Oakville Record-Star, 8 Jul 1943, p. 2

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__THE OAK VIL LE RECORD. STAR _nccessorion and corsage of yellow jrotes, She was attended by Elsie Bray of Toronte, who wor blue with white aréessories corsage of pink sweet peas, Flight} Commander the Rev. J. BR. Frenueh, (R.C,A.F. was best man. A recept-! Thr Oakville & , ter 1 hion was held “later at the Park Pla. | : € Vakvi rae ze Son. They in Charlotte- Son oe Geet: 7s = town Among the Joeal guests were by The DakeMle (abibeord Limited Mrs.-G:-€. Atkins; Mrs Anson Pat-! The sutecription price is i terson aud Mrs. J. Walby. “per year in advance, A bai on subscriptions mailed to Locals and Personals iB The Bronte Baptist —Charch was: Tessps. “George Atkins Manager feceived into the Independent Bap: ai seliageie "ai sd hirer Re fe BP in > vesid 16, G. Atkins dal ithat group “Held here on June i The Moderator, Rev. M. Roberts | of | ' Burlington, presided over the con-! | ference, which was attended by re pi \reseutatives from Teronto, -Hamil- iton, Guelph, Galt, Kitchener and” ‘Humber Bay. { Miss M. Benner of the Shanty-| lmen’s Christian Assoriation of Van- eouver Island was the gucst speak: eee | ier. at the Sunday evening service of he Baptist Church, and also” siow:* led slides of her work at the morn- The Oakville Record-Star Member Canadian Weekly N ewspaper A sociation wilh reside oo a Sp Sas ’ BRONTE FORMER EBEONTE BECTOR MAREIED IN TORONTO A marriage of interest to Theis Ti town was that of Bre. Wilbur Bray of Toronto, formerly | Broute, to Squadron wire he Kev. jing session of the Sunday School. J. M, Cameron, R.CA.F., formerly ytisg Hazel Day was the soloist. Rector of the Chureh of the Epipe? | hany, Broute, The eeremony was Mr. J, Fiske of Clarkson was the performed in the Church of the Be- | ae at speaker at the Sunday -serv- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food CONTAINS VITAMIN Seiten ee em a PALERMU UEGES YOUNG FARMERS TO TAKE MORE ACTIVE INTEREST | The Jone meeting of the Junior Farmers” and Junior Lastit- deemer, Toronto, on Friday after-|ice of the Church of the Epiphany,|ute was held oti W ednesday even) noon at three oelock, by the Ree-| Mr. Humphrey Brown of Milton ing at the hone of > Mr. and Mrs. tor, Rey..M. Armstrong. The bride) will oceupy the pulpit for next Sun- George S. Atkins. Mr. arian wore, beige georgette with brown day's service. Campbell of Lowville, the guest! : speaker, pointed out the increasing: Mrs, R. FE. Tweedle of Caledonia ly important part ufrieulture will and Mrs. N. Sayvwright of Chieago linve after the war in raising crops L | B E R A 8 were guests last week with Mrs. Ro; je used in the manufacture of + McFarland. wathetic products. Mr, Campbell » Miso urged that young farmers CONVENTION | t Rey. and ae cic rs tb R should take amore active interest. Ingersoll Spent ye i with = H government, economics and re “lige * jand Mrs. D. A. Facey. ion, For the bors’ meeting, Morley The Liberals of | Halton Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Belyeu and Veacock gnve a paper on ¢o-opernt- will hold a Miss Anna Belyea of Port Hope ive and custom usé of farm mach- inery, and George Atkins gave a talk and practical demonstration on ‘labour savers, The roll eall was an. ‘swered by a labour saving device. visited with relatives in town for the week-end. CONVENTION TOWN HALL, MILTON Guests daring the week-end at’ the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. O.! At the girls’ meeting, Mra, Harry Flumerfelt were Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson gave a report of the Dist- SATUR. EVE., JULY 10, W. Fell of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.