Oakville Record-Star, 8 Jul 1943, p. 1

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Vol, 57, No. 2 Oakville, Ontario, . $2.00 a Year, in Advance 5 es Wright, 2. Caro] Freeman, 3. Janet “All Bvents Keeny Contested | Field Da ‘irae B tw High ‘Seteol.- Carol Geman Wins _ Glasseo = Siena ~ Cup- ~ Carél Freeman ‘was cutetanding in the gitls’ events and - away with the Glasseo Cup, emblem- atic of the girls’ championship. In the 100-yards open ae Stuart Smith, who ‘was aot acs finest runnérs from Police mpies, showed them a cleap pair of heels in the '100- rts open and won the Lions Club ¢ Doris Wright led the field ane abe girls’ 100-yltd open and beca the proud possessor of the Dota Clab cup. It the Oakville boys 100-yard open Jack Julledge was the winner \Linbrook School walked | =v . team and the totus Oly- Group-A includes those who have}* been granted stuziding on their Re rt year's work. Group B includes those epo who wrote the examination. Group gabcwihgee and standing of pupils} ool term-commentcing Sept. [ted certificates on wage art © farm work GROUP ‘A’ Alexander, Phyllis H.; a, GRADE 3 Bite Jolnesn Joan H.; Cornin, Mary H.; Cowan, James; Cruickshank, Jack ; Cur: rie, William H.; Davis; Joyce, H.; iis er, Diane Hs Donald, Barbara Doty, Joan H.; Dunean, Ruth; tzsimmons, Joan; Forster, Keith; Hamilton, Dor- ~. GRADE 4 John Auld, Diana Dando, Bruce Hammond, Joan MeKendrick (prob- | ation). Li GRADE 5 Greenspoon, Rosyln; Billy Grief, Dorothy South (prob-} Results of sports events: LORNE ‘OTS 100-YDS. — 1. Bill Russell; 2. Jack Megson. 440-YARD RELAY - MEN — 1. Oakville: Smith, Fordyce, Russell, ic, 2 Toronto Police A Team: Holdsworth, Irwin, Ackroyd, Cooper. nadian Westinghouse Team: Hornb Katz, Strang, Dafoe. W0-YARD RELAY - GIRLS—1. ‘reeman, suey Hallett, Alice Rod Kate Reid. 100-YARD SCHOOLBOY CHAM- PIONSHIP — 1, 8. Smith, Rata sell Moodie, 3. Kenton Lambe 100-YARD SENIOR arena — 1, Doris Wright, 2. Joy Hallett, 3. Janet Pullen. 1-MILE — 1. Frank Fordyce, 2. ix -MeLarty, 3. R. Johnston. 60-YARD GIRLS — 1, Doris em - 100-YARD OAKVILLE BOYS — 1. Jack Gulledge, ‘ Russell Moodie, 100-YARD OPEN — 1. 5, Smith, 2, Jim Hornby, 3. eet Ackroyd. 100-YARD PARMERETTES —1l1 a on et Patten, —4. Joy Hatiett,— Judy Hallett. 290- YARD OPEN MEN — 1, Jim | Hornby, 2. Jack Ackroyd, 3 3. Fred | Holdsworth. 990.YARD BOYS 1416 — 1. Russell Moodie, 2. Kenton Lambert, 8. Leona ri Th YARD BOYS 12-14 — 1. Ken- ton Lambert, 2. David Ormond, 3. Fs. _ David Ormond Oakville’s Water Captured By Invading Troops Joe Arbon. alt 7h- ‘YARD: GIRLS 14-16 — 1. et Pollen, 2. Joy Hallett, 4. Hallett, . 100-YARD BOYS 14-16 — 1. Rus- kell Moodie, 2. Kenton Lambert, 3. ia ©. Jdy Hallett, | Allison Townsend, “Doris Crashley, ie “nrente” were enjoyed : jothy; Harrison, Ronald H.; Heath, pabine Rewih ects as angs’ compere | tion). ~ | Hubert: Herring, Geoffrey, pS A h cellany called pets, Mrs. H. GRADE 6 Highfield, Doris H.; Hitcheox, Heb: ager “4 Mrs. Walter Reeves Robert Gill, Waiter Sutton, Lornetert H.; Jackson, Donald H.: clarion the difficult task of pic-|Ct™, George King, Irene. “Davies, ' Katherine; ent, Jolin H.; i the following winners: Cats, Broce Squires, Irene Rimstead,! rence, Audréy; Lalor, Margaret, H. Bais, oS Cnt: —2nd-—_ My: tie | Harry Mann (probation), | Marchant, Dorothy H.; MeDormed, Burke, 3rd, Beverley Williams. fe Poe “Me Kim, vel Fowl Birds: Ist Walter Sutton, Virginia Fleming, Graham King, ee gcse Bororhy, Merry, pe bantams:; 2nd Bobbie Duncan; Pig-} Brock Leaver, Rolf. Johnson, -Hub- poeths Ore Jolin: Munro, nai cons; 3rd Douglas Alexander, pPig-)ert South, Ross Taylor, Gordon | Sr . eR bein eco Shir kos. [Jolnson, Austin Husband (probat-, ies 4 ae By SeOUrEney: Reed, John; Snaile and turtles: lst Tommy/icn). | Ieed, Shirley; Ribble, Constance H.