Oakville Record-Star, 8 Jul 1943, p. 3

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Thursday, July Sth, 1943. BRAY POULTRY FARM Bronte Phone 137 a ge we ao A ened Seca ity | Good textbooks, good teachers | get good results that prepare for goed positions at good salaries. Enter at any time the LAKESHORE BUSINESS COLLEGE v19 Lakeshore Road, New Toron- to, T. F. Wright, Principal. THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Lient. "Dox* Leaver ja home on leave from Camp Borden. * | | ae 7 ] : Line ‘ple’ Bown tun eee ©LOCal, Personal and Socia nent, is home on furlough 4 ? pe ee alll Contributions for this columnare &ppreciated. Phone 156. 4 ; ‘BUY Banting,and ‘Don* Green| : i BL hi fett for a munth"s vyaeation at (wre Onendaiga Is , Mr. at a Mrs. a in Dances wish! O.8. Gordo Bury,. R.C.N.V.R., 7 as aE I gage ment Of hoOWe Gh arr. A daughter: waa {a n to. Mr, und | hear aaa white or ‘He teri "Elizabeth, to, oad Se Page 3 GREGORY THEATRE| AIR- CONDITIONED itera Friday & Saturday, July 8, 9 & 10 “NIGHT IN NEW ORLEANS” Fast and funny comedy.thriller with Preston Patricia. Morrison. Mrs. Murray Camipbell atthe Oex:! le dward Aldin, son of Mr. and Mra. Mrownud Mra. Dudley ville Private Hr ostitat on Satardey! Stanley Douglas Jesseman, of Tor. attended ¥ w? morning. luuto. "Phe-wedding to take place ul osareiees—jy toerrreton ot tp ae a a 'Rrox Presbyterian Charech, O8kville,yehen their son , {| Foste r, McLAUGHLIN—Bombardier ond) Sataniay, duly 10th, at 4 p.m. p27 -was: awarded his Wings “us a Ser i Mra. Nortian = MeLaughlin (nee! NMS, Ja R Seger sraut Navigator, | Lillie Prentixe~p Oakville, are hap} P.O. Harold Husband, RC.A-F., —— | Wisre =H 13 see py to annorhes the birth of ‘their, who received -his wings and Com- Hurkér, Mra, Pear! | mystery SOReGy Wit * PRESERVING TIME * eer ee s NOW TABLETS FRUIT KEPE - MEMBA SEAL - a RATION COUPONS VALID: | ® BUTTER, Nos, 16 to 19 os. 1 to MEAT (Brown Seas A) Nos. 4, 5 and 6. ‘CANNING Re. HARRY HORNE’S | GRANULAR GRAVY POWDER - 2 %er. Pkg Meow iar JARS - - Por 1.05 © Roadishes © rotor cana ® Cucunibers © Parsley FRUIT JARS -- f% 1.39 HOT OMATOE » 35° 24-0Z. SIZE JELLY JARS--- 5° 77 ELECTED IMPO 23 7 29 JELLY JARS <P at lib ‘so 49: rom TOES «2 and ad a : ic CALIFORNIA SANTA ROSA GOOD SIZE AR RINGS - - - . 25+ Cee Se RED PLUMS - <0 256 JAR RUBBERS - po. 5¢ THE FAMOUS MILVERTON BRAND BING VARIETY CERTO - - ~~ te. noe 25¢ || EATING CHERRIES ». ZO CERTO CRYSTALS mr. 10¢ 6-Quart HEAPED BASKET .... ....... $2.75 3 ade of 25¢ TABLETS FRUIT PAK - - - *s;°* a8¢ st { SUGAR, nTEA AND COFFEE. ; / * Coupons Marked June and July j 238 b ONTARIO GROWN VEGET > 8LES * NOW ARRIVING ° 2 stacac DAILY Green Peas 2» 25° FRESH 5OLID H*A25 NEW CABBAGE iEw FREScA CELERY HEARTS 2.IN A BUNDLE NEW FRESH Good Site Kach 10° 15° © Head tamer * Cauliflower * Green and— nedeend F Beans * Spinach * Bunch Carrots © NOW ARRIVING — NEW SEASON'S IMPORTED WATERMELONS £ CANTALOUPES tar es: 4Sf A Selection of at Least 3 Sizes to Choose. From OM CALIFORNIA JUICY LEMONS - NEW CROP CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGE NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA i || NEW POTATOES 5 & 19c, 10 » 37 i arate ey om Rone t {ROSE Brand j } RED RIVER| (| SLIPIT | { “\BICKLE, i | regasacadet Drawers & Windows { PRINCESS SOAP = = -= . La FLAKES - saree 2 in 1 WHITE SHOE CLEANER - - - - lar 25¢ MRS. LUKE’S PICKLED BEETS - 21i¢ ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 10th. 24+ ¥, INGERSOLL MALTED CHEESE - - - - - + %!Ib. THE ORIGINAL MALT FLAVOURED CHEESE rks. 19¢ QUAKER PETER PAN PUFFED WHEAT - *at. LIPTON’S NOODLE rau HEINZ PREPARED MUSTARD - - - - 6-07. NUTRIM BABY CEREAL - - 49: 18-07. Pkg. tt MIX ----2 “Pie 25¢ WHEN he er SERVES... rich | cream is rks. 17¢ 9¢ Jar _pR. BALLARD’S CHAMPION DOG or CAT/OOD 2 ji: 19+ BAB-O CL R-2 tim 25¢ STAR AMMONIA POW DER ----= 2 Pixs. 11¢ GUEST IVORY SOAP 3 cakes 14¢ CHIPSO - - - JERGEN’S er CARBOLIC SOAP - er a Large Package B cakes 14¢ d LOBLAW GROCETERIAS Go., bt LIMITED 23 | <a ee Mra. George daughter ot Burneide-Wie;—Terer' niiesion at Calgary last week; WSs Smith and M Prank. Neave at to General heapital, Friday, June ‘been home on Jeave and returns to tended the funeral of the tate FOO Isth, 143. A little sister for Allan.) Alberta to toke an instructor's | Douglas Hark rT ' o irs. H. Alexander Brown and course. | Tuesdar. ; flirte ehildren have arrived from hice ecialinisttancs i - V min Edmonton, Alberta, to spend a Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rapp were in &. cable te i month with het parents, Mr. and called to Elora on Dominion Day onts adie f: } F if Mrs. Jolin RK, Byers. Mra. Brown waa to attend the funeral of a niece, ten eae 3 ' J " B.C.A. $ arrived sa accompanied by Mr. Brown who years old Hand lenves by plane for Halifax. ' Wire 2 Vv Mr. and Mire Darling — Mrs, Gor and Mra. Lyman Kennedy ¥ P re Hard of Buffalo, N. Y., spent the spent Prd ay wath Mrs. Kenne A a fr. und Mrs. sly A Kee gu it and week-end with Mra. ELE. Saad brother. Mr Vineent Barrer ang 2eeshte: Airs.C.