Halton Hills This Week, Wednesday, November 24, 1993 — Page 25 Money Talk with George Perdue dust What is a Mutual Fund? By George Perdue, B. Sc. P. Eng. Today we read about all the money flooding into mutual funds. What a they? Why are they attracting so much money? If a group of individuals decided to get together investment purpose: would be forming a simple jommercially available ish a prospectus which defines the objec- tives of the fund as well as al details concerning the iated co’ “To ensure ‘the safety of an individual’s invest- ments, mutual funds are organized into either cor- porations or trusts that are strictly regulated by rities laws. that’the sales agent can provide investment advice that matches the individ- s and circum- BY conservative, aggressive and speculative investors and those individuals in between. re other advan- k by diversification. There are over 700 funds to choose from in Canada. The fands provide for sys- tematic re-investment and compounding. Why are mutual funds so popular? They show solid over the long cia Fixed income funds show good returns in the short term. Funds are also safe in that they manages behalf of the investors. No mutual fund has ever gone bankrupt in Canada. A contingency trust fund provides protection to investors in Ontario, - funds are liquid so can be m nade available et any i What i is the down side? Since the funds are diver- sified, the potential gain associated with a hot stock is not available. But then, neither is the potential investments deposits, the investor needs good advice. Fixed terest rates are general- y not available. So why isn’t everyone in mutual funds? Some do not want to change from bank deposits. Some are not motivated by superior performances. on invest- ment returns. Some like the convenience of dealing with their financial insti- tution. Some are nervous about dealing with an invesiniont they do not understa: The Tow interest rates todax.ar are sour and m eoeisnge Sas dapat ino Mutual fund investments re a at more 40% per ye The influx of money has lead to a wider variety of funds. This means that there is a fund style avail- able now for just about any investor. This in turn is drawing more investors to mutual George Perdue is a Financial Planner, Business Consultant, and Partner ii lone: Concepts, Halton Hills. Along with ascosiates Aysen Abaci, Brianceau, Chaperlin, eng Karen erdue, be contact- ed at (905) 873- 1877. THUR F. LTD., REALTOR 877-5165 Tor. 874-3040 kes. (519) 833-9578 JOHNSON & ASSOCIATES Since 1972 Let me bring Toronto, Mississauga, & Brampton to your home via Rogers Cable TV LARRY BARNSTAPLE *Sales Representative . Providing Real Estate Services $154,900 asking 3 bedroom + den, Hrished br room with log bu ce, family kitchen ovtli Len beta fay Bamstaple*, 87 1 REGAL $199,900 asking. 1975 sat i newer home, gas heat- ing, central air ang 2 1/2 baths, entertain- family room with log phan does lace and cathe- idral ceiling. Exceptional decor and landscaping. Call Larry Bamstaple. Ei AuwOsT Hew AND MPROVED oot family room with vauted ceiling, nh baat in bookcase, 3 baths, walt basement, I lot backing on to conse! oven call Larry Barnstaple” 877-51 STORYBOOK YARD 3 bedroom bungalow in one of Erin's better neighbour- Sunny Asking $174,900. INOW ONLY $237,000]36 93-2-330. BO ARY ARES NGTOR Privately Tuc hoods. Gleaming hardwood floors, very private well | private. GLEN WILLIAMS $219,000 asking, 3 bedroom brick on near acre lot. 2 car garage, walkout to yard from base- sunken library } treed “IOees, J ment level. Inground pool. Cohan oT 504 ROCKWOOD TOWN & COUNTRY $179; 800 asking, almost 1/3 acre Jrsed| Lal very home, beautiful 7 family room witha pee hot tub, walkout to two decks. Lary* 8 93-2- BRAMPTON 3 bedroom — 1 1/2 bathrooms, a & jarage, Sacral complex. $124,900 ast asking WHAT A $99,900 asking, 3 bedroom townhome Unspoiled basement, pall slocrs to fenced} lalk to shops, 10 mins. uy 5165, ing, baaton creativeness, design and construc: tion combine to make a winning team. An executive| retreat high ‘ah ml ‘among the Maples. A specie ‘separate guest suite. ry" forall the details. 395 QUALITY, LUXURY, SPACE ony $4900 ase, STowtcom Cape Et on 129 ace ACRES Trees, pond, fast fewing 8 eatioatin vera 4 bed- irmet kitcher room post and beam with constructed ensuite off large ma: aren | Charm & convenience. Call Larry* 874-3040. 93-2-325 Tom, fe nase bedoom wih the tutimate ensuite, adjoin- lng study, outbuildings. Call ov eanatone arr arses coo ACRE COUNTRY asking, 2,000+ sq. ft. of luxury on isnot done 'til ESTIMATES 23% Furniture Cleaning Carpet railed * Professionally cleaned * Removes embedded dirt on-location &oils and kills bacteria Fire, Water & Air Duct bxnred ae Cleanin: Resto * Removes mold, bacteria, *Clean ', on alien mildew, dust mite waste, conte! musty odors . Sahl eiefgshay service _ household dust No shampoo, soap or barmful chemicals ~ No telephone solicitation ~ tow lot with pond, open concept, main room, main floor laundry, base- ment ni eval Minutes to 401 rw, ca SPECTACULAR VIEWS Custom built home with approx. 5,000 sq, ft. on the main floors, 10 ft celings, cherry plank flors, walkouts to bal- acres of trees, hills & str cony deck, 4 spacious bedrooms, library, large studio, 87 J brott 93-2-394 cluded from a road, 2 new baths, 25 panoramic acres se parca. ae siesied Patio, walkout basement - Very ‘workshops. Adjacent 21 acres vatop abo vost 2900. 99-2-367 89. HoaT] : D ory uh ee LOTS OF LOTS ‘A 3 acre building lot, 275' x 500 * Asking $99,900. Call Larry 874-3040 8-1 acre buiding KO Doas $70.00 Call Lary 874-3040 Toth SIDEROAD, ERIN FISH HERE! trees, sream pe ps new 28 x 48 ft. workshop. Call Larry’. ESTATE LOTS 99,900 & 114,900 2 acre lots on paved road, ravine, trees, close to Georgetown ‘Go’. Call Larry* 374-3040. stall insulated bam with paddoc! 23 PRIVATE ACRES Spring fed pond. Open meadow. Executive Cape Cod home with spacious family room} addition with cathedral celing es see fireplace situated to take advantage of the views. 5 93-2-115 94 ACRES OF CALEDON pte? eating Close to Caledon Village, to Hwys #24 and #10. Great site wn waiting for faire opportunities. Call LE