} ~Merty, rabbits: 2nd-Bremner Hooks, GRADE 8 Kabbins, Barbara; Russell, Jean: | rabbits: Srd Don Fitzsimmons, | Tk ddy quires, Rona Grief, “Peter | ettes pee Huth H.; Ma | tle. | Rickaby, Graeme Dovernor, Bruce! batbara; Wallace, Jean i. Pony: Carol Merry. | Giles. | burton, Darothy; White, Deas: Ist Bill Heating; New Pa a he. Wilkinson, Robert H.; ap itaias foundland dog: 2nd Cliff Sackfield, Tolan se “Newfoundland dog (owner. Mrs. _James-Ryan GROUP ‘B’ Gordon): rd La Mebiat Rina Askin, Charles: Chisholm, Shirley Srailata= wcker, res- a : a eph: Davies. E : Sindee; EpETL Hani, S28 7s ye chupet_pf- Dior Pa Xivivea Ci Joneph; Davies, Balth: Dev Fancy costuines: 1st Helen Red- Chure by. pages was the ite bs | Eu rl; Forster, Glenn; kre neh, Huth; ahaw, Shirley Brown, : i viet . oe Maaeing ator Gatbratth, Eileen; Galbraith, Wil-| Decorated Vehicles (carriag atte tit es Taunt catrice Jean: m; Grammell, Patricia; Grant, bieyeles, etc,: Ist Shirley Wilson, apie brie ley iter of Charles srt: Hill, William; Hollings,/ 2nd Louise Heaven (miniature bat~ en wie Ee ‘i a rs, Ryan, Oakville, t Lerne: Jebh, Burbara; Lawrence,! tery driven car made by her father) Re gery et Jal of Davia Thomas! Joseph: Lee, Leonard: Louth, Wil $e Joan Hunt. vycet son of Mr, and Mra. RB. James, /tiam: “Kimura, Manato; H.; Mac: Niagara Falls, Ontario. MacKendrick, “Wil. Arthur, David; The bride wore a two-piece suit liam; MeKenna, Peter Hi; Parkin, (Woods are also serving overseas. Promoted from Grade Ix to UD. MeKi McKim, R. Patterson, (history), of white Shantung with white ac-| Bruce; Peers, Gerald; Rodger, Lois; ! el eeton Grade X. i Dahecn: cossories and a corsage of bridal ' Rogers, Shirley; Smith, Nadine; L it T Th Edi | (Re sults of ‘unsuceessfu)l _eandid- Subjects in brackets have to be roses and blue forget: me-nots, Spenser, Barhara; Thorne, cai e€ ers bathe, e itor ates have been posted). repeated. | Phorne, Patricia; Tuck, Roger; Wil- | ©, Alexander, W. Auld, A. Berk- h aie te } The bride's only attendant was | kinson, Harold. 1943. lovits, G, Buch, N. Burgess, S. Cat- Promoted from Grade X to sain sister, Mrs, Herbert Stevens, | pit E ? verley, J. Caven, H. Christénsen, : ne A dines A.MLE. ont RCH, Grae: XI © wore a two-piece blue crepe! ; GEOUP ‘C = 'Gakville. Ontario. M. Cleworth, R. Cowper, N. Ewing, T. Alderson, (Latin and French) ‘do with white accessories and a! Cardinell, Myrell: Clinch, James; AW math hom Thou bast |A- Foster, V. Greene, J. Guild, J.|R. Anderson, R. Ballantyné. 1. corsage of talisman roses ent, Kenneth; Dowdle, Kenneth; akan “eacae wad woranin: {HalhJ: -Hollett,.J..Haunah, E. Har-|Ohambres, Flack ent Fits, Robert; Fraser, Robin; Pullers) = @2de shall come and worsbip | o* += - Ut Hawk lisbepienteuntne Clarke, B, Collier, R. Mr. Herbert Steven rooms-| Ra : a; G Wi Ni : Hi before thee, O Lord: and shal} =| Ournme, N- Triven, “fr Hopper,|Cowan, J. Currie, J. Diekenson, BH. : ‘ne Was grooms Lae be hed yeaa ef cit al glorify Thy name. Psm. 86:9 Deane Hopper, Donna Hopper, B. Eddy, 8. Ellis, J. Erwin, R. Fish, : raven Tawi “Picket panes Again the ‘Goblet of Time’ has | Hughes, D. sAcanss, “ Aro * D. Giles, M. Graham, R.’ Heldman, Following a brief honeymoon,’ yp - ey ‘lonee more slowly drained forth ite &™P, + Lefroy, M. Leonard, O.|/C. Hore, R. Hughes, (Latin and ¥ : Pirie, Dougins; Seott, Alexander Linkert, W. Linkert B, Law, D.