injured in a street car accident in| formet Miss Hewins of Camphell-|idas last week owtth ; See pant Tal r aed Toronto several weeks ago. She isjville. Interment was in Moun: )A. E, Pickard, Professar and Mrs, Waterbury of eat Aes ‘a7 Mask icy ANGUS McMILLAN expected home again at the end of | Pleasant Cametery, ‘Toronto, on) - Fe a - «|New York are spending this mont thy ‘ bc . : BARRISTER — SOLICITOR ‘ - #jat the eis: of Mrs. A, Hill and Vo Se NOTARY PUBLIC > eiMrs, E. Christener, Word haa *been received veh Hit. | Office 139 Colborne St. = Oakville { . : PALERMO | Mr. and Mrs. Ross Greeniaus and Ken. Rouvsell, RCLA., has been in|} All bine Saturday — Vedneadar ~ lchitdren of Sheridan were Sanday] Prunece since July Ist nen Lt. Doug: 1 ening, or by appointment. ie Vi : : “\visitors at the. Home of Mis. A! A_| Russell is eens a ay g course | Telephones: OFFIC oes é frit N r- | Euglan rior tu . tx ming 4 IN CASE YOU ARE ' Locals and Personals [Galbraith and Mr, aud Mrs, 96@r-) orate LBA Red Royal Can-| TORONTO OFFICE AD. 3644. he The July meeting of the Palermo )*© Turner. lying 9 taca | | lian Artillery Residence 126 Douglas Cor. Spruce INTERESTED tee omens Inmetitute was held at the | (Continued on pee) Bin 4) amian Arh y ee ’ F eaba-48 Hektor of Miss H. Vansickle, The : Bfiea - : WAC (irant. MaeKenzis son of seen A re Os bree girls ee ry sts and Mra, C. FL Mae ‘Ke ~nzie has | DUNBAR M. HEDDLE he junior inatitute under the dir- SERV. es eg ph a from rete a es 4 B STKE _. SOLICITOR eon of Mra. Grant. Heslop ane i LAC. AREIS Stirs. Martin seen: Miss Marion | sr. OFFICE: COLBORNE STREET anver the Fany Allowance come tax of $150 yeaky for |[OaMraih gersa syed oy Lag ayn = | Plemones: “orice: "Bes 71 Measure was tabled in the his wife and $108 yearly for {) son Blog J ei a. Series + Fouse of Commons and debated every child under eighteen. all: members of the House, fang This is $9 per month per child. cluding the Cpnservative These deductions from income position, voted nnanimously pid tax have been in force for the bill, but some people are many years and no one ~~ lnonay>tor-soldiere? owatnean baies sesiaek ‘which the Conserr- rhe Fazilly Ricweues aesasene |was held. The next meeting Rent : ie | t e home of Mrs, A. l ative So aed before know- simply extends this principle fee - - “ re era eee rei ae ing its full terms, I will ans- to the low income groups who peat soeaker Sh he: sis faenbt wer one of t each crate is the net ee a. i Waterbury of New York. 1.IT IS A BRIBE TO THE ductions for children. In the The Women ‘= Association anil ELECTORS: light of these facts just what |) W.M.S, of the | nited Church met : do you think of the argument fra Tuesday afternoon at the ne t eslop, Mra, F : Every well to do person re- that this Family Allowance jjof Mrs, tirant Heslop, Fi ceives @ reduction from his in- is a dole or a bribe? Ball presided over the W.M.S. moet. WAR SAVINGS img in the absence of t the president, : Mrs. D, A. Facey. Mrs. A. Hill) CERTIFICATES > HUGHES CLEAVER has urrived aafe in England, | gare nA demor istration * a salad | plate luncheon, Voeal solos were given by Mrs, Gilbert “Hh ammand jand Miss Evelyn Pelletterio. A vers stocessful shower of artieles’ and MEDICAL Dr. Maurice E. Lunau | PHYSICIAN and SURGEON | Office Hours: Afternoon — 2.30-4.00 Evenings — 7.00-8,30 j or by appointment ' NE 500 178 ‘Colborne St. E. GEORGE CAIRNS B.V.Se: M.R.C.V.S. Veterinary Surgeon _ Morrison Road, Oakville Telephone — 466W DENTISTRY DR. D. M. TURNER DEN TIST al Wi St Offic e Hours: =r 0 - 5.00 Evenings by A PpOMItMOHk HONE 25 REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE W. S. DAVIS & SONS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AVIS BUILDING VILLE Telephone 41 Ts Gies. Real Estate and Insurance 19 Melinda St. Toronto — AD. ates | Evenings Oakville * 712 ct 44 m not , MIBCELLAN SOUS pee ire — |MONUMENTS and MEMORIALS | of any Style or Description Canadian Art Memorials Garden Ornaments Joseph St, Port Credit, Phone 2757 INQUIRIES INVITED H. W. BOORER YOUR SERVICE oneeni Window Cleaning Co, Hardwood Floors Cleaned and ‘Polished F.E. TAYLOR _ Painter and Decorator Wallpaper Samples Estimates Given - Phone 210 OAKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS Work Carefully Executed by Seperior Craftamen W. KR. EDWAEDS 19 Colborne St. W. Oakville ALBERT ©. FALL PIANO TUNER Formerly of Sead ‘rc firm, Toronto, lias open dnt ror tuning In Oakville. Arrang ements will be made for date and time at The Record. Of fies, 69 \ehesonaerreste Avenue, Toronto hone Toronto LL. 3577 of both bottles and Reconditioned Pianos for Sale means ae I want to go overseas. , Cattons...it's downright wasteful —_—_—_—_ Sd to leave a lot of them at your | gh0GE: Or summer cottage, when they A & might otherwise be put to good | A use all winter long. For bottles eo and cartons are used over and | = over again, So please return Investment nteer for overseas service. your summer's collection of So, sign up 4s volu empties, in their original car- Remember it takes months of thorough train- tOtiE; NOL ~your® tiearest ting fit. " Brewer's Retail Store, and help ing ane “ei aoe 6 WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM us maintain steady supplies for j BONDS I j Come on fellows — let's go! you this winter. hares {| on all Exchanges | MACRAE | AND COMPANY Yes sir, I wear it on my arm and I'nt proud of it. For, G.S. means . Canada needs a lot of men like you and me, & I know it’s going to be tough, but the job = = —) Complete has got to be done. sie Service pa f ‘ | mY , i ne i y ; Ea Pes Nay : TIn¥estment Dealers E wife yy 2 ee. See MCC MUCOSA ||, 2 xinz streot w — Toronto (Ontario) PHONE: EL, 3374

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