| riet Annual meeting. The roll call John MaeMillan of Kilbride und/was “au unrationed meat.dish’’. [ " “oe jusctes eget ge ogee mre Mr. Lorne Jovee of Port Credit. | we as decided to enter an exhibit at or the purpose choosin - didate to sateen the Provincial el- Mrs. W. H. Speers = spent last, the Milton: Fatt: ection, weok..with her danghter, Mrs. E. A, Locals and Personals Joyce of Port Credit, and is now | visiting with her daughter, Mrs,/guest speaker at the Sunday serv- John MacMillan of Kilbride. lice of St. Luke's. Mr. Humphrey | Brown of Milton will be the guest | eae for next Sunday's service. Mrs. R. Melver, a missionary re- ‘cently. returned from Africa, gave jt splendid address on her work at |the Sunday morning service of the fs nited Church, Mr. Norman Wood Hon. Farquhar Oliver Minister of Public Works and Wel- fare will be the guest speaker. A dresses by Thos. Blakelock, present member and others, EVERYBODY WELCOME GOD SAVE THE KING Mr. Bremner Sargant of Toronto and Miss June Davis of Hamilton were Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mra, LeRoy Sargant. sang “The Church Bells of Eue- Ione.’ Mrs. Charles Vansickle was hos: " jtess for the combined meeting of IC the Women's Association and the \ ¥ WMS. of the United Chureh ou e you 8% Tuesday afternoon, The rain during the weck-end was. very in the district, a hig help to both grain and garden crops : . wileome a8 iisure hes TRAFALGAR DEDICATION SERVICE At Knox Chutch, Sixteen, on Sun- day, July 11th, at 2.30 poam., a com- munion tuble will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs, Wm. Keffer. (formerly Miss Elizabeth Porter), and Miss Annie MeKay. The Rev, W. J. MaeNamara; secretary of rhe General Assembly of the Pre aby: térian Chureh will conduct the ded- ication ceremony. A baptismal bowl will be presented by Mrs. Smith, (formerly Miss Margaret Annie Heda tty), which will also be ged- it _ te L. L. THIRSTON Organizer — District Bronte Cam § a John Turner, Trafalgar, | Galehsaves, sae 85th Birthday | On Friday, Mrs. John Turnen, | | Trafalgar Township, celebrated her Soth birthday. In the evening, her ldlmughter, Migs Ada Turnef, enter-| ‘tained at a birthday dinner in her | jhonour. Covers were laid for thirty | guests. Red roses centred the table, jwith lace cloth and-yellow tapers in jsilver holders, Miss Turner was as- isisted hy Mrs. Maurice Turner, Pal-| - }ermy and Mrs, George ;}Omagh. Congratulatory j;were made by several ppp tl +f, Pe AW } speeches of the guesta, |Mr. David Turner, a nephe w, act- ling as master of ceremonies, mong ithe many flowers received “was | large basket of delphiniums jrosts which were grown by Biaatey! | Turner, a grand-nephew. Among} | other guests from this community | were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fish and | Migs Norma Fish. Union Communion Service To Be Discontinued For Duration eé¢ee e@éee Owing to” wartime conditions, the Ir the regulations permit you to buy new onion communiogn servies of Trafal- | en you can get Goodyear sar cirenit, which has been held) eae itecd rua dig Miah y s y ithe first Sundiv in July sinee 1928 | LifeGuards (and you know that LifeGuards prevent danger fram sudden blowouts and that they enable ANY tire to give more mileage). If you are uncertain as to whether or not you can buy a new tire or kus. We'll ex- apse GOOD FYEAR Drop oryamnd--teeey? Wm. Whitaker & Sons OAKVILLE, ONT. i | Bese: . WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Palermo | Mr, J. Fiske Of Clarkson was the Brownridge, | = Thursday, daly 8th, 1943. f when Sheridan Church was added yoo The offtéers Ser the sicavell Mr. and Mrs. Roy N. South at- to the cireuit, has been diseontin- year are: Harry Sout