|F the young couple will. reside in spay Charles: Smith, Lawrie, S8mds, thus marking the close of [Tt a iM ’ araaaie. rench), J. Hunt, J. Kent, 8. King, Niapara Fa lis, Mua hal jel 8 Willie: Gy. #mother vear for this quarter. Our Livneh, D, Molesworth, R. Moodie,/W, King, M. Lankin, D, Litehfield, : ; aioe iz id Saltese lis . i . MeGrattan, P, fen, «J. eT- itchfiel¢ sn im acnges weight Tiobere? nrth guar meeting wii te D, MeGrican, Fs Okan J Patie: Ac Lich Mason, Baca! MER] , held July 11th in, , "yo Heeynotds, J. / Jum eCulloch, . eGrattan, TON Birticy y meh. S00 asa: Rickaby, J. Schurman, BE. Somer-| (Latin), B. MeKay, A. MeKenna, at + Devotion: V1 -am:-sers “Ue, W- Spalding, W. Tallyn, A.|A, Medland, J. Overland, I. Peers, sng LOCals and s F.0. Douglas Har ker .,, SN Maid oie sha Townsend, BP. Vaughon, I. Watson,|M. Berinchief, K. Pollock, J. Pul. he annual closing treat for the ; id aha! 8. son. pupils of Merton school was held Killed In Crash in the form of a pienie and weiner roast on the school grounds on| Tuesday evening, by the Merton! The sympathy of their many Hime and Schoo] Club, Numerous friéndd in Oakville is extended to aici were ron, ted each ‘child re- the members of the Harker family e ta | o ing a prize, after which refresh- in the untimely death of F.0. Doug: ty the large : group of parents and children, las Harker, 23, son of Mr. and Mra. | George O. Harker, formerly of Onk- Mrs. Herbert Inglehart is home jfrom the hospital and is making ‘favourable progress after her re cent | operation. jair crash of two planes near Pend- Miss FE. AfucDonala cilled jon leton, Ont. ae nds in the distriet last week on ; =wey-home=from the Pals View..tt. George Harker publie achool for the summer vaecat- Mrs. George Harker, Randal St. jon. Miss MaeDonald will be on His sou, liouglas, won lis wings the oceasional staff of the Tororto! and commission at Uplunds, last pee seliools beginning in the fall’ October. After receiving his wings * ter ‘he was posted at Trenton foi an instructors course and Jater served St, Hubert ville, now of Toronto, F.0. Harker was killed in a mid- is a son of, 5 . sin | this sprin at 50-YARD GIRLS 6-8- (Regular) | Cook. j uniti Ree 1. Shirley Wilson, 2. Carol Merry. HOYARD BOYS 68 (Regular) | Bue ir When he was transferred to (Special) — 1. Christine Wilson, 2./1. Charles Richards, 2. Jimmy Stutt fe Robin Brown, 3. Shirley Wieland. A0-YARD GIRLS 8-10 (Regular) 1. Betty McDermott, 2. Joan Cook, (Special) 1. Marion Wilson, 2. Helen Hamilton, 8, Shirley Jordan. A0-YARD GIRLS 10-12 (Regular) 1. Jean Ford, 2. Beverley Williams. (Snecial) 1. Carol Freeman, 2. Fran- vfs Shellev, 3, Annie MeArthur. YARD GIRLS 12-14 (Regular) |1 1. Judy Hallett, 2. Alison Townsend, ; 3. Naney Lefroy. (Speeial) 1. Carol | B Freeman, 2. athe Foste “Tr, &, Edith | 8, Ronald Fuller, (Speeial) i, Mick] Freddie Medland, 3. Surviving ee his parents aid | two sisters, Mrs. Bernice Aldrich, und Catherine at home, uel Snider, 2. Derrick Hayes, M-YARD BOYS 8-10 (Begelar) Is ‘ Sie Entate Boat herewith aap vounees that the following cundid- 3 ee shed Mohday “shoraditg, C ineludes those who will be gran-|, GRADE 1 Andrew, Beb MeCudden. William; Bennett, “Hy Bennett, 2 Philip; Black. Bertha: Blumberg, | Olive ‘Jobneon, John Dinka, Joyed| Rita: Brown, Aaron H.; Burkliol- Mann, Taobel Baxby, Robert Sutton. der, George; Chamberluin, Kemeth |’ H.; Clarke, Elizabeth H.; Collier, Seventy-five youngsters were on is duel “Farin! to go" when Oak- People Of Oakville Informally ‘Honourable John Bracken Meets a MV Eran r & R. Kinscholar, physien) intrnet- of the Brampton Collegiate, was charge and ball games were sou! full swing on the Central eaveeks ounds. — About one hundred kiddies dict lieing taken care_of dailySwings, | tecter-totters, tether