- Kennedy and nod Mrs. 3. BL Smith, Mrs. Barrey. bes Ww nia A cere from + isiting tamspert, P, 74 friends and pupils of ve School met at the home Ken Nichol for a farewell honour of Miss Arline Mil- iler who is leaving aftet fifteen }¥eare of service. Miss Miller was [presented with a lovely purse and| j}mioney by Mr. George Hitcheox, who expressed regret at losing her from fhe community and wishing her success in her new position. Be. } party in ait “THE GREAT MAN’S LADY” turned | “SIEGE OF LENINGRAD” “MEANS -THE-FRUNK* i Holmes: Fox News. ” Sat. Matinee. Cartoon — “Sufferin’ Cats.” | Chap. 8 “King Of The Mounties. : Monday, Tuesday & Wednes., July 12, 13, 14. i Barbara Stanwyek, Joel- MeCrea, Brian Don- levy. Russian Feature. World In Action — “Paratroops.” Shows at “.30 and 9.30 Mondays to Fridays. Saturdays Saturday matinee at 2.30 and holidays 15 minutes earlier. Buy Budget Tickets in 3's 6's and 9's—Adults. —— , GALA DANCE under auspices of WHITE OAK SOCIAL CLUB VICTORIA HALL FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1943 | fore leuving the school, Miss Miller jwas presented with a cheque from [the schvol. trustees, DANCE TO THE RHYTHM RASCALS ; = = aa | cant } | ; oY a Admission 50c Dancing 9 to 1 1 ? |__# | In loving memory of a dear hus-| —————— Ne eae MGTES = ar SES jband avd fathen J. G.-C. Burnetl,) A.C. 2 “ties Hiabanks R.C-A.P.,'--- A son was born to Mr: and Mra. pony ers t are at Oak-) stationed at Ottawa, spent the week R. B. Bertram on Sunday at the ville ulv 94° | a : “ ait. + DPecate * Not just-today—but—every—day——4 ni in town. Oakville Privat Hospital. ___ a }In silence we remember. | | Sadivr missed by his wife and 2 } family. S0p27 ST. JOHN’S UNITED Rev. E. B. Eddy, B.A.:; B.D. Mr. Irven Fell. Choir Leader. Piss | oo M. ‘McBain, A.T.C.M., Serviees | Chureh during SQUIBB DENTAL CREAM Presbyterian the month of July. (Afitk of Magnesia) Whitens the Teeth Refreshes the Mouth. Neutralizes Acidity of Gums 43c tube SQUIBB ¢ ANGLE TOOTH BEUSH Por Perfect Brushing 50c pee ete eee DUNN’S DRUG STORE Phone 650 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Society of Oakville DUNDAS & RANDAL STS, Sunday Morning Service and | Sunday School at 11 o'clock. oa Sine | Sunday, July 11, 1943 ‘SACRAMENT? Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m (2nd -and 4th; Wednesdays) Including Testimonies Healing ‘through Christica rf You are cordially invited w ||| attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room Open Tuesdays 3.30 to 5 p.m where the Bible and all auth- orized Christian Science liter- ature may be pe borrowed or pure for. venues 5) ; Foggy Eyes Make Butterfinger Workers It is a scientific fact that 80° of your motions are con- trolled by your eyes, which also carry 83% of the knowledge that reaches your brain Yet one- third of all workers in the country have uncor- - rected errors of vision. : ere dre~a great many people who do not even know { that their sight is impaired. Don’t risk being that kind of worker. Have your eyes examined — the only eyes you will ever have are very precious to you — | We are prepared to render a truly scientific service and i help you keep clear-eyed and efficient for your patriotic job. i ' ( John R. Byers, Phm. B. OPTOMETRIST OAKVILLE, ONT. SHAW BROTHERS (Builders and Contractors WE SOLICIT YOUR WORK AND | GUARANTEE SATISFACTION | Phone 138 : P.O. Box 391, Oakville DAVIS and DOTY michal and PLANING MILL Sole Agents for Canada Cement Brantford Roofing - Johns-Mansville Insulation Frost Steel and Wire Fencing Bruce Hardwood Flooring Dundas St. North, Oakville, North of C. N. R. PHONE 76 — Nights 53 < —— You can help us to. get war workers to and from their work by avoiding rush hour trips. h Lynne Roberts, George

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