President, } ten: led the funeral of Mrs. John nel, Instead: each chareh, Mutn's,- re Wercted: Viee president, Harold} | Heslop, an aunt of Mrs. South, at Wesley and Sheridan, ohserved its South, Meadow: retary trenas Ps. ten Prosbvterian < Chuteh oi own communion gerview, Last Sun y-re:, Mrs. Wm Etneasiis Streets. ‘Tuesday of taat week, day also mas the beginning of ville. | ice Waites Nalken wae ar etdins ee. oe eee Locals and Personals ha the ome of his sister, Mra. Ew fh pastorate j an *. ert Hall, of Dominion Day, 5 Mire. H. Culliigham and cousina, sot . ap Sica Belcesiee SUUtH ARONION HELD [Mrs J: Russell, Port Credit and) |: riage Rol ig ci sy ee cotati cies Mimico, Were) pairhant and uth. wine Mrs. Weer. The Soyth” reunion was helt on carats y nous, Mrs Keith (iiinghant, Stiiiley Tirner and AY Dominton Dav atthe home of Mr, Morrow, (formerly Ruth Andrew), nod Fish attended the amateur per Had Mrs, Roy N. South, Sixth line, Torento. Mrs, A, Bullied and Mrs.) ¢ormance of -‘Spider Island’ —at Highty members of the connection XN. _Rimes_were dlsh-guests Heeorgetown Thentre tast week. Misa were _prescut. Dinner was _gparvad—as Mere and—-Mrs, Frank —Hboyer,ofAlice Fairharn of thre Georgetown noon. A recreation and sports pro: Brantford, were week-end guests of High Schoo) staff was a member of gram was run off during the after- Mr. und Mrs. David Hoey. the: east. j | ie tamrsou, ™. ~ i) me j Hip ie THE WATCHERS on the cliffs cheer their going and coming as— night after night—R.C_A. F. bombers deliver shattering blows. Canadian attack teams ase famous ‘or their skill and daring. As raw recruits, they eatered R.C.A.F. Training Schools. They emerged within a few happy and exciting months as trained PILOTS specialists —clear-cyed and competent. NAVIGATORS i ce EE BOMBERS Every member of a bomber crew is an eapere at his own job, AIR GUNNERS yet at the same time part of a closely-knit, smooth-working WIRELESS OPERATORS team. Happily, too, the air training and technical knowledge (Air Guaners) possessed by these fighting comrades of the skies wil! open Needed for up golden opportunities to them later in civil life. Immediate Enlistment x More men than ever are needed for Aircrew. . Apply at nearest R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre. join now! © If you are physically fit, mentally alert, over 17\/z and not yet 33, you are eligible. You do not need a High Schooi education. Royat CanapiaN Air Force FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES For illustrated booklet giving full information, write: Director of Manning, R.C. AF., Jackson Building, Ottawa, or the nearest of these R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centres Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, North Bay, Windsor, London, Hamilecn, Toronto, ton, Ottawa, Montreal, secs Moncton, Saint John, Halifax. NUTRITION MADE EASY AS A.B.C.! ! Get this new book of balanced menus ...S0 easy a child could follow. rours F RE E At last... here's a completely practical plan for good nutrition. A book of 63 “nutrition- wise” wend eddress, clearly printed, to menus, /ifera/ly as easy to use as A.B.C.! All you need, Sipe, tor 00 wenye to make sure your family is wisely fed. = ie oa) We give you 21 days of menus - gtouped as meals, keyed as “A”, “B”, “C”, “D'’ and “E”. You, simply choose a breakfast of any letter, and team it up with any luncheon and dinner of the same letter. And-there-you have a-day’s-meals,-as 's nourishing as they-dre appealing. My, ake sure that your family is P elaely fed! Send for your FREE copy of “Eat-to-Work-to-Win” today! Learn the easy way to meals both healthful and delicious! 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