ball, volley tial and a sand pile for the wee tots | are being installed, _ When the lake water Mimi TierriVetion to the program, ' The grounds are apen from 10) am, daily and Mr, Kinsehular is on | Wand to see that all activities are’ febperly supervised, Mrs. Alfred Winn Dies % fn WaArms Up; Will” be” ad= After a hae oa illness, Mra. it ee Winn died at her home on Me Donald Ave. on Wednesday, Before her marriage, she was Em- : Stevenson and was horn in Len- * Gon, England, 55 years ago. She find been a resident of Oakville for the past 23 years-and was a mem- \tier of St. Jude's Angliean Chureh. Besides her lusband she is sur isived by two daughters, Mrs. Wal- \ter Andersonand.. Mra,—- Kenneth {@hambe ‘re, both of Oakville, Trooper W.F. Woods ‘Married In In England — “Drteepeer W Him ¥F; who went overseas with the Tor- j@ito Scottish three and a half years Axo, recently married Miss Mary ; Woodward, of Croydon, England. | Trooper Woods, is the son of Mrs. “Timson and the Jate Mr, Harry | | Woods. Two brothers, Lanee Cpl. | Albe ‘tt Woods and Gunner Arthur! “Presiding Elder, Dr.-T. H.-Hend- | heh will conduct Holy Communion. Rev. J. C, Holland will be with / ius to pre: ‘ach at the noon- services commencing at 3 pm. With him will he the well-known Memorial’ ‘choir, Canada’s ‘*‘Wings Over Jor- dan” dd ns Negro National-~Anthem,—{ Lift Every Voice and Sing.” | Evening devotion 7 p.m. Sermon {hy Dr. T._H. Henderson. The doors of Turner A. M. FE. Chureh are open to all! Soldiers and civilians. Come and {Rood music, sung so freely with but one purpose, to gladen the heart. I wish it to be made known to} the public that this choir is~not “being overexalted) meore—than-it ree merited, On short trips into States and in neighbouring Cans ba ian cities, the Hamilton Memorial | \Choir has gained much recognition, | It ix directed by Oliver Holland and assisted by or yvanist Mrs. 1D, Bushy of Hamilton. | We wonld appreciate vour pres- enee on thik eventful day. *‘astor Lorenzo Warner. Miss M. Wavyner, Seeretary. 1, Donald Hunter, 2, Bill Clarke, 3.) => Souasion, 2 (ener) 2 Simmy 66 B32 Coy. Wine ‘Scots At Camp! len Shelley Ted Currie,” Johunton: “(Specinl) se 2. Gordon Freneh, f. Don! Bill: i inmy Begg, ‘Louth. The biggest turnout in histery of, the regiment is going to camp this| veur. ‘BK’ Company, Oakville and! A successful scheme evel out recently by ‘B’ Coy., Lorne Scote, Capt. M. Fisher, 2 ae and Sgt. Maj. fort and training will be introduced | Scots (Reserve), aie the” town water supply change-or-Hl. Edwards, | j hands twice the same dav. The reservoir on Wilkon’s farm was the seene of this-lively action with the enfire streneth of ‘B' Coy. tnking part. No, 11 Platoon under Liem. A. E. Davie wae the enemy which captured Oakville’s water supply, the attackers whose job it was to dislodge the enemy was the iB (Burlington) Danielsen, they finally completed their task but suffered severe cas- Reservo'r “through eae “re, Section Training and the Company formed up and mar- of their men and boys of the Lorne ehed ek to town in regular battle Scota formation. workout was that not a single mem- her fell out, sfthough the heat was intense .... a large number of ‘ B? | reased ualties. Company members are not young: for Ann The judges of the scheme were sters. .|purtion, dine to the suecessfal re crniting drive recently completed. | The local Company has a fine body} of omen, inthe ranks are aceount- ant, lawyer, bank inspector, bank | j manager and many other outstdud: | tng type of citizen. Many new ideas | Surlington will furnish a large pro> ae al Major I Chambre s, 0.0, “B’ Coy, | fur rayk’s com- As Pale pthis_ Fear — & men 'y fanteen for an aon was lunchtime cand the Lorne Beats. SE are TWwok= the kindness of Kipling ing forward to: this ing for many) iry, Oakville, who supplied eau: reasons — it is a two weeks’ holi- all rnnks had delicious eof-|day with all expenses paid — on ‘itop of all this, they are paid aecord- "Phe short time left. was spent injing to rank. Oakville, Burlington late afternoon |aid district have reason to be proud te rve. Commencing last Tuesday, A notable feature of the day's ading one night weekly. The rec- tits recently joined up have prog-| reased so quickly and in preparation ual p at Niagara-on-the- Lake, July 17 to 31, es) Company = a z 50-YARD BOYS 10.12 cess) July 17-31 , Niagara-on-the-Lake jhave formed up the sections for camp training. Special summer uniforms of light- jweight drill, helmets, ete, are now issued to the men —— everything pos: | ‘sible for their comfort is arranged ‘for, Some of the boys are so exvited- jnbout going to camp you might’ think they were going Bff on their one “¥moon, | Col LC. H, Bertram, Commanding lobia of the 2nd Battalion, Lorne aecompanied by lthe Adjutant of the WED te fisted /Major Vowell; 24ije of the Fe, srubed their last et ae ee June 30, to inspect the local! Company before procecding to An- nual Camp og July 17. The, Compitny were inspected to| jeee the men had been issued with| all equipment; also during the eve- ning training programme Col. Bert- =| Joly ram stated, that ‘B’ Company, Oak-|Air Gunner Harry Ridley, R.C.AF,, 6th, the Iocal Company are all par iville and Dashisten, sets the pace took part in three raids, on object- h ;for the entire unit, and that he was very pleased ‘with rogress made in training to date, especially ey Esprit de Corp” shown by all Following Long Illness “Tig Waods,- Hear this choir sing the fam-| revel in- this its young leader, | ‘His Worship Ma Mayor Deane Extends Municipal Welcome Miss Hattie Pickering Dies After ‘Long Illness After an Tilseay four years] short visit to Oakville | Miss Hattie Pickering, daughter of 0" Friday afternoon Hon. John jthe late Mr. and Mrs, John Picker- finonea) seater Pe the he cgnvty Conservative Party met many citi- ing, passed away at her home, Dun-|_ 1, informally in George am idas Highway. Trafalgar, on Monday | On behalf of -the-Muni pality, afternoon. For the past month she | His Worship, Mayor Deans oxtend- ;had not been so well, but her death |ed a cordial weleame to. Mr. Brac- | was very sudden. Always of a bright | ken. \disposition, she bore her invalidism! “John Bracken is an Ontario man eheertally. Earlier in life Miss Pic- | from Leeds County and although he | kering lived for sqveral years in/has spent many of his years In Wei- | Teronte, during which time .eho-at- tern Canada, Ontario can be justly tended the former Elm Street Meth- |proud to claim hinr as a native of jodist Church and was a member of | the provinee. Our visitor has three of his four sous serving in the act- live forees of the Canada he loves the ehoir, The funeral was held on Wednes- vy afternoon from the §. 8, Rus- and it is a privilege and honour to sell Funeral Home, Onkville, and;weleome him to our town,’’ said the was conducted hy Rey. H. S. Lov.) Mayor. ef; Mr. Braeken, who spoke briefly, (thanked Mayor Deans for his cor- dial welcome and expressed his Pleasttre atthe opportunity of mect- ing the poople of Oakville. Commenting on his trip through- ont Canada, Mr. Bracken said that it was his purpose to ascertain, at first hand; the problems of all sce- tions of the Dominion and of all wilke- of life so-thet he would-be ering, of Mann's United Chureh, Myhich she was a member, Interment