Oakville Record-Star, 8 Jul 1943, p. 4

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a a ng —-POR-BRALE — x? tent, THE OAKVILLE ~~ RECORD-STAR Thursday, July 8th, 1943. Classified Advertisements All Classified Advt’s. are cash with order. phone will not appear if not paid for by 5.80 Wednesday prev- 4 + Please” Report Promptly gi OR FOUND - : Bienes Oakvilie se aia Society © Phone 515 Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated FOR SALE FOR SALE — English style > high wheeled white wicker carriage. Excellent condition. Telephohe 17) after 7 pam. Tp27 FOR SALE — 50 hybrid hens, laying well. Apply William. Clark, | Hornby, 2hpp7. FOR SALE — One #piece oak bedroom ‘suite, 6 dining room chairs. 16 Navy Street, S. Telep shone 448, . Slp2 FOR SALE Medium sized Chesterfield, steel | construction, #12. Phone 917 W. fp2 FOR SALE — ‘*#- Chev. anne ater, Motor and tires in excellent shape, #185.00, ‘35 Chev. coach, | motor and tires Al, $595.00, Sun- oco Gas Station, West Eri ndale. 45p27 | FOR SALE — One~-gray. horse, 7 yeurs olf; one reaper, one gang plow and one democrat, G. 8. Den: nis, Dundas Highway, formerly | Wurd King’s farm, Phone 281 W4. ‘ Hyeo7 FOR SALE — Set of 9 steel- shaf- ted golf clubs and bag, in gear sen: | --—-dition. Phone 12k. 2hp: FOR SALE — Pram, maroon | eviour,also—go-cart. Both in. good | condition, reasonable. Phone oa or) apply (10 Chisholm St. N. s7p2t| FOR SALE +—_ (0-cycle motor, | suitable for washer, almost new. Schooley, Broadview Ave., Port Credit. Tbp27-29 | FOR SALE — R SALE — Solid walnut @n- tique Colonial oval dining room table with two} large leaves, #50.00; dropleat dining | room table, $50.00; walnut chairs, | seats newly covered, $15.00 each:) all perfect condition, Antique spool bed with spring and mattress, $25; walnut rockerless rocker, $10. Phone 48, 1.60¢27-28 FOR SALE — One hall rack, 1 New Williams sewing machine, in) good condition; one large upholster-| ed arm chair; platform rocker and! couch to match; small table; ,wash- ing machine. Price reasonable. Phone | 487 or call at. 26 Senge Ave. 1.34p27-28 FOR SALE — Electric rangette. | Bronte. 2hp27 sewed in botfém, screen for windew and door, porch over door. Sell for $15. Good as new. John E. Ai phone 85 or 216. Recleaned Seed Buckwheat. Bring your own sacks, Wm, Coase & Son, Streeteville. 2hle27 LOST LOST — Child's red Vicinity- of Lakeside Park. pene 360, FOR RENT FOR RENT — Small stucco house with garden on Morden Road. W E. Morden, Telephone 2973, Mor- den Road, 29027, FOR RENT — Bed sitting room, ground floor, ¢entra) Ipeation, suit- nble for lady or gentleman, Avail- nble Aug, Ist, Apply Box 207 Ree- ord-Star, 25p27 FOR RENT—Comfortable rooms, 0% Randall Street. 2h p27 WANTED WANTED — General, pood wag- om, one full day or two half-days off per week. Sleep out athataas Mrs. W. Goodale, East St., Telephone 18, 51le27 trievelo. Tele- Step7 Phone 340, S3]e27 WANTED — Bed trey oo eom- ode chair, Telephone 12 50e27 WANTED — 200 = ay in Onk- ville to enjoy hearing the Sunshine Evangelistit Group at the Oakville flospel~ Centre, next Sunday, July lith, at 7 p.m. 1¢27 Advt’s. taken bp tele /BREAD-ROLLS AND E.! 20 acres good hay) mostly timothy, Phone 44R4 Bronte | - _ OF.oF sideboard, $60.00, | tele- | SWEETGOODS GIVE YOU EXTRA VITAMIN Bu See, | WANTED All kinds of live poultry. Ab- isolutely highest prices paid. We call for them. e and duck feathers wanted, also old feather ticks. Phone Jas. Turner, Oakville or phone Stan. Wood, Bronte ads ren write Moses Zener, 402 j Wow vreourt Kd., Toronto. 