was in Oakville cemetery. The pall- bearers were Gordon Ryan, Chartes* and Gordon Post, Elton _MeLean, Fred Post and Stanley~Gorman. Surviving are four sisters and one hrother: Mrs. Wm. Lawrence and Mrs. Willard Ryan, Toronto; Miss IDmisy, of Tulsa, Oklahoma (who came home to helpenre for her sis- ter); Miss Ida, at home and Char- prepared to be of the most service les, Trafalgar. A brother, Harland,’ to the country. died five years ago. Following the informal gathering The sympathy of the community in George's Park, Mr, Rracken was the luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pullen. is extended to the sorrowing relat- Ress OF Examination In Oakville High School lén, D. Reed, J. Robbins, R. Robert- son, A. Robinson, A. Ruddle, F. Law-|Savage, B. Smith, D. Smith, (Latin laiais: ].Jand French), S. Sneath, J. Stewart, oted provisionally 4 Grade X a ikaeanay. (Geog. irence, (Geog.): J. Wilson, (history). J. Stott, G. Sullivan, N. Sullivan, Promoted from Grade IX to Grade|1). Tanner, J. Thornton, Bs Tuck, X with the Commercial Option {J. Tyrwhitt, A. Wells, G. Wettlau: M. Crew, L. Gordon, L. Johnston, | fer. G. King, E. Laing, M. Redshaw, W. Subjects in brackets must be re- ‘Savape, > Werttinufer. peated. Promoted provisionally to Grade X| Grades XI and will be an- with the Commercial option. nounced w ed by rae De- sg, Gren. E. Hannah, K. Leaver, | partment Education. High School Students Give $2,778.24 To Help War Effort Also Collect Ay Approximat- ely Ten Tons Of Salvage Burrell-Stratton { St. Andrew's R.C. Church was ~ seene of a pretty summer wed- ig Thursday morning when Mar- ares Ellen Burre]l— daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barrell, Oak- ville, beeame the bride of Cpl. Jos- yeph Stratton, RCAF, Weston. Rev. Father B. A, Harris perfor: med the ceremony, while Miss Ella iMeDermott presided at the organ, jaccompanying Mr. Fred Collier, who sang during the signing of the reg- ister, The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. Mrs The students of the Oakville High School have loyally supported every patriotic effort During the recent term they made the following contributions, aud in addition \/@ollected approximately ten tons of salvage, 5 Red Cross. ....>...- Chinese War Relief Can. Aid to aes Navy Leagu Gs Niagara Fund Siisaea ence War Stamps & Bonds. ra RE THe MaMy § TE 159,19 89,60 39.53 268,17 2,150.25 rs. W. Ramsay, Guelph, sister of the bride, was matron of honoiir and another sister, Mrs. S. Gilliam, Food (Br ne u oxstow tee 7a Bronte, was bridesmaid. Cyl, 4, ( we? " 46.7 |Se hneider, RCAF, Kitchener, acted O77 8.24 #s—hest—man,owhile Mr, W. Ramsay, lof Guelph, and Cpl. D. Ramsay were ushers. After the ceremony a -reception was held at the home of the bride's parents with Mre. Burrell reeeiving [the uests, assisted by Mrs. D. Ram- say, sister of the groom. |Sgt. P.W. Farr, R.A.F. Reported 1 Missing Word has just ab iek 4 reecived br ; Oakville Airman ‘In Ruhr Raids Mr. and Mrs. ‘Jim’ Ridlev have reeeived word that their-son, Set. William Farr, R.A.F., is reported missing after a series of bombing operations over Germany, Rg Farr, better known as “Tommy” to his pals, lias served 9 years in the R.A.P.. two years of which were spent in Canada at Port Albert, Saskatchewan, as instructor, The community joins with his father and his many friends in hop- ing that more cheerful news will soon be forthcoming. ives on ene Rhur, in one wee ‘y passes the word along as this Maveatated aren of Ge known to the Air Force as ‘Happy | Valley’. W.-H. Farr, tliat his son, Sgt, Peter near Goderich, and Dafoe,

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