8-42 TRAFALGAR (Too late for last week) Mrs. David Hoey entertained on Friday afternoon at a farewell party for Lillign and Bernice Dow- dle, who have been living with Mr land Mrs. Hoey for the past thrte | yeurs. All the pupils of Munn’s ‘school were among the guests. As- jaisting Mre. Hoey were the teacher, >| Miss Ruth Fairbara and the teacher \at Pineview school, Mise Ruth Sine. As a parting gift from the teacher land pupile of Munn's school, both) 7 of the girls were prese nied with a} \pittore and a andkerehier. The hostess served pele shmenis and Mise Fairbarn provided a candy) seramble. Lilian and Bernice Jeft on Monday for their home in Oak-| ‘ville. The best wishes of the pupils} of Munn’s Public schoo! ane Munn *s Sunday seliool go with them. t Donald Albertson, of Snider's, } and Ralph Fish and Dean Hopper of Trafalgar, are in camp at the! Cadet camp at Bolton. Mrs. W. H, Biggar is the quest of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lunau, Oak- ville, at their cottage on Cameron | Lake, Fenlon Falls. Mrs. Noble Rimes and enildren,| of Toronts, were the sts weck of Mrs. Howard rasan Miss Laura Graham avatf of Kew Beach Public ma Toronto, with Miss Lois Bigga were her guests for the week- aa The sympathy of the tommunity | ores out to Mr Janiés son and daughter, also to Mra. Elliott, a sister, in the sudden ae rebmat—str Sani ubaltof Mee. loway, after an illness ot two months, Sitce coming to Jive in the | Jater in the week had attended a meeting of the local Red The funeyal was held from’ S, Russell, v. H. Ss. rkipe conducting the service, Interment was at Stratford.) man SERVE toe Lar AVING! BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Canadian Pacific | UTSTANDING contributions to the war effort of the United ations by Canadian _ Pacific officials both in Government and in company service are ven deserved recognition in the civilian Givision of the recent honors list ' when four were made officers of the Order of the British Empire, and one a member of the Order. Those receiving the O.B.E. were: George Hodge, manager, Department of Personnel, and at _ Ottawa serving as a member of bred National Labor Board Commit- 3 representing employers; J seus | Eaton, assistant general purchas ing agent and on leave of abeenice, Berving‘at Ottawa as Director ! ! vt i ! Officials Honored General, General Purchasing ; Department of Munitions ; A. Hector Cadieux, i chief, Depart- ment of Investigation and C.R, (Peter) Troup, Montreal, general Sor, adian Pacific Air Lines, air observer schools operat- ed in conjunction with the Air Training .Plan. The M.B.B. was awarded W. A. Newman, Mont- real, chief mechanical engineer and serving the Allied cause as President of Federal Aircraft Limited. anes hd to right, top row, W. ewman, George Hodge and John Baton: ' Bottom row, eA Hector Cadieux and C. R. Pp. . ‘a and Miss} Jeon—Palmer, fellow teachers on the, ge ss | wa Of Gale be, he Assembly pending for eommaunity, Mrs. Galloway had en- deared herself to all who knew her. ) She “was an active member of Munn's chureh W.A. and thé Post- ville Red Cross. Shortly before she was taken ill, she had been hostess ; to the members of the W.A, and} Cross | ONTARIO The Voters’ Lists Act (Referred to in Section 59) Notice Of Sittings Of Revising Officers Hall, WEVA, Trafalgar, Ont; for Nassaga- Charles, F, Norrish, whose address is Campbelbyille, Ont.; Nelson, John A. Pettit, whose dress is KR. RK. 1 Freeman, Ont.; Burlington, M. M. Bash, whose dress is Burlingtén; Ont AT THE COUNCIL iin the Town of MILTON, duy the 1th of July, 1043, complaints as to the List af Voters) for all Polling Subdivisions im the} ‘said town. Last day for filing ap: | peale 15th. July, 1943 AT THE TOWN HALL, in the! Village of ACTON, Tuesday the | AT THE TOW NeHLY HALL in/20th of July, 1943, to hear com- tle Township of Trafalgar, and at) plaints as to the List of Voters for) ithe GRANGE HALL BRONTE, on'ali the Polling Subdixisions inthe |. [Tuesday the 20th of July, 1943, to jsaid Village of Acton, and also for} hear complaints as t6 the List of;that part of the Township of ES. lVoters for all Polling Subdivisions |QUESING adjacent to the saiff vil- lin the said Township, Last day forjlage (but not included therein) and | filing ‘appealx 16th July, 1943. | known “Beardmore Crescent’ AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL in; Laat day for filing appeals d6th) lttie Township of NASSAGAWEYA, July, 194%. lon Wednesday the 2st of July, | AT THE 1943, to hear complaints as to the that sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose hearing complaints or appeals ‘ith Yegard to’ the Voters’ Lists ta used at the election of a mem Take notice ibe ut Halfai” follow’ ing times | a a the HG Ail Tala iwill be held at the ‘and places, namely AT THE COU NCU. CHAMBER lin the Town of Oakville on Monday ithe 19th of July, 1943, to hear com- \ plaints as to the List of Voters for all the Polling Subdivisions in the said town. Last any for filing ap- jpeals 15th July, 1942 on: Mon: on ae TOWNSHIP HALL, in filing anneals 20th July, 1948, his Clerks will be, for Milton, J.} JUBGE MUNRO will he the Re-,W. Blain, whose address is Milton, C. FL Leatherland Acton, Ont.: Bennett, whose ad-| Ont.: whose for Acton, address” is M. at ench of the five mentioned, for Oakville vising Officer Municipalities above and his Clerks will be: | Fsquesing, I. O—H—Bvers,-whose address .is_Oak-, dress is Georgetown, Ont.; ville, Ont.; for Trafalgar, W- E. | getown, P. B. Harrison, whose ad: Ford, whose address is Township|dress is Georgetown, Ont, plain or appeal to have his name or ten o'clock in the forenoon and will|the name of any other person en continue until the appeals have been tered on, or removed from the list. disposed of. (At Bronte and Glen-| And further take notice that williams at three o'clock in the aft-/such appeals must be by notice in Euer sitting will commence at, erncon> or so soon thereafter as/writing in the prescribed form, possible). If necessary night sit- jsigned by the, complainant in tings will be held at each of the) DUPLIC ATE and giver to the above named places - between the|Clerk of tle Revising Officer or hours of seven-thirty and fine-|left for him at his address as stated thirty o'elock P.M. | above. And further take notice that any| And further take notice that the voter who desires to complain that | Voters’ Lists to be revised are those his or her name or thé name of any of the several municipalities in the person entitled to be entered on the| said County of Halton, as revised said list has been omitted from the iby the County Judge or certified sume, . or that the names of any|by the Clerk of the Peace in the personswho are not entitled to be vear 1942. An appeal should be made voters have feen entered thereon,|for anyone entitled to vote whose may on or before the dates respect- | name eg not appear in Part 1 or above set out, apply, com- Part 3 of the said Voters’ Lists. SPECIAL NOTICE TO PROXY HOLDERS FOR ACTIVE SERVICE VOTERS PROXY HOLDERS FOR ACTIVE SERVICE VOTERS ARE SPECIALLY WARNED THAT THEY MUST SUBMIT THEIR APPOINT- MENT FORMS TO THE REVISING OFFI- | CERS FOR RATIFICATION AS REQUIRED | BY SECTIONS 29 and 30 OF THE ACTIVE | SERVICE ELECTION ACT 1948. ively W. N. MUNRO, Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Halton, | Dated at Milton this Sth day of July, 1943, C.C. F. MASS MEETING Phe ti, at 9 p.m. MILTON “Speaker Ted Jolliffe Provincial Leader WANTED — Housework by day apply Box 208 Reeord-Star. 24p27 Delaval Milkers and Cream Separators Phone 44R15 Bex 88, BRONTE, ONT. Sales and Service The Election Act (Referred to in Section 3 (5) ) Appointment of Clerk to the Election Board To all whom it may concern; This is to give notiee that Mr. Wm, Auderson, the Town of Milton in the County of Haiton was by resolution of the Election Board of the County of Halton on the Sth day of July ap pointed Clerk of the said Board, W. N. MUNRO, Chairman of the Election Board. Dated this 5th day of July, 1943, Tuesday, July 13 Deputy Sheriff, of. OAKVILLE CASH — USED CARS | TRUCKS | Motor Sales FOR OX ‘CH TELEPHONE 345 CHAMBERS | to. hear | ‘| = Celeeias St. . the Township of ESQUESING, and) List of ‘Voters for all Polling Sub-|at the TOWNSHIP HALL in divisions in the said Township.| GLENWILLIAMS, on Wednesday Last anys for filing appeals 17th|the 2st of July, 1945, to hear com: | oat, 194 jplaints as to the List of Voters for} r THE TOWNSHIP HALL injall the Polling Subdivisions in the ho Township of NELSON, on/said Township of Esquesing (e€x-| Thursday the 22nd of July, 1945, to! cept Beardmore Crescent). Last day] hear complaints as to the list of oe core appeals 17th -lulv, 1918 J Voters for all the Polling Subdiv-| THE COUNCIL CH AMBE RS. siowk in the said Township. Last) in a Town of GEORGETOWN, on} day for filing appeals 10th July,| Thursday the 59nd] of July, 1643,) 1943. |to hear complaints as to the List ao ei COUNCIL CHAMBER,!of Voters for all the Polling onde Town of BURLINGTON, on divisions in the said town. Last day Frid ay the 23rd of Julv, 1948, to for filing appeals 19th July, 1943. | Wear annie as to the List of W. TI THICK, Esq: will he the Re-} Voters *for all the Polling Subdivis- | vising Offieer for ench of the Inst | ion« in the said town. Last day for) mentioned four municipalities and for} ; for Geor- | Business Directory {HE OaKVILLE RECORD : LIMITED Georce Atkins, Manager Offices 16: G. Atkins, res. 90) OAKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS Work Carefully Executed by Soper or Craftsmen R. EDWARDS Oakville INSURANCE HARRY S. THORNTON General Insurance _Telephone 874 - Oakville GEORGE CAIRNS B-¥.Sc--NER-G-Y-S: Veterinary Surgeon ‘Morrison Road, Oakville. ____ Telephone 466W ANGUS McMILLAN BARRISTER — SOLICITOR _ NOTARY PUBLIC Office — 19 Melinda St., Toronto - Phone Ad, 3644 Residence 126 Douglas cor. Spruce Evenings. — Phone Oakville 837 pfeb27-44 _DR. D. M. TURNER DENTIST 31 William St. Office Hours: “9.00 - 5.00 Evenings by Appointment PHONE 25 T. S. H. GILES Real Estate and insurance 19 Meli arr oronto — Rveniicn Oakville - - 712 W. S. DAVIS & SONS Pee Brad ta & INSURANCE 1S BUILDI Dg OAKVILLE Telephone 41 H. W. BOORER AT YOUR SERVICE Oakville Window Cleaning Co. Hardwood floors cleaned and polished DR.MAURICE E. LUNAU PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: Afternoon—2.30-4.00 Evenings—7.00-8.30 er by appointment PHONE 500 ___178 COLBORNE ST. E. F. E. TAYLOR Painter and Decorator Wallpaper Samples Estimates Given Phone 210 Seen le —————————— W. N. ROBINSON, K.C. BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC OFFICE—DAVIS BLDG. over Canadian Bank of Commerce Telephone: Office 15; Res. 275 Money to loan on mortgage Sr EN ee ee DUNBAR M. HEDDLE BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Office—Colborne St. Telephones: Office 65 Residence 701 ALBERT C. FALL PIANO TUNER Formerly of Nordheimer firm, Toronto, has open dates for piano tuning in Oakville. Arrangements will be made for date and time at The Record Office: 69 Westminster Avenue, Toronto Phone Toronto LL. 3577 Reconditioned Pianos for Sale Ren A Complete Investment Service BONDS STOCKS. on all Exchanges - MACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers 86 King Street W—Toronto a 53 Phone: El